Walmart Employees Getting a Raise

I'm very impressed with the business acumen of our resident nutters. Their understanding of how the labor market works is deep.

If only the Leftists realized that the healthier a Market, an efficient labor market can thrive. Or, when you hurt the Market, labor suffers as well
oooooh ! the one thing you can always depend on buying at CC is BOOZE !, gotta keep those libs in a stupor, most everything else is a one time only item. :up:
Dems should switch to Free booze vs. free phones, it worked so well for the russians.
Why would liberals hate that Walmart workers are making more money?

Liberals have been advocating that for a decade....looks like Walmart is finally listening
They will be subsidized less but I do feel they should receive those subsidies as one can't pay one bill on $9 an hour. So its a win win. They get gov't assistance and make a little more so they can at least survive.

Really? At 9 an hour, for a 28 day period, thats 1260 net, about 1000 gross.

On 1000 dollars you can:

Pay rent of 400 a month, a car note of 199 a month, food bill of 200 a month and still have 200 left over for anything non essential that you want.

Sounds like its paying the bills, ain't it?
Or you could get a job that pays $20/hr have 1200 left over to pay for health insurance, a cellphone, internet, cable, and diapers.
The point conservatives were making was that of liberty.

LIBERTY eh? What the fuck are you talking about?

You apparently don't understand the difference between forcing someone to give you a raise and someone deciding to give you a raise. ROFL democrats are so damn stupid.

FORCING SOMEONE eh? Again, what the fuck are you talking about?

Walmart bumped their wages because of some reasons. Either they were hearing about their low wages from customers and the customers weren't happy. They (Walmart executives) are trying to stop efforts to unionize. Or Walmart executives were concerned that the MW law would take MW to 10 bucks an hour. And Walmart executives are tired of hearing about how many of their employees qualify for SNAP and other programs.

So being the relatively smart retailers they are, they got ahead of the problem by raising wages.

Now if their buyers would look for more goods made in America, that would be good too.
a big cooperation can afford it, but not your localy owned McDonalds or say denmys, if that owner only has a few stores and certainty not just one, the profit margin is very low

You fucking can't write a coherent sentence. And you wanna claim you "know" about the economy eh? LMFAO.
So what is the profit margin for a McDonald's? Hell what is a big cooperation?

Try learning to edit and spell. Make yourself look smarter than you are but it (editing and spelling) at least makes your bullshit more readable.

Are you sure you can edit computer programs? Without help?
If you know me so well, then you know i posted it a bunch of times my mind flys, That's what I was trained to do, I am not payed to write I payed to fix machines

So are you going to refute my post or just just act like a child and refuse to acknowledge the substance?

Why are you so upset anyways?
They will be subsidized less but I do feel they should receive those subsidies as one can't pay one bill on $9 an hour. So its a win win. They get gov't assistance and make a little more so they can at least survive.

Really? At 9 an hour, for a 28 day period, thats 1260 net, about 1000 gross.

On 1000 dollars you can:

Pay rent of 400 a month, a car note of 199 a month, food bill of 200 a month and still have 200 left over for anything non essential that you want.

Sounds like its paying the bills, ain't it?
Or you could get a job that pays $20/hr have 1200 left over to pay for health insurance, a cellphone, internet, cable, and diapers.

Obamacare gives you health insurance if you make that little. So a cellphone, internet and cable tv are essentials?

Therein lies the difference between repubs and dems.

I have 2 college degrees and my biggest raise ever was 1 dollar an hour. They're getting raises of almost 2 an hour and you're complaining? I'd like to file a complaint as well, I've never been given a raise that large.
The point conservatives were making was that of liberty.

LIBERTY eh? What the fuck are you talking about?

You apparently don't understand the difference between forcing someone to give you a raise and someone deciding to give you a raise. ROFL democrats are so damn stupid.

FORCING SOMEONE eh? Again, what the fuck are you talking about?

Walmart bumped their wages because of some reasons. Either they were hearing about their low wages from customers and the customers weren't happy. They (Walmart executives) are trying to stop efforts to unionize. Or Walmart executives were concerned that the MW law would take MW to 10 bucks an hour. And Walmart executives are tired of hearing about how many of their employees qualify for SNAP and other programs.

So being the relatively smart retailers they are, they got ahead of the problem by raising wages.

Now if their buyers would look for more goods made in America, that would be good too.
What part about liberty is confusing you?

Federal minimum wage rates "force" the company to give a raise. In this case Walmart "decided" to give a raise. They were not "forced" into it.

Whatever the "reason" for Walmart handing out raises, it was their choice that they were at "liberty" to make.

Now they can probably fire a bunch of people and get better employees since they are paying a bit more. Though I don't know anyone that would "work" for that kind of money around here.

Walmart, the frequent focus of advocates for low-wage workers, is giving its lowest-paid workers a raise.

The company said 500,000 full-time and part-time associates, more than a third of its work force at Walmart (WMT) U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs, will receive pay raises in April to at least $9 an hour. That will be $1.75 above the federal minimum wage.

By next February 1, their pay will go to at least $10 an hour
Walmart raises pay well above minimum wage - Feb. 19 2015
This would be like me saying "jeb bush won. Conservatives are going to hate this". Are you really this much of a bullshit spin artist where even when you lose you win?

This would be like me saying "jeb bush won. Conservatives are going to hate this".

for the most part

they would actual say that

i know i would
Why? Why don't cons like him? Bet they will when he's the nominee.
Whoooo WEEE! What a SWEET DEAL! 9$ an hour! IMPRESSIVE! Pat yourselves on the back Wal Mart...I mean while 6 heirs of wal mart are worth more than the lower 40% of Americans workers get a HUGE raise to 9$ an hour!
If you do the math is around 380 million more in payroll, something they didn't have to do.

