Walmart Employees Getting a Raise

AHHH I see. 1. they are trying to defeat the drive to unionize

Yes, the free market can effect change without the government having to interfere.

2. They are trying to compete with COSTCO ( which btw pays MUCH higher wages)

What is stopping Walmart employees from taking their services to the much better paying Costco?

3. They won't WIN! :)

Which "they"? Seems the six people you mentioned before are doing alot of winning.
Actually not it can't. If the free market (which btw is an odd name for something that keeps people enslaved) worked then Wal Mart wouldn't be raising wages they are doing it to try and shut people up. It won't work.
Why should employees have to go to work at Costco which BTW has lower turnover rate because they pay better to get decent wages like a civilized nation should have...MAYBE most of them don't live near a Costco...I don't.
Wal mart Won't win...they are trying to shut the people up and stop the drive for unionization...I can't wait for it to happen.
IF Walmart "unionized", walmart would have to raise their prices drasticley, causing the people that shop there to spend a lot more money for what they buy.
The people who can LEAST afford the price increases are people of lesser means. The unemployed, handicapped, people on welfare, seniors living on S.S. people living on disability, etc.
For a few people getting a huge raise $15.00 per hr, a lot more people will suffer by having to pay a lot more for what they need to live on.
Gee, then ALL the people that shop at Walmart can choose between their drugs and eating dog-food.
JUST because YOU want to set the wages.
GEE, don't THAT make you feel good???? (SIC)
Why would liberals hate that Walmart workers are making more money?

Liberals have been advocating that for a decade....looks like Walmart is finally listening
Cause the federal government did not force the corporation to do it.

Nothing wrong with that...I encourage employers to pay more than the Federal minimum wage

If Walmart raises their wage to $10 it puts pressure on other employers to increase their wages to compete for workers
It helps out the small mom and pop companies also grow because the more Walmart pays the pickier they will be and the small stores can compete.
SO, YOU want the poor, the seniors that live on S.S., the people on disability to have to pay MORE for their needs to live, so YOU can feel good????
Why would liberals hate that Walmart workers are making more money?

Liberals have been advocating that for a decade....looks like Walmart is finally listening
Cause the federal government did not force the corporation to do it.

Nothing wrong with that...I encourage employers to pay more than the Federal minimum wage

If Walmart raises their wage to $10 it puts pressure on other employers to increase their wages to compete for workers
Ayup... free market forces. Let us "compete" for employees and customers... don't "force" the pay rates of employees, don't "force" the customers into buying just from one company. Glad to say you're not one of the stupid democrats ... so there is hope after all :)

Nobody is forcing the payrates.....only establishing a minimum

It puts pressure on the rest of the low wage pay scale

What Walmart is doing is saying they know what the current minimum wage is and want to offer more so they can get the"pick of the litter" in selecting low wage workers
Why would liberals hate that Walmart workers are making more money?

Liberals have been advocating that for a decade....looks like Walmart is finally listening
Cause the federal government did not force the corporation to do it.

Nothing wrong with that...I encourage employers to pay more than the Federal minimum wage

If Walmart raises their wage to $10 it puts pressure on other employers to increase their wages to compete for workers
Ayup... free market forces. Let us "compete" for employees and customers... don't "force" the pay rates of employees, don't "force" the customers into buying just from one company. Glad to say you're not one of the stupid democrats ... so there is hope after all :)

Nobody is forcing the payrates.....only establishing a minimum

It puts pressure on the rest of the low wage pay scale

What Walmart is doing is saying they know what the current minimum wage is and want to offer more so they can get the"pick of the litter" in selecting low wage workers

Around here only walmart was paying minimum... and only the worst of the litter made their way to walmart.
AHHH I see. 1. they are trying to defeat the drive to unionize

Yes, the free market can effect change without the government having to interfere.

2. They are trying to compete with COSTCO ( which btw pays MUCH higher wages)

What is stopping Walmart employees from taking their services to the much better paying Costco?

