Walmart arrest; racist or not?

It's all about the BLING, baby! :woohoo:

And that BLING need only occurs in people with dark skin pigmentation, doesn't it?
Nobody said that! You just can't see past race, can you?

Liberals like to fool the American public by falsely proclaiming to hold to the ideals of equality. But it's liberals who can't see past race. Liberals see this story as a black woman committing a crime. The rest of us see this story as a woman who committed a crime, and happens to be black. The race of the person is driven home to us by black people wanting to play the race-card, and white liberals trying to find a way to accuse any white people involved, of being racist.

Liberals do not see minorities as an equal. They placate to minorities because they do not hold them to the same standards as everyone else. They come into stories like this with a "but she was black, she didn't know any better" mind-set. So liberals make excuses for her, and tell us how bad white people are. Meanwhile, people like me think that black people should be held accountable for their actions, just like white people should, because both races are capable of the same things, good and bad.

This "story" is a non-story. Liberal/conservative, black/white, I don't care who you are, only one statement should come from your mouth: She's a dumb lady who broke the law!
It's all about the BLING, baby! :woohoo:

And that BLING need only occurs in people with dark skin pigmentation, doesn't it?
Nobody said that! You just can't see past race, can you?

Liberals like to fool the American public by falsely proclaiming to hold to the ideals of equality. But it's liberals who can't see past race. Liberals see this story as a black woman committing a crime. The rest of us see this story as a woman who committed a crime, and happens to be black. The race of the person is driven home to us by black people wanting to play the race-card, and white liberals trying to find a way to accuse any white people involved, of being racist.

Liberals do not see minorities as an equal. They placate to minorities because they do not hold them to the same standards as everyone else. They come into stories like this with a "but she was black, she didn't know any better" mind-set. So liberals make excuses for her, and tell us how bad white people are. Meanwhile, people like me think that black people should be held accountable for their actions, just like white people should, because both races are capable of the same things, good and bad.

This "story" is a non-story. Liberal/conservative, black/white, I don't care who you are, only one statement should come from your mouth: She's a dumb lady who broke the law!
No one on this thread said anything remotely like you are saying. However, I did notice that the derogatory comments about blacks in general were written by those that consider themselves conservative. :eusa_eh:
Arrest at Walmart triggers charges of racism - Crime & courts-

ST. LOUIS - Nearly three years after Heather Ellis switched checkout lines at a southeast Missouri store and touched off what she calls a racially charged dispute with white customers and authorities, the young black schoolteacher faces a trial that could send her to prison for 15 years.

Witnesses have told authorities that Ellis cut in front of waiting customers at the Walmart in Kennett on Jan. 6, 2007, shoved merchandise already placed on a conveyor belt out of the way, and became belligerent when confronted, according to court filings.

Ellis maintains she was merely joining her cousin, whose checkout line was moving more quickly. She claimed in a written complaint to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People that she was then pushed by a white customer, hassled by store employees, called racial slurs and physically mistreated by Kennett police officers.

whose standards should be used? beligerence and disrespect of authority seem to be pretty ingrained in black culture. should we just accept a lower standard of behaviour? or should we defend standards that lead to civilized and amiable neighbourhoods?

Yesterday I was watching a "shocking caught on tape" tv show and this guy led cops on a high speed chase. They finally pulled him over and he wasn't listening to their orders. Then they started trying to wrestle him out of the car, and he reached for the glove box. They finally dragged him out of the car and then a mob of angry bistandards started yelling at the cops, as if they were being too rough.

First, they should all go to jail for getting involved.

Second, who's side are they on? The guy driving 100 thru their neighborhood or the cops there to protect them?

I understand Rodney King, but that doesn't make me hate all cops, or assume they are all bad.

So black people, wake up! Stop defending the criminals in your neighborhoods. I don't like cops either because they give me speeding tickets, but that doesn't mean I dislike the ones making an arrest or the ones that show up when I get mugged. I just don't like the beat cops that give me tickets.

Anyways, Detroit has a new head of the police dept. His plan is to have the cops go out and get to know the communities in which they serve, because they aren't trusted. Black people need to learn that the cops are not the enemy.

Black people. If you know of gang members in your neighborhood or if you know someone murdered someone, turn them in. This "RAT" stuff has to go. Rats aren't the enemy, murderers and drug dealers are.
And that BLING need only occurs in people with dark skin pigmentation, doesn't it?
Nobody said that! You just can't see past race, can you?

Liberals like to fool the American public by falsely proclaiming to hold to the ideals of equality. But it's liberals who can't see past race. Liberals see this story as a black woman committing a crime. The rest of us see this story as a woman who committed a crime, and happens to be black. The race of the person is driven home to us by black people wanting to play the race-card, and white liberals trying to find a way to accuse any white people involved, of being racist.

Liberals do not see minorities as an equal. They placate to minorities because they do not hold them to the same standards as everyone else. They come into stories like this with a "but she was black, she didn't know any better" mind-set. So liberals make excuses for her, and tell us how bad white people are. Meanwhile, people like me think that black people should be held accountable for their actions, just like white people should, because both races are capable of the same things, good and bad.

