Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

There are lots of big mistakes. First they had gas guzzlers when people wanted economy. Then when they tried to make economy they were junk compared to Japanese economy cars. The designers and engineers are not union.

Correct. But they couldn't afford top engineers or designers. Union workers had the money.

They had plenty of money. It was the poor decisions by the execs that made the money short. People were always willing to pay a premium for USA made cars till the execs made decisions that ruined the brand.
Well they have been having a war on unions. They have told us how great things will be without unions. Well unions are deep in decline, where is the prosperity?

They have been giving the rich all sorts of tax breaks claiming it was good for the economy. Where is the strong economy?

It's not here, and remember that DumBama forced the Republicans into increasing taxes years ago. They increased capital gains, corporate taxes, and those making over $450,000 a year.
Great opinion piece by a journalist. I should care why?

Take a look at the Aztek, that wasn't a union decision.

That was a F-up, not a major disaster. Companies facing a total decline is not made by one error or one instance in most cases. It's usually much bigger than that.

That was just an example of one of the worst. Like has already been mentioned they were always behind on what customers wanted. Bad decisions by the execs.
Then that's when you get leaders who stop letting them move their shops out of the country.

Tide's turning on that one. Free Trade is no longer popular oneither side of the fence.

Yes, well we could become like the former USSR and not let anybody in or out. But we can't even stop anybody coming in unfortunately.

But in a free country, how does government stop a business from moving out of the country?

Well there is the tax code. That is the standard way that governments encourage the behaviours they deem desirable. Changes Bush made to the tax code after 911 actually encouraged companies to off shore by giving them substantial tax breaks on relocation expenses.

While I disagree that companies that create jobs or repatriate jobs should be exempted from paying income taxes, I would be happy to extend substantial tax breaks to them for the costs of repatriation.

The current tax codes ENCOURAGES companies to use the Walmart strategy. Changes could be made to penalize companies which rely on taxpayers to subsidize employee wages as a standard operating practice.
Well they have been having a war on unions. They have told us how great things will be without unions. Well unions are deep in decline, where is the prosperity?

They have been giving the rich all sorts of tax breaks claiming it was good for the economy. Where is the strong economy?

It's not here, and remember that DumBama forced the Republicans into increasing taxes years ago. They increased capital gains, corporate taxes, and those making over $450,000 a year.

Taxes are still at historical lows and unions are deep in decline. Just admit they were wrong already. Now we have out of control inequality, huge debt, stagnant wages, slow economy.... thanks republicans.
There are lots of big mistakes. First they had gas guzzlers when people wanted economy. Then when they tried to make economy they were junk compared to Japanese economy cars. The designers and engineers are not union.

Correct. But they couldn't afford top engineers or designers. Union workers had the money.

They had plenty of money. It was the poor decisions by the execs that made the money short. People were always willing to pay a premium for USA made cars till the execs made decisions that ruined the brand.

You are full of it the unions ran GM back in the day and people were not willing to pay premium..look what thread you are on.

They wanted to buy cheap, they were greedy and Sam gave them what they wanted.
Always trying to blame everybody but US?

God damn Brian how many horror story's must be said before you believe the union workers in the 70s were a lazy drunken bunch?

And nobody knows that more than a truck driver that used to deliver to American auto plants.

I could sit here for an hour typing stories about my experiences with those lazy SOB's. Those workers acted like they actually owned the plant. It's like they had no fear of authority because the union would protect them no matter what they did. Those companies were forced to let those workers do whatever they wanted.

We no longer have customers that have deliveries to the UAW plants and I couldn't be happier. No more sitting in the docks for 6 hours to get a job done that any non-union worker could do in less than 30 minutes and get me the hell out of there. Good riddance UAW plants. Let somebody else put up with their BS.
There are lots of big mistakes. First they had gas guzzlers when people wanted economy. Then when they tried to make economy they were junk compared to Japanese economy cars. The designers and engineers are not union.

Correct. But they couldn't afford top engineers or designers. Union workers had the money.

They had plenty of money. It was the poor decisions by the execs that made the money short. People were always willing to pay a premium for USA made cars till the execs made decisions that ruined the brand.

You are full of it the unions ran GM back in the day and people were not willing to pay premium..look what thread you are on.

They wanted to buy cheap, they were greedy and Sam gave them what they wanted.

Sam doesn't sell cars. People loved buying American until the execs ran the companies into the ground.
Most gm auto workers were good. There were a few bad ones like every other job. 70,000 isnt that much pay. Seems on a lower to fair wage. Certainly not excessive. When workers do well the economy wins. Their money doesnt go to offshore accounts it goes back to the community.
Well they have been having a war on unions. They have told us how great things will be without unions. Well unions are deep in decline, where is the prosperity?

They have been giving the rich all sorts of tax breaks claiming it was good for the economy. Where is the strong economy?

It's not here, and remember that DumBama forced the Republicans into increasing taxes years ago. They increased capital gains, corporate taxes, and those making over $450,000 a year.

Taxes are still at historical lows and unions are deep in decline. Just admit they were wrong already. Now we have out of control inequality, huge debt, stagnant wages, slow economy.... thanks republicans.
Unions are in steep decline because no one wants them.

