Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

If you don't like Walmart, don't shop there. Why give your money to an entity you despise? There are other stores to shop at. People need to get out more. Walmart isn't the only store out there.
Let me get this straight: You are for publicly targeting people to promote murder and influencing crazy people, but you want to take guns away from everybody because you're scared of crazy people getting guns.

A few rich assholes get shot, you'll be AMAZED how fast we get sensible gun control in this country. Again- win win all around.
Let me get this straight: You are for publicly targeting people to promote murder and influencing crazy people, but you want to take guns away from everybody because you're scared of crazy people getting guns.

A few rich assholes get shot, you'll be AMAZED how fast we get sensible gun control in this country. Again- win win all around.

What is this a fantasy of yours?

Uhm Joe I think we already had that led to the 1968 gun law that no one wants to enforce
A few rich assholes get shot, you'll be AMAZED how fast we get sensible gun control in this country. Again- win win all around.

Shoot all the rich assholes who are providing us with products and breaking no laws, and then have gun control so only the criminals have guns.

Straight from the horses mouth. This is liberal America if you really want it folks. Can you think of any better reason to vote for Donald????
What is this a fantasy of yours?

Uhm Joe I think we already had that led to the 1968 gun law that no one wants to enforce

That's the point. A rich asshole got killed.. (actually, RFK wasn't an asshole) and we got a gun law.


Now a few dozen more dead rich guys who move jobs overseas, we'd have sensible gun laws.

Of course, most of hte victims of gun violence are poor and minority, which is why we aren't seeing gun laws passed.
Shoot all the rich assholes who are providing us with products and breaking no laws, and then have gun control so only the criminals have guns.

Straight from the horses mouth. This is liberal America if you really want it folks. Can you think of any better reason to vote for Donald????

Uh, the rich guys aren't "providing us with products". they are taking jobs that SHOULD be done by Americans and giving them to foreigners.

Could you imagine what would happen if we had to fight WWII today and crank up our whole economy to war production? We couldn't do it.
In the end the rich win. They control the country and do everything they can to prevent othets from getting ahead. Facts are facts nobody can refute this fact. To try means anti american.
If you don't like Walmart, don't shop there. Why give your money to an entity you despise? There are other stores to shop at. People need to get out more. Walmart isn't the only store out there.

Whether you shop there or not you are paying for the workers that make the Walton's billions.
Uh, the rich guys aren't "providing us with products". they are taking jobs that SHOULD be done by Americans and giving them to foreigners.

Could you imagine what would happen if we had to fight WWII today and crank up our whole economy to war production? We couldn't do it.

You are correct. Those 93 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job certainly are not going to give up their Obama phone, food stamps, or HUD home in the suburbs. I guess we're screwed until we get more conservative leadership and put many of those people back to work.
Was Walmart paying it's workers a living wage for the 6 years that Hillary was on the board of directors?

Or how about when Alice Walton donated over $300,000 to Crooked Hillary's campaign, what were they paying their workers then?

You are correct. Those 93 million Americans of working age not working nor looking for a job certainly are not going to give up their Obama phone, food stamps, or HUD home in the suburbs. I guess we're screwed until we get more conservative leadership and put many of those people back to work.

Uh, guy, "conservative leadership" is what put them out of work. The Labor Participation rate started dropping in - wait for it - 2001, when your Boy Bush came along.

We had nearly full employment under Clinton. To the point where companies had to offer above minimum wage to teens. The One Percenters hated that. Even though they were making obscene amounts of money, the very fact they had to share some of htat with the wage slaves horrified them.

Again, guy, stop being a battered wife conservative.

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Wonder if Hilary help set that deal up back in the day when she sat on the board!
They will always be on welfare no matter what the National minimum wage is.

If they were making more they could not collect welfare. Why do you want the wealthy creating more government dependence?

Are we talking one person or one company paying more? Then the answer would be yes the would get off welfare.