This "story" is a non-story. Liberal/conservative, black/white, I don't care who you are, only one statement should come from your mouth: She's a dumb lady who broke the law!
No one on this thread said anything remotely like you are saying. However, I did notice that the derogatory comments about blacks in general were written by those that consider themselves conservative. :eusa_eh:

Even us liberals realize black society is messed up. We just understand why.
It's all about the BLING, baby! :woohoo:

And that BLING need only occurs in people with dark skin pigmentation, doesn't it?
Nobody said that! You just can't see past race, can you?

I can't see past skin pigmentation...please be accurate.

Liberals like to fool the American public by falsely proclaiming to hold to the ideals of equality. But it's liberals who can't see past race. Liberals see this story as a black woman committing a crime. The rest of us see this story as a woman who committed a crime, and happens to be black.

Yes, this thread backs you up on people just talking about her being a woman and nothing about her race until I brought up her skin pigmentation. :rolleyes:

The race of the person is driven home to us by black people wanting to play the race-card, and white liberals trying to find a way to accuse any white people involved, of being racist.

Racism is all on black people. They brought it. They own it. Of course.

Liberals do not see minorities as an equal. They placate to minorities because they do not hold them to the same standards as everyone else. They come into stories like this with a "but she was black, she didn't know any better" mind-set.

Yes, I see that all over this thread.

So liberals make excuses for her, [/qutoe]

Yes. I see that all over this thread.

and tell us how bad white people are.

Yes. I see that all over this thread.

[qutoe]Meanwhile, people like me think that black people should be held accountable for their actions, just like white people should, because both races are capable of the same things, good and bad.

Of course. No arguement there.

This "story" is a non-story. Liberal/conservative, black/white, I don't care who you are, only one statement should come from your mouth: She's a dumb lady who broke the law!

On that we can agree. Do you think everyone else who posted here would agree with you?
Somewhere there's 65 year old black person who's watching this story, and shaking their head. They remember what racism was, and it's a slap in the face to them when people like the woman from this tape falsely cry of racism, just to get out of a jam they created for them self. The many false cries of racism in todays America by the black community is a slap in the face to black people who are in their 60's and up, and had to drink in separate water fountains, weren't allowed to eat in certain diners, and were denied certain opportunities, all because of their skin color. Now that was racism!
Arrest at Walmart triggers charges of racism - Crime & courts-

whose standards should be used? beligerence and disrespect of authority seem to be pretty ingrained in black culture. should we just accept a lower standard of behaviour? or should we defend standards that lead to civilized and amiable neighbourhoods?

You are way off on this. First the reason why so many (not all) blacks are hostile towards the police. Because it wasn't too long ago when cops were beating the crap out of blacks. And even nowadays blacks are still profiled.

secondly, not all blacks have disrespect for the authorities. im a black woman and my parents taught me to always respect the cops and always cooperate with them. stop making assumptions about blacks.
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Arrest at Walmart triggers charges of racism - Crime & courts-

whose standards should be used? beligerence and disrespect of authority seem to be pretty ingrained in black culture. should we just accept a lower standard of behaviour? or should we defend standards that lead to civilized and amiable neighbourhoods?

You are way off on this. First the reason why so many (not all) blacks are hostile towards the police. Because it wasn't too long ago when cops were beating the crap out of blacks. And even nowadays blacks are still profiled.

secondly, not all blacks have disrespect for the authorities. im a black woman and my parents taught me to always respect the cops and always cooperate with them. stop making assumptions about blacks.
You're right nia, I think most black people respect police officers.

You seem like a reasonable person, so I have a sincere question for you: Is racial profiling really that bad? It's not the entire race that's profiled, as I don't see any instance where black women are profiled. It's usually younger, dressed a certain way, black males. They aren't profiling some black man in a suit, or a black man in his construction outfit, or a black man who's doesn't fit a certain image. Just like white's are profiled for certain things. Young, punk looking white guys, with maybe shaved heads, and a certain look. The kind of look that gets extra attention.

I think people speak in over dramatic terms when speaking of racial profiling. I don't think it's the entire race that's profiled, but certain aspects of the race(usually young males) who are in certain situations. The other false misconception is that racial profiling is only applied to minorities. Young, white males with shaved heads get extra attention everywhere they go.

I'm just curious about your thoughts on this nia. Thanks!
Woman to plead guilty to misdemeanors in Missouri Wal-Mart scuffle

Kennett, Missouri (CNN) -- A woman accused of cutting in line at a Wal-Mart, shoving merchandise and assaulting police officers will plead guilty to disturbing the peace and resisting arrest, both misdemeanors.

Under the agreement -- reached after the jury received the case for deliberations -- Heather Ellis will plead guilty to disturbing the peace and resisting arrest. She will serve a year of unsupervised probation, attend an anger management course and serve four days in jail before the end of the year.

