Wambier's parents contradict trump

Otto Warmbier's parents respond to Trump: Kim Jong Un responsible for son's death

The Liar in Chief sucks up to another murderer....and gets called out.

I guess he will now insult these poor people?
When Obama kissed the hand of the Suadi dictator, you loved it.

When Obama sucked up to the mass murdering Castro brothers, you loved it.

When Obama showered love on the mullah of Iran, you loved it.

Have you no shame? Your hypocrisy is over-the-top!!!

When Obama kissed the hand of the Suadi dictator, you hated it.

When Obama sucked up to the mass murdering Castro brothers, you hated it.

When Obama showered love on the mullah of Iran, you hated it.

Now Trump sucks up to the NK dictator and you love it.

Have you no shame? Your hypocrisy is over-the-top!!
We are trying to get his nukes. There's no hypocrisy there. You mentioned 5 instances Obama embarrassed us. Trump reminded Kim we don't forget the horrors on their regime.
Unless ask in front of Kim..
Otto Warmbier's parents respond to Trump: Kim Jong Un responsible for son's death

The Liar in Chief sucks up to another murderer....and gets called out.

I guess he will now insult these poor people?

Of course this is the conclusion you would reach with your naive and partisan outlook on foreign relations. No doubt what happened to Otto Warmbier was horrible and North Korea is responsible. But President Trump has the unenviable task of balancing outrage for Otto Warmbier versus preventing nukes from killing millions. If you had any sense of what it's like to be a leader you would understand.
It truly pathetic with the POTUS working towards negotiations to denuclearize NK the press would play the gotcha game. This takes the press being an enemy of the people to a whole new level.
And he failed like a man with a yellow streak..
Face it....the Liar in Chief is a POS....
No. the piece of shit has a nick of JimH52.

I am on the side lof the parents, but who wouldn't be. So, would it be better for aTrump to antagonize NK during sensitive talks? He did the right thing. He let NK know we don't forget about Otto and the world remembers. Kim would have preferred he didn't bring it up at all. But he did in a neutral way.

I hope we never forget and ultimately bomb the hell out of them.
He didn't have to comment on Otto at all, let alone go overboard with saying "Kim wouldn't let anything like that happen" -- Kim, the same guy who murders his own relatives for fun...now we are supposed to believe he would never allow prisoners to be tortured?

All Trump had to do was decline to speak on it, period...
I already responded to that. In essence, he's saying, Kim Jong Ill.. We have not and never will forget.
It truly pathetic with the POTUS working towards negotiations to denuclearize NK the press would play the gotcha game. This takes the press being an enemy of the people to a whole new level.
The press is always going to be critical of those in power. I would agree that the timing of the Cohen hearing was highly inappropriate. They should of pushed that back till after the summit.
If you think this summit is real, you are delusional.....
Doesn’t matter... if it were a Dem leader meeting with The leader of an unstable nuclear power who hate our country I’d expect the other side to tone down the rhetoric for two days and let him focus on business. All dem opposers of Trump should act in a way they would want the republicans to oppose them when they are in power. Golden rule
the other side didn't tone down the rhetoric....the other side didn't even want to afford Obama the right to be a US citizen, so spare me the "both sides" crap....

Here is what else the other side (that being the Democrats) didn't do...they didn't withdraw the US from a 7 party peace deal just because a Republican brokered it...

Now we are supposed to praise the fact that Trump is trying to broker a deal with NK and totally ignore the fact he pulled us out of a deal with Iran for NO REAL REASON other than Obama did it
Face it....the Liar in Chief is a POS....
No. the piece of shit has a nick of JimH52.

I am on the side lof the parents, but who wouldn't be. So, would it be better for aTrump to antagonize NK during sensitive talks? He did the right thing. He let NK know we don't forget about Otto and the world remembers. Kim would have preferred he didn't bring it up at all. But he did in a neutral way.

I hope we never forget and ultimately bomb the hell out of them.
He didn't have to comment on Otto at all, let alone go overboard with saying "Kim wouldn't let anything like that happen" -- Kim, the same guy who murders his own relatives for fun...now we are supposed to believe he would never allow prisoners to be tortured?

All Trump had to do was decline to speak on it, period...
I already responded to that. In essence, he's saying, Kim Jong Ill.. We have not and never will forget.
No, he didn't....he said what happened to Otto was bad, but prisons are bad and stuff happens....

It seems as long as you are a dictator that Trump likes, he will let you get away with murder....but will call the media the enemy of the people just for reporting it...
I remember how the left acted when the Warmbier story was still fresh. They heaped scorn on him for being a privileged white boy. So don't pretend to care about him now that his death is useful politically.
It truly pathetic with the POTUS working towards negotiations to denuclearize NK the press would play the gotcha game. This takes the press being an enemy of the people to a whole new level.

So you agree with Trump that Un bears no responsibility for what happened to Warmbier?

What did Trump get out of letting Un off the hook? What did these negotiations produce?

The negotiations have achieved more then the past 3 presidents were able to.

I don't think TRUMP is letting Kim off the hook, but what exactly would be gained by TRUMP who is trying to gain the trust of Kim, embarrassing him during such high stake negotiations?

What have they achieved?

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Chronology of U.S.-North Korean Nuclear and Missile Diplomacy | Arms Control Association

Be sure to read the past failures that brought us to this point and TRUMP has taken responsibility to deal with.

Thanks for highlighting nothing has been achieved.

NK now has an operations ICBM and miniature nuclear weapon for putting on side missiles.

