Want Peace? End The Occupation

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And please, don't give the typical excuses for this kind of state. They can fool half a dozen of simpletons posting on this Board but you can't fool someone who knows every nook and cranny of ethnocratic states. This is the same old, tired excuse used by every single ethnocracy to justify supremacism from 19th century America to Israel. Just for the sake of discussion, let's assume for a moment that an ethnic state has any right to be constituted on a multiethnic region just to expose the fallacy of your argument.

The blanket restriction of movement imposed on an ethnic group by the israeli leaders even before the war ended without any attempt to separate dangerous elements from harmless families who only fled the conflict clearly shows a supremacist state in action, confining the unofficial ethnicity in order to fabricate an artificial demographics.

Using security concerns to "quarantine" unwanted peoples where they can be easily monitored and allow the control of the state by the dominant ethnicity, punishing an entire ethnic group instead of individuals is the hallmark of every ethnocratic state from the indian reservations to the Warsaw Ghetto and the south african Bantustans.

When a state feels the need to "protect" itself from 10 year old children and harmless grandmas any pathetic excuse based on self defense and security concerns that still remains falls to the ground. Its supremacist nature is suddenly revealed.

You can sell this kind of kind of "arguments" to oponents with a fairly low intellectual level and they simply doesn't fly with me.

The US doesn't herd blacks and hispanics in Florida to eliminate interracial violence... to eliminate the problem of white americans robbed, raped and murdered by them... and no ethnic state has any right to herd the arab people of Palestine in Gaza and the WB to protect a historically persecuted ethnic group.

Any state that engages in such behavior is by definition a supremacist state.
I am sympathetic to the security concerns of the jewish population of Israel... I fully understand why they fear palestinian majority rule. But let's find a just, humane solution to the problem of the safety of the jewish population of Israel. I mentioned an international protectorate before...

The world has to come up with an alternative to that country because a racist state murdering one of the ethnic groups for 65 years and counting is every bit as immoral as any racial discrimination jews have ever endured.
"...Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.
My nomination for the Hate-Speech Post of the Month award..
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José;7486941 said:
I am sympathetic to the security concerns of the jewish population of Israel...
You are a Palestinian Muslim-Arab propaganda shill and fifth-columnist who goes out of his way to berate his colleagues and picks fights and advocates for the US to play cheese-eating surrender monkey and to kowtow to foreigners seeking to dictate to us whom we can have as friends and allies and whom we cannot.

Nobody except your fellow travelers really gives a rat's ass what you are sympathetic towards.

Hope that's of some help to you in gauging the sentiment here.

José, et al,

Try as you might, you cannot make me mad.

José;7486822 said:
A jewish supremacist state state with full international recognition is still a jewish supremacist state every bit as immoral, obscene and illegitimate as a supremacist state that's an international pariah.

Just as I can call the sky - green in color, doesn't make it so. Just as your attempt to use the Joseph Goebbels technique of labeling Israel a "Supremacist State" doesn't make it so.

Propaganda from a Time Gone Bye said:
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
― Joseph Goebbels​

The Goebbels' Technique is used quite often and very loudly.

José;7486822 said:
Documents, treaties signed by occupying powers and its puppets dividing foreign territory have no validity from a moral standpoint. The creation of a state can be 100% legal but still deeply immoral.

Just as it can also be the case (a possibility) that the Palestinians have a legitimate grievance, yet are pursuing their brand of justice in a manner contrary to accepted moral principles.

José;7486822 said:
Every colonial project like South Africa was once "legal". The only people who can give the permission for the partition of their historical homeland and the creation of any ethnic state on its territory are the ethnic groups that inhabit the region themselves.

We are not talking about a "colonial project like South Africa." Not in the least. We are talking about Mandated territory given in trusteeship to the Allied Powers by the Empire having Sovereign Control (and that wasn't the Palestinians). And the regions of Syria, Mesopotamia, and Palestine, were not partitioned by ethnic groups. In fact, there were no real borders to these regions when Turkey (the successor state to the Ottoman Empire) renounces formally all rights of suzerainty and jurisdiction to the Allied Powers (not the Palestinians for which the area had not yet defined boundaries).

José;7486822 said:
You keep showing dozens of documents signed by colonial powers and puppets like Faisal all of which shared your disdain for the rights of the arab population of Palestine but the one you can't show us is the only one that really matters: the approval of the native population.

You make this pronouncement, as if somewhere it says that the Palestinians had some sort of control over the Region. But nowhere does it say that. In fact, all the formal documentation says the exact opposite.

José;7486822 said:
The emphasis you put on international legalism over morality is an implicit recognition of the dehumanizing paradigm under which the state of Israel was created.

You keep insisting on legal legitimacy because deep in your heart you know it has no moral legitimacy.

