WalMart workers rip company on its own website

Well...if you don't like it...get ready for it...wait....wait...THEN DON'T F*CKING SHOP THERE!!!!!!!!
Walmart - "the most hated company" also the most successful retail company in America.
All of this doesn't stop the squirrels from lining up with carts of cheap shit does it??
I don't shop at WalMart, I honestly do not. I only go to the local WalMart maaybe twice a year.
If people don't like it then fine - WalMart would go out of business in a single week if people stopped shopping there.

According to one site...Walmart does not reach the top ten of America's most hated companies. Here's a link...
10 most-hated companies in America - Slide Show - MarketWatch
The list..
1.JC Penney
2. Dish( Network)
3. AT&T( Mobile)
7.American Airlines
9. Sears Holdings( includes K-Mart)
10. Hewlett Packard.

Actually surprised to see K-Mart and Dish on there...I prefer dish over direct tv and K-Mart at least the one here ALWAYS has their stuff on sale...its so much easier to shop there than Wal Marx.
ANYONE who works for wal mart in this case deserves to be treated like a human not a fucking slave. But since government and wal mart are hand in hand they will never get that...Sure the DC council started a fight with them big whoop in the big loop of it all big government and big business are friends. They keep the poor in piss poor jobs with shitty pay and no benefits that keeps them needing the state and its food stamps etc all the while keeping the price for college so high they would need a loan just to get somewhere therefore keeping them a slave to state even more. Its a big fucking racket and I am shocked to realize more of you don't realize it. Actually she loves her job she just doesn't like the bastards screwing her and all of her co workers over while they get rich off the back of their workers and get to fly around in their multi million dollar jet while their workers barely get by and barely have enough money for gas every single week. I work on the side don't bring as much as she does but damn near...You aren't for capitalism you are for crony capitalism and fascism.

I call shenanigans about the SLAVERY thing. Please provide proof that Wal-Mart does any of the following:

- Shackles employees with chains to their cash registers
- Houses employees in filthy dormitories and prevents them from leaving the grounds
- Forcibly breeds employees and sells the offspring
- Place females employees in brothels and forces them to provide sexual services
- Brands or tatoos employees with the company logo
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If Walmart is a shit business model, then internal beefs are exactly how change should be brought about. Not by government. If the internal problems reach critical mass, and Walmart does not respond, then Walmart will crash and burn. If other big employers create a better business model to which employees and customers flock, then Walmart will crash and burn.

These employee complaints may be the beginning of the creative destruction process and we should be hailing it as a positive thing.

But to call for government intervention is the antithesis of conservatism, libertarianism, capitalism, or whatever the heck the opening poster thinks he is.

If what wal mart does is capitalism I have no interest in capitalism....that's for damn sure.

Then perhaps you need to rethink your devotion to anarcho-capitalistism. What exactly do you think an unskilled labor market under anarcho-capitalism would look like? It would likely be even worse than Wal-Mart employees both in terms of conditions and in terms of payment.

I have...I didn't realize under "capitalism" workers would be treated like slaves...I already disavowed AnCapism. I am still searching according to 2 tests I did and reading up on it I am more of a Bleeding Heart Libertarian/Libertarian Socialist.
If Walmart is a shit business model, then internal beefs are exactly how change should be brought about. Not by government. If the internal problems reach critical mass, and Walmart does not respond, then Walmart will crash and burn. If other big employers create a better business model to which employees and customers flock, then Walmart will crash and burn.

Nope, WalMart if anything will do better than they are doing now. They will keep right on building monolithic boxes everyday despite what they do.
Americans lack the conviction to actually put their money where their big mouths are.
People looove to bitch about this company or that company, but keep right on going there as long as it is cheaper than somewhere else.
the only thing that will hurt Walmart is if some other company finds cheaper children and slaves to make products cheaper than WalMart. can/does.
Americans have no sense of consumer responsibility...whatsoever.

Costco Pays Well and Soars, While Wal-Mart and Others Pay Peanuts and Sink. - Occupy Democrats

Nope they don't need slave labor and cheap products...yet they are soaring while wal mart is crashing.

WOW! Costco starts people out at 11.50! Holy shit....that is awesome.

COSTCO does not have the advertising budget as does Walmart.
COSTCO is a membership co-op. It has near wholesale pricing. The store is no frills.
I like it.
Walmart has a gigantic ad budget. They run ads during the Super Bowl.
ANYONE who works for wal mart in this case deserves to be treated like a human not a fucking slave. But since government and wal mart are hand in hand they will never get that...Sure the DC council started a fight with them big whoop in the big loop of it all big government and big business are friends. They keep the poor in piss poor jobs with shitty pay and no benefits that keeps them needing the state and its food stamps etc all the while keeping the price for college so high they would need a loan just to get somewhere therefore keeping them a slave to state even more. Its a big fucking racket and I am shocked to realize more of you don't realize it. Actually she loves her job she just doesn't like the bastards screwing her and all of her co workers over while they get rich off the back of their workers and get to fly around in their multi million dollar jet while their workers barely get by and barely have enough money for gas every single week. I work on the side don't bring as much as she does but damn near...You aren't for capitalism you are for crony capitalism and fascism.

