Walmart Employees Getting a Raise

To bad Obama didn't step aside in 2010 like he promised

Has he stepped aside?


Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015

Us libs love it! Its what we've been arguing for. You guys didn't think Walmart should. You said costs would go up and the employees didn't deserve it. Change your mind?

Best righties will say is they don't care...NOW. Sure seemed to care before.

This is what republicans do. Fight even though they know they are wrong then switch their positions once they can no longer keep up their obviously wrong position.

Similar to how they said unions are the problem but then we see ford had record profits. And ignore they paid their employees record profit sharing. You are jealous. You don't want Walmart workers to get raises because you arent getting a raise.
No what we said is, they are a private company dork and can pay their employees what ever they like and yes prices will go up if you force all companies to do it, god you.libs are dense
No what we said is, they are a private company dork and can pay their employees what ever they like and yes prices will go up if you force all companies to do it, god you.libs are dense

Remember yesterday when I explained to you that you may know robotics but you sure as fuck know nothing about the economy. I mean nothing.

Why aren't you now claiming how these MW workers don't deserve a raise because a monkey could do their no skill required jobs. Remember all the posts making those claims? I do. How they needed to go out and get some skills if they want more pay. Remember all that shit?

But I don't expect you will. You see, you are like these other right wing assholes on here. Once your position has been make to look foolish and stupid, you abandon your past position and swear on your mothers grave you didn't say what you did.

Assholes, every one of you right wingers are assholes. .

Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
This would be like me saying "jeb bush won. Conservatives are going to hate this". Are you really this much of a bullshit spin artist where even when you lose you win?

This would be like me saying "jeb bush won. Conservatives are going to hate this".

for the most part

they would actual say that

i know i would
Ya know the COSTCO that's blowing Wal Mart out of the water...
what a bunch of :bsflag: costco does not have 1/4th the variety that WalMart has, when we get done buying our bulk supplies at CC, we always have to stop at WM for the items CC does not or will not carry, besides, CC is anti-GUN !! and put up signs to prove it :up: whereas all the WM's i have been to do NOT have anti-GUN signs at their front door.
This is wonderful news. I just heard all Walmart employees will now be paid $9 and next year or in the future it will be $10 hr. I may actually shop at Walmart now.

Walmart employees to get raises

Bout fucking time.

Token concession. If they kept wages tied to inflation they'd be getting like $22/hour. Something's better than nothing, but to me it's like they did a tiny increase just to make them appear better than they are.

Should give them the $15 they've been asking for. Still WAY below adjusted for inflation.

Why should they pay kids from Democrat high schools $22/hour for not being able to read or write?

Because Wal-Mart's arguably the biggest employer we have in the country, and they pay a helluva lot of taxes. Without their employees though they're nothing. So I'd rather they keep their employees on cloud 9 and go on paying those taxes benefitting the rest of us.

Plus, it's simply fair and just. Not a popular reason I understand, but I'm all about fair and just.
Same reason ford pays its employees so well. So they'll buy cars. Walmarts sales would go up if they paid better. Probably this factored in to their decision to give raises. Next year $10 hr. I can't expect more from them.
You should apply for Walmart's CEO position. I'm sure the board of directors will be very impressed and wonder why they never heard of you before. Don't walk out with less that a 80 billion dollar annual salary.
To see the RWnuts try to portray this as some sort of conservative victory is breathtaking.

What? You don't understand that this is conservative economic policy at work?

It's just the free-market right? You see, that communist tyrant Obama gave Walmart a special free-market pass. And they used it to raise wages. It's like magic. Conservative magic.

Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015

Us libs love it! Its what we've been arguing for. You guys didn't think Walmart should. You said costs would go up and the employees didn't deserve it. Change your mind?

Best righties will say is they don't care...NOW. Sure seemed to care before.

This is what republicans do. Fight even though they know they are wrong then switch their positions once they can no longer keep up their obviously wrong position.

Similar to how they said unions are the problem but then we see ford had record profits. And ignore they paid their employees record profit sharing. You are jealous. You don't want Walmart workers to get raises because you arent getting a raise.
You're a moron.
So much for the RWnut nonsense that Walmart can't afford to pay its employees more.
We never ever said that. @ $2 bucks adding just and extra 380 million in payroll they could,afford to pay all of them $18 bucks am hour and still make a profit.

