WalMart workers rip company on its own website

Nope. I believe in wages LIVABLE,FAIR wages and I love private property. Try again...I have been searching as well.

even though you own none.

Walmart is still expanding...Except for the three planned stores in DC.....Too bad so many people got screwed out of a job with benefits..........
LMAO...give me a fucking break. You don't get benefits! I get 8$ an hour if you are lucky and 32 hours a week...

Then let them unionize...wal mart is scared of paying decent wages...they let their ceos leach off the workers...
i thought you said you believed in private property? Now you don't?

No one is forced to work at walmart, or make such poor life decisions that walmart becomes a career (unless they like it, which by all each their own).

I do believe in private property. Nothing to do with poor life decisions...has everything to do with paying people a human wage and stop treating them like a slave. Costco can do it Wal mart can do it but refuses to. They should be dragged before the human rights commission and smacked down.

What the fuck is a human wage? If they are free to go, how are they being treated like slaves?

A wage a human being can live off of...without needing government assistance. Free to go where? To another slave job? Why don't wal mart just pay more like Costco does? Its bullshit that they can't or that they would need to raise prices...that's bullshit..Costco does it just fine and is actually making more money than Wal Mart does.
I was doing masonry work for a traveling sales manager at the Home Office and he said he makes a lot of money but, after he totaled all his time in travel and work he said he made less than min wage. And there lies the difference between those that want to work long hours for more pay or people that want to earn less and have more free time. In this nation you can do either. You can start your own business, you are able to be free in this nation to make that decision. This nation and the current govt are not trying to take any of that freedom away, if they were, it would be a reality and not a dream.
If you work in the warehouses that fills store orders and loads the trucks you earn twice as much as a clerk in the deli dept. it all depends upon the person what job they will or will not take, and there is one thing I have found out after working and paying taxes for 40 years, jobs are work and work does not mean fun or party, that is why it is called work.
Secondly, you have the ability to learn and earn more if you apply yourself.Education is the best insurance for old age.
Nope. I believe in wages LIVABLE,FAIR wages and I love private property. Try again...I have been searching as well.

even though you own none.

LMAO...give me a fucking break. You don't get benefits! I get 8$ an hour if you are lucky and 32 hours a week...

Then let them unionize...wal mart is scared of paying decent wages...they let their ceos leach off the workers...

I do believe in private property. Nothing to do with poor life decisions...has everything to do with paying people a human wage and stop treating them like a slave. Costco can do it Wal mart can do it but refuses to. They should be dragged before the human rights commission and smacked down.

What the fuck is a human wage? If they are free to go, how are they being treated like slaves?

A wage a human being can live off of...without needing government assistance. Free to go where? To another slave job? Why don't wal mart just pay more like Costco does? Its bullshit that they can't or that they would need to raise prices...that's bullshit..Costco does it just fine and is actually making more money than Wal Mart does.

I've worked for minimum wage before and lived on my own. No government assistance at all. in fact, I'd refuse it anyway. Either way, if one job pays to little, you have options. I worked two jobs to make up the difference. I lived just fine. I didnt have cable TV, I didn't eat lavish meals (i gardened most of my own food at that time) and I didnt have much savings, but i lived just fine.

The idea of a human wage shows immaturity. You're welcome to dislike Walmart all youwant. But to say that they treat people like slaves is just inaccurate.
even though you own none.

What the fuck is a human wage? If they are free to go, how are they being treated like slaves?

A wage a human being can live off of...without needing government assistance. Free to go where? To another slave job? Why don't wal mart just pay more like Costco does? Its bullshit that they can't or that they would need to raise prices...that's bullshit..Costco does it just fine and is actually making more money than Wal Mart does.

I've worked for minimum wage before and lived on my own. No government assistance at all. in fact, I'd refuse it anyway. Either way, if one job pays to little, you have options. I worked two jobs to make up the difference. I lived just fine. I didnt have cable TV, I didn't eat lavish meals (i gardened most of my own food at that time) and I didnt have much savings, but i lived just fine.