Are we talking raising the national minimum wage? The answer would be no, the welfare eligibility would have to be raised..because they are still making mw and still would be poor

I'm saying the rich paying so little while making billions increases government dependence. If you are for smaller government we need the rich to pay a living wage. How to make that happen can be debated, but there is no debate the Walton's paying so little increases government dependence. How "conservatives" can applaud them for increasing the size of government I have no clue. If we had lots of good paying jobs with good benefits people could be more independent and government would shrink. We'd have no obamacare if companies were giving good benefits.
Do you voluntarily pay more for something than you have to? Consumer desires to pay as little as possible make Walmart possible, and if you force them to pay more, they have to raise prices, because their profit margin is too small to absorb much. End of story.
. You say that people desire to pay as little as possible right ? I disagree with that assessment, where as if a company begins offering something for a little less or even a lot less, then of course consumers are going to check it out, and then see what kind of bargain it might be.

It has to meet certain requirements by their assessment, and if it meets those requirements, then they will purchase it. This does not in anyway stereotype a consumer as if they are cheapscapes, but instead shows that if you offer up a deal, then they will check it out.

When people go into a parts store, there usually are 3 quality levels of starters in which they can buy for their car, and some might opt for the cheap one maybe, but if they get burned, then they won't try that again because they got burned going cheap.

Corporations gamble on poor people being forced to buy their cheap products, because then they can make billions off of their desperate situation, and then the question remains as to WHO is growing the poor by the millions, and this in order to keep the gravy train's going ? Is government & corporations working united or hand in hand in order to create the entrenched poor consumer, and then the government becomes the financier of those poor consumers ? Are the lobbyist the connection between the two in which in turn makes the corporations filthy rich, and allows the government officials to then be voted in over and over again by the ignorant who don't realize the situation that's been going on ?
Forced? Not at all. We're talking about big flat screened TV's here. The poor are not forced to buy TV's from Walmart because they are not forced to buy TV's at all. What they do is see a TV they can afford to buy in Walmart. Walmart doesn't force anyone to buy anything. They simply offer the lowest prices around for cheap stuff. That's it.
If you don't like Walmart, don't shop there. Why give your money to an entity you despise? There are other stores to shop at. People need to get out more. Walmart isn't the only store out there.

Whether you shop there or not you are paying for the workers that make the Walton's billions.

Don't support something you hate. Don't give the Waltons your money. I hear people complaining about Walmart all the time. But most of those same people continue to spend their money there. I don't care for Walmart for various reasons. So i don't give it my money.

Money is the only thing Big Corps care about. If it effects their bottom line adversely, they'll begin to listen. But they sure aren't gonna listen if they're making $600 Billion, like Walmart is. Many people feel they have to shop at Walmart. And that's very sad. But i suggest people venture out and shop at other stores. Walmart isn't the only game in town.
If you don't like Walmart, don't shop there. Why give your money to an entity you despise? There are other stores to shop at. People need to get out more. Walmart isn't the only store out there.

Whether you shop there or not you are paying for the workers that make the Walton's billions.

Don't support something you hate. Don't give the Waltons your money. I hear people complaining about Walmart all the time. But most of those same people continue to spend their money there. I don't care for Walmart for various reasons. So i don't give it my money.

Money is the only thing Big Corps care about. If it effects their bottom line adversely, they'll begin to listen. But they sure aren't gonna listen if they're making $600 Billion, like Walmart is. Many people feel they have to shop at Walmart. And that's very sad. But i suggest people venture out and shop at other stores. Walmart isn't the only game in town.

I don't shop there. How do I stop them from taking my tax money?
If you don't like Walmart, don't shop there. Why give your money to an entity you despise? There are other stores to shop at. People need to get out more. Walmart isn't the only store out there.

Whether you shop there or not you are paying for the workers that make the Walton's billions.

Don't support something you hate. Don't give the Waltons your money. I hear people complaining about Walmart all the time. But most of those same people continue to spend their money there. I don't care for Walmart for various reasons. So i don't give it my money.

Money is the only thing Big Corps care about. If it effects their bottom line adversely, they'll begin to listen. But they sure aren't gonna listen if they're making $600 Billion, like Walmart is. Many people feel they have to shop at Walmart. And that's very sad. But i suggest people venture out and shop at other stores. Walmart isn't the only game in town.

I don't shop there. How do I stop them from taking my tax money?