Wow, you people never said that? Goddam you people are funny.
Prove any con did? Thats the problem with the left you hear what you think you heard, we know economics and math, a big cooperation can afford it, but not your localy owned McDonalds or say denmys, if that owner only has a few stores and certainty not just one, the profit margin is very low
To see the RWnuts try to portray this as some sort of conservative victory is breathtaking.

What? You don't understand that this is conservative economic policy at work?

It's just the free-market right? You see, that communist tyrant Obama gave Walmart a special free-market pass. And they used it to raise wages. It's like magic. Conservative magic.

All of their arguments about higher wages destroying businesses suddenly disappeared.

And don't forget that some states already have a $9 minimum, and many are above the federal minimum.

Most helped will be workers in red states.
No what we said is, they are a private company dork and can pay their employees what ever they like and yes prices will go up if you force all companies to do it, god you.libs are dense

Remember yesterday when I explained to you that you may know robotics but you sure as fuck know nothing about the economy. I mean nothing.

Why aren't you now claiming how these MW workers don't deserve a raise because a monkey could do their no skill required jobs. Remember all the posts making those claims? I do. How they needed to go out and get some skills if they want more pay. Remember all that shit?

But I don't expect you will. You see, you are like these other right wing assholes on here. Once your position has been make to look foolish and stupid, you abandon your past position and swear on your mothers grave you didn't say what you did.

Assholes, every one of you right wingers are assholes. .
What a dumb ass you are. The point conservatives were making was that of liberty. You apparently don't understand the difference between forcing someone to give you a raise and someone deciding to give you a raise. ROFL democrats are so damn stupid.
a big cooperation can afford it, but not your localy owned McDonalds or say denmys, if that owner only has a few stores and certainty not just one, the profit margin is very low

You fucking can't write a coherent sentence. And you wanna claim you "know" about the economy eh? LMFAO.
So what is the profit margin for a McDonald's? Hell what is a big cooperation?

Try learning to edit and spell. Make yourself look smarter than you are but it (editing and spelling) at least makes your bullshit more readable.

Are you sure you can edit computer programs? Without help?
a big cooperation can afford it, but not your localy owned McDonalds or say denmys, if that owner only has a few stores and certainty not just one, the profit margin is very low

You fucking can't write a coherent sentence. And you wanna claim you "know" about the economy eh? LMFAO.
So what is the profit margin for a McDonald's? Hell what is a big cooperation?

Try learning to edit and spell. Make yourself look smarter than you are but it (editing and spelling) at least makes your bullshit more readable.

Are you sure you can edit computer programs? Without help?
His statement was accurate. Why is this corporate decision driving you to be such moron today?
oooooh ! the one thing you can always depend on buying at CC is BOOZE !, gotta keep those libs in a stupor, most everything else is a one time only item. :up:
No what we said is, they are a private company dork and can pay their employees what ever they like and yes prices will go up if you force all companies to do it, god you.libs are dense

Remember yesterday when I explained to you that you may know robotics but you sure as fuck know nothing about the economy. I mean nothing.

Why aren't you now claiming how these MW workers don't deserve a raise because a monkey could do their no skill required jobs. Remember all the posts making those claims? I do. How they needed to go out and get some skills if they want more pay. Remember all that shit?

But I don't expect you will. You see, you are like these other right wing assholes on here. Once your position has been make to look foolish and stupid, you abandon your past position and swear on your mothers grave you didn't say what you did.

Assholes, every one of you right wingers are assholes. .
I know more about the economy and profit margins of companies then you at this point way more you post opinions, i have seen spread sheets , thats why i let them for a year and a half at my last job pay me so little because i was trying to help the mom and pop company grow with my knowledge.
Read up on it, will you and learn, please?

Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
Why would liberals hate it? It's what they have been fighting for?
They will be subsidized less but I do feel they should receive those subsidies as one can't pay one bill on $9 an hour. So its a win win. They get gov't assistance and make a little more so they can at least survive.

Really? At 9 an hour, for a 28 day period, thats 1260 net, about 1000 gross, and thats for only 35 hours a week.

On 1000 dollars you can:

Pay rent of 400 a month, a car note of 199 a month, food bill of 200 a month and still have 200 left over for anything non essential that you want.

Sounds like its paying the bills, ain't it?

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