Wall $treet's Role in $yria

And some cheap so and so couldn't spare a couple of bucks for UNICEF to help the unfortunate children who were affected by these natural catastrophes. Instead he would rather cut and paste something about Capitalists. Meanwhile, wasn't it basically Capitalists who started the large industries in the U.S.? I believe there was a G.M. plant in your own area where you could have applied for a job and earned a good living such that you could have lived a middle class life and obtained a good pension. Maybe you were a psychic and saw the forums were going to be on the Internet and you instead could babble about Capitalists all the time. Meanwhile, it appears that the Russians living here have done better than Georgie Boy since they can afford to go to Trader Joe's instead of the local bogeda or food pantry. After the long lines and scarcity in the U.S.S.R., they must think the groceries are like a miracle here. By the way, Georgie Boy, since there is a civil war going on in Syria (and I think everyone by now knows you want to blame it on the U.S.), I am sure you can save up and send a little bit to UNICEF. Here is what the head of UNICEF is now saying.

One million children have now fled the violence in Syria.

These children are literally running for their lives. After crossing the border, they reach overcrowded camps where water and food are scarce, and the threat of disease is on the rise.

In response, UNICEF is helping to conduct what is now the largest humanitarian operation in history.
What role is your government playing in Syria's misery?
The same murderous policies that have murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of children from Korea to Kandahar?

"State sponsored assassinations, also known as 'targeted killing'1 , 'extrajudicial executions', or 'summary executions', are anything but a novelty. History and stage drama offer plenty of instances for all tastes and preferences.

"What is brand new is that, while formerly such practices were universally condemned, even by the perpetrators themselves who vigorously denied the deeds, today's states cynically claim the right to carry out executions without proper judicial mandate, while maliciously trying to legitimize the unjustifiable with specious legal arguments.

"Israeli government set the trend by acknowledging in November 2000 the existence of a 'targeted killings' policy, which between 2002 and May 2008 victimized at least 387 Palestinians — of these, 234 were the targets, while the remainder were collateral (an euphemism for innocent bystander) fatalities.

"However, as a rule with few exceptions, Israeli assassinations have taken place in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories, and were not purported to take the global scope that became the attribute of the US assassination program.

Greatest purveyor of violence in the world, remember?

Drone war
Georgie Boy never misses a chance to drag in the U.S. because he feels this country has done him wrong. Have you ever thought Georgie Boy that there were Arabs who wanted all these uprisings because they didn't want to live under the current leaders? The sad part about Syria, which Georgie Boy of course closes his eyes to because he can't in any way blame this on the U.S. is that the Muslim extremists are coming from all over to take part in this war. What does a Bosnian really have to do with Syria? Really nothing unless he was trying to help his fellow Sunnis take over Syria. The FSA is probably disgusted with what is happening with these extremists flooding into the country because basically all they wanted was a change in leadership. Now they have these extremist coming in like cockroaches crawling out of the woodwork to take over the country in the name of their sect. Just remember to put a few cents away each day so that you, too, will be able to help the unfortunate Syrian children via UNICEF. Your vomiting out "the greatest purveyor of violence" ad nauseam is certainly not helping these children, although with so little in your life, votimiting out this must give you a thrill.
Any thoughts on why your "LORD" found it necessary to vomit forth Evil?

"A verse in the Book of Isaiah is interpreted in the King James Bible as 'I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.'[53]

Surely only SLAVES who maim, murder, and displace children for money would find such a creature worthy of worship, right BK?

Problem of evil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Last edited:
What role is your government playing in Syria's misery?
The same murderous policies that have murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of children from Korea to Kandahar?

"State sponsored assassinations, also known as 'targeted killing'1 , 'extrajudicial executions', or 'summary executions', are anything but a novelty. History and stage drama offer plenty of instances for all tastes and preferences.

"What is brand new is that, while formerly such practices were universally condemned, even by the perpetrators themselves who vigorously denied the deeds, today's states cynically claim the right to carry out executions without proper judicial mandate, while maliciously trying to legitimize the unjustifiable with specious legal arguments.

"Israeli government set the trend by acknowledging in November 2000 the existence of a 'targeted killings' policy, which between 2002 and May 2008 victimized at least 387 Palestinians — of these, 234 were the targets, while the remainder were collateral (an euphemism for innocent bystander) fatalities.

"However, as a rule with few exceptions, Israeli assassinations have taken place in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories, and were not purported to take the global scope that became the attribute of the US assassination program.

Greatest purveyor of violence in the world, remember?

