WalMart workers rip company on its own website

The four Waltons and the two Kochs. 60% of the top ten inherited their wealth, and guess what, 100% of them oppose health care reform, Social Security and paying taxes.
There is nothing to suggest that these complainers work for WalMart. They might, then again might not. They just like to post.
You attacking walmart need to take a economic 100 class. You people need to understand that a business needs to make a profit to stay in business.
Also need to realize you don't keep employees and get a good reputation that makes people want to shop somewhere when you treat them like wage slaves.

Haven't we got this figured out yet?

What we have here is the wannabe anarchist pissed off because he didn't get the greeters job at Walmart.

You still sniffing around nazi..
Also need to realize you don't keep employees and get a good reputation that makes people want to shop somewhere when you treat them like wage slaves.
Yup the most successful retailer in the world sure could use your wise counsel on how their business model is poor. Maybe you should email them.
Also need to realize you don't keep employees and get a good reputation that makes people want to shop somewhere when you treat them like wage slaves.
Yup the most successful retailer in the world sure could use your wise counsel on how their business model is poor. Maybe you should email them.

For now most successful guess its easy getting that way when you use slavery to make your crap and then use it to sell your crap while the greedy selfish ceo's get rich while the people doing the real work get nothing...That's going to change though...Costco which pays its workers well and gives them benefits and has low turnover rate will knock them off that pedestal
Isn't Costo like Sam's Club? You pay to belong and then you buy in bulk?

Most people don't want to buy in bulk.... How often have you needed 3 dozen eggs? Or a 5 pound can of green beans? I happen to go to Sam's for certain items, but it is very selective.
You attacking walmart need to take a economic 100 class. You people need to understand that a business needs to make a profit to stay in business.
Also need to realize you don't keep employees and get a good reputation that makes people want to shop somewhere when you treat them like wage slaves.

Haven't we got this figured out yet?

What we have here is the wannabe anarchist pissed off because he didn't get the greeters job at Walmart.

You still sniffing around nazi..

You are a hateful moron. SFC Ollie is the furthest thing from a nazi on this board, or anywhere.
Isn't Costo like Sam's Club? You pay to belong and then you buy in bulk?

Most people don't want to buy in bulk.... How often have you needed 3 dozen eggs? Or a 5 pound can of green beans? I happen to go to Sam's for certain items, but it is very selective.

I like buying in bulk for non-perishables, paper, and cleaning products. It helps to have a half basement for storage.
You attacking walmart need to take a economic 100 class. You people need to understand that a business needs to make a profit to stay in business.
Also need to realize you don't keep employees and get a good reputation that makes people want to shop somewhere when you treat them like wage slaves.

Haven't we got this figured out yet?

What we have here is the wannabe anarchist pissed off because he didn't get the greeters job at Walmart.

You still sniffing around nazi..

You are a hateful moron. SFC Ollie is the furthest thing from a nazi on this board, or anywhere.
He is a statist nazi...go read his replies in any thread having to do with people dealing with cops...typical statist nazi.
Also need to realize you don't keep employees and get a good reputation that makes people want to shop somewhere when you treat them like wage slaves.

You still sniffing around nazi..

You are a hateful moron. SFC Ollie is the furthest thing from a nazi on this board, or anywhere.
He is a statist nazi...go read his replies in any thread having to do with people dealing with cops...typical statist nazi.

Only in the eyes of a dumb ass wannabe anarchist. Trust me, the majority of people in this country understand that the police are not the enemy.
LMAO...yeah sure they do...the pigs prove otherwise every day with no knock search warrants,murdering innocent unarmed people,murdering dogs. etc etc etc...if the majority don't see them as the enemy then they are starting to. The pigs have no one to blame but themselves.
Your words speak well for you.... I do hope the local Police force where you live knows exactly how you feel. Because at sometime somewhere you will need them. Even with all your bravado BS about you'd never call them....Like anyone believes that.
Damn near, But I grew up in the Hood, and even then we were taught to respect the police as when we needed help it was they that would answer the call. I've never had any police officer disrespect me, even the guy who wrote me a ticket because my tags were one day expired. Not even the guy who stopped me one night because he thought I might have had too much to drink. I'd had some, but not that much and he sent me on my way reminding me if I stopped for one more I'd best take a cab.

Here in the village I know all the officers, most by their first names, and not one of them is a pig.

Too bad that some think they are the enemy and are only there to go after them, or to give them a hard time. Because I guess they need going after?
Damn near, But I grew up in the Hood, and even then we were taught to respect the police as when we needed help it was they that would answer the call. I've never had any police officer disrespect me, even the guy who wrote me a ticket because my tags were one day expired. Not even the guy who stopped me one night because he thought I might have had too much to drink. I'd had some, but not that much and he sent me on my way reminding me if I stopped for one more I'd best take a cab.

Here in the village I know all the officers, most by their first names, and not one of them is a pig.

Too bad that some think they are the enemy and are only there to go after them, or to give them a hard time. Because I guess they need going after?

That's cool, but you do realize the world has changed right? A lot of this stuff about cops has some merit to it. Seen a lot of it with my own eyes.
Your words speak well for you.... I do hope the local Police force where you live knows exactly how you feel. Because at sometime somewhere you will need them. Even with all your bravado BS about you'd never call them....Like anyone believes that.

I don't know if they do or not...maybe they will get a clue when I go to court next month with my new shirt...says : Caution does not play well with government thugs. :D Oh and no it wasn't a local pig that pulled me over but a state nazi...why they are even in town is beyond me...plenty of local pigs around.

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