Whoooo WEEE! What a SWEET DEAL! 9$ an hour! IMPRESSIVE! Pat yourselves on the back Wal Mart...I mean while 6 heirs of wal mart are worth more than the lower 40% of Americans workers get a HUGE raise to 9$ an hour!
9.00/hour is more than the employees at Target make . Better break out your protest gear and head over there.
Will do. Course Target everywhere I have seen are closing down...the one here is hardly ever busy..mostly just white folks who enjoy the peace and quiet and not have to deal with mexicans and their gibberish

They will be subsidized less but I do feel they should receive those subsidies as one can't pay one bill on $9 an hour. So its a win win. They get gov't assistance and make a little more so they can at least survive.

Really? At 9 an hour, for a 28 day period, thats 1260 net, about 1000 gross, and thats for only 35 hours a week.

On 1000 dollars you can:

Pay rent of 400 a month, a car note of 199 a month, food bill of 200 a month and still have 200 left over for anything non essential that you want.

Sounds like its paying the bills, ain't it?
Electric bill? Water bill? Child care? Forgetting a few things insurance? And where in the hell are you getting somewhere for 400$ a month to rent!
The point conservatives were making was that of liberty.

LIBERTY eh? What the fuck are you talking about?

You apparently don't understand the difference between forcing someone to give you a raise and someone deciding to give you a raise. ROFL democrats are so damn stupid.

FORCING SOMEONE eh? Again, what the fuck are you talking about?

Walmart bumped their wages because of some reasons. Either they were hearing about their low wages from customers and the customers weren't happy. They (Walmart executives) are trying to stop efforts to unionize. Or Walmart executives were concerned that the MW law would take MW to 10 bucks an hour. And Walmart executives are tired of hearing about how many of their employees qualify for SNAP and other programs.

So being the relatively smart retailers they are, they got ahead of the problem by raising wages.

Now if their buyers would look for more goods made in America, that would be good too.
Lol i might not know or give a crap how to spell or even crap on how to use proper grammer, but I know how to read and Comprehend the link stated they will be up to $10 bucks by September
Why would liberals hate that Walmart workers are making more money?

Liberals have been advocating that for a decade....looks like Walmart is finally listening
Cause the federal government did not force the corporation to do it.

Nothing wrong with that...I encourage employers to pay more than the Federal minimum wage

If Walmart raises their wage to $10 it puts pressure on other employers to increase their wages to compete for workers
They will be subsidized less but I do feel they should receive those subsidies as one can't pay one bill on $9 an hour. So its a win win. They get gov't assistance and make a little more so they can at least survive.

Really? At 9 an hour, for a 28 day period, thats 1260 net, about 1000 gross.

On 1000 dollars you can:

Pay rent of 400 a month, a car note of 199 a month, food bill of 200 a month and still have 200 left over for anything non essential that you want.

Sounds like its paying the bills, ain't it?
Or you could get a job that pays $20/hr have 1200 left over to pay for health insurance, a cellphone, internet, cable, and diapers.

Obamacare gives you health insurance if you make that little. So a cellphone, internet and cable tv are essentials?

Therein lies the difference between repubs and dems.
Free health insurance? You're talking about medicaid, not Obamacare. Obamacare includes a discount that is funded by taxpayers, but the discount does not make it free to the lucky welfare recipient.

Why do you ask if those are essentials, when you know they are not? I simply pointed out that most labor jobs pay $20 these days so why not double your pay and have more money to get more stuff. Ok... here's a better list:

200 to your portion of health insurance after you get the Obama five finger discount, 500 to a 401k or IRA and/or HSA, and 300 to a rainy day savings / or some liquid investments.
Why would liberals hate that Walmart workers are making more money?

Liberals have been advocating that for a decade....looks like Walmart is finally listening
Cause the federal government did not force the corporation to do it.

Nothing wrong with that...I encourage employers to pay more than the Federal minimum wage

If Walmart raises their wage to $10 it puts pressure on other employers to increase their wages to compete for workers
Ayup... free market forces. Let us "compete" for employees and customers... don't "force" the pay rates of employees, don't "force" the customers into buying just from one company. Glad to say you're not one of the stupid democrats ... so there is hope after all :)
Why would liberals hate that Walmart workers are making more money?

Liberals have been advocating that for a decade....looks like Walmart is finally listening
Cause the federal government did not force the corporation to do it.

Nothing wrong with that...I encourage employers to pay more than the Federal minimum wage

If Walmart raises their wage to $10 it puts pressure on other employers to increase their wages to compete for workers
It helps out the small mom and pop companies also grow because the more Walmart pays the pickier they will be (hiring quality employees) and the small stores can compete.
Why are you so upset anyways?

LMAO. Who is upset? Not me. I do have a low tolerance for stupid. And an even lower tolerance for stupid people who insist they know what the fuck they are talking about. That is really aggravating. Then when I read the shit stupid people write who won't bother to edit and spell check, I am all over that.

I have told you this before, how you write and spell is a big indicator of your level of education and intelligence.

On a message board, the ONLY way you have of demonstrating your intelligence is what you write and how you write it.

Even if you had a decent message you were trying to get across (beside the bullshit you spout) I would still bust your chops if you didn't bother to edit and spell check.

Words matter and using words correctly matters a lot. If you had the intelligence you claim you have, you would understand that.

Put me on ignore if that would make you feel better. Rabbit and Mac (Mac can write though, the rabbit can't) did and their life on this message board got a lot easier.

Have you ever noticed that it is the right wingers who struggle so bad with writing and spelling and coherent sentences? Why you think that is? There must be a reason. What is it?

I am not payed to write I payed to fix machines

LMAO. You make it SOOOOO fucking easy though. You ain't PAYED anything. YOU are PAID something. But whatever amount it is may be to much.

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