That's another big problem. We need to end Corporate Welfare. But I really don't like Walmart. Last time i went in one, it really was pretty ugly. I wanted to leave immediately. I haven't been back since.

People just need to venture out and experience other stores. Once they do, they'll have a hard time returning to Walmart. You might pay a little more, but i think it's so worth it. If you don't like Walmart, just don't shop there. That's the only solution.
If you don't like Walmart, don't shop there. Why give your money to an entity you despise? There are other stores to shop at. People need to get out more. Walmart isn't the only store out there.

Whether you shop there or not you are paying for the workers that make the Walton's billions.

Don't support something you hate. Don't give the Waltons your money. I hear people complaining about Walmart all the time. But most of those same people continue to spend their money there. I don't care for Walmart for various reasons. So i don't give it my money.

Money is the only thing Big Corps care about. If it effects their bottom line adversely, they'll begin to listen. But they sure aren't gonna listen if they're making $600 Billion, like Walmart is. Many people feel they have to shop at Walmart. And that's very sad. But i suggest people venture out and shop at other stores. Walmart isn't the only game in town.

I don't shop there. How do I stop them from taking my tax money?

Make the government stop subsidizing the employees that work there
If you don't like Walmart, don't shop there. Why give your money to an entity you despise? There are other stores to shop at. People need to get out more. Walmart isn't the only store out there.

Whether you shop there or not you are paying for the workers that make the Walton's billions.

Don't support something you hate. Don't give the Waltons your money. I hear people complaining about Walmart all the time. But most of those same people continue to spend their money there. I don't care for Walmart for various reasons. So i don't give it my money.

Money is the only thing Big Corps care about. If it effects their bottom line adversely, they'll begin to listen. But they sure aren't gonna listen if they're making $600 Billion, like Walmart is. Many people feel they have to shop at Walmart. And that's very sad. But i suggest people venture out and shop at other stores. Walmart isn't the only game in town.

I don't shop there. How do I stop them from taking my tax money?

Make the government stop subsidizing the employees that work there
. Or anywhere else that it's going on.

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Wonder if Hilary help set that deal up back in the day when she sat on the board!
I dunno, but the Clintons have a long history with Walmart.
While Crooked Hillary was Secretary of State, Bubba was co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission. And it just so happens that Bubba could pick and choose what projects to fund. All he needed was approval from the State Department. So the Clintons apparently decided to loot the Haitian earthquake relief funds.

Walmart made out like a bandit in the Caracol industrial park deal in Haiti that was built with the relief funds. And Alice Walton's $340,000 donation to the Clinton campaign is no doubt a kickback.

Haitians Protest Outside Hillary Clinton’s Office Over ‘Billions Stolen’ by Clinton Foundation - Golden Age of Gaia
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According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Wonder if Hilary help set that deal up back in the day when she sat on the board!
I dunno, but the Clintons have a long history with Walmart.
While Crooked Hillary was Secretary of State, Bubba was co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission. And it just so happens that Bubba could pick and choose what projects to fund. All he needed was approval from the State Department. So the Clintons apparently decided to loot the Haitian earthquake relief funds.

Walmart made out like a bandit in the Caracol industrial park deal in Haiti that was built with the relief funds. And Alice Walton's $340,000 donation to the Clinton campaign is no doubt a kickback.

Haitians Protest Outside Hillary Clinton’s Office Over ‘Billions Stolen’ by Clinton Foundation - Golden Age of Gaia
. You know, here I am a hard working American citizen, and can you imagine how all this stuff just drives me crazy when reading about all this fleecing of America by these corrupt, crooked politicians ? Never have I got anything for free, (always worked), so seeing all the crooked scoundrels out of their boxes is pretty amazing to me. When I want anything I have to work for it, and when I want a break or help on something, then I get a run around by the very people who are crooks from hell. I guess they protect their own, so if an American who deserves his or her fair shake in society, only needs just that, (but nothing for free mind you), then forget it because there's to much being stolen at or near the top to trickle back down to the middle or the bottom. You might get something for your vote, but after that those voters are soon forgotten, and the fleecing game continues.

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