Drone war
Georgie Boy never misses a chance to drag in the U.S. because he feels this country has done him wrong. Have you ever thought Georgie Boy that there were Arabs who wanted all these uprisings because they didn't want to live under the current leaders? The sad part about Syria, which Georgie Boy of course closes his eyes to because he can't in any way blame this on the U.S. is that the Muslim extremists are coming from all over to take part in this war. What does a Bosnian really have to do with Syria? Really nothing unless he was trying to help his fellow Sunnis take over Syria. The FSA is probably disgusted with what is happening with these extremists flooding into the country because basically all they wanted was a change in leadership. Now they have these extremist coming in like cockroaches crawling out of the woodwork to take over the country in the name of their sect. Just remember to put a few cents away each day so that you, too, will be able to help the unfortunate Syrian children via UNICEF. Your vomiting out "the greatest purveyor of violence" ad nauseam is certainly not helping these children, although with so little in your life, votimiting out this must give you a thrill.
Any thoughts on why your "LORD" found it necessary to vomit forth Evil?

"A verse in the Book of Isaiah is interpreted in the King James Bible as 'I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.'[53]

Surely only SLAVES who maim, murder, and displace children for money would find such a creature worthy of worship, right BK?

Problem of evil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I wouldn't know about that, George. I'm just an insignificant little Saint.
There's no shortage of actors to blame for today's Oily Crusades in the Holy Land; however, there is a single star parasite earning much of the profits:

"As the dominant corporate sector in U.S. capitalism, the banks are also the most internationalist in scope; the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

"When there are overseas barriers to these types of profits, such as currency controls and other restrictions on foreign investment — as exist in Syria, Iran, and China — these nations are viewed as 'enemies' by the banks who cheerlead their destruction. A submissive nation with an 'open' economy is very good for the profits of U.S. corporations, and submissiveness is best taught by fear, i.e., the threat of military intervention."

Why not a War to End All Wars where all the rich bankers (and their families) die first?

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

Cheap dollars?
The Fed buys bonds yielding from the 2s to the high 3s in return for cash yielding 0.25%.
Sounds like the cash is costing the banks money, not giving them some bargain.
I'm sure the rest of the claims here are just as idiotic.
There's no shortage of actors to blame for today's Oily Crusades in the Holy Land; however, there is a single star parasite earning much of the profits:

"As the dominant corporate sector in U.S. capitalism, the banks are also the most internationalist in scope; the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

"When there are overseas barriers to these types of profits, such as currency controls and other restrictions on foreign investment — as exist in Syria, Iran, and China — these nations are viewed as 'enemies' by the banks who cheerlead their destruction. A submissive nation with an 'open' economy is very good for the profits of U.S. corporations, and submissiveness is best taught by fear, i.e., the threat of military intervention."

Why not a War to End All Wars where all the rich bankers (and their families) die first?

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

Cheap dollars?
The Fed buys bonds yielding from the 2s to the high 3s in return for cash yielding 0.25%.
Sounds like the cash is costing the banks money, not giving them some bargain.
I'm sure the rest of the claims here are just as idiotic.

What's more idiotic in your mind, TP, defense contractors getting rich from the Long War of the bank's second quarter profits dependency on Quantitative Easing?

Maybe you still surfing da nile regarding your good Capitalist buds in Israel?

"Many commentators have correctly stated that geopolitics is a main motivation for Obama wanting to bomb Syria, acting as a gateway to Iran.

"Other commentators have also correctly discussed the specific economic (capitalistic) interests as a war motive.

"And others still have, again correctly, focused on the importance of Israel as a factor towards pushing for war in Syria and eventually Iran.

"All three answers are correct, and have an inter-dependence that is complicated and difficult to quantify, since much of the truth is hidden from public view."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
There's no shortage of actors to blame for today's Oily Crusades in the Holy Land; however, there is a single star parasite earning much of the profits:

"As the dominant corporate sector in U.S. capitalism, the banks are also the most internationalist in scope; the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

"When there are overseas barriers to these types of profits, such as currency controls and other restrictions on foreign investment — as exist in Syria, Iran, and China — these nations are viewed as 'enemies' by the banks who cheerlead their destruction. A submissive nation with an 'open' economy is very good for the profits of U.S. corporations, and submissiveness is best taught by fear, i.e., the threat of military intervention."

Why not a War to End All Wars where all the rich bankers (and their families) die first?

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

Cheap dollars?
The Fed buys bonds yielding from the 2s to the high 3s in return for cash yielding 0.25%.
Sounds like the cash is costing the banks money, not giving them some bargain.
I'm sure the rest of the claims here are just as idiotic.

What's more idiotic in your mind, TP, defense contractors getting rich from the Long War or the banks' second quarter profits dependency on Quantitative Easing?

Maybe you still surfing da nile regarding your good Capitalist buds in Israel?

"Many commentators have correctly stated that geopolitics is a main motivation for Obama wanting to bomb Syria, acting as a gateway to Iran.

"Other commentators have also correctly discussed the specific economic (capitalistic) interests as a war motive.

"And others still have, again correctly, focused on the importance of Israel as a factor towards pushing for war in Syria and eventually Iran.

