WalMart workers rip company on its own website

Your words speak well for you.... I do hope the local Police force where you live knows exactly how you feel. Because at sometime somewhere you will need them. Even with all your bravado BS about you'd never call them....Like anyone believes that.

I don't know if they do or not...maybe they will get a clue when I go to court next month with my new shirt...says : Caution does not play well with government thugs. :D Oh and no it wasn't a local pig that pulled me over but a state nazi...why they are even in town is beyond me...plenty of local pigs around.

Well, with that attitude, I'm sure you'll do very well in court. Increase your odds, and call the Judge a pig nazi as well.

AnCapAddlebrained is just chockful of bad ideas. I'm just helping him stay true to form.
You can hate on cops, I do, but eventually you need to learn how to just steer clear of them. You can shake the constitution at them but that won't stop them from beating you to death. Constitution isn't much good to you if you're dead. So you have to measure the situation. If you feel you're being mistreated you need to ask yourself will my dead ass be any use to my children when the pigs are done with me? I'm not saying obey, but rather, live to fight another day.
Damn near, But I grew up in the Hood, and even then we were taught to respect the police as when we needed help it was they that would answer the call. I've never had any police officer disrespect me, even the guy who wrote me a ticket because my tags were one day expired. Not even the guy who stopped me one night because he thought I might have had too much to drink. I'd had some, but not that much and he sent me on my way reminding me if I stopped for one more I'd best take a cab.

Here in the village I know all the officers, most by their first names, and not one of them is a pig.

Too bad that some think they are the enemy and are only there to go after them, or to give them a hard time. Because I guess they need going after?

That's cool, but you do realize the world has changed right? A lot of this stuff about cops has some merit to it. Seen a lot of it with my own eyes.

You think I never leave the village? Hell, I even go into downtown at least once a week. And I won't go there without carrying. And I will give you that there are some officers out there who need their own attitude adjustment. But it is still the vast minority. And remember everytime they go to work they are acting as a target. Especially in the bigger cities....
Your words speak well for you.... I do hope the local Police force where you live knows exactly how you feel. Because at sometime somewhere you will need them. Even with all your bravado BS about you'd never call them....Like anyone believes that.

I don't know if they do or not...maybe they will get a clue when I go to court next month with my new shirt...says : Caution does not play well with government thugs. :D Oh and no it wasn't a local pig that pulled me over but a state nazi...why they are even in town is beyond me...plenty of local pigs around.

Now I would pay good money to see that.... Yes your Honor No your Honor, What ever you say your Honor....LOL I can see it already......
Your words speak well for you.... I do hope the local Police force where you live knows exactly how you feel. Because at sometime somewhere you will need them. Even with all your bravado BS about you'd never call them....Like anyone believes that.

I don't know if they do or not...maybe they will get a clue when I go to court next month with my new shirt...says : Caution does not play well with government thugs. :D Oh and no it wasn't a local pig that pulled me over but a state nazi...why they are even in town is beyond me...plenty of local pigs around.

Well, with that attitude, I'm sure you'll do very well in court. Increase your odds, and call the Judge a pig nazi as well.


Your words speak well for you.... I do hope the local Police force where you live knows exactly how you feel. Because at sometime somewhere you will need them. Even with all your bravado BS about you'd never call them....Like anyone believes that.

I don't know if they do or not...maybe they will get a clue when I go to court next month with my new shirt...says : Caution does not play well with government thugs. :D Oh and no it wasn't a local pig that pulled me over but a state nazi...why they are even in town is beyond me...plenty of local pigs around.

Now I would pay good money to see that.... Yes your Honor No your Honor, What ever you say your Honor....LOL I can see it already......

Well here the first court crap is to either plead guilty which I am not and pay the state their blackmail or plead not guilty which I am and they give u new court date which is what I will do...then bout week before court I will call and get a different date because of an "emergency" :) this way its better chances of pig not showing up. Worked last time. Sure the fat piece of shit prosecutor will remember me.
I don't know if they do or not...maybe they will get a clue when I go to court next month with my new shirt...says : Caution does not play well with government thugs. :D Oh and no it wasn't a local pig that pulled me over but a state nazi...why they are even in town is beyond me...plenty of local pigs around.

Well, with that attitude, I'm sure you'll do very well in court. Increase your odds, and call the Judge a pig nazi as well.


I don't know if they do or not...maybe they will get a clue when I go to court next month with my new shirt...says : Caution does not play well with government thugs. :D Oh and no it wasn't a local pig that pulled me over but a state nazi...why they are even in town is beyond me...plenty of local pigs around.

Now I would pay good money to see that.... Yes your Honor No your Honor, What ever you say your Honor....LOL I can see it already......

Well here the first court crap is to either plead guilty which I am not and pay the state their blackmail or plead not guilty which I am and they give u new court date which is what I will do...then bout week before court I will call and get a different date because of an "emergency" :) this way its better chances of pig not showing up. Worked last time. Sure the fat piece of shit prosecutor will remember me.

Is this for the stop sign you ran that is keeping you from getting a job?

If so, SRSLY, pay the fine and get on with your life.
Damn near, But I grew up in the Hood, and even then we were taught to respect the police as when we needed help it was they that would answer the call. I've never had any police officer disrespect me, even the guy who wrote me a ticket because my tags were one day expired. Not even the guy who stopped me one night because he thought I might have had too much to drink. I'd had some, but not that much and he sent me on my way reminding me if I stopped for one more I'd best take a cab.

Here in the village I know all the officers, most by their first names, and not one of them is a pig.

