WalMart workers rip company on its own website

Not like they haven't proved that seatbelts do save lives.....But then again if you are anti-government you probably don't believe that either...
I don't care if they do or not. let the people who want to wear them wear them. I choose not to and no blackmail by the government is going to make me wear one. My wife and kids wear one every time we go somewhere I used to but I choose not to now...Its my body,my vehicle so its my choice...not some government entity who thinks they own me or my body
So what cop raped, robed, assaulted, or murdered you?

Doesn't have to happen to me to make me hate them oh and every time I have to pay some blackmail fine that is theft.
Your not wearing your seat belt sets an incredibly bad example for your kids.
I live most of the year overseas these days, and rarely get back to the states anymore. Having said that, Walmart is up there at the top of the list of things I miss about the USA. If you don't want to work at Walmart, don't. If you don't want to shop there, don't. There are plenty of us out here who appreciate Walmart for what they do to save the American consumer as much of their money on a product as they can.
Your not wearing your seat belt sets an incredibly bad example for your kids.

Sure thing. They asked me why I don't wear it. I said because I am an adult I can make my own decisions. That was accepted. The one thing I want my kids to do growing up and forever is QUESTION EVERYTHING...yes I know that means they question why I tell them to do something or ask them to do something but its a good way to discuss things and things get done much more efficiently.
Your not wearing your seat belt sets an incredibly bad example for your kids.

Sure thing. They asked me why I don't wear it. I said because I am an adult I can make my own decisions. That was accepted. The one thing I want my kids to do growing up and forever is QUESTION EVERYTHING...yes I know that means they question why I tell them to do something or ask them to do something but its a good way to discuss things and things get done much more efficiently.

Whatever you say, Goober.
It would be nice if the nanny state didn't dangle DC's carrots in front of them. While we weren't looking a couple of democrats slipped in a seat belt as a primary offense in my state. The real reason for doing so was to produce another silly infraction that would give the police a chance to look in your car. Plus, the cash DC plunked down probably made some bureaucrat fat and happy.

Leave it democrats to invent laws such as mandatory bike helmets for kids....
lights on wipers on....and any other stupid law that represents nanny state 'we know what's best for you ,so shut up and take it in the shorts' legislation.
Poor little boy doesn't like to wear his seat belt.....And this is why he hates police????

Now that's funny...............

I was going to ask if you was that big of an idiot...but its a redundant question so...answer is no that isn't the reason I hate the cops...I hate cops because of their raping,robbing,assaulting and murdering people while using a badge that asserts authority to do so.

And this has WHAT to do with Walmart?
Stop deflecting. If you have nothing to add to the subject matter of the thread ,then be silent.
So what cop raped, robed, assaulted, or murdered you?
According to atheist....All of them...
If I were a Cop in his town, I'd pull over his ass every time I saw him.
And I would be so polite and courteous, it would drive him to frothing at the mouth anger.
He He!!!
Is this for the stop sign you ran that is keeping you from getting a job?

If so, SRSLY, pay the fine and get on with your life.
No No...that was back in 2011. This is for refusing to subject myself to a seatbelt...the state thinks it has the right to order me to buckle up...they are wrong I am right...:) They just want to harass me constantly...funny thing is local cops NEVER have pulled me over...yet twice now state stormtroopers have.Ya see if the bastards here in NC would only make you pay the fine which is 20$ I believe I would put up a small fight and pay it then...but they want to be assholes and charge you 163$ for a simple seat belt get speeding tickets cheaper here! So I will fight for as long as I can...if the pig shows up I will ask for a jury trial. :) drag this shit out burn up the courts time with this kangaroo charge.


You are willing to fuck up your life due to seat belt tickets? There are times when resisting the law is called for, but really...for seat belt tickets? have a family, one would think that concern for their welfare would be an incentive to be a responsible driver. When I had my first car, the insurance company gave me a discount for pledging to wear my seat belt. It's quite a sensible thing to do...and if you've ever seen anyone scraped off a freeway, you'd have an additional reason to understand why.

Atheist is an idiot. One cannot simply request a jury trial. The judge that has the case on his docket must permit the case to go to a jury. The People are then permitted an appropriate amount of time to gather evidence to make their case.
Most traffic citations never see a judge. Most are handled by the assistants to the country prosecutor/district attorney/solicitor. If they don't get it, it goes to a Magistrate.
And then of course unless the defendant requests a pro se defense, in which the defendant will be advised "the person who acts as their own attorney has a fool for a client".
Atheist is just blowing sunshine up his own ass.
A fucking seat belt ticket and this guy thinks he can use the courts as a soap box for his hissy fit...Not gonna happen.
Your not wearing your seat belt sets an incredibly bad example for your kids.

Sure thing. They asked me why I don't wear it. I said because I am an adult I can make my own decisions. That was accepted. The one thing I want my kids to do growing up and forever is QUESTION EVERYTHING...yes I know that means they question why I tell them to do something or ask them to do something but its a good way to discuss things and things get done much more efficiently.

Whatever you say, Goober.
That's right.

Poor little boy doesn't like to wear his seat belt.....And this is why he hates police????

Now that's funny...............

I was going to ask if you was that big of an idiot...but its a redundant question so...answer is no that isn't the reason I hate the cops...I hate cops because of their raping,robbing,assaulting and murdering people while using a badge that asserts authority to do so.

And this has WHAT to do with Walmart?
Stop deflecting. If you have nothing to add to the subject matter of the thread ,then be silent.
Fuck if I know...I am just answering the questions asked.