"All three answers are correct, and have an inter-dependence that is complicated and difficult to quantify, since much of the truth is hidden from public view."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
There's no shortage of actors to blame for today's Oily Crusades in the Holy Land; however, there is a single star parasite earning much of the profits:

"As the dominant corporate sector in U.S. capitalism, the banks are also the most internationalist in scope; the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

"When there are overseas barriers to these types of profits, such as currency controls and other restrictions on foreign investment — as exist in Syria, Iran, and China — these nations are viewed as 'enemies' by the banks who cheerlead their destruction. A submissive nation with an 'open' economy is very good for the profits of U.S. corporations, and submissiveness is best taught by fear, i.e., the threat of military intervention."

Why not a War to End All Wars where all the rich bankers (and their families) die first?

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

the recent second quarter profits of U.S. banks were $42.2 billion (!), most of this money was made in overseas investing using cheap Federal Reserve printed dollars.

Cheap dollars?
The Fed buys bonds yielding from the 2s to the high 3s in return for cash yielding 0.25%.
Sounds like the cash is costing the banks money, not giving them some bargain.
I'm sure the rest of the claims here are just as idiotic.

What's more idiotic in your mind, TP, defense contractors getting rich from the Long War of the bank's second quarter profits dependency on Quantitative Easing?

Maybe you still surfing da nile regarding your good Capitalist buds in Israel?

"Many commentators have correctly stated that geopolitics is a main motivation for Obama wanting to bomb Syria, acting as a gateway to Iran.

"Other commentators have also correctly discussed the specific economic (capitalistic) interests as a war motive.

"And others still have, again correctly, focused on the importance of Israel as a factor towards pushing for war in Syria and eventually Iran.

"All three answers are correct, and have an inter-dependence that is complicated and difficult to quantify, since much of the truth is hidden from public view."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

What's more idiotic in your mind, TP, defense contractors getting rich from the Long War of the bank's second quarter profits dependency on Quantitative Easing?

Are you going to explain how banks profit from more cash yielding 0.25% and fewer bonds yielding 2%-5%?

"Many commentators have correctly stated that geopolitics is a main motivation for Obama wanting to bomb Syria, acting as a gateway to Iran.

If it helped to dump the mullahs in Iran, I would support bombing Syria.
Georgie Boy never misses a chance to drag in the U.S. because he feels this country has done him wrong. Have you ever thought Georgie Boy that there were Arabs who wanted all these uprisings because they didn't want to live under the current leaders? The sad part about Syria, which Georgie Boy of course closes his eyes to because he can't in any way blame this on the U.S. is that the Muslim extremists are coming from all over to take part in this war. What does a Bosnian really have to do with Syria? Really nothing unless he was trying to help his fellow Sunnis take over Syria. The FSA is probably disgusted with what is happening with these extremists flooding into the country because basically all they wanted was a change in leadership. Now they have these extremist coming in like cockroaches crawling out of the woodwork to take over the country in the name of their sect. Just remember to put a few cents away each day so that you, too, will be able to help the unfortunate Syrian children via UNICEF. Your vomiting out "the greatest purveyor of violence" ad nauseam is certainly not helping these children, although with so little in your life, votimiting out this must give you a thrill.
Any thoughts on why your "LORD" found it necessary to vomit forth Evil?

"A verse in the Book of Isaiah is interpreted in the King James Bible as 'I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.'[53]

Surely only SLAVES who maim, murder, and displace children for money would find such a creature worthy of worship, right BK?

Problem of evil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I wouldn't know about that, George. I'm just an insignificant little Saint.
Are you an "insignificant little Dominionist Saint, Hoss?

"Dominion Theology or Dominionism is the idea that Christians should work toward either a nation governed by Christians or one governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law.

"It is a form of theocracy and is related to theonomy, though it does not necessarily advocate Mosaic law as the basis of government.

"Prominent adherents of Dominion Theology are otherwise theologically diverse, including the Calvinist Christian Reconstructionism and the charismatic/Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology and New Apostolic Reformation.

"Some elements within the mainstream Christian right have been influenced by Dominion Theology authors.

"Indeed, some writers have applied the term 'Dominionism' more broadly to the mainstream Christian right, implicitly arguing that that movement is founded upon a theology that requires Christians to govern over non-Christians.

"Mainstream conservatives do not call themselves 'Dominionists,' and the usage has sparked considerable controversy."

Are you calling for Christians to rule over non-Christians in your homeland, Saint Hossie?

Dominion Theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Any thoughts on why your "LORD" found it necessary to vomit forth Evil?

"A verse in the Book of Isaiah is interpreted in the King James Bible as 'I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.'[53]

Surely only SLAVES who maim, murder, and displace children for money would find such a creature worthy of worship, right BK?

Problem of evil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I wouldn't know about that, George. I'm just an insignificant little Saint.
Are you an "insignificant little Dominionist Saint, Hoss?

"Dominion Theology or Dominionism is the idea that Christians should work toward either a nation governed by Christians or one governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law.