Woman to plead guilty to misdemeanors in Missouri Wal-Mart scuffle -

I wonder why she refused to take the first plea offered to her 2 years ago? Maybe because she realized the charge of racism was not working with the video and witness who testified for the pros? She IMO must have been worried to have taken the deal before the jury returned. If she had much of a case then she could have strung this out with appeals.
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CaféAuLait;1733459 said:
There is no racism IMO:

VIDEO just released today:

Here is the video:

Wal-Mart scuffle prompts racism claims -

A lot more than a "line cutting" incident, she pushes peoples items off the conveyor belt over and over. Funny how the media spun this to make it apper she "only joined her cousin" in line and was charged.


Thanks for sharing that!

And I'm sure we'll be hearing all sorts of Mea Culpas from those folks in this thread who staunchly stood by this twit, making up scenario after scenario that plays out in her favor.

Yeah right. :rolleyes: And I'm the freaking tooth fairy!

What a fucking racist, self-involved, self-entitled little bitch. I see her kind all the time where I live. All the time. I steer clear of 'em. Can't be bothered with 'em. Wouldn't piss on her/them if they were on fire. Not worth my time.
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CaféAuLait;1733459 said:
There is no racism IMO:

VIDEO just released today:

Here is the video:

Wal-Mart scuffle prompts racism claims -

A lot more than a "line cutting" incident, she pushes peoples items off the conveyor belt over and over. Funny how the media spun this to make it apper she "only joined her cousin" in line and was charged.


Thanks for sharing that!

And I'm sure we'll be hearing all sorts of Mea Culpas from those folks in this thread who staunchly stood by this twit, making up scenario after scenario that plays out in her favor.

Yeah right. :rolleyes: And I'm the freaking tooth fairy!

What a fucking racist, self-involved, self-entitled little bitch. I see her kind all the time where I live. All the time. I steer clear of 'em. Can't be bothered with 'em. Wouldn't piss on her/them if they were on fire. Not worth my time.

She says in the interview after her plea deal ( just a few minutes ago) that everyone who testified against her was lying and she was the only one telling the truth. Bull!
CaféAuLait;1736810 said:
CaféAuLait;1733459 said:
There is no racism IMO:

VIDEO just released today:

Here is the video:

Wal-Mart scuffle prompts racism claims -

A lot more than a "line cutting" incident, she pushes peoples items off the conveyor belt over and over. Funny how the media spun this to make it apper she "only joined her cousin" in line and was charged.


Thanks for sharing that!

And I'm sure we'll be hearing all sorts of Mea Culpas from those folks in this thread who staunchly stood by this twit, making up scenario after scenario that plays out in her favor.

Yeah right. :rolleyes: And I'm the freaking tooth fairy!

What a fucking racist, self-involved, self-entitled little bitch. I see her kind all the time where I live. All the time. I steer clear of 'em. Can't be bothered with 'em. Wouldn't piss on her/them if they were on fire. Not worth my time.

She says in the interview after her plea deal ( just a few minutes ago) that everyone who testified against her was lying and she was the only one telling the truth. Bull!

Oh, but of course! How *dare* the rest of the world hold her accountable for her boorish behavior?

Rick Sanchez of CNN was shocked, yes shocked! he only just realised that maybe she wasn't totally the victim in this case. I don't know how other media outlets were treating this case but CNN was right behind the 'line-cutter' until the very end. and it was only recently that they started saying she was looking at a potential 15 years in jail instead of facing a 15 year sentence. and always for 'cutting in line' not assault. kinda like saying someone lost their drivers license for making an illegal left turn rather than for the DUI that was issued after a cop spotted the illegal turn.

at least this wasn't the complete failure to defend civility that it could easily have been.
White man verbally cop and snatching papers out of his hand, where is his arrest and 15 year sentence charge?


Despite all of this no arrest and even a warning for failure to produce insurance. And idiots like IanC want to justify what cops did to Heather Ellis.
what's up my homo friend, you know you like it when the police are rough with you. :D
CaféAuLait;1736758 said:
Woman to plead guilty to misdemeanors in Missouri Wal-Mart scuffle

Kennett, Missouri (CNN) -- A woman accused of cutting in line at a Wal-Mart, shoving merchandise and assaulting police officers will plead guilty to disturbing the peace and resisting arrest, both misdemeanors.

Under the agreement -- reached after the jury received the case for deliberations -- Heather Ellis will plead guilty to disturbing the peace and resisting arrest. She will serve a year of unsupervised probation, attend an anger management course and serve four days in jail before the end of the year.

Woman to plead guilty to misdemeanors in Missouri Wal-Mart scuffle -

I wonder why she refused to take the first plea offered to her 2 years ago? Maybe because she realized the charge of racism was not working with the video and witness who testified for the pros? She IMO must have been worried to have taken the deal before the jury returned. If she had much of a case then she could have strung this out with appeals.
That seems fair. It's kind of strange that this has received national attention.
White man verbally cop and snatching papers out of his hand, where is his arrest and 15 year sentence charge?

Despite all of this no arrest and even a warning for failure to produce insurance. And idiots like IanC want to justify what cops did to Heather Ellis.

that is one funny video, hahahaha

1992, eh? the one thing I did notice was that the guy listened to and obeyed the cop even though he was doing the craziest Donald Duck imitation ever. if the cop had chosen to let the episode escalate I would take the cop's side but obviously the cop wasn't too concerned about bad language.

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