Wambier's parents contradict trump

And neither North Korea nor Sum Fat Kim have taken responsibility or apologized for torturing this kid to death.

And TRUMP...takes Kim's fucking word that he knew nothing...and never even insisted on an apology

It was a stupid statement but one that is understandable considering the delicate nature of the negotiations.

Mountains of molehills

Obama was bashed endlessly (and rightfully so most of the time) for kowtowing to dictators...Trump does it and it is "understandable".

Partisanship just does not allow for consistency.
Get back to us when President Trump delivers pallets of cash in the dead of night ya hear?
It truly pathetic with the POTUS working towards negotiations to denuclearize NK the press would play the gotcha game. This takes the press being an enemy of the people to a whole new level.
The press is always going to be critical of those in power. I would agree that the timing of the Cohen hearing was highly inappropriate. They should of pushed that back till after the summit.
That has ZERO to do with Trump's SHAMEFUL pandering to Sum Fat Kim
I’m not saying it did. I’m saying it was shitty timing and poor tact
IIRC, the hearings were pushed back because Cohen was concerned about threats made to him and his family by donnie.

Give Donnie a break....that is what Mafia Bosses do...
It was a stupid statement but one that is understandable considering the delicate nature of the negotiations.

Mountains of molehills

Obama was bashed endlessly (and rightfully so most of the time) for kowtowing to dictators...Trump does it and it is "understandable".

Partisanship just does not allow for consistency.
Get back to us when President Trump delivers pallets of cash in the dead of night ya hear?

It was THEIR money that had been frozen....get your alternative facts straight....
And neither North Korea nor Sum Fat Kim have taken responsibility or apologized for torturing this kid to death.

And TRUMP...takes Kim's fucking word that he knew nothing...and never even insisted on an apology


I expect him to call the Wambier family nasty names at any moment.

It truly pathetic with the POTUS working towards negotiations to denuclearize NK the press would play the gotcha game. This takes the press being an enemy of the people to a whole new level.
The press is always going to be critical of those in power. I would agree that the timing of the Cohen hearing was highly inappropriate. They should of pushed that back till after the summit.
That has ZERO to do with Trump's SHAMEFUL pandering to Sum Fat Kim
I’m not saying it did. I’m saying it was shitty timing and poor tact
IIRC, the hearings were pushed back because Cohen was concerned about threats made to him and his family by donnie.
Yes, totally inappropriate what Trump and that congressman did to try and strong arm Cohen
It was a stupid statement but one that is understandable considering the delicate nature of the negotiations.

Mountains of molehills

Obama was bashed endlessly (and rightfully so most of the time) for kowtowing to dictators...Trump does it and it is "understandable".

Partisanship just does not allow for consistency.
Get back to us when President Trump delivers pallets of cash in the dead of night ya hear?

It was THEIR money that had been frozen....get your alternative facts straight....
It truly pathetic with the POTUS working towards negotiations to denuclearize NK the press would play the gotcha game. This takes the press being an enemy of the people to a whole new level.

So you agree with Trump that Un bears no responsibility for what happened to Warmbier?

What did Trump get out of letting Un off the hook? What did these negotiations produce?

The negotiations have achieved more then the past 3 presidents were able to.

I don't think TRUMP is letting Kim off the hook, but what exactly would be gained by TRUMP who is trying to gain the trust of Kim, embarrassing him during such high stake negotiations?

What have they achieved?

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Chronology of U.S.-North Korean Nuclear and Missile Diplomacy | Arms Control Association

Be sure to read the past failures that brought us to this point and TRUMP has taken responsibility to deal with.

Thanks for highlighting nothing has been achieved.

NK now has an operations ICBM and miniature nuclear weapon for putting on side missiles.

After this week, they still have all that and nothing has changed.

So what did Trump get for throwing Otto under the bus? Why did he even need to bring it up?

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It was a stupid statement but one that is understandable considering the delicate nature of the negotiations.

Mountains of molehills

Obama was bashed endlessly (and rightfully so most of the time) for kowtowing to dictators...Trump does it and it is "understandable".

