WalMart wants customers to give food to their employees

Ohio Walmart Store Holds Thanksgiving Food Drive for Associates - ABC News

Walmart employee Thanksgiving donations at Canton store cause controversy |


An interesting ploy - Getting tax payers and customers to pay your employee wages .

Cutting pay and hours has worked well for other rw employers but my bet is that others will follow WalMart's example.

Be sure to do your part to keep China green and help drive out those damn Mom and Pop stores - Shop WalMart.

Do you even read the links you post?

"They set the tub up for associates and managers to donate items for associates for things beyond their control," Lundberg said. "It shows these associates care for each other. This isn't every day run of the mill stuff -- maybe a spouse has lost a job or lost a loved one, or maybe a natural disaster has hit."

The bins in an employee-only area of the Atlantic Boulevard store are labeled “Please Donate Food Items Here, so Associates in Need Can Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner.” A worker at the store took photos of the setup and sent them to OUR Walmart, a group that pushes for higher wages and respectful conditions for Walmart employees.

Both stories point out that it is in an employee only area, and that they are not asking customers for donations. I guess that makes this whole thread a lie.

Yuppers. The whole darn thread is a blatant lie.

It's employees donating to help other employees who might be having a rough time.
Great program.
If the board and ceo gave one damn they'd take a pay cut to afford a pay increase for these workers.
If the workers want to make more money they can take advantage of Walmarts generous educational benefits.
The truth is:

Lundberg said Walmart has a company-wide program called The Associates in Critical Need Trust that is a non-profit 501(c)(3) to provide financial assistance to associates who are experiencing hardship. Associates can donate to the trust, either through a payroll deduction or voluntary, direct contributions. In 2008, the trust made more than 160 grants to Walmart associates every week. "Since its inception, more than 50,000 associates have sought help through the trust for themselves and their families this way," Walmart says on its website.

Yes, even WalMart employees have hardships.

They wouldn't have any hardships if the rich snobs would pay them a decent wage.

and they would be a lot worse off if they didn't have a job at walmart.
The truth is:

Lundberg said Walmart has a company-wide program called The Associates in Critical Need Trust that is a non-profit 501(c)(3) to provide financial assistance to associates who are experiencing hardship. Associates can donate to the trust, either through a payroll deduction or voluntary, direct contributions. In 2008, the trust made more than 160 grants to Walmart associates every week. "Since its inception, more than 50,000 associates have sought help through the trust for themselves and their families this way," Walmart says on its website.

Yes, even WalMart employees have hardships.

They wouldn't have any hardships if the rich snobs would pay them a decent wage.

and they would be a lot worse off if they didn't have a job at walmart.

Not in Ohio... They have lots of welfare there. That's why they beg...
The truth is:

Lundberg said Walmart has a company-wide program called The Associates in Critical Need Trust that is a non-profit 501(c)(3) to provide financial assistance to associates who are experiencing hardship. Associates can donate to the trust, either through a payroll deduction or voluntary, direct contributions. In 2008, the trust made more than 160 grants to Walmart associates every week. "Since its inception, more than 50,000 associates have sought help through the trust for themselves and their families this way," Walmart says on its website.

Yes, even WalMart employees have hardships.

They wouldn't have any hardships if the rich snobs would pay them a decent wage.

and they would be a lot worse off if they didn't have a job at walmart.

I like your boobs... btw;)
A ceo shouldn't be able to make 445 times more then his work force.

Something is really wrong about that.

But they should be paid for their brains if they work... Right?

Am I right?


A ceo shouldn't be able to make 445 times more then his work force.

Something is really wrong about that.

But they should be paid for their brains if they work... Right?

Am I right?



You're right....

Japan, Germany, British, etc pay their ceo's about 10-15 times that of their employees...

I don't mind that they're successful but I can't stand the greed that's going on in America.
The truth is:

Lundberg said Walmart has a company-wide program called The Associates in Critical Need Trust that is a non-profit 501(c)(3) to provide financial assistance to associates who are experiencing hardship. Associates can donate to the trust, either through a payroll deduction or voluntary, direct contributions. In 2008, the trust made more than 160 grants to Walmart associates every week. "Since its inception, more than 50,000 associates have sought help through the trust for themselves and their families this way," Walmart says on its website.

Yes, even WalMart employees have hardships.

They wouldn't have any hardships if the rich snobs would pay them a decent wage.
It was that way until about the time Reagan got to the White House.
Until then a single worker could support a family, own a house and send kids to college.

Rewriting history?

In what world did you live on????

Retail has always been low wages
A ceo shouldn't be able to make 445 times more then his work force.

Something is really wrong about that.

And Bill Clinton shouldn't get a hundred thousand dollars for a fourth-five minute speech. Pro athletes should not make millions for playing a game. Rappers should not make millions rapping about niggas, pimps, hoes, and drugs.
A ceo shouldn't be able to make 445 times more then his work force.

Something is really wrong about that.

But they should be paid for their brains if they work... Right?

Am I right?



You're right....

Japan, Germany, British, etc pay their ceo's about 10-15 times that of their employees...

I don't mind that they're successful but I can't stand the greed that's going on in America.

Their Governments determine CEO pay?
A ceo shouldn't be able to make 445 times more then his work force.

Something is really wrong about that.

But they should be paid for their brains if they work... Right?

Am I right?



You're right....

Japan, Germany, British, etc pay their ceo's about 10-15 times that of their employees...

I don't mind that they're successful but I can't stand the greed that's going on in America.

It's not the really the CEO's man it's this middleman system that sucks the big dong.

That's the big sucking drain!
What kind of Scrooge do you have to be to be upset that a company voluntarily helps out people in need during the holidays?

I know it's hard for some people to understand this, but some people and organizations voluntarily help others. I know it's a radical concept to robbers who pretend to care about others. But it's still a true and good principe.
Ohio Walmart Store Holds Thanksgiving Food Drive for Associates - ABC News

Walmart employee Thanksgiving donations at Canton store cause controversy |


An interesting ploy - Getting tax payers and customers to pay your employee wages .

Cutting pay and hours has worked well for other rw employers but my bet is that others will follow WalMart's example.

Be sure to do your part to keep China green and help drive out those damn Mom and Pop stores - Shop WalMart.

Give or don't. At least they are working and not on the government dole.
false many walmart associates have to use government assistance
WED OCT 10, 2012 AT 03:48 PM PDT
Walmart: America's real 'Welfare Queen'
byPaddy RyanFollow
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Walmart sign on store.attribution: Inoyamanaka79/Wikimedia Commons
Walmart, one of the richest corporations in the world, refuses to pay its employees a livable wage or provide any form of decent healthcare, increasing reliance on government assistance, and the need for a social safety net.
At over $446 billion per year, Walmart is the third highest revenue grossing corporation in the world. Walmart earns over $15 billion per year in pure profit and pays its executives handsomely. In 2011, Walmart CEO Mike Duke – already a millionaire a dozen times over – received an $18.1 million compensation package. The Walton family controlling over 48 percent of the corporation through stock ownership does even better. Together, members of the Walton family are worth in excess of $102 billion – which makes them one of the richest families in the world.

What is shameful is that CEO Mike Duke makes more money in one hour, than his employees earn in an entire year. Yet, Walmart – which employs millions of people in its stores, distribution centers, and warehouses – continues to abuse its employees and refuses to pay them a livable wage. The company has frequently been charged with wage theft claims by workers who point to the most common forms of wage theft: the refusal to pay proper overtime, the refusal to honor the minimum wage, and illegal paycheck deductions.

Meanwhile, Walmart routinely blocks any attempt by workers to organize, using anti-union propaganda and scare tactics, firing employees without just cause, failing to provide any form of decent healthcare coverage or a livable wage.

To make matters worse, these abusive Walmart policies have increased employee reliance on government assistance and the need for a government funded social safety net. In fact, Walmart has become the number one driver behind the growing use of food stamps in the United States with "as many as 80 percent of workers in Wal-Mart stores using food stamps."

Wal-Mart's poverty wages force employees to rely on $2.66 billion in government help every year, or about $420,000 per store. In state after state, Wal-Mart employees are the top recipients of Medicaid. As many as 80 percent of workers in Wal-Mart stores use food stamps.
Walmart's employees receive $2.66 billion in government help every year, or about $420,000 per store. They are also the top recipients of Medicaid in numerous states. Why does this occur? Walmart fails to provide a livable wage and decent healthcare benefits, costing U.S. taxpayers an annual average of $1.02 billion in healthcare costs. This direct public subsidy is being given to offset the failures of an international corporate giant who shouldn’t be shifting part of its labor costs onto the American taxpayers.
Wal-Mart workers’ reliance on public assistance due to substandard wages and benefits has become a form of indirect public subsidy to the company. In effect, Wal-Mart is shifting part of its labor costs onto the public.
Daily Kos: Walmart: America's real 'Welfare Queen'
What kind of Scrooge do you have to be to be upset that a company voluntarily helps out people in need during the holidays?

I know it's hard for some people to understand this, but some people and organizations voluntarily help others. I know it's a radical concept to robbers who pretend to care about others. But it's still a true and good principe.

this is alot of churches do it to besides groc.stores.even schools do it.alot of places do it.

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