Walmart Employees Place Food Donation Bins at Doorstep of Alice Walton's $25 Million Condo

Alice Walton's legacy supplies Americans with quality merchandise at reasonable prices. What do maniac lefties think about 25 million dollar condos that hip hop artists buy or hollywood actors live in? Shouldn't an extra on a movie be paid as much as the star?
Your family trust had $26.5 million in expenses?

Yes. F-a-m-i-l-y- t-r-u-s-t.

What's New
Income tax brackets.

Beginning in 2013, the top income tax bracket for estates and trusts is 39.6%, as amended by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA), P.L. 112– 240.
Capital gains and qualified divi-dends.
Beginning in 2013, the maximum rate for long-term capital gains and qualified dividends is 20%, as amended by ATRA. For tax year 2013, the 20% rate applies to estates and trusts with income above $11,950. The 0% and 15% rates continue to apply to certain threshold amounts.


When trusts are used for legitimate business, family, or estate planning purposes, either the trust, the beneficiary, or the transferor of assets to the trust will pay the tax on income generated by the trust property. Trusts cannot be used to transform a taxpayer's personal, living, or educational expenses into deductible items, and cannot seek to avoid tax liability by ignoring either the true ownership of income and assets or the true substance of transactions.

The family trust (Nevada corporation) paid 4% effective on $26.5M last year.

A family trust is 100% expenses. No profit.

They paid 4% tax on $26.5M in expenses?

You sound confused again.
What's New
Income tax brackets.

Beginning in 2013, the top income tax bracket for estates and trusts is 39.6%, as amended by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA), P.L. 112– 240.
Capital gains and qualified divi-dends.
Beginning in 2013, the maximum rate for long-term capital gains and qualified dividends is 20%, as amended by ATRA. For tax year 2013, the 20% rate applies to estates and trusts with income above $11,950. The 0% and 15% rates continue to apply to certain threshold amounts.


When trusts are used for legitimate business, family, or estate planning purposes, either the trust, the beneficiary, or the transferor of assets to the trust will pay the tax on income generated by the trust property. Trusts cannot be used to transform a taxpayer's personal, living, or educational expenses into deductible items, and cannot seek to avoid tax liability by ignoring either the true ownership of income and assets or the true substance of transactions.

The family trust (Nevada corporation) paid 4% effective on $26.5M last year.

A family trust is 100% expenses. No profit.

They paid 4% tax on $26.5M in expenses?

You sound confused again.

Which is why you convert family trusts into corporations which pay corporate taxes and follow corporate rules.
Did your "company" make a profit last year or this year?

My company netted $5M in 2013. This year $10M.

And did your company give any to charity? Did your company help and hire low wage earners to work for you? How much did you give to charity? Did you pay more in taxes than you had to?

If you believe in your own BS 4.5 million more should have went to all these other things. If you are going to be at 10 million, then you should be providing more jobs than you are. Your net should only be one million.

That's according to your BS, and your claims to want to help the middle class and the poor.

You like I have been saying all along, are greedy and no better than the rich you criticize.
who here works for a company that routinely has "food bins" in the break room for low-paid employees? A company that has revenues > $100,000,000
What's New
Income tax brackets.

Beginning in 2013, the top income tax bracket for estates and trusts is 39.6%, as amended by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA), P.L. 112– 240.
Capital gains and qualified divi-dends.
Beginning in 2013, the maximum rate for long-term capital gains and qualified dividends is 20%, as amended by ATRA. For tax year 2013, the 20% rate applies to estates and trusts with income above $11,950. The 0% and 15% rates continue to apply to certain threshold amounts.


When trusts are used for legitimate business, family, or estate planning purposes, either the trust, the beneficiary, or the transferor of assets to the trust will pay the tax on income generated by the trust property. Trusts cannot be used to transform a taxpayer's personal, living, or educational expenses into deductible items, and cannot seek to avoid tax liability by ignoring either the true ownership of income and assets or the true substance of transactions.

The family trust (Nevada corporation) paid 4% effective on $26.5M last year.

A family trust is 100% expenses. No profit.

They paid 4% tax on $26.5M in expenses?

You sound confused again.

Which is why you convert family trusts into corporations which pay corporate taxes and follow corporate rules.

So you paid corporate taxes and didn't cheat.

So why'd you lie about it for so long?

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