"It is a form of theocracy and is related to theonomy, though it does not necessarily advocate Mosaic law as the basis of government.

"Prominent adherents of Dominion Theology are otherwise theologically diverse, including the Calvinist Christian Reconstructionism and the charismatic/Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology and New Apostolic Reformation.

"Some elements within the mainstream Christian right have been influenced by Dominion Theology authors.

"Indeed, some writers have applied the term 'Dominionism' more broadly to the mainstream Christian right, implicitly arguing that that movement is founded upon a theology that requires Christians to govern over non-Christians.

"Mainstream conservatives do not call themselves 'Dominionists,' and the usage has sparked considerable controversy."

Are you calling for Christians to rule over non-Christians in your homeland, Saint Hossie?

Dominion Theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the pipsqueak phony who hates America, Israel and the Jews thinks that he is fooling anybody with brains that he really cares about the Arabs, when he is just using them as pawns for his own personal needs. Meanwhile, he will be the first in line when the Muslims say "Who wants to be the first dhimmi in America?" Naturally Georgie Boy is looking forward to becoming an abd for the Muslims. It's so amusing how I made one little remark, and Georgie Boy had to do a cut and paste number once again. Since Georgie Boy is running to Wikipedia all the time, I hope he has made a little donation to keep that site running. Where, oh where, would Georgie Boy be if he didn't have his usual sites to run to?
I wouldn't know about that, George. I'm just an insignificant little Saint.
Are you an "insignificant little Dominionist Saint, Hoss?

"Dominion Theology or Dominionism is the idea that Christians should work toward either a nation governed by Christians or one governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law.

"It is a form of theocracy and is related to theonomy, though it does not necessarily advocate Mosaic law as the basis of government.

"Prominent adherents of Dominion Theology are otherwise theologically diverse, including the Calvinist Christian Reconstructionism and the charismatic/Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology and New Apostolic Reformation.

"Some elements within the mainstream Christian right have been influenced by Dominion Theology authors.

"Indeed, some writers have applied the term 'Dominionism' more broadly to the mainstream Christian right, implicitly arguing that that movement is founded upon a theology that requires Christians to govern over non-Christians.

"Mainstream conservatives do not call themselves 'Dominionists,' and the usage has sparked considerable controversy."

Are you calling for Christians to rule over non-Christians in your homeland, Saint Hossie?

Dominion Theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the pipsqueak phony who hates America, Israel and the Jews thinks that he is fooling anybody with brains that he really cares about the Arabs, when he is just using them as pawns for his own personal needs. Meanwhile, he will be the first in line when the Muslims say "Who wants to be the first dhimmi in America?" Naturally Georgie Boy is looking forward to becoming an abd for the Muslims. It's so amusing how I made one little remark, and Georgie Boy had to do a cut and paste number once again. Since Georgie Boy is running to Wikipedia all the time, I hope he has made a little donation to keep that site running. Where, oh where, would Georgie Boy be if he didn't have his usual sites to run to?
Mired neck-deep in ignorance like Hossie?
I couldn't help noticing you didn't answer my question.
Would you be happier if the US was ordered according to the OT laws that governed ancient Jews?

"An example of Dominionism in reformed theology is Christian Reconstructionism, which originated with the teachings of R. J. Rushdoony in the 1960s and 1970s. Rushdoony's theology focuses on theonomy (the rule of the Law of God), a belief that all of society should be ordered according to the laws that governed the Israelites in the Old Testament.

"His system is strongly Calvinistic, emphasizing the sovereignty of God over human freedom and action, and denying the operation of charismatic gifts in the present day (cessationism); both of these aspects are in direct opposition to Kingdom Now Theology."

Dominion Theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are you an "insignificant little Dominionist Saint, Hoss?

"Dominion Theology or Dominionism is the idea that Christians should work toward either a nation governed by Christians or one governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law.

"It is a form of theocracy and is related to theonomy, though it does not necessarily advocate Mosaic law as the basis of government.

"Prominent adherents of Dominion Theology are otherwise theologically diverse, including the Calvinist Christian Reconstructionism and the charismatic/Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology and New Apostolic Reformation.

"Some elements within the mainstream Christian right have been influenced by Dominion Theology authors.

"Indeed, some writers have applied the term 'Dominionism' more broadly to the mainstream Christian right, implicitly arguing that that movement is founded upon a theology that requires Christians to govern over non-Christians.

"Mainstream conservatives do not call themselves 'Dominionists,' and the usage has sparked considerable controversy."

Are you calling for Christians to rule over non-Christians in your homeland, Saint Hossie?