After this week, they still have all that and nothing has changed.

So what did Trump get for throwing Otto under the bus? Why did he even need to bring it up?

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Otto arrest happened during Obama's watch, and Obama asked the parents to keep a low profile regarding NK's treatment and arrest. TRUMP was the one who negotiated Otto's release.
I remember how the left acted when the Warmbier story was still fresh. They heaped scorn on him for being a privileged white boy. So don't pretend to care about him now that his death is useful politically.
Tell that to his parents...

Wouldn't even be having this discussion if not for the left brainwashing that kid into thinking it's safe to go visit foreign dictatorships
Face it....the Liar in Chief is a POS....
No. the piece of shit has a nick of JimH52.

I am on the side lof the parents, but who wouldn't be. So, would it be better for aTrump to antagonize NK during sensitive talks? He did the right thing. He let NK know we don't forget about Otto and the world remembers. Kim would have preferred he didn't bring it up at all. But he did in a neutral way.

I hope we never forget and ultimately bomb the hell out of them.

why did he need to bring it up at all?
So you agree with Trump that Un bears no responsibility for what happened to Warmbier?

What did Trump get out of letting Un off the hook? What did these negotiations produce?

The negotiations have achieved more then the past 3 presidents were able to.

I don't think TRUMP is letting Kim off the hook, but what exactly would be gained by TRUMP who is trying to gain the trust of Kim, embarrassing him during such high stake negotiations?

What have they achieved?

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Chronology of U.S.-North Korean Nuclear and Missile Diplomacy | Arms Control Association

Be sure to read the past failures that brought us to this point and TRUMP has taken responsibility to deal with.

Thanks for highlighting nothing has been achieved.

NK now has an operations ICBM and miniature nuclear weapon for putting on side missiles.

After this week, they still have all that and nothing has changed.

So what did Trump get for throwing Otto under the bus? Why did he even need to bring it up?

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Otto arrest happened during Obama's watch, and Obama asked the parents to keep a low profile regarding NK's treatment and arrest. TRUMP was the one who negotiated Otto's release.

Well, then that makes it all ok for Trump to give Un a free pass for no fucking reason.

Silly me
So you agree with Trump that Un bears no responsibility for what happened to Warmbier?

What did Trump get out of letting Un off the hook? What did these negotiations produce?

The negotiations have achieved more then the past 3 presidents were able to.

I don't think TRUMP is letting Kim off the hook, but what exactly would be gained by TRUMP who is trying to gain the trust of Kim, embarrassing him during such high stake negotiations?

What have they achieved?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Chronology of U.S.-North Korean Nuclear and Missile Diplomacy | Arms Control Association

Be sure to read the past failures that brought us to this point and TRUMP has taken responsibility to deal with.

Thanks for highlighting nothing has been achieved.

NK now has an operations ICBM and miniature nuclear weapon for putting on side missiles.

After this week, they still have all that and nothing has changed.

So what did Trump get for throwing Otto under the bus? Why did he even need to bring it up?

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Otto arrest happened during Obama's watch, and Obama asked the parents to keep a low profile regarding NK's treatment and arrest. TRUMP was the one who negotiated Otto's release.

Worked out well for him too.

Obama has gotten hostages out of NK as well. More than Trump actually and he was able to do it without exonerating the criminal.
Aw suckers darn, here we have our righties trying like hell to defend the indefensible. This is nothing new but this time on this thread they are being pathetic.
There is no justification for what trump said. You on the right know this and yet continue to lie your buts off trying to defend the orange piece of shit. You righties should be ashamed.
This never gets old. Go to these nationals that the US issued Alerts in travel warnings. DO NOT GO THERE!

He wanted to play with fire and got fried.


You must really be super dumb to want to party in North Korea...
Last edited:
Face it....the Liar in Chief is a POS....
No. the piece of shit has a nick of JimH52.

I am on the side lof the parents, but who wouldn't be. So, would it be better for aTrump to antagonize NK during sensitive talks? He did the right thing. He let NK know we don't forget about Otto and the world remembers. Kim would have preferred he didn't bring it up at all. But he did in a neutral way.

I hope we never forget and ultimately bomb the hell out of them.

why did he need to bring it up at all?
That's the question isn't it. What Trump said might actually be true, that Kim didn't know Otto was pretty much dead before Otto was brought to Kim's attention. But how is that relevant, or even an excuse? And Trump was lying for BsM over who really ordered Kashogi's death.

But we made a deal with Mao, and had diplomatic relations with Stalin, when Stalin had nukes.

I think it's just that Trump has to see all things as about HIM. It's his relationship with Kim or BsM that's important. Everything happens through Trump, even the sunrise. LOL And that's a bit scary. Birtherism was more about Obama making Trump look like an idiot than about Obama. One would hope that arming the Saudies was not about a deal to bail out Jared's failing biz.
Otto Warmbier's parents respond to Trump: Kim Jong Un responsible for son's death

The Liar in Chief sucks up to another murderer....and gets called out.

I guess he will now insult these poor people?
When Obama kissed the hand of the Suadi dictator, you loved it.

When Obama sucked up to the mass murdering Castro brothers, you loved it.

When Obama showered love on the mullah of Iran, you loved it.

Have you no shame? Your hypocrisy is over-the-top!!!
As I recall they claimed it was important to talk to our enemies! Remember?

Obama did not EVER call murderers talented or a good person.

Face it...trump loves strong men and dictators.

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