Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

Backwards Hillary represents the problem we have, a bought and payed for politician..she don't care about you..

She is playing you like LBJ did

We need somebody to reign in the greed. Trump is the greed. You are electing the big corporations and telling them to regulate themselves. Dumb.

You still don't get it...The consumer is the greedy one , people like Sam gave you what you wanted.

Why does Trump a billionare want a job that only pays $250,000 a year or what ever it is now?

He don't need it

Why does Hillary want it?
The answer is easy for POWER.

Trump is going to put everything in place so his fortune soars.

What is he going to do different then say Nancy Pelosi on inside trading so her fortunes soared?

Or Harry Reid on his sons Chinese solar power scam?

He will put things in place so him and his buddies fortunes soar. That is not what we need right now. I don't think Pelosi or Reid are running for president.

So in your world if a liberal does it at the expense of tax payers it's ok

Explain to me why is that?
We need somebody to reign in the greed. Trump is the greed. You are electing the big corporations and telling them to regulate themselves. Dumb.

You still don't get it...The consumer is the greedy one , people like Sam gave you what you wanted.

Why does Trump a billionare want a job that only pays $250,000 a year or what ever it is now?

He don't need it

Why does Hillary want it?
The answer is easy for POWER.

Trump is going to put everything in place so his fortune soars.

What is he going to do different then say Nancy Pelosi on inside trading so her fortunes soared?

Or Harry Reid on his sons Chinese solar power scam?

He will put things in place so him and his buddies fortunes soar. That is not what we need right now. I don't think Pelosi or Reid are running for president.

So in your world if a liberal does it at the expense of tax payers it's ok

Explain to me why is that?

I didn't say either of those would be better candidates. You seem to think Trump is just like democrats, yet you support him. Strange.
You still don't get it...The consumer is the greedy one , people like Sam gave you what you wanted.

Why does Trump a billionare want a job that only pays $250,000 a year or what ever it is now?

He don't need it

Why does Hillary want it?
The answer is easy for POWER.

Trump is going to put everything in place so his fortune soars.

What is he going to do different then say Nancy Pelosi on inside trading so her fortunes soared?

Or Harry Reid on his sons Chinese solar power scam?

He will put things in place so him and his buddies fortunes soar. That is not what we need right now. I don't think Pelosi or Reid are running for president.

So in your world if a liberal does it at the expense of tax payers it's ok

Explain to me why is that?

I didn't say either of those would be better candidates. You seem to think Trump is just like democrats, yet you support him. Strange.

No what amazes me is you think democrats in power can a mass fortunes but you think its wrong for a republican
I'm not sure trump does. You don't think a president can pull the strings like that? You can't be serious.

No, he can't because Congress is in charge of making laws and taxation. WTF could a President do alone that would make any business more or less profitable?
Trump is going to put everything in place so his fortune soars.

What is he going to do different then say Nancy Pelosi on inside trading so her fortunes soared?

Or Harry Reid on his sons Chinese solar power scam?

He will put things in place so him and his buddies fortunes soar. That is not what we need right now. I don't think Pelosi or Reid are running for president.

So in your world if a liberal does it at the expense of tax payers it's ok

Explain to me why is that?

I didn't say either of those would be better candidates. You seem to think Trump is just like democrats, yet you support him. Strange.

No what amazes me is you think democrats in power can a mass fortunes but you think its wrong for a republican

When did I say it was ok for either?
Taxes are still at historical lows and unions are deep in decline. Just admit they were wrong already. Now we have out of control inequality, huge debt, stagnant wages, slow economy.... thanks republicans.

Right. It certainly has nothing to do with Democrats putting a huge WELCOME door mat on our borders now does it? And it certainly has nothing to do with American's obsession of cheap low quality products either.

It's the Republicans fault. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Republicans got their tax breaks. The result is a still slow economy and more debt.

Republicans got their decline in unions. The result is stagnant wages and slow economy.

Republicans control congress and do nothing about the borders. You are a fool if you think they want to. Too many republican donors love the cheap labor. You have been duped. They are quick to let in guest workers.

We like cheap products cause wages are stagnant for the above reasons. It is the effect, not the cause of any problem.
. And the Democrats role in this is what ? What will Hillary do, exacerbate the problems or correct them ? I say she will double down on the problems. All one has to do is look at her record along with Bill's as well. We've all been duped.
Yes, well we could become like the former USSR and not let anybody in or out. But we can't even stop anybody coming in unfortunately.

But in a free country, how does government stop a business from moving out of the country?

Blacklist their products. Throw tariff's on them.

I still like my favorite. When someone outsources, totally out him to the entire country and let everyone know who he is, where he lives and where his family lives.
Blacklist their products. Throw tariff's on them.

I still like my favorite. When someone outsources, totally out him to the entire country and let everyone know who he is, where he lives and where his family lives.

Watching too many reruns of The Soprano's or something?

Inciting violence against Americans or their families is not the answer. Anybody buying a product today can easily find out who makes it, where it is made at, and what the stock price is of the company. But do you want to know why nobody does it? Because nobody cares.

All Americans care about is getting cheap products--that's it. Nothing else matters to the American consumer. If you force Americans to by alternative products because of bans, or make their products more expensive because of tariffs, you will likely not a have a very promising career in politics, and that's something all politicians know.
So he will have no influence on congress? That is funny.

In case you haven't noticed, not many Republicans like the guy and certainly don't want to see him in for a second term.

Unless Trump proposes legislation that most Republicans or other Americans would like to see, no, I don't think he will get it passed by the houses.
Watching too many reruns of The Soprano's or something?

Inciting violence against Americans or their families is not the answer. Anybody buying a product today can easily find out who makes it, where it is made at, and what the stock price is of the company. But do you want to know why nobody does it? Because nobody cares.

Then why are you bothered if we out the Outsourcers like they are on Megan's List. It people knew who they were, they'd care.
Then why are you bothered if we out the Outsourcers like they are on Megan's List. It people knew who they were, they'd care.

And there sure are enough looks to go around today that's for sure. Most of them reside in the Democrat party or within the lib camp.

Or it would influence some kook to go out and kill them or their family.
. Not sure why my post keeps joining with Ray's post.. LOL
Yes. And this would be a bad thing, why?

Let me get this straight: You are for publicly targeting people to promote murder and influencing crazy people, but you want to take guns away from everybody because you're scared of crazy people getting guns. :alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic:

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