Who the hell wants to get paid the same as a slacker?
Then that's when you get leaders who stop letting them move their shops out of the country.

Tide's turning on that one. Free Trade is no longer popular oneither side of the fence.

Yes, well we could become like the former USSR and not let anybody in or out. But we can't even stop anybody coming in unfortunately.

But in a free country, how does government stop a business from moving out of the country?
. Shouldn't stop them from moving, but it could disincentivize it from wanting too move, and that would be a great thing for all. When companies began the branching out to over the seas it was just that, a branching out otherwise leaving the bulk of their operations here as American, but then I think what happened next or over time, they became obsessed with labor forces that didn't work or live under the same type of rules and guidelines that were intact here, and in which kept America great, so basically they turned towards communist and socialist values when it came to getting things done. The Democrats and Republicans in many ways became supporters of this change, and therefore they got on board with undermining the American worker for foreign labor either abroad or eventually brought here. It has begun the undermining of our strength as the American nation, and the cheapening of everything that we were.
Great opinion piece by a journalist. I should care why?

Take a look at the Aztek, that wasn't a union decision.

That was a F-up, not a major disaster. Companies facing a total decline is not made by one error or one instance in most cases. It's usually much bigger than that.
. Was a string of bad decisions, and that made it a disaster over time.
There are lots of big mistakes. First they had gas guzzlers when people wanted economy. Then when they tried to make economy they were junk compared to Japanese economy cars. The designers and engineers are not union.

Correct. But they couldn't afford top engineers or designers. Union workers had the money.

They had plenty of money. It was the poor decisions by the execs that made the money short. People were always willing to pay a premium for USA made cars till the execs made decisions that ruined the brand.

You are full of it the unions ran GM back in the day and people were not willing to pay premium..look what thread you are on.

They wanted to buy cheap, they were greedy and Sam gave them what they wanted.

Sam doesn't sell cars. People loved buying American until the execs ran the companies into the ground.

The workers were slow to adapt. Were on a walmart thread btw in case you didn't get the memo
The execs ran the company, they get the blame. If they agreed to demands they cannot meet then again full blame on company heads.
Taxes are still at historical lows and unions are deep in decline. Just admit they were wrong already. Now we have out of control inequality, huge debt, stagnant wages, slow economy.... thanks republicans.

Right. It certainly has nothing to do with Democrats putting a huge WELCOME door mat on our borders now does it? And it certainly has nothing to do with American's obsession of cheap low quality products either.

It's the Republicans fault. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Well they have been having a war on unions. They have told us how great things will be without unions. Well unions are deep in decline, where is the prosperity?

They have been giving the rich all sorts of tax breaks claiming it was good for the economy. Where is the strong economy?

It's not here, and remember that DumBama forced the Republicans into increasing taxes years ago. They increased capital gains, corporate taxes, and those making over $450,000 a year.

Taxes are still at historical lows and unions are deep in decline. Just admit they were wrong already. Now we have out of control inequality, huge debt, stagnant wages, slow economy.... thanks republicans.
Unions are in steep decline because no one wants them.

Who the hell wants to get paid the same as a slacker?

They are in decline because of lies spread by the republicans. We were told it would result in better wages. Where are they?
There are lots of big mistakes. First they had gas guzzlers when people wanted economy. Then when they tried to make economy they were junk compared to Japanese economy cars. The designers and engineers are not union.

Correct. But they couldn't afford top engineers or designers. Union workers had the money.

They had plenty of money. It was the poor decisions by the execs that made the money short. People were always willing to pay a premium for USA made cars till the execs made decisions that ruined the brand.

You are full of it the unions ran GM back in the day and people were not willing to pay premium..look what thread you are on.

They wanted to buy cheap, they were greedy and Sam gave them what they wanted.

Sam doesn't sell cars. People loved buying American until the execs ran the companies into the ground.

The workers were slow to adapt. Were on a walmart thread btw in case you didn't get the memo

Yes a walmart thread. Their workers should be union, then they wouldn't be a drag on the economy and country while the waltons make billions.
Well they have been having a war on unions. They have told us how great things will be without unions. Well unions are deep in decline, where is the prosperity?

They have been giving the rich all sorts of tax breaks claiming it was good for the economy. Where is the strong economy?

It's not here, and remember that DumBama forced the Republicans into increasing taxes years ago. They increased capital gains, corporate taxes, and those making over $450,000 a year.

Taxes are still at historical lows and unions are deep in decline. Just admit they were wrong already. Now we have out of control inequality, huge debt, stagnant wages, slow economy.... thanks republicans.
Unions are in steep decline because no one wants them.

Who the hell wants to get paid the same as a slacker?

They are in decline because of lies spread by the republicans. We were told it would result in better wages. Where are they?

Its no lies, who told you it would result in better wages?

If your talking jobs or no jobs then I guess it's true.
Yes a walmart thread. Their workers should be union, then they wouldn't be a drag on the economy and country while the waltons make billions.

Yep, and if they were union, they would follow the rest of the union places and close up. Is that what you're aiming for?

Do you know what would happen if Walmart increased it's prices? Americans would go to their competition, and their competition is right in front of you called the internet.

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