Too bad that some think they are the enemy and are only there to go after them, or to give them a hard time. Because I guess they need going after?

That's cool, but you do realize the world has changed right? A lot of this stuff about cops has some merit to it. Seen a lot of it with my own eyes.

But that's because of the human condition. Not limited to police officers.
There's idiots everywhere, and growing.
Well, with that attitude, I'm sure you'll do very well in court. Increase your odds, and call the Judge a pig nazi as well.


Now I would pay good money to see that.... Yes your Honor No your Honor, What ever you say your Honor....LOL I can see it already......

Well here the first court crap is to either plead guilty which I am not and pay the state their blackmail or plead not guilty which I am and they give u new court date which is what I will do...then bout week before court I will call and get a different date because of an "emergency" :) this way its better chances of pig not showing up. Worked last time. Sure the fat piece of shit prosecutor will remember me.

Is this for the stop sign you ran that is keeping you from getting a job?

If so, SRSLY, pay the fine and get on with your life.
No No...that was back in 2011. This is for refusing to subject myself to a seatbelt...the state thinks it has the right to order me to buckle up...they are wrong I am right...:) They just want to harass me constantly...funny thing is local cops NEVER have pulled me over...yet twice now state stormtroopers have.Ya see if the bastards here in NC would only make you pay the fine which is 20$ I believe I would put up a small fight and pay it then...but they want to be assholes and charge you 163$ for a simple seat belt get speeding tickets cheaper here! So I will fight for as long as I can...if the pig shows up I will ask for a jury trial. :) drag this shit out burn up the courts time with this kangaroo charge.
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No No...that was back in 2011. This is for refusing to subject myself to a seatbelt...the state thinks it has the right to order me to buckle up...they are wrong I am right...:) They just want to harass me constantly...funny thing is local cops NEVER have pulled me over...yet twice now state stormtroopers have.Ya see if the bastards here in NC would only make you pay the fine which is 20$ I believe I would put up a small fight and pay it then...but they want to be assholes and charge you 163$ for a simple seat belt get speeding tickets cheaper here! So I will fight for as long as I can...if the pig shows up I will ask for a jury trial. :) drag this shit out burn up the courts time with this kangaroo charge.

You sound like a loser.

Seriously dude, a big time loser with an attitude who will never get anywhere in life and is resentful because of it. You'll remain a loser until you make the full transformation into broke bitter old guy.
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No No...that was back in 2011. This is for refusing to subject myself to a seatbelt...the state thinks it has the right to order me to buckle up...they are wrong I am right...:) They just want to harass me constantly...funny thing is local cops NEVER have pulled me over...yet twice now state stormtroopers have.Ya see if the bastards here in NC would only make you pay the fine which is 20$ I believe I would put up a small fight and pay it then...but they want to be assholes and charge you 163$ for a simple seat belt get speeding tickets cheaper here! So I will fight for as long as I can...if the pig shows up I will ask for a jury trial. :) drag this shit out burn up the courts time with this kangaroo charge.

You sound like a loser.

Seriously dude, a big time loser with an attitude who will never get anywhere in life and is resentful because of it. You'll remain a loser until you make the full transformation into broke bitter old guy.

You enjoy being a bitch to the state.
It would be nice if the nanny state didn't dangle DC's carrots in front of them. While we weren't looking a couple of democrats slipped in a seat belt as a primary offense in my state. The real reason for doing so was to produce another silly infraction that would give the police a chance to look in your car. Plus, the cash DC plunked down probably made some bureaucrat fat and happy.
Poor little boy doesn't like to wear his seat belt.....And this is why he hates police????

Now that's funny...............

I was going to ask if you was that big of an idiot...but its a redundant question so...answer is no that isn't the reason I hate the cops...I hate cops because of their raping,robbing,assaulting and murdering people while using a badge that asserts authority to do so.
Not like they haven't proved that seatbelts do save lives.....But then again if you are anti-government you probably don't believe that either...
Well here the first court crap is to either plead guilty which I am not and pay the state their blackmail or plead not guilty which I am and they give u new court date which is what I will do...then bout week before court I will call and get a different date because of an "emergency" :) this way its better chances of pig not showing up. Worked last time. Sure the fat piece of shit prosecutor will remember me.

Is this for the stop sign you ran that is keeping you from getting a job?

If so, SRSLY, pay the fine and get on with your life.
No No...that was back in 2011. This is for refusing to subject myself to a seatbelt...the state thinks it has the right to order me to buckle up...they are wrong I am right...:) They just want to harass me constantly...funny thing is local cops NEVER have pulled me over...yet twice now state stormtroopers have.Ya see if the bastards here in NC would only make you pay the fine which is 20$ I believe I would put up a small fight and pay it then...but they want to be assholes and charge you 163$ for a simple seat belt get speeding tickets cheaper here! So I will fight for as long as I can...if the pig shows up I will ask for a jury trial. :) drag this shit out burn up the courts time with this kangaroo charge.


You are willing to fuck up your life due to seat belt tickets? There are times when resisting the law is called for, but really...for seat belt tickets? have a family, one would think that concern for their welfare would be an incentive to be a responsible driver. When I had my first car, the insurance company gave me a discount for pledging to wear my seat belt. It's quite a sensible thing to do...and if you've ever seen anyone scraped off a freeway, you'd have an additional reason to understand why.
Tell me again how unemployment stimulates the Obama economy

Studies show when Wal-Mart enters a community, unemployment rises.

They drive all other places of employment into bankruptcy.

Please provide quotes from and links to a credible, non-moonbat study proving this.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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