Walmart Employees Place Food Donation Bins at Doorstep of Alice Walton's $25 Million Condo

Let's DO the math.

I did the math. I see you couldn't understand it.

What is the net cost of those employees from reduction in taxes from deducting employee expenses?

You'd have to use the corporate rate they paid. The real rate, not the 4% or whatever idiotic rate you came up with, based on your ignorance of what corporate income means.

Let me help. Deducting the additional cost of employee expenses would reduce taxes to the amount of 50% of the additional employee expense cost.

Deducting the additional cost of employee expenses would reduce taxes to the amount of 50% of the additional employee expense cost.

WalMart pays a 50% tax rate? Thanks for the help. LOL!
rw'ers don't realize that forcing their employees to go on food stamps is a stealth tax because not all stores have a "food bin" and even if they do, they're most definitely not enough to cover all the employees who could use it.

did Toro have a food bin at his place of employ :doubt: before retiring

Having a food bin is really pathetic.
Reading your posts are really pathetic. Lies all lies.
WalMart pays a 50% tax rate? Thanks for the help. LOL!

You can't read? You did go to 'collage.'

Deducting the additional cost of employee expenses would reduce taxes to the amount of 50% of the additional employee expense cost.

You think that writing off say $1 billion in new employee income expenses will save them 50% of $1 billion on their taxes?
Fire up those crayons again, your back of the envelope calculation is off a bit.
You think that writing off say $1 billion in new employee income expenses will save them 50% of $1 billion on their taxes?
Fire up those crayons again, your back of the envelope calculation is off a bit.

Federal, State, and local taxes...Yes.
It's a family trust dumb ass

Your family trust doesn't have expenses? Liar.

A family trust is 100% expenses. No profit.

LOL What the fuck ever poseur. My children have a trust fund set up by their maternal grandparents, it absolutely makes a profit every year. In fact until they graduate college, or turn 30 , whichever comes first, they will only have access to that profit each year, not the principle.
Why is it Walmarts responsibility to feed people who work for them....they have jobs and have posted how much they will pay someone to do that job....if someone agrees to work for that amount of money they accept the job and begin work....if no one agrees to that wage then Walmart either has to raise the wage or not have the work done....

Oh yeah...I forgot....were talking lefties here....they believe in the master/slave relationship where the owner of the business owns the employees and therefore must feed, clothe and house truth they actually believe in the government/slave relationship and want the government to be the master that feeds, clothes and houses them...

But in order to get there, they have to destroy freedom...and freedom of contract is one of the things they need to destroy....
I'm not a leftist, but I do believe if you work for a living you should earn a living.

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