The idea of a human wage shows immaturity. You're welcome to dislike Walmart all youwant. But to say that they treat people like slaves is just inaccurate.
Did you have kids to take care of? I do. I own my own vehicle...yeah its 14 years old but I have only had to put a few used tires on it and right after I bought it put 500$ into the fuel pump etc...I don't eat out,I don't party,I sure in the hell don't eat lavish meals. I go without so my kids have what they need and sometimes want. If the government is going to give benefits to people who won't or can't work then I mine as well take it as well...My kids won't starve because a job won't pay a decent the place my wife works now..she is #2 in charge but these rich snob fucks who have a multi million dollar jet and can take lavish vacations refuse to give her full time hours/or a livable wage...hell their damn good chef just left and moved away because he got tired of their bullshit...Oh and these scum are the same "christians" who run the want elected to local office you kiss their ass.
Seems to be your wife's choice to work there.....

If I offer to pay someone $10 for a job and they agree, then they get $10 for the job....

So simple even a wannabe anarchist can figure it out........
If Walmart is a shit business model, then internal beefs are exactly how change should be brought about. Not by government. If the internal problems reach critical mass, and Walmart does not respond, then Walmart will crash and burn. If other big employers create a better business model to which employees and customers flock, then Walmart will crash and burn.

Nope, WalMart if anything will do better than they are doing now. They will keep right on building monolithic boxes everyday despite what they do.
Americans lack the conviction to actually put their money where their big mouths are.
People looove to bitch about this company or that company, but keep right on going there as long as it is cheaper than somewhere else.
the only thing that will hurt Walmart is if some other company finds cheaper children and slaves to make products cheaper than WalMart. can/does.
Americans have no sense of consumer responsibility...whatsoever.

Costco Pays Well and Soars, While Wal-Mart and Others Pay Peanuts and Sink. - Occupy Democrats

Nope they don't need slave labor and cheap products...yet they are soaring while wal mart is crashing.

WOW! Costco starts people out at 11.50! Holy shit....that is awesome.



And where are Costco employees paid 11.50?
You DO know that different regions have different COLs, right?, thus drawing a higher wage?

You have some real issues you should try to resolve.
You're all over the map, dude
A wage a human being can live off of...without needing government assistance. Free to go where? To another slave job? Why don't wal mart just pay more like Costco does? Its bullshit that they can't or that they would need to raise prices...that's bullshit..Costco does it just fine and is actually making more money than Wal Mart does.

I've worked for minimum wage before and lived on my own. No government assistance at all. in fact, I'd refuse it anyway. Either way, if one job pays to little, you have options. I worked two jobs to make up the difference. I lived just fine. I didnt have cable TV, I didn't eat lavish meals (i gardened most of my own food at that time) and I didnt have much savings, but i lived just fine.

The idea of a human wage shows immaturity. You're welcome to dislike Walmart all youwant. But to say that they treat people like slaves is just inaccurate.
Did you have kids to take care of? I do. I own my own vehicle...yeah its 14 years old but I have only had to put a few used tires on it and right after I bought it put 500$ into the fuel pump etc...I don't eat out,I don't party,I sure in the hell don't eat lavish meals. I go without so my kids have what they need and sometimes want. If the government is going to give benefits to people who won't or can't work then I mine as well take it as well...My kids won't starve because a job won't pay a decent the place my wife works now..she is #2 in charge but these rich snob fucks who have a multi million dollar jet and can take lavish vacations refuse to give her full time hours/or a livable wage...hell their damn good chef just left and moved away because he got tired of their bullshit...Oh and these scum are the same "christians" who run the want elected to local office you kiss their ass.

So you think because you made certain life choices you're entitled to a better wage OR someone elses money? If your wife doesn't like her job, I'd advise her to get a different one, or another one. You know, I've heard an awful lot abotu your wifes job woes, what do you do? Do you have two jobs?

I think you're speaking like a self entitled little snot.
Walmart is still expanding...Except for the three planned stores in DC.....Too bad so many people got screwed out of a job with benefits..........
LMAO...give me a fucking break. You don't get benefits! I get 8$ an hour if you are lucky and 32 hours a week...

Then let them unionize...wal mart is scared of paying decent wages...they let their ceos leach off the workers...
i thought you said you believed in private property? Now you don't?

No one is forced to work at walmart, or make such poor life decisions that walmart becomes a career (unless they like it, which by all each their own).

I do believe in private property. Nothing to do with poor life decisions...has everything to do with paying people a human wage and stop treating them like a slave. Costco can do it Wal mart can do it but refuses to. They should be dragged before the human rights commission and smacked down.

Who are you to tell anybody that they can't work for something below what you think is a decent wage?
If someone chooses to be a slave then OK..most are forced by circumstances.