I call shenanigans about the SLAVERY thing. Please provide proof that Wal-Mart does any of the following:

- Shackles employees with chains to their cash registers
- Houses employees in filthy dormitories and prevents them from leaving the grounds
- Forcibly breeds employees and sells the offspring
- Place females employees in brothels and forces them to provide sexual services
- Brands or tatoos employees with the company logo

What a fucking moron.
Wal Mart is floundering while Costco which pays its workers LIVABLE,SANE,DECENT wages is shooting up the charts...can't wait for the bastards at wal mart take their last breath and the company dies and their billions dry up.

Got some data to back up that claim?

Only the same, unsupported spam he's posted around here the past couple days
Wal Mart is floundering while Costco which pays its workers LIVABLE,SANE,DECENT wages is shooting up the charts...can't wait for the bastards at wal mart take their last breath and the company dies and their billions dry up.

Got some data to back up that claim?

Only the same, unsupported spam he's posted around here the past couple days

Already supported it dick head...try looking.
ANYONE who works for wal mart in this case deserves to be treated like a human not a fucking slave. But since government and wal mart are hand in hand they will never get that...Sure the DC council started a fight with them big whoop in the big loop of it all big government and big business are friends. They keep the poor in piss poor jobs with shitty pay and no benefits that keeps them needing the state and its food stamps etc all the while keeping the price for college so high they would need a loan just to get somewhere therefore keeping them a slave to state even more. Its a big fucking racket and I am shocked to realize more of you don't realize it. Actually she loves her job she just doesn't like the bastards screwing her and all of her co workers over while they get rich off the back of their workers and get to fly around in their multi million dollar jet while their workers barely get by and barely have enough money for gas every single week. I work on the side don't bring as much as she does but damn near...You aren't for capitalism you are for crony capitalism and fascism.

I call shenanigans about the SLAVERY thing. Please provide proof that Wal-Mart does any of the following:

- Shackles employees with chains to their cash registers
- Houses employees in filthy dormitories and prevents them from leaving the grounds
- Forcibly breeds employees and sells the offspring
- Place females employees in brothels and forces them to provide sexual services
- Brands or tatoos employees with the company logo

What a fucking moron.

Why, yes you are!

You think being paid to do work one has voluntarily agreed to perform is slavery; and you are unable to identify the conditions that real slaves endure.
how do we know they are actual employees?

This is the correct motorcycle.

We don't know if these people are real employees. AnCapAddlebrained is desperate to grasp at any propaganda that supports his loony idea that being paid for work is slavery. don't think Costco sells products made from Child and Slave labor?? :laugh:
Love how you conservative capitalist fucks pick and choose what to reply about...Really shows your true colors,protect wal mart and its crony capitalism at all costs bash anyone who thinks they are bad....forbid u fucks every get in control of this country we would turn into a fucking corporate run country more than ever...

Well...your not the sharpest tool are you? Did you miss the part about saying I do not shop at Walmart?
I hate Walmart. I find it horribly embarrassing and no small tragedy that the largest employer in America is a retail wholesale chain selling primarily foreign cheap goods made with child and slave labor.
Walmart is a national travesty. I hate f*cking Walmart.
Foreign made goods....
Umm, genius...Here's a homework assignment for you. Go to any store or stores of your choosing. Find the following.

Blue Jeans.
Athletic footwear.
Hiker type boots.
Propane barbecue grill
Spade shovel.
Gardening gloves.
Lap top computer.
Any type of internal computer part( such as a hard disk drive or video card)
Desktop calculator
Cell phone
Set of irons ( golf)
Aluminum baseball or softball bat.
Baseball glove
Tee shirt.
Polo shirt.
Dress shirt.
Now, after looking at the country of manufacture calculate the percentage of items made in foreign colutries
You people are your obsession with the idea of "cheap foreign goods"..When sniping at Walmart....
Funny thing is I never see this type of vitriol when other retailers are discussed.
That list includes but is not limited to..Sears/KMart, Target. Best Buy, Macy's....
I am convinced the anti Walmart faction has but one thing in it's collective mantra.....Labor unions...
People foam at the mouth because Walmart is not only a huge company, but is staunchly anti union. And that really pisses off some people.
I can make this observation due to the fact that Walmart gets most of the shit from the public in areas where unions are still prevalent.
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I have a policy of not clicking on links for which the poster has neither the intellectual capacity nor the courtesy to provide commentary for context.
They both wal mart is better than do what you must to support your family...they offered a job she took it...only good thing that came out of that piece of shit job was she was able to transfer back down south...then they tried to fuck her over so she told them to fuck off. :)

They? Who is "they"?
Your lack of details says I call bullshit on your story.
Nobody goes back to an employer that treats them poorly. Unless they have a short attention span.

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