Funny you should mention this. Morality (standards of conduct that are generally accepted as right or proper) comes from Charters, Covenants, Treaties, and Conventions that attempt to define what is common accepted practice and legitimate.

It was not until 13 September 2007, that the UN passed the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly 61/295 - United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. But we shouldn't mention that because it is one of those legal documents that doesn't apply.

José;7486822 said:
It shows your insecurity and embarassement for being on a board supporting the immoral behavior of a jewish ethnocratic state who spent the last 65 years killing one of the region's native group.

Don't worry about me. I'm not the least bit insecure of embarrassed. Israel is a Parliamentarian Republic. The term "Jewish State" actually was assigned by the UN and is derived from Part I, Section "A" - A. TERMINATION OF MANDATE, PARTITION AND INDEPENDENCE, GA Res 181(II). It is also used opposite the Term "Arab State" (Section A) and "Jewish State" (Section B) in Part II - Boundaries. But again, you don't want to here about that, it too formal and legal.

José;7486825 said:
Moral scum who openly supports murderous racist states demanding morality from others would be comic if it were not tragic. It takes some nerve to do it, I give you that.

Again, you cannot make me mad. Feel free to place any ad hominem label upon me.

José;7486825 said:
Someone who advocates the continued existence of a jewish supremacist state in Palestine, widely recognised as the source of 90% of anti-American feelings in arab countries, can't even be called terrorist supporters, like you are calling me, RoccoR.

I've not actually heard that Israel has claimed to advocates the supremacy of a particular Palestinian group, especially a Palestinian group that has a past history of criminal and terrorist behaviors.

Now, maybe I said that Israel was superior to the Palestinians, economically, educationally, industrially, militarily, diplomatically and culturally; BUT, I don't exactly recall the State of Israel or any spokes person say that.

José;7486825 said:
Noboby in the Middle East gives a damn about american troops stationed in Saudi Arabia besides Bin Laden and a bunch of other fundies. But they could never have all the material support to plan and execute 9/11 without "Al Qaeda's recruiting office".

I'm confused. I must not be reading this correct.

Who is giving support to whom and for what? There are no troops beyond they transient forces and military advisors and DAO's in Saudi Arabia.

José;7486825 said:
People like you are instrumental for the existence of the terrorism against the United States. Without the staunch support for Israel coming from the american and european people in the last 60 years Israel would have bite the dust long ago and islamic terrorism would never have reached its critical mass.

That is an opinion. I tend to think it is US foreign policy. But we don't need to agree on this.

José;7486825 said:
I hope the Board can sleep well with all those 3000 skeletons in their closet.

Again, what? I'll sleep well in any event. The dead can't hurt me.

José;7486825 said:
The reason I have to bring up terrorism against the US as a reason to dismantle the jewish ethnocratic state is because moral arguments ring hollow, doesn't mean absolutely anything to racial supremacists like you and the rest of the Board even the so-called "pro-palestinian" posters like Saigon and Coyote.

There are no moral arguments; least of a moral argument in defense of the terrorist.

José;7486825 said:
The fact that the whole foundation of the state of Israel is based on the dehumanisation of one of the the historical ethnic groups of Palestine is a moral argument that will always fall on the deaf ears of dehumanizers like you who consider the arab people of Palestine as subhumans, a nuissance that can be displaced for a "good cause", as a threat to be defeated by the supremacist state.

The pro-Paestinian has had the monopoly on propaganda. Just look at the phasing you used here in this one paragraph.

José;7486825 said:
Sadly, the dantesque spectacle of a racist state killing the natives of the land sounds like the most natural thing in the world, like business as usual to this gutter dwellers. And whether I like it or not these are the people I have to address.

This is the Palestinian playing the "victim" card.

José;7486825 said:
Therefore, the reason I have to resort to this kind of argument, Rocco, is not any implicity support of terrorism on my part, but the deep moral depravity of my audience itself.

There is no moral depravity. There are two sides to the argument. I think you need to tune-up your critical thinking.

José;7486825 said:
The dehumanization of the palestinian people is shared by almost the entire board even the so-called "pro-palestinian" posters. I laugh my head off everytime people like toastman call Coyote and Saigon "pro-palestinian" posters. Saigon and Coyote are about as "pro-palestinians" as Archie Bunker was "pro-blacks/hispanics".

José;7486825 said:
Both posters openly, shamelessly support the right of jewish ethnocracy to murder the people of Palestine, they both accept the "right" of that immorality to exist.

José;7486825 said:
I guess in toastman's (dehumanizing) mind being a "pro-palestinian" means keeping them in the ethnic enclaves forever and the anti-pals are the ones calling for their outright expulsion.

They are quarantined for security purposes.

José;7486825 said:
Stop for a moment and take a look at the obscenity you support in this board day after day, week after week, Rocco.

I don't believe I have the same perspective as you.

