Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

Ah more defeated republican talk. Somehow Costco pays well and does great. Go figure.
Costco CEO Craig Jelinek Leads the Cheapest, Happiest Company in the World

How many stores do they have a 100?

How many employees a 1000?

Walmart has like 5000 stores and 2 million employees

That matters why?

Apple's and oranges kid

hahaha Sure kid. Please explain why what works at Costco wouldn't work for any company?

Still can't figure out profit margins and economics?

I'm waiting for your explanation. It should be funny.
How many stores do they have a 100?

How many employees a 1000?

Walmart has like 5000 stores and 2 million employees

That matters why?

Apple's and oranges kid

hahaha Sure kid. Please explain why what works at Costco wouldn't work for any company?

Still can't figure out profit margins and economics?

I'm waiting for your explanation. It should be funny.
It's called math you should try it sometimes
That matters why?

Apple's and oranges kid

hahaha Sure kid. Please explain why what works at Costco wouldn't work for any company?

Still can't figure out profit margins and economics?

I'm waiting for your explanation. It should be funny.
It's called math you should try it sometimes

I'm waiting for you to try it. So far you have explained nothing. Lets hear it.
Apple's and oranges kid

hahaha Sure kid. Please explain why what works at Costco wouldn't work for any company?

Still can't figure out profit margins and economics?

I'm waiting for your explanation. It should be funny.
It's called math you should try it sometimes

I'm waiting for you to try it. So far you have explained nothing. Lets hear it.

I already did did ray
hahaha Sure kid. Please explain why what works at Costco wouldn't work for any company?

Still can't figure out profit margins and economics?

I'm waiting for your explanation. It should be funny.
It's called math you should try it sometimes

I'm waiting for you to try it. So far you have explained nothing. Lets hear it.

I already did did ray

I'm looking at the whole trail here and no you have explained nothing. Are you really this stupid?
Still can't figure out profit margins and economics?

I'm waiting for your explanation. It should be funny.
It's called math you should try it sometimes

I'm waiting for you to try it. So far you have explained nothing. Lets hear it.

I already did did ray

I'm looking at the whole trail here and no you have explained nothing. Are you really this stupid?

No you are not you can't figure out math.

2 billion dollars divided by 2 millon workers equals out to a dollar per worker

I measly dollar

Then why is everyone moving to red states fool?

Jobs and low cost of living

More people forced to work for less. A weaker economy for the country. Thanks red states.

Again Brian what's the alternative no jobs? Thanks unions and blue states

Ah yes the republican fear mongering. You have to work for nothing if you want a job. Yet somehow Costco is doing just fine giving good pay.
I'm waiting for your explanation. It should be funny.
It's called math you should try it sometimes

I'm waiting for you to try it. So far you have explained nothing. Lets hear it.

I already did did ray

I'm looking at the whole trail here and no you have explained nothing. Are you really this stupid?

No you are not you can't figure out math.

2 billion dollars divided by 2 millon workers equals out to a dollar per worker

I measly dollar

You need to explain what numbers you are talking about.

Then why is everyone moving to red states fool?

Jobs and low cost of living

More people forced to work for less. A weaker economy for the country. Thanks red states.

I bet you Brian this is your math

Then why is everyone moving to red states fool?

Jobs and low cost of living

More people forced to work for less. A weaker economy for the country. Thanks red states.

Again Brian what's the alternative no jobs? Thanks unions and blue states

Ah yes the republican fear mongering. You have to work for nothing if you want a job. Yet somehow Costco is doing just fine giving good pay.


How much do the make? $13 bucks an hour?

And you call that good pay?

Lmao..I make over $28 an hour .
28 an hour is nothing to brag about....anything under 15 its not worth showi g up for. You cant feed yourself on that.
28 an hour is nothing to brag about....anything under 15 its not worth showi g up for. You cant feed yourself on that.

Its upper middle class for some reason almost in the top 2% with overtime that's exactly what I wanted
Republicans have been preaching it for years. Elminate the greedy unions and there will be more $ for the workers. Well that didn't workout did it?

No, Republicans never preached that.

What Republicans did was preach about our future which they were 100% accurate on. They warned us of jobs leaving the US between overpaid union workers, government regulations and taxation.

The Democrats told their sheep to ignore the Republicans because the Democrats got a cut from union dues for their elections.

"Republicans said what about unions? No, no, no. They are just Republicans, Silly silly Republicans. They don't mean any of that. They are just trying to scare you for their rich buddies don't you see? Unions and good jobs will be around forever."
28 an hour is nothing to brag about....anything under 15 its not worth showi g up for. You cant feed yourself on that.

You have to also remember I left a blue state for a red one..the cost of living is low
Republicans have been preaching it for years. Elminate the greedy unions and there will be more $ for the workers. Well that didn't workout did it?

No, Republicans never preached that.

What Republicans did was preach about our future which they were 100% accurate on. They warned us of jobs leaving the US between overpaid union workers, government regulations and taxation.

The Democrats told their sheep to ignore the Republicans because the Democrats got a cut from union dues for their elections.

"Republicans said what about unions? No, no, no. They are just Republicans, Silly silly Republicans. They don't mean any of that. They are just trying to scare you for their rich buddies don't you see? Unions and good jobs will be around forever."

Spot on we have been warning these dumb fucks for decades the world was catching up. Either adapt or die.
Taxes are still at historical lows and unions are deep in decline. Just admit they were wrong already. Now we have out of control inequality, huge debt, stagnant wages, slow economy.... thanks republicans.

Right. It certainly has nothing to do with Democrats putting a huge WELCOME door mat on our borders now does it? And it certainly has nothing to do with American's obsession of cheap low quality products either.

It's the Republicans fault. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Republicans got their tax breaks. The result is a still slow economy and more debt.

Republicans got their decline in unions. The result is stagnant wages and slow economy.

Republicans control congress and do nothing about the borders. You are a fool if you think they want to. Too many republican donors love the cheap labor. You have been duped. They are quick to let in guest workers.

We like cheap products cause wages are stagnant for the above reasons. It is the effect, not the cause of any problem.

Republicans got their tax breaks. The result is a still slow economy and more debt.

No, because Bush pulled us out of a recession with those tax breaks which was amazing since we suffered the worst terrorist attack on our country in history. If not for the housing bubble and crash, those tax breaks would have continued a good economy for Lord knows how long.

Republicans got their decline in unions. The result is stagnant wages and slow economy.

Unions have been sinking for years. The Republicans had nothing to do with it. Consumers rejected paying higher prices than they had to, and cheap became the new mantra of the country. It started long ago, and if you don't believe me, I'll post a chart.

Republicans control congress and do nothing about the borders. You are a fool if you think they want to. Too many republican donors love the cheap labor. You have been duped. They are quick to let in guest workers.

Correct, but the border problem is mostly in control of the President more than Congress. That's not to mention that no matter what Congress did, DumBama would veto any measure to control the border. That's not to say Republicans are innocent, that's why Trump is our presidential nominee today.

We like cheap products cause wages are stagnant for the above reasons. It is the effect, not the cause of any problem.

Then why are Walmart's in poorer areas as well as middle-class? Do you really think that people from other classes outside of the poor don't want to save money? We all look to save money because we have so many more things to buy today, and our dollar has to go a lot further. It doesn't mean we have no choice, it means even if you have the money to shop elsewhere, you will still shop at places like Walmart to save.

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