Nope, WalMart if anything will do better than they are doing now. They will keep right on building monolithic boxes everyday despite what they do.
Americans lack the conviction to actually put their money where their big mouths are.
People looove to bitch about this company or that company, but keep right on going there as long as it is cheaper than somewhere else.
the only thing that will hurt Walmart is if some other company finds cheaper children and slaves to make products cheaper than WalMart. can/does.
Americans have no sense of consumer responsibility...whatsoever.

Costco Pays Well and Soars, While Wal-Mart and Others Pay Peanuts and Sink. - Occupy Democrats

Nope they don't need slave labor and cheap products...yet they are soaring while wal mart is crashing.

WOW! Costco starts people out at 11.50! Holy shit....that is awesome.



And where are Costco employees paid 11.50?
You DO know that different regions have different COLs, right?, thus drawing a higher wage?

You have some real issues you should try to resolve.
You're all over the map, dude
Would you like a different link? I can get it if you want. Did you even watch the video attached to it? The CEO of Costco himself said they start off everyone there at 11.50$
I've worked for minimum wage before and lived on my own. No government assistance at all. in fact, I'd refuse it anyway. Either way, if one job pays to little, you have options. I worked two jobs to make up the difference. I lived just fine. I didnt have cable TV, I didn't eat lavish meals (i gardened most of my own food at that time) and I didnt have much savings, but i lived just fine.

The idea of a human wage shows immaturity. You're welcome to dislike Walmart all youwant. But to say that they treat people like slaves is just inaccurate.
Did you have kids to take care of? I do. I own my own vehicle...yeah its 14 years old but I have only had to put a few used tires on it and right after I bought it put 500$ into the fuel pump etc...I don't eat out,I don't party,I sure in the hell don't eat lavish meals. I go without so my kids have what they need and sometimes want. If the government is going to give benefits to people who won't or can't work then I mine as well take it as well...My kids won't starve because a job won't pay a decent the place my wife works now..she is #2 in charge but these rich snob fucks who have a multi million dollar jet and can take lavish vacations refuse to give her full time hours/or a livable wage...hell their damn good chef just left and moved away because he got tired of their bullshit...Oh and these scum are the same "christians" who run the want elected to local office you kiss their ass.

So you think because you made certain life choices you're entitled to a better wage OR someone elses money? If your wife doesn't like her job, I'd advise her to get a different one, or another one. You know, I've heard an awful lot abotu your wifes job woes, what do you do? Do you have two jobs?

I think you're speaking like a self entitled little snot.

ANYONE who works for wal mart in this case deserves to be treated like a human not a fucking slave. But since government and wal mart are hand in hand they will never get that...Sure the DC council started a fight with them big whoop in the big loop of it all big government and big business are friends. They keep the poor in piss poor jobs with shitty pay and no benefits that keeps them needing the state and its food stamps etc all the while keeping the price for college so high they would need a loan just to get somewhere therefore keeping them a slave to state even more. Its a big fucking racket and I am shocked to realize more of you don't realize it. Actually she loves her job she just doesn't like the bastards screwing her and all of her co workers over while they get rich off the back of their workers and get to fly around in their multi million dollar jet while their workers barely get by and barely have enough money for gas every single week. I work on the side don't bring as much as she does but damn near...You aren't for capitalism you are for crony capitalism and fascism.
LMAO...give me a fucking break. You don't get benefits! I get 8$ an hour if you are lucky and 32 hours a week...

Then let them unionize...wal mart is scared of paying decent wages...they let their ceos leach off the workers...

I do believe in private property. Nothing to do with poor life decisions...has everything to do with paying people a human wage and stop treating them like a slave. Costco can do it Wal mart can do it but refuses to. They should be dragged before the human rights commission and smacked down.

Who are you to tell anybody that they can't work for something below what you think is a decent wage?

If someone chooses to be a slave then OK..most are forced by circumstances.

I don't want to work at all, yet I'm forced by circumstances. People should just send me money for nothing, frankly.
Wal-Mart Employees Rip the Company on Its Own Internal Website

Good...I hope that bastard company and any like it burn down.

In 5,4,3,2,1 we will get the usual conservatards whining that if people don't like it there not to work there...I mean it must have taken all of 10 seconds to think that brilliant fucking reply 6 year old could do better.
conservatives: protecting fascism and corporations,helping them exploit their workers then demanding those workers find new jobs if they don't like it.

You strong emotions towards Walmart. So be it.
These people are not the only ones who've ripped their employer on various websites. Including the company site.
BTW, these people are free to work elsewhere. Your comment 'fascism and corporations' is about as inane as it gets. Stow it.
Whether you like that or not, that is reality.
If indentured servitude or slavery was still legal, you'd have a valid argument. Sine these things are not, you don't.
Tough shit.
If someone chooses to be a slave then OK..most are forced by circumstances.

I don't want to work at all, yet I'm forced by circumstances. People should just send me money for nothing, frankly.

Well if you are as good as a tv preacher I am sure you could accomplish that.

That's just it though, you're creating an arbitrary standard when you say "forced by circumstances." Everybody is forced by circumstances to work, otherwise they wouldn't. Using your logic nobody should ever work or it's "slave labor."
Nope. I believe in wages LIVABLE,FAIR wages and I love private property. Try again...I have been searching as well.

even though you own none.

LMAO...give me a fucking break. You don't get benefits! I get 8$ an hour if you are lucky and 32 hours a week...

Then let them unionize...wal mart is scared of paying decent wages...they let their ceos leach off the workers...

I do believe in private property. Nothing to do with poor life decisions...has everything to do with paying people a human wage and stop treating them like a slave. Costco can do it Wal mart can do it but refuses to. They should be dragged before the human rights commission and smacked down.

What the fuck is a human wage? If they are free to go, how are they being treated like slaves?

A wage a human being can live off of...without needing government assistance. Free to go where? To another slave job? Why don't wal mart just pay more like Costco does? Its bullshit that they can't or that they would need to raise prices...that's bullshit..Costco does it just fine and is actually making more money than Wal Mart does.

Then shop at Costco and boycott Wal-Mart, if you dislike the latter so much.

It's really quite simple.
Wal-Mart Employees Rip the Company on Its Own Internal Website

Good...I hope that bastard company and any like it burn down.

In 5,4,3,2,1 we will get the usual conservatards whining that if people don't like it there not to work there...I mean it must have taken all of 10 seconds to think that brilliant fucking reply 6 year old could do better.
conservatives: protecting fascism and corporations,helping them exploit their workers then demanding those workers find new jobs if they don't like it.

You strong emotions towards Walmart. So be it.
These people are not the only ones who've ripped their employer on various websites. Including the company site.
BTW, these people are free to work elsewhere. Your comment 'fascism and corporations' is about as inane as it gets. Stow it.
Whether you like that or not, that is reality.
If indentured servitude or slavery was still legal, you'd have a valid argument. Sine these things are not, you don't.
Tough shit.

Indeed. Anyone who recalls the dead website knows that anonymous, disgruntled employees can be quite vicious. For all we know, the negative comments may all be made by a small handful of malcontents (similar to stoned anarchist Noodles employees) who are posting multiple comments.
Well...if you don't like it...get ready for it...wait....wait...THEN DON'T F*CKING SHOP THERE!!!!!!!!
Walmart - "the most hated company" also the most successful retail company in America.
All of this doesn't stop the squirrels from lining up with carts of cheap shit does it??
I don't shop at WalMart, I honestly do not. I only go to the local WalMart maaybe twice a year.
If people don't like it then fine - WalMart would go out of business in a single week if people stopped shopping there.

According to one site...Walmart does not reach the top ten of America's most hated companies. Here's a link...
10 most-hated companies in America - Slide Show - MarketWatch
The list..
1.JC Penney
2. Dish( Network)
3. AT&T( Mobile)
7.American Airlines
9. Sears Holdings( includes K-Mart)
10. Hewlett Packard.
If Walmart is a shit business model, then internal beefs are exactly how change should be brought about. Not by government. If the internal problems reach critical mass, and Walmart does not respond, then Walmart will crash and burn. If other big employers create a better business model to which employees and customers flock, then Walmart will crash and burn.

These employee complaints may be the beginning of the creative destruction process and we should be hailing it as a positive thing.

But to call for government intervention is the antithesis of conservatism, libertarianism, capitalism, or whatever the heck the opening poster thinks he is.

If what wal mart does is capitalism I have no interest in capitalism....that's for damn sure.

Then perhaps you need to rethink your devotion to anarcho-capitalistism. What exactly do you think an unskilled labor market under anarcho-capitalism would look like? It would likely be even worse than Wal-Mart employees both in terms of conditions and in terms of payment.

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