José;7486825 said:
What you call legitimate targets is the native people of Palestine reivindicating their right to live in their homeland through their armed struggle, not chinese, russian troops trying to conquer a foreign territory.

All the Palestinians had to do was stay put, and not instigate hostilities and violence.

José;7486825 said:
What kind of sick, callous individual has the courage to join a message board to show their support for such obscenity? I see not only you but even the so called "pro-palestinian" posters like Coyote and Saigon supporting this over and over.

OK, I admit it, I must have raised my hand --- because my name is right there.

José;7486825 said:
If I wasn't aware this was a board on the israeli palestinian conflict I would have thought this kind of conversation came straight from Germany 1935.

I believe it was you that invoked the Goebbels principles.

José;7486825 said:
You, Coyote, Saigon lose all your moral authority to criticize the terrorist element of the palestinian armed struggle the moment you support something even more immoral in Palestine like state sponsored ethnic supremacism.

You mean to tell me that none of those events,not a single one, was a modern day terrorist event?

José;7486825 said:
A pathetically weak third world people resorting to terrorist tactics to fight the state that keeps them herded in racial enclaves pales when compared to the same state armed to the teeth murdering the very same indigenous people it should protect.

The insurgency opens hostilities first.

José;7486825 said:
The most tragic thing of all is that you, just like the rest of the Board, cannot perceive your own depravity (even worse than palestinian terrorism) because of the dehumanising paradigm through which you see the palestinian people.

I don't know.

José;7486825 said:
I have the moral credentials that you and the rest of Board lack to be able to say Palestinians should end the armed struggle and start a non-violent movement for equal rights in Palestine because I do not dehumanize them like you do. I don't see them through a dehumanising paradigm in which they are perceived as a group of human beings entitled to only a fraction of the rights Jews have. I don't see them as dispensable people who can be displaced for a good cause.

I don't dehumanize Palestinians. Either they are Allied Arab Palestinians or Hostile Arab Palestinians.

José;7486825 said:
Stop making up excuses for a racist state killing the exact same people that fully qualify as citizens, show some human decency and accept their right to move freely in their historical homeland, Rocco. Then and only then you'll have the moral authority to criticize the excesses of their armed struggle just like Tinmore and I have.

OK Right!

José;7486825 said:
People who support the jewish racial dictatorship automatically lose any moral authority to criticize palestinian terrorism.

Yes, of course.

José;7486825 said:
The dehumanizer cannot demmand humane behavior from the very same people he dehumanizes, Rocco.

Not that it applies to me, but who said that?

Most Respectfully,
"...Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.
My nomination for the Hate-Speech Post of the Month award..


Thank you. I enjoy getting under the skin of annoying people.. AKA Jews.
"...Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.
My nomination for the Hate-Speech Post of the Month award..


Thank you. I enjoy getting under the skin of annoying people.. AKA Jews.

Where did he say you got under his skin ???? LOL :lol:

We embrace your hate. Your hate has, and continues to make us stronger, so keep it up loser ha ha ha ha :clap2:

I'm still laughing at the fact that you say you got under anyone's skin here :lol:

BTW, you mentioned yesterday that every Jew you met was 'self-loathing'. Out of curiosity, roughly how many Jews have you met ?
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"...Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.
My nomination for the Hate-Speech Post of the Month award..


Thank you. I enjoy getting under the skin of annoying people.. AKA Jews.

You don't get under my skin. You keep me on my toes, and others. And of course there is the Karma aspect to your hate.
Huggy is so funny. Dear Lord, where will we go for laughs if he ever leaves us?

"...Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.
My nomination for the Hate-Speech Post of the Month award..


Thank you. I enjoy getting under the skin of annoying people.. AKA Jews.
"...Thank you. I enjoy getting under the skin of annoying people.. AKA Jews."
It's not a matter of getting under someone's skin.

It's a matter of manifesting religious hatred.

Oh, and, by the way, in my case, you missed the mark twice (skin, Jew).

Better luck next time.
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José;7486778 said:
Originally posted by Toastman
Is Jose a Spanish Arab ?

Originally posted by Roudy
Yusuf Islam aka Cat Stevens incognito.

Originally posted by Hossfly
A question for Yousef (aka José).

Hossfly, Roudy and toastman found a infallible way to piss me off... calling me an arab/muslim.

The guys just hit the jackpot and not even God Almighty can make them stop :lol: :lol:

I love you all, horse man, toast and Roudy... I don't even know exactly why but I do.
Why not tell the other guys in your madrassa that you love all of us? I guess you will have to wait until after school starts up again. You can also tell them that you posted for the Israeli Jews to get out of "your land, " and we know that he wasn't referring to New Mexico or Arizona. One thing we know is that Yousef is not really a Giuseppe celebrating the Feast of San Gennaro. Hmm, I wonder what the Friday Sermon at the Mosque will be today.
José;7486814 said:
