WalMart workers rip company on its own website

Ignore the obvious information and proof see if I care...

Walmart started with 1 store and now has a $250B market cap; that's an American success story

That's admirable, that's what's great about the country you hate
See that's your problem. You and ones like you find it admirable that a company can treat its employees like shit but they are just fine sitting on BILLIONS of dollars and whine when they are told they need to pay their employees a livable wage..why should they be the only ones making a livable wage? Why force your employees who sell your crap for you to live like slaves?
So has he admitted he's not actually an anarcho-capitalist yet?
Oh you want me to? Sure thing sparky. I AM NOT AN ANARCHO CAPITALIST. there even did it in big letters for you...I am not a greedy blood sucking capitalist fuck who doesn't give a shit about the poor like you. Kiss my ass.

1. Who says Walmart is 'sitting on billions'?
2. Define 'liviable wage'?
3. Who is the " only they" that is making a living wage?
4. Who is 'forcing' employees?....
5. Define 'forcing'...If by that term you mean "do this job and do it correctly or you will compel the employer to find someone who will' 'forcing", well then you'd be talking about every employer in the nation.
Walmart started with 1 store and now has a $250B market cap; that's an American success story

That's admirable, that's what's great about the country you hate
See that's your problem. You and ones like you find it admirable that a company can treat its employees like shit but they are just fine sitting on BILLIONS of dollars and whine when they are told they need to pay their employees a livable wage..why should they be the only ones making a livable wage? Why force your employees who sell your crap for you to live like slaves?
So has he admitted he's not actually an anarcho-capitalist yet?
Oh you want me to? Sure thing sparky. I AM NOT AN ANARCHO CAPITALIST. there even did it in big letters for you...I am not a greedy blood sucking capitalist fuck who doesn't give a shit about the poor like you. Kiss my ass.

1. Who says Walmart is 'sitting on billions'?
2. Define 'liviable wage'?
3. Who is the " only they" that is making a living wage?
4. Who is 'forcing' employees?....
5. Define 'forcing'...If by that term you mean "do this job and do it correctly or you will compel the employer to find someone who will' 'forcing", well then you'd be talking about every employer in the nation.
1.Six Waltons Have More Wealth Than the Bottom 30% of Americans - Forbes
2.Having enough of a wage that you don't have to get on the government payroll.
3.The ceo's.
4.government/big business buddy buddy system. I already went over this
5. They either work and bring very little money in maybe in the hope of getting something better or they get on the government dole because they can't afford school because its to expensive so the only way to do it is taking out loans which only puts you in a worse financial crisis.
3.The ceo's.
This is pretty stupid too, I know someone who is a manager at Walmart he certainly makes more than a living wage. He's got a nice enough apartment, fairly new Honda Civic, eats out sometimes, goes to Vegas sometimes, etc. I don't know his exact salary but I'd guess somewhere around 50k.

You can't honestly think that in the entire organization of Walmart only the executives make a living wage. That is so retarded.
Well, they don't have to work there.

What do you propose as a solution?

We know what the right wing proposes. Lower the minimum wage, end health care and cut food stamps.

Oh, and get rid of those pesky safety regulations.
ANYONE who works for wal mart in this case deserves to be treated like a human not a fucking slave. But since government and wal mart are hand in hand they will never get that...Sure the DC council started a fight with them big whoop in the big loop of it all big government and big business are friends. They keep the poor in piss poor jobs with shitty pay and no benefits that keeps them needing the state and its food stamps etc all the while keeping the price for college so high they would need a loan just to get somewhere therefore keeping them a slave to state even more. Its a big fucking racket and I am shocked to realize more of you don't realize it. Actually she loves her job she just doesn't like the bastards screwing her and all of her co workers over while they get rich off the back of their workers and get to fly around in their multi million dollar jet while their workers barely get by and barely have enough money for gas every single week. I work on the side don't bring as much as she does but damn near...You aren't for capitalism you are for crony capitalism and fascism.

I call shenanigans about the SLAVERY thing. Please provide proof that Wal-Mart does any of the following:

- Shackles employees with chains to their cash registers
- Houses employees in filthy dormitories and prevents them from leaving the grounds
- Forcibly breeds employees and sells the offspring
- Place females employees in brothels and forces them to provide sexual services
- Brands or tatoos employees with the company logo

What a fucking moron.

Yes actually, you are.......
See that's your problem. You and ones like you find it admirable that a company can treat its employees like shit but they are just fine sitting on BILLIONS of dollars and whine when they are told they need to pay their employees a livable wage..why should they be the only ones making a livable wage? Why force your employees who sell your crap for you to live like slaves?

Oh you want me to? Sure thing sparky. I AM NOT AN ANARCHO CAPITALIST. there even did it in big letters for you...I am not a greedy blood sucking capitalist fuck who doesn't give a shit about the poor like you. Kiss my ass.

1. Who says Walmart is 'sitting on billions'?
2. Define 'liviable wage'?
3. Who is the " only they" that is making a living wage?
4. Who is 'forcing' employees?....
5. Define 'forcing'...If by that term you mean "do this job and do it correctly or you will compel the employer to find someone who will' 'forcing", well then you'd be talking about every employer in the nation.
1.Six Waltons Have More Wealth Than the Bottom 30% of Americans - Forbes
2.Having enough of a wage that you don't have to get on the government payroll.
3.The ceo's.
4.government/big business buddy buddy system. I already went over this
5. They either work and bring very little money in maybe in the hope of getting something better or they get on the government dole because they can't afford school because its to expensive so the only way to do it is taking out loans which only puts you in a worse financial crisis.
Hey genius.....It's THEIR money...While you have been sitting on your dead ass sniveling about your woe is me the world is unfair, the Walton family has been spending billions of it's OWN MONEY battling assholes like you, buying land, negotiating with cantankerous small town douche bag politicians who all want their palm greased, building stores and best of all creating JOBS....
These people have figured out how to get their stores open quicker, how to price their merchandise lower than other retailers and market their stores. So fucking WHAT...
Wages. There is a correlation to wages. It's called improved skills and higher education. When will you get it through your thick pro union skull that a department store floor employee is a low skilled worker with a minimal education. No company worth it's salt would pay a low skilled laborer anywhere near what make you people feel comfy.
The bottom line is if one wishes to increase their earning prowess, they need to do much more than just 'put in time'..Those days are over.
The CEO's?....Please. Not that card again. Stop it. It's whining class envy.
Explain how this alleged government/business relationship is 'forcing' people to do anything...This ought to be good.
Your point number five....More complaining.
UGH!!! You've just been regurgitating the Occupy Wall Street talking points.
How is it you insist on beating the drum of such abject failure?
Ah so you get beat by your own rhetoric so you go on the maybe I will start a business and pay everyone 1$ an hour! I can be just like Wal Marx! YAY!
Ah so you think the majority of wal marx employees just love being treated like less than human? Interesting.

Are they? Can you prove that?....
I shop there when I need to pick up stuff. Motor oil there is cheaper than at either the NAPA or the Autozone in town. I guess according to you I should pay $25 for that 5 quart jug of Synthetic blend rather than the $17.27 at Walmart..Yeah?
I have not noticed the incredible number of unhappy Walmart employees you imply exist.
I call bullshit on you.
hm maybe I will start a business and pay everyone 1$ an hour! I can be just like Wal Marx! YAY!
I doubt you'd put in the risk and effort. Much easier to whine on the internet about others who have.

I wouldn't do that to people especially since I know how it feels to be in their shoes...But if I did I would have the back of the fascist libertariantards here! OH BOY!
ANYONE who works for wal mart in this case deserves to be treated like a human not a fucking slave. But since government and wal mart are hand in hand they will never get that...Sure the DC council started a fight with them big whoop in the big loop of it all big government and big business are friends. They keep the poor in piss poor jobs with shitty pay and no benefits that keeps them needing the state and its food stamps etc all the while keeping the price for college so high they would need a loan just to get somewhere therefore keeping them a slave to state even more. Its a big fucking racket and I am shocked to realize more of you don't realize it. Actually she loves her job she just doesn't like the bastards screwing her and all of her co workers over while they get rich off the back of their workers and get to fly around in their multi million dollar jet while their workers barely get by and barely have enough money for gas every single week. I work on the side don't bring as much as she does but damn near...You aren't for capitalism you are for crony capitalism and fascism.

I call shenanigans about the SLAVERY thing. Please provide proof that Wal-Mart does any of the following:

- Shackles employees with chains to their cash registers
- Houses employees in filthy dormitories and prevents them from leaving the grounds
- Forcibly breeds employees and sells the offspring
- Place females employees in brothels and forces them to provide sexual services
- Brands or tatoos employees with the company logo

What a fucking moron.
Typical lib obfuscation. In the absence of substantive debate, insult the person offering the opposing view. Beau-tee-ful.
Wal-Mart Employees Rip the Company on Its Own Internal Website

Good...I hope that bastard company and any like it burn down.

In 5,4,3,2,1 we will get the usual conservatards whining that if people don't like it there not to work there...I mean it must have taken all of 10 seconds to think that brilliant fucking reply 6 year old could do better.
conservatives: protecting fascism and corporations,helping them exploit their workers then demanding those workers find new jobs if they don't like it.

You hope what?
wal-mart employees rip the company on its own internal website

good...i hope that bastard company and any like it burn down.

In 5,4,3,2,1 we will get the usual conservatards whining that if people don't like it there not to work there...i mean it must have taken all of 10 seconds to think that brilliant fucking reply 6 year old could do better.
Conservatives: Protecting fascism and corporations,helping them exploit their workers then demanding those workers find new jobs if they don't like it.

you hope what?

you hope what/

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