So what cop raped, robed, assaulted, or murdered you?
According to atheist....All of them...
If I were a Cop in his town, I'd pull over his ass every time I saw him.
And I would be so polite and courteous, it would drive him to frothing at the mouth anger.
He He!!!

And I would enjoy filing complaint after complaint and lawsuit after lawsuit...Man and his camera can bring down a police department...
Why doesnt walmart just raise its wages a couple of bucks an hour? It wont cost them any more as they will still make their profit? Imagine if they raised their wages $2 an hour more...

1) No increased cost to employer in the end
2) Happier workers
3) Better press

Makes business sense to me. Higher wages always equals more productivity from the workers. Its simple math.
"Sure thing. They asked me why I don't wear it. I said because I am an adult I can make my own decisions. That was accepted. The one thing I want my kids to do growing up and forever is QUESTION EVERYTHING...yes I know that means they question why I tell them to do something or ask them to do something but its a good way to discuss things and things get done much more efficiently."..
Yes...question everything..And stand for nothing....Your kids will follow your lead and be in constant trouble with the police.
I ask you for the last time....What does this have to do with Walmart?
Why doesnt walmart just raise its wages a couple of bucks an hour? It wont cost them any more as they will still make their profit? Imagine if they raised their wages $2 an hour more...

1) No increased cost to employer in the end
2) Happier workers
3) Better press

Makes business sense to me. Higher wages always equals more productivity from the workers. Its simple math.

What is WM's profit margin?

Why should they increase payroll by 10%?
No No...that was back in 2011. This is for refusing to subject myself to a seatbelt...the state thinks it has the right to order me to buckle up...they are wrong I am right...:) They just want to harass me constantly...funny thing is local cops NEVER have pulled me over...yet twice now state stormtroopers have.Ya see if the bastards here in NC would only make you pay the fine which is 20$ I believe I would put up a small fight and pay it then...but they want to be assholes and charge you 163$ for a simple seat belt get speeding tickets cheaper here! So I will fight for as long as I can...if the pig shows up I will ask for a jury trial. :) drag this shit out burn up the courts time with this kangaroo charge.


You are willing to fuck up your life due to seat belt tickets? There are times when resisting the law is called for, but really...for seat belt tickets? have a family, one would think that concern for their welfare would be an incentive to be a responsible driver. When I had my first car, the insurance company gave me a discount for pledging to wear my seat belt. It's quite a sensible thing to do...and if you've ever seen anyone scraped off a freeway, you'd have an additional reason to understand why.

Atheist is an idiot. One cannot simply request a jury trial. The judge that has the case on his docket must permit the case to go to a jury. The People are then permitted an appropriate amount of time to gather evidence to make their case.
Most traffic citations never see a judge. Most are handled by the assistants to the country prosecutor/district attorney/solicitor. If they don't get it, it goes to a Magistrate.
And then of course unless the defendant requests a pro se defense, in which the defendant will be advised "the person who acts as their own attorney has a fool for a client".
Atheist is just blowing sunshine up his own ass.
A fucking seat belt ticket and this guy thinks he can use the courts as a soap box for his hissy fit...Not gonna happen.

Don't tell him, if he makes enough noise maybe some judge will slap 30 days contempt of court on his ass......
Why doesnt walmart just raise its wages a couple of bucks an hour? It wont cost them any more as they will still make their profit? Imagine if they raised their wages $2 an hour more...

1) No increased cost to employer in the end
2) Happier workers
3) Better press

Makes business sense to me. Higher wages always equals more productivity from the workers. Its simple math.

Do you have any Idea how many employees Walmart has? Times that $2 an hour by what ever hundred thousand that is, then times 24 for most walmarts.... My bet is your $2 an hour adds up to over a million dollars a day.... But I'm just guessing...
Poor little boy doesn't like to wear his seat belt.....And this is why he hates police????

Now that's funny...............

Dont waste time getting into a pissing contest with atheist..Just ignore him and he will like dog shit, dry up and blow away in the wind.

But he's more fun to kick around than dog shit.
That's because you are dumb enough to think you are winning this argument.


You are willing to fuck up your life due to seat belt tickets? There are times when resisting the law is called for, but really...for seat belt tickets? have a family, one would think that concern for their welfare would be an incentive to be a responsible driver. When I had my first car, the insurance company gave me a discount for pledging to wear my seat belt. It's quite a sensible thing to do...and if you've ever seen anyone scraped off a freeway, you'd have an additional reason to understand why.

Atheist is an idiot. One cannot simply request a jury trial. The judge that has the case on his docket must permit the case to go to a jury. The People are then permitted an appropriate amount of time to gather evidence to make their case.
Most traffic citations never see a judge. Most are handled by the assistants to the country prosecutor/district attorney/solicitor. If they don't get it, it goes to a Magistrate.
And then of course unless the defendant requests a pro se defense, in which the defendant will be advised "the person who acts as their own attorney has a fool for a client".
Atheist is just blowing sunshine up his own ass.
A fucking seat belt ticket and this guy thinks he can use the courts as a soap box for his hissy fit...Not gonna happen.

Don't tell him, if he makes enough noise maybe some judge will slap 30 days contempt of court on his ass......
Actually all traffic cases here have a judge in the room the entire time...I will clog that fucking system up and file shit every day if I have to just to piss them off..go ahead throw me in jail for using my constitutional rights...I will bankrupt this fucking county. :D

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