Partisanship just does not allow for consistency.
Get back to us when President Trump delivers pallets of cash in the dead of night ya hear?

It was THEIR money that had been frozen....get your alternative facts straight....

You know how to read...but you won't. The truth hurts

Is Giuliani right about the Iran Nuclear Deal?
So after decades of no one doing a damn thing about NK the libtards wanna bitch that Trump didn’t turn it around in two visits! Got it!
Otto Warmbier's parents respond to Trump: Kim Jong Un responsible for son's death

The Liar in Chief sucks up to another murderer....and gets called out.

I guess he will now insult these poor people?
When Obama kissed the hand of the Suadi dictator, you loved it.

When Obama sucked up to the mass murdering Castro brothers, you loved it.

When Obama showered love on the mullah of Iran, you loved it.

Have you no shame? Your hypocrisy is over-the-top!!!
As I recall they claimed it was important to talk to our enemies! Remember?
Otto Warmbier's parents respond to Trump: Kim Jong Un responsible for son's death

The Liar in Chief sucks up to another murderer....and gets called out.

I guess he will now insult these poor people?
When Obama kissed the hand of the Suadi dictator, you loved it.

When Obama sucked up to the mass murdering Castro brothers, you loved it.

When Obama showered love on the mullah of Iran, you loved it.

Have you no shame? Your hypocrisy is over-the-top!!!

When Obama kissed the hand of the Suadi dictator, you hated it.

When Obama sucked up to the mass murdering Castro brothers, you hated it.

When Obama showered love on the mullah of Iran, you hated it.

Now Trump sucks up to the NK dictator and you love it.

Have you no shame? Your hypocrisy is over-the-top!!
Face it....the Liar in Chief is a POS....
No. the piece of shit has a nick of JimH52.

I am on the side lof the parents, but who wouldn't be. So, would it be better for aTrump to antagonize NK during sensitive talks? He did the right thing. He let NK know we don't forget about Otto and the world remembers. Kim would have preferred he didn't bring it up at all. But he did in a neutral way.

I hope we never forget and ultimately bomb the hell out of them.
I was watching Fox and they said that North Korea called Trump a liar. Trump said they wanted all sanctions removed and they said they would settle for a few removed.
Well...are we supposed to believe Trump, or North Korea....whom Trump also believes....decisions, decisions, decisions...
Otto Warmbier's parents respond to Trump: Kim Jong Un responsible for son's death

The Liar in Chief sucks up to another murderer....and gets called out.

I guess he will now insult these poor people?
When Obama kissed the hand of the Suadi dictator, you loved it.

When Obama sucked up to the mass murdering Castro brothers, you loved it.

When Obama showered love on the mullah of Iran, you loved it.

Have you no shame? Your hypocrisy is over-the-top!!!

When Obama kissed the hand of the Suadi dictator, you hated it.

When Obama sucked up to the mass murdering Castro brothers, you hated it.

When Obama showered love on the mullah of Iran, you hated it.

Now Trump sucks up to the NK dictator and you love it.

Have you no shame? Your hypocrisy is over-the-top!!
We are trying to get his nukes. There's no hypocrisy there. You mentioned 5 instances Obama embarrassed us. Trump reminded Kim we don't forget the horrors on their regime.
Face it....the Liar in Chief is a POS....
No. the piece of shit has a nick of JimH52.

I am on the side lof the parents, but who wouldn't be. So, would it be better for aTrump to antagonize NK during sensitive talks? He did the right thing. He let NK know we don't forget about Otto and the world remembers. Kim would have preferred he didn't bring it up at all. But he did in a neutral way.

I hope we never forget and ultimately bomb the hell out of them.
He didn't have to comment on Otto at all, let alone go overboard with saying "Kim wouldn't let anything like that happen" -- Kim, the same guy who murders his own relatives for fun...now we are supposed to believe he would never allow prisoners to be tortured?

All Trump had to do was decline to speak on it, period...

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