Wambier's parents contradict trump

This never gets old. Go to these nationals that the US issued Alerts in travel warnings. DO NOT GO THERE!

He wanted to play with fire and got fried.

I remember how the left acted when the Warmbier story was still fresh. They heaped scorn on him for being a privileged white boy. So don't pretend to care about him now that his death is useful politically.
Did they praise Kim and say he wouldn't let anything happen to him?

By the way, is Trump also against North Korea paying the Warmbier family 500 million since he doesn't think they are responsible?

Otto Warmbier's Parents Sue North Korea, Alleging Torture Of Their Son

Well, like I said, he'd never have gone over there if his marxist professors didn't brainwash him into abandoning all common sense.

You sir are a piece of shit. Blaming the kid?


It was his choice to visit North Korea. Probably thought the evil racist capitalist white people were lying about how dangerous it is there.
This never gets old. Go to these nationals that the US issued Alerts in travel warnings. DO NOT GO THERE!

He wanted to play with fire and got fried.

I remember how the left acted when the Warmbier story was still fresh. They heaped scorn on him for being a privileged white boy. So don't pretend to care about him now that his death is useful politically.
Did they praise Kim and say he wouldn't let anything happen to him?

By the way, is Trump also against North Korea paying the Warmbier family 500 million since he doesn't think they are responsible?

Otto Warmbier's Parents Sue North Korea, Alleging Torture Of Their Son

Well, like I said, he'd never have gone over there if his marxist professors didn't brainwash him into abandoning all common sense.

You sir are a piece of shit. Blaming the kid?


Seeing how you are immune to any actual facts like most morons.
Mike..no offense...but you could be the single most uninformed member of this not real bright forum.

For the record this kid was effectively executed for stealing a friggin propaganda poster and Trump just shrugged and said he believed the little fat murderer.
Mike..no offense...but you could be the single most uninformed member of this not real bright forum.

For the record this kid was effectively executed for stealing a friggin propaganda poster and Trump just shrugged and said he believed the little fat murderer.

Since you're such a champion "for the kids", I can't help but wonder what your stance on the covington teen is?
Face it....the Liar in Chief is a POS....
For the most part he is. But hes doing a good JOB.

He was hired to do a JOB not win a popularity contest.

So....he has insulted a Gold Star Family....called a Federal Judge of Spanish decent a "so called" judge....took the word of murderers and dictators over that of US Intel CIA....FBI....NSA. He has demeaned NATO and bowed to a Crown Prince that had a journalist's body dismembered....and now he waste millions of tax payers money traveling half way around the world with his criminal regime to tell Kim Jong In that he is a Good Guy.....then comes home empty handed.

Tell me how he is doing his "job."

He has Russia and China trending up!

Otto Warmbier's parents respond to Trump: Kim Jong Un responsible for son's death

The Liar in Chief sucks up to another murderer....and gets called out.

I guess he will now insult these poor people?

Once again the best defense the worshipers of Trump can muster is that he is just like Obama

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Incorrect! We did not vote for obamaturd! They are not alike! Obamaturd tard did kiss the ass of dictator’s though, and ewe loved it, in fact you told us it was important to talk to our enemies!

You did not vote for him, but you voted for someone that is just like him. That is why when you are defending Trump the very best you can come up with is "but, but, but Obama....". What you do not realize is that every time you do that, it shows how alike they are.

And I never told you to talk to any fucking body.

I am a Marine, this is how we deal with enemies...

Mike..no offense...but you could be the single most uninformed member of this not real bright forum.

For the record this kid was effectively executed for stealing a friggin propaganda poster and Trump just shrugged and said he believed the little fat murderer.

Since you're such a champion "for the kids", I can't help but wonder what your stance on the covington teen is?
Wrong thread fuckface
Mike..no offense...but you could be the single most uninformed member of this not real bright forum.

For the record this kid was effectively executed for stealing a friggin propaganda poster and Trump just shrugged and said he believed the little fat murderer.

Since you're such a champion "for the kids", I can't help but wonder what your stance on the covington teen is?
I am willing to bet he or she is not in favor of any of the Covington kids being imprisoned, tortured and murdered....

And if these kids were murdered in prison, I am sure he or she wouldn't shrug their shoulders and say "meh, bad stuff happens in prisons"
This never gets old. Go to these nationals that the US issued Alerts in travel warnings. DO NOT GO THERE!

He wanted to play with fire and got fried.

I remember how the left acted when the Warmbier story was still fresh. They heaped scorn on him for being a privileged white boy. So don't pretend to care about him now that his death is useful politically.
Did they praise Kim and say he wouldn't let anything happen to him?

By the way, is Trump also against North Korea paying the Warmbier family 500 million since he doesn't think they are responsible?

Otto Warmbier's Parents Sue North Korea, Alleging Torture Of Their Son

Well, like I said, he'd never have gone over there if his marxist professors didn't brainwash him into abandoning all common sense.

You sir are a piece of shit. Blaming the kid?


A lot of orange turds floating in here these days....
Mike..no offense...but you could be the single most uninformed member of this not real bright forum.

For the record this kid was effectively executed for stealing a friggin propaganda poster and Trump just shrugged and said he believed the little fat murderer.

Since you're such a champion "for the kids", I can't help but wonder what your stance on the covington teen is?
Wrong thread fuckface

Nice deflection.
It truly pathetic with the POTUS working towards negotiations to denuclearize NK the press would play the gotcha game. This takes the press being an enemy of the people to a whole new level.
The press is always going to be critical of those in power. I would agree that the timing of the Cohen hearing was highly inappropriate. They should of pushed that back till after the summit.
If you think this summit is real, you are delusional.....
Doesn’t matter... if it were a Dem leader meeting with The leader of an unstable nuclear power who hate our country I’d expect the other side to tone down the rhetoric for two days and let him focus on business. All dem opposers of Trump should act in a way they would want the republicans to oppose them when they are in power. Golden rule
What do you think of Trumps views of Otto Warmbier?
It's just stupid. Trump supporters call pretty much all Democrats communist, then they defend Trump's defense of a real communist dictator.
Mike..no offense...but you could be the single most uninformed member of this not real bright forum.

For the record this kid was effectively executed for stealing a friggin propaganda poster and Trump just shrugged and said he believed the little fat murderer.
Uninformed? This coming from a media fed idiot. How can anyone be "informed" when all the media does is print biased half truths and lies? Idiot.
Otto Warmbier's parents respond to Trump: Kim Jong Un responsible for son's death

The Liar in Chief sucks up to another murderer....and gets called out.

I guess he will now insult these poor people?
You know when negotiating a international deal to end a nations nuke weapons capabilities one should not insult a leader on a issue.
Perhaps if obama had done as he did with iran and paid for hosyages given up 150 billion and alled nk to keep building delivery systems and enriching uramium the boy would not of got beat to death. Obama stick his thumb up his ass and squelled weee wee as he was spinning on his thumb

If you noticed trump was able to get prisoners in good health from nk and china for free.

Take all that in .and make sure your critical of the right president

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