3. They won't WIN! :)

Which "they"? Seems the six people you mentioned before are doing alot of winning.
Actually not it can't. If the free market (which btw is an odd name for something that keeps people enslaved) worked then Wal Mart wouldn't be raising wages they are doing it to try and shut people up. It won't work.
Why should employees have to go to work at Costco which BTW has lower turnover rate because they pay better to get decent wages like a civilized nation should have...MAYBE most of them don't live near a Costco...I don't.
Wal mart Won't win...they are trying to shut the people up and stop the drive for unionization...I can't wait for it to happen.
IF Walmart "unionized", walmart would have to raise their prices drasticley, causing the people that shop there to spend a lot more money for what they buy.
The people who can LEAST afford the price increases are people of lesser means. The unemployed, handicapped, people on welfare, seniors living on S.S. people living on disability, etc.
For a few people getting a huge raise $15.00 per hr, a lot more people will suffer by having to pay a lot more for what they need to live on.
Gee, then ALL the people that shop at Walmart can choose between their drugs and eating dog-food.
JUST because YOU want to set the wages.
GEE, don't THAT make you feel good???? (SIC)
Not true at all but keep spewing the faux news propaganda.
Elec bill: 50 a month. I have a 3 bedroom 2 bath house and mine isn't even 50 so we'll go 50. Probably closer to 30 on a 1 bedroom apartment. Water bill? 10 bucks, paid for by most apartments anyway. Just like the light bill. You can find a single bedroom apartment for 400 a month. Car insurance on an older small car? Almost nill, 35-50 a month tops. So you've still got 100 bucks left over, and that was with 200 a month for food. I live alone and I don't eat 100 dollars of food a month.

The car note isn't forever, get that paid off in a couple of years and suddenly you have 200 dollars more a month disposable income.

I've proven beyond a doubt 9 dollars an hour at 35 hours a week is a living wage. Not a living high on the horse wage, but a living wage.
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Why would liberals hate that Walmart workers are making more money?

Liberals have been advocating that for a decade....looks like Walmart is finally listening
Cause the federal government did not force the corporation to do it.

Nothing wrong with that...I encourage employers to pay more than the Federal minimum wage

If Walmart raises their wage to $10 it puts pressure on other employers to increase their wages to compete for workers
Ayup... free market forces. Let us "compete" for employees and customers... don't "force" the pay rates of employees, don't "force" the customers into buying just from one company. Glad to say you're not one of the stupid democrats ... so there is hope after all :)

Nobody is forcing the payrates.....only establishing a minimum

It puts pressure on the rest of the low wage pay scale

What Walmart is doing is saying they know what the current minimum wage is and want to offer more so they can get the"pick of the litter" in selecting low wage workers

Around here only walmart was paying minimum... and only the worst of the litter made their way to walmart.

Maybe so....looks like Walmart may want to change that

Walmart has the profit margin where they can afford to take the best workers in the low wage market. Workers who show up on time, are honest, work hard

Let their competitors compete for who is left over
I will give you am example of what my train of thought is, I know a plastic molding company that wants me 10 miles away from my house, they will pay me $8 bucks more an hour And with overtime they are giving i would Probably make 30 or 40 grand more a year
But I wont do it no matter how much they ask me, I wont work 12 hour days / 7 days a week, hell no.

I will stay at this plastic plant making $8 bucks less an hour just working 8 hours a day on 12 off 2 and give them my 30 years of talent and help them grow and compete with that other big german plastic molding company.

Its the same thing with Walmart paying $10 bucks an hour next February and keeping the federal minimum wage at what is it now? $7.25?

It helps small companies / stores compete and grow.
Cause the federal government did not force the corporation to do it.

Nothing wrong with that...I encourage employers to pay more than the Federal minimum wage

If Walmart raises their wage to $10 it puts pressure on other employers to increase their wages to compete for workers
Ayup... free market forces. Let us "compete" for employees and customers... don't "force" the pay rates of employees, don't "force" the customers into buying just from one company. Glad to say you're not one of the stupid democrats ... so there is hope after all :)

Nobody is forcing the payrates.....only establishing a minimum

It puts pressure on the rest of the low wage pay scale

What Walmart is doing is saying they know what the current minimum wage is and want to offer more so they can get the"pick of the litter" in selecting low wage workers

Around here only walmart was paying minimum... and only the worst of the litter made their way to walmart.

Maybe so....looks like Walmart may want to change that

Walmart has the profit margin where they can afford to take the best workers in the low wage market. Workers who show up on time, are honest, work hard

Let their competitors compete for who is left over
A little wage rate competition would be a good thing! Here's to hoping that upward pressure on wage rates makes it's way to the professional ranks as well. Maybe we'll elect some people that will end H1b visas.
Walmart is not doubling it to $15.00 dollars an hour so they will still be pissed.

Whoooo WEEE! What a SWEET DEAL! 9$ an hour! IMPRESSIVE! Pat yourselves on the back Wal Mart...I mean while 6 heirs of wal mart are worth more than the lower 40% of Americans workers get a HUGE raise to 9$ an hour!