Dominion Theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the pipsqueak phony who hates America, Israel and the Jews thinks that he is fooling anybody with brains that he really cares about the Arabs, when he is just using them as pawns for his own personal needs. Meanwhile, he will be the first in line when the Muslims say "Who wants to be the first dhimmi in America?" Naturally Georgie Boy is looking forward to becoming an abd for the Muslims. It's so amusing how I made one little remark, and Georgie Boy had to do a cut and paste number once again. Since Georgie Boy is running to Wikipedia all the time, I hope he has made a little donation to keep that site running. Where, oh where, would Georgie Boy be if he didn't have his usual sites to run to?
Mired neck-deep in ignorance like Hossie?
I couldn't help noticing you didn't answer my question.
Would you be happier if the US was ordered according to the OT laws that governed ancient Jews?

"An example of Dominionism in reformed theology is Christian Reconstructionism, which originated with the teachings of R. J. Rushdoony in the 1960s and 1970s. Rushdoony's theology focuses on theonomy (the rule of the Law of God), a belief that all of society should be ordered according to the laws that governed the Israelites in the Old Testament.

"His system is strongly Calvinistic, emphasizing the sovereignty of God over human freedom and action, and denying the operation of charismatic gifts in the present day (cessationism); both of these aspects are in direct opposition to Kingdom Now Theology."

Dominion Theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you can possibly tear yourself away from your computer and out of your little one-room apartment, Georgie Boy, perhaps you can find some Syrians living in your own area who will give you their opinion about what is happening in their former country and why. I doubt they will be clamoring to blame Wall Street the way you constantly do because you seem to have a hatred of anything that is tied to America unless it benefits you personally. However, if it gives you a cheap thrill to be the King of Cut and Pastes, go for it, Georgie Boy. I think all the viewers would like to see you have something in your life. Meanwhile, most Americans are not looking forward to becoming dhimmis like you are, and we feel that it is wonderful that in this country people are able to follow their religious beliefs in peace. Isn't it great that here we have Freedom of Religion and also Freedom from Religion, unlike those you want to be a dhimmi to.

Incidentely here's what Franklin Graham has to say about religion and government. Interesting article.

Rev. Franklin Graham: 'Our Country Is a Mess'



The Rev. Franklin Graham tells Newsmax that the nation is "in a mess" because politicians "have turned their backs on God."

"Our country is in a mess, no question, and it seems like we're just in an ever-tightening spiral downward, and it doesn't seem as if anybody is listening and what is happening," Graham said Monday in an interview with Newsmax TV.

"We as a nation, we've turned our back on God. Politicians have turned their backs on God. They have taken God out of our schools, out of just about everything you can imagine, and now we find ourselves in great danger," said Graham, the son of renowned evangelist Billy Graham.

Rev. Franklin Graham: 'Our Country Is a Mess'
And the pipsqueak phony who hates America, Israel and the Jews thinks that he is fooling anybody with brains that he really cares about the Arabs, when he is just using them as pawns for his own personal needs. Meanwhile, he will be the first in line when the Muslims say "Who wants to be the first dhimmi in America?" Naturally Georgie Boy is looking forward to becoming an abd for the Muslims. It's so amusing how I made one little remark, and Georgie Boy had to do a cut and paste number once again. Since Georgie Boy is running to Wikipedia all the time, I hope he has made a little donation to keep that site running. Where, oh where, would Georgie Boy be if he didn't have his usual sites to run to?
Mired neck-deep in ignorance like Hossie?
I couldn't help noticing you didn't answer my question.
Would you be happier if the US was ordered according to the OT laws that governed ancient Jews?

"An example of Dominionism in reformed theology is Christian Reconstructionism, which originated with the teachings of R. J. Rushdoony in the 1960s and 1970s. Rushdoony's theology focuses on theonomy (the rule of the Law of God), a belief that all of society should be ordered according to the laws that governed the Israelites in the Old Testament.

"His system is strongly Calvinistic, emphasizing the sovereignty of God over human freedom and action, and denying the operation of charismatic gifts in the present day (cessationism); both of these aspects are in direct opposition to Kingdom Now Theology."

Dominion Theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you can possibly tear yourself away from your computer and out of your little one-room apartment, Georgie Boy, perhaps you can find some Syrians living in your own area who will give you their opinion about what is happening in their former country and why. I doubt they will be clamoring to blame Wall Street the way you constantly do because you seem to have a hatred of anything that is tied to America unless it benefits you personally. However, if it gives you a cheap thrill to be the King of Cut and Pastes, go for it, Georgie Boy. I think all the viewers would like to see you have something in your life. Meanwhile, most Americans are not looking forward to becoming dhimmis like you are, and we feel that it is wonderful that in this country people are able to follow their religious beliefs in peace. Isn't it great that here we have Freedom of Religion and also Freedom from Religion, unlike those you want to be a dhimmi to.

Incidentely here's what Franklin Graham has to say about religion and government. Interesting article.

Rev. Franklin Graham: 'Our Country Is a Mess'



The Rev. Franklin Graham tells Newsmax that the nation is "in a mess" because politicians "have turned their backs on God."

"Our country is in a mess, no question, and it seems like we're just in an ever-tightening spiral downward, and it doesn't seem as if anybody is listening and what is happening," Graham said Monday in an interview with Newsmax TV.

"We as a nation, we've turned our back on God. Politicians have turned their backs on God. They have taken God out of our schools, out of just about everything you can imagine, and now we find ourselves in great danger," said Graham, the son of renowned evangelist Billy Graham.

Rev. Franklin Graham: 'Our Country Is a Mess'
Franklin sounds like your kind of Christian:

" Concerns about his rising financial compensation during tough economic times have prompted evangelist Franklin Graham to temporarily give up future contributions to his retirement plans at the two Christian charities he leads.

"As president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse, he receives two full-time salaries and two retirement packages. Last year his total compensation from the two Christian ministries was $1.2 million.

"The size of Graham's total 2008 compensation -- $535,000 from Samaritan's Purse and $669,000 from Charlotte, N.C.-based BGEA -- drew questions from nonprofit experts.

"They doubted that one person -- even the energetic, globe-trotting Graham -- can do two full-time jobs when those positions are head of organizations that employ hundreds and spend hundreds of millions around the world.

"As head of the Boone, N.C.-based Samaritan's Purse, Graham earned more last year than any other leader of an international relief agency based in the United States."

Why would you believe a rich huckster like Graham or his malignant progenitor?

Franklin Graham moves to address concerns about his $1.2 million pay packages | cleveland.com
Mired neck-deep in ignorance like Hossie?
I couldn't help noticing you didn't answer my question.
Would you be happier if the US was ordered according to the OT laws that governed ancient Jews?

"An example of Dominionism in reformed theology is Christian Reconstructionism, which originated with the teachings of R. J. Rushdoony in the 1960s and 1970s. Rushdoony's theology focuses on theonomy (the rule of the Law of God), a belief that all of society should be ordered according to the laws that governed the Israelites in the Old Testament.

"His system is strongly Calvinistic, emphasizing the sovereignty of God over human freedom and action, and denying the operation of charismatic gifts in the present day (cessationism); both of these aspects are in direct opposition to Kingdom Now Theology."

Dominion Theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you can possibly tear yourself away from your computer and out of your little one-room apartment, Georgie Boy, perhaps you can find some Syrians living in your own area who will give you their opinion about what is happening in their former country and why. I doubt they will be clamoring to blame Wall Street the way you constantly do because you seem to have a hatred of anything that is tied to America unless it benefits you personally. However, if it gives you a cheap thrill to be the King of Cut and Pastes, go for it, Georgie Boy. I think all the viewers would like to see you have something in your life. Meanwhile, most Americans are not looking forward to becoming dhimmis like you are, and we feel that it is wonderful that in this country people are able to follow their religious beliefs in peace. Isn't it great that here we have Freedom of Religion and also Freedom from Religion, unlike those you want to be a dhimmi to.

Incidentely here's what Franklin Graham has to say about religion and government. Interesting article.

Rev. Franklin Graham: 'Our Country Is a Mess'



The Rev. Franklin Graham tells Newsmax that the nation is "in a mess" because politicians "have turned their backs on God."

"Our country is in a mess, no question, and it seems like we're just in an ever-tightening spiral downward, and it doesn't seem as if anybody is listening and what is happening," Graham said Monday in an interview with Newsmax TV.

"We as a nation, we've turned our back on God. Politicians have turned their backs on God. They have taken God out of our schools, out of just about everything you can imagine, and now we find ourselves in great danger," said Graham, the son of renowned evangelist Billy Graham.

Rev. Franklin Graham: 'Our Country Is a Mess'
Franklin sounds like your kind of Christian:

" Concerns about his rising financial compensation during tough economic times have prompted evangelist Franklin Graham to temporarily give up future contributions to his retirement plans at the two Christian charities he leads.

"As president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse, he receives two full-time salaries and two retirement packages. Last year his total compensation from the two Christian ministries was $1.2 million.

"The size of Graham's total 2008 compensation -- $535,000 from Samaritan's Purse and $669,000 from Charlotte, N.C.-based BGEA -- drew questions from nonprofit experts.

"They doubted that one person -- even the energetic, globe-trotting Graham -- can do two full-time jobs when those positions are head of organizations that employ hundreds and spend hundreds of millions around the world.

"As head of the Boone, N.C.-based Samaritan's Purse, Graham earned more last year than any other leader of an international relief agency based in the United States."

Why would you believe a rich huckster like Graham or his malignant progenitor?

Franklin Graham moves to address concerns about his $1.2 million pay packages | cleveland.com
George, you have to realize that's the Lords money and Franklin Graham is the Treasurer. Don't be so suspicious. At last he doesn't fund suicide bombers.
Mired neck-deep in ignorance like Hossie?
I couldn't help noticing you didn't answer my question.
Would you be happier if the US was ordered according to the OT laws that governed ancient Jews?

"An example of Dominionism in reformed theology is Christian Reconstructionism, which originated with the teachings of R. J. Rushdoony in the 1960s and 1970s. Rushdoony's theology focuses on theonomy (the rule of the Law of God), a belief that all of society should be ordered according to the laws that governed the Israelites in the Old Testament.

"His system is strongly Calvinistic, emphasizing the sovereignty of God over human freedom and action, and denying the operation of charismatic gifts in the present day (cessationism); both of these aspects are in direct opposition to Kingdom Now Theology."

Dominion Theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you can possibly tear yourself away from your computer and out of your little one-room apartment, Georgie Boy, perhaps you can find some Syrians living in your own area who will give you their opinion about what is happening in their former country and why. I doubt they will be clamoring to blame Wall Street the way you constantly do because you seem to have a hatred of anything that is tied to America unless it benefits you personally. However, if it gives you a cheap thrill to be the King of Cut and Pastes, go for it, Georgie Boy. I think all the viewers would like to see you have something in your life. Meanwhile, most Americans are not looking forward to becoming dhimmis like you are, and we feel that it is wonderful that in this country people are able to follow their religious beliefs in peace. Isn't it great that here we have Freedom of Religion and also Freedom from Religion, unlike those you want to be a dhimmi to.

Incidentely here's what Franklin Graham has to say about religion and government. Interesting article.

Rev. Franklin Graham: 'Our Country Is a Mess'



The Rev. Franklin Graham tells Newsmax that the nation is "in a mess" because politicians "have turned their backs on God."

"Our country is in a mess, no question, and it seems like we're just in an ever-tightening spiral downward, and it doesn't seem as if anybody is listening and what is happening," Graham said Monday in an interview with Newsmax TV.

"We as a nation, we've turned our back on God. Politicians have turned their backs on God. They have taken God out of our schools, out of just about everything you can imagine, and now we find ourselves in great danger," said Graham, the son of renowned evangelist Billy Graham.

Rev. Franklin Graham: 'Our Country Is a Mess'
Franklin sounds like your kind of Christian:

" Concerns about his rising financial compensation during tough economic times have prompted evangelist Franklin Graham to temporarily give up future contributions to his retirement plans at the two Christian charities he leads.

"As president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse, he receives two full-time salaries and two retirement packages. Last year his total compensation from the two Christian ministries was $1.2 million.

"The size of Graham's total 2008 compensation -- $535,000 from Samaritan's Purse and $669,000 from Charlotte, N.C.-based BGEA -- drew questions from nonprofit experts.

"They doubted that one person -- even the energetic, globe-trotting Graham -- can do two full-time jobs when those positions are head of organizations that employ hundreds and spend hundreds of millions around the world.

"As head of the Boone, N.C.-based Samaritan's Purse, Graham earned more last year than any other leader of an international relief agency based in the United States."

Why would you believe a rich huckster like Graham or his malignant progenitor?

Franklin Graham moves to address concerns about his $1.2 million pay packages | cleveland.com
Do you think anyone would believe you when you have such hatred of this country and want to blame it for everything? I think more people would rather believe Graham. Hmm, wonder how much money Louie Farrakhan pulls in with his Nation of Islam group. Now go find some Syrians and talk to them about the Civil War going on in their country instead of you constantly trying to put the blame on America and Wall Street. And be happy you are safe in your little apartment and not living in some refugee camp like so many Syrians.
If you can possibly tear yourself away from your computer and out of your little one-room apartment, Georgie Boy, perhaps you can find some Syrians living in your own area who will give you their opinion about what is happening in their former country and why. I doubt they will be clamoring to blame Wall Street the way you constantly do because you seem to have a hatred of anything that is tied to America unless it benefits you personally. However, if it gives you a cheap thrill to be the King of Cut and Pastes, go for it, Georgie Boy. I think all the viewers would like to see you have something in your life. Meanwhile, most Americans are not looking forward to becoming dhimmis like you are, and we feel that it is wonderful that in this country people are able to follow their religious beliefs in peace. Isn't it great that here we have Freedom of Religion and also Freedom from Religion, unlike those you want to be a dhimmi to.

Incidentely here's what Franklin Graham has to say about religion and government. Interesting article.

Rev. Franklin Graham: 'Our Country Is a Mess'



The Rev. Franklin Graham tells Newsmax that the nation is "in a mess" because politicians "have turned their backs on God."

"Our country is in a mess, no question, and it seems like we're just in an ever-tightening spiral downward, and it doesn't seem as if anybody is listening and what is happening," Graham said Monday in an interview with Newsmax TV.

"We as a nation, we've turned our back on God. Politicians have turned their backs on God. They have taken God out of our schools, out of just about everything you can imagine, and now we find ourselves in great danger," said Graham, the son of renowned evangelist Billy Graham.

Rev. Franklin Graham: 'Our Country Is a Mess'
Franklin sounds like your kind of Christian:

" Concerns about his rising financial compensation during tough economic times have prompted evangelist Franklin Graham to temporarily give up future contributions to his retirement plans at the two Christian charities he leads.

"As president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse, he receives two full-time salaries and two retirement packages. Last year his total compensation from the two Christian ministries was $1.2 million.

"The size of Graham's total 2008 compensation -- $535,000 from Samaritan's Purse and $669,000 from Charlotte, N.C.-based BGEA -- drew questions from nonprofit experts.

"They doubted that one person -- even the energetic, globe-trotting Graham -- can do two full-time jobs when those positions are head of organizations that employ hundreds and spend hundreds of millions around the world.

"As head of the Boone, N.C.-based Samaritan's Purse, Graham earned more last year than any other leader of an international relief agency based in the United States."

Why would you believe a rich huckster like Graham or his malignant progenitor?

Franklin Graham moves to address concerns about his $1.2 million pay packages | cleveland.com
George, you have to realize that's the Lords money and Franklin Graham is the Treasurer. Don't be so suspicious. At last he doesn't fund suicide bombers.
He supports homicide bombers and religious hatred:

"Franklin Graham, a strong supporter of the 2003 American invasion of Iraq, came under criticism for comments he made about Islam in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks when he referred to Islam as 'a very evil and wicked religion.'"

Franklin Graham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Franklin sounds like your kind of Christian:

" Concerns about his rising financial compensation during tough economic times have prompted evangelist Franklin Graham to temporarily give up future contributions to his retirement plans at the two Christian charities he leads.

"As president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse, he receives two full-time salaries and two retirement packages. Last year his total compensation from the two Christian ministries was $1.2 million.

"The size of Graham's total 2008 compensation -- $535,000 from Samaritan's Purse and $669,000 from Charlotte, N.C.-based BGEA -- drew questions from nonprofit experts.

"They doubted that one person -- even the energetic, globe-trotting Graham -- can do two full-time jobs when those positions are head of organizations that employ hundreds and spend hundreds of millions around the world.

"As head of the Boone, N.C.-based Samaritan's Purse, Graham earned more last year than any other leader of an international relief agency based in the United States."

Why would you believe a rich huckster like Graham or his malignant progenitor?

Franklin Graham moves to address concerns about his $1.2 million pay packages | cleveland.com
George, you have to realize that's the Lords money and Franklin Graham is the Treasurer. Don't be so suspicious. At last he doesn't fund suicide bombers.
He supports homicide bombers and religious hatred:

"Franklin Graham, a strong supporter of the 2003 American invasion of Iraq, came under criticism for comments he made about Islam in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks when he referred to Islam as 'a very evil and wicked religion.'"

Franklin Graham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what's the error in what he said?
George, you have to realize that's the Lords money and Franklin Graham is the Treasurer. Don't be so suspicious. At last he doesn't fund suicide bombers.
He supports homicide bombers and religious hatred:

"Franklin Graham, a strong supporter of the 2003 American invasion of Iraq, came under criticism for comments he made about Islam in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks when he referred to Islam as 'a very evil and wicked religion.'"

Franklin Graham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what's the error in what he said?
Apparently, the Pentagon found something objectionable:

"On April 22, 2010 after objections from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and the Muslim group Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Pentagon rescinded his (Graham's) invitation from the Christian conservative National Day of Prayer Task Force to speak at a Pentagon National Day of Prayer event.[9]

"He still attended the National Day of Prayer meeting at the Pentagon, but outside in the parking lot with about a dozen people.

"In the August 30, 2010 issue of the Time magazine, 'Does America Hate Islam?' Graham reportedly said that Islam 'is a religion of hatred. It's a religion of war.' Building the cultural center near Ground Zero, he says, means Muslims 'will claim now that the World Trade Center property ... is Islamic land.'"[13]

If Islam is a "religion of war", what is capitalism?

Franklin Graham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He supports homicide bombers and religious hatred:

"Franklin Graham, a strong supporter of the 2003 American invasion of Iraq, came under criticism for comments he made about Islam in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks when he referred to Islam as 'a very evil and wicked religion.'"

Franklin Graham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what's the error in what he said?
Apparently, the Pentagon found something objectionable:

"On April 22, 2010 after objections from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and the Muslim group Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Pentagon rescinded his (Graham's) invitation from the Christian conservative National Day of Prayer Task Force to speak at a Pentagon National Day of Prayer event.[9]

"He still attended the National Day of Prayer meeting at the Pentagon, but outside in the parking lot with about a dozen people.

"In the August 30, 2010 issue of the Time magazine, 'Does America Hate Islam?' Graham reportedly said that Islam 'is a religion of hatred. It's a religion of war.' Building the cultural center near Ground Zero, he says, means Muslims 'will claim now that the World Trade Center property ... is Islamic land.'"[13]

If Islam is a "religion of war", what is capitalism?

Franklin Graham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CAIR didn't like it?
Awesome. More proof he was correct.

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