Wallace vs Short

No he works for Fox not CNN, wow you are uniformed. I don’t really care what you think of Wallace, that’s irrelevant and a petty tactic to go personal instead of responding to the actual interview. I can’t say I expected a smart response from you though.
I said he is biased and belongs on Commie Tard CNN
No you didn’t... haha

this is what you said...

Wallace is a Leftist Commie Tard who belongs on CNN. He has never had a kind thing to say about The President and goes right along with all The Fear Mongering

YES, He belongs on CNN, not Fox. Learn The Nuances of English, you Commie Tard Foreign Hack.
Thats not nuance English it’s emotional trolling and then lying about what you said. Do better.
DEAR Lying Commie Tard Foreign Stooge. I watch Fox News, and I know Wallace works for Fox. He is a dishonest schmuck and belongs on CNN, not working for a respected News Outlet like Fox.

Show me where I said He Works for CNN, you Foreign Hack.

You said be belongs to CNN which either means he is owned by them, but since slavery is no longer legal I can only imagine you meant employeed. And you’re still not making sense. Wallace runs FOX’s premier Sunday morning show and is the lead guy they use during debates, big interviews and political analysis. You might be watching but you aren’t comprehending.
Wallace has his agenda, and cuts off anyone who doesn't go along with it. Just another cable news journalist looking for a major network gig.
Most the other Fox shows give puff piece interviews to the Trumpsters. Wallace asks pointed questions about relevant issues and doesn’t let the repetitive spun up talking points take over. That’s not an agenda, it’s journalism.
Dear Commie Tard Foreign Disphit:

Do you not know The Difference in "ENGRISH" between the Preposition "to" and "ON"?

Go Back to Putin and beg for Forgiveness.

I really can't stand you Lying Foreign Schmucks

"Wallace is a Leftist Commie Tard who belongs on CNN. He has never had a kind thing to say about The President and goes right along with all The Fear Mongering."
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Wallace has his agenda, and cuts off anyone who doesn't go along with it. Just another cable news journalist looking for a major network gig.
Most the other Fox shows give puff piece interviews to the Trumpsters. Wallace asks pointed questions about relevant issues and doesn’t let the repetitive spun up talking points take over. That’s not an agenda, it’s journalism.
Dear Commie Tard Foreign Disphit:

Do you not know The Difference in "ENGRISH" between the Preposition "to" and "ON"?

Go Back to Putin and beg for Forgiveness.

I really can't stand you Lying Foreign Schmucks

"Wallace is a Leftist Commie Tard who belongs on CNN. He has never had a kind thing to say about The President and goes right along with all The Fear Mongering."
Oh you’re right, my bad, I misread it. All that hate and vitriol in those statements of yours, it’s hard to parse through that crap!
Did anybody catch Fox News Sunday when Wallace steamrolled VP Pence’s COS Marc Short?

It’s gotta be one of the worst jobs in the world to have to try and go out there and answer for the nonsense coming out of this White House. I kind of feel bad for these people but then I listen to the crap they try and spin to the public and the sympathy is gone.

“Did anybody catch Fox News Sunday when Wallace steamrolled VP Pence’s COS Marc Short?”

That’s the problem: Americans have become numb to the lies, dishonesty, and corruption that is this failed administration.

However skilled Wallace’s interview, no matter how much Trump’s corruption and dishonesty is exposed, the apathetic and detached voters will do nothing to hold Trump accountable.

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