Woo. It didn't take the self-described "Racial Socialist" long to validate Blackhawk's belief that the whiny, sniveling socialists will still be pissed. Thanks, Princess.
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I will give you am example of what my train of thought is, I know a plastic molding company that wants me 10 miles away from my house, they will pay me $8 bucks more an hour And with overtime they are giving i would Probably make 30 or 40 grand more a year
But I wont do it no matter how much they ask me, I wont work 12 hour days / 7 days a week, hell no.

I will stay at this plastic plant making $8 bucks less an hour just working 8 hours a day on 12 off 2 and give them my 30 years of talent and help them grow and compete with that other big german plastic molding company.

Its the same thing with Walmart paying $10 bucks an hour next February and keeping the federal minimum wage at what is it now? $7.25?

It helps small companies / stores compete and grow.
I am quoting my own thread because I have read up on Countries like Australia that have minimum wages on each profession .
Like a industrial maintenance guy like me has a minimum set wage no matter what company he goes to work for.
Same if you were say a:
Fork lift driver
Quality control manager

Well you get the picture, I thought it was weird but interesting. The Government of a country like Australia got so Entangled with the private Business they decide what a persons skills should be paid, not the companies bottom line.

I think it kills startup small Business
AHHH I see.
1. they are trying to defeat the drive to unionize
2. They are trying to compete with COSTCO ( which btw pays MUCH higher wages)
3. They won't WIN! :)

Which "they"? Seems the six people you mentioned before are doing alot of winning.

They are and nothing twists the thong of a self-described "Racial Socialist" (read: Communist Nazi) like Odius quicker than the thought that some people are more financially successful than others.
Nothing wrong with that...I encourage employers to pay more than the Federal minimum wage

If Walmart raises their wage to $10 it puts pressure on other employers to increase their wages to compete for workers
Ayup... free market forces. Let us "compete" for employees and customers... don't "force" the pay rates of employees, don't "force" the customers into buying just from one company. Glad to say you're not one of the stupid democrats ... so there is hope after all :)

Nobody is forcing the payrates.....only establishing a minimum

It puts pressure on the rest of the low wage pay scale

What Walmart is doing is saying they know what the current minimum wage is and want to offer more so they can get the"pick of the litter" in selecting low wage workers

Around here only walmart was paying minimum... and only the worst of the litter made their way to walmart.

Maybe so....looks like Walmart may want to change that

Walmart has the profit margin where they can afford to take the best workers in the low wage market. Workers who show up on time, are honest, work hard

Let their competitors compete for who is left over
A little wage rate competition would be a good thing! Here's to hoping that upward pressure on wage rates makes it's way to the professional ranks as well. Maybe we'll elect some people that will end H1b visas.
The way to get wage rate competition is to have a roaring economy where there is very little unemployment.
THEN companies pay better wages because there is few people and many job openings.

The market/economy sets the wages".
A little wage rate competition would be a good thing! Here's to hoping that upward pressure on wage rates makes it's way to the professional ranks as well. Maybe we'll elect some people that will end H1b visas.

And as an investor I'm hoping the wage bump makes it way to prices and the value of my properties. Thanks, Walmart!
Blah blah blah, but their salary is still less than practical minimum wage and of course smaller than 25.000$.
It means that Wal-mart officials just spit in the face of their workers.
Only government can solve this problem, but it's sad that they will never do anything with this!
I will give you am example of what my train of thought is, I know a plastic molding company that wants me 10 miles away from my house, they will pay me $8 bucks more an hour And with overtime they are giving i would Probably make 30 or 40 grand more a year
But I wont do it no matter how much they ask me, I wont work 12 hour days / 7 days a week, hell no.

I will stay at this plastic plant making $8 bucks less an hour just working 8 hours a day on 12 off 2 and give them my 30 years of talent and help them grow and compete with that other big german plastic molding company.

Its the same thing with Walmart paying $10 bucks an hour next February and keeping the federal minimum wage at what is it now? $7.25?

It helps small companies / stores compete and grow.
I am quoting my own thread because I have read up on Countries like Australia that have minimum wages on each profession .
Like a industrial maintenance guy like me has a minimum set wage no matter what company he goes to work for.
Same if you were say a:
Fork lift driver
Quality control manager

Well you get the picture, I thought it was weird but interesting. The Government of a country like Australia got so Entangled with the private Business they decide what a persons skills should be paid, not the companies bottom line.

I think it kills startup small Business
It kills innovation, it kills competition.
Blah blah blah, but their salary is still less than practical minimum wage and of course smaller than 25.000$.
It means that Wal-mart officials just spit in the face of their workers.
Only government can solve this problem, but it's sad that they will never do anything with this!
Spoken like a true moron that is totally incapable of taking care of himself and his family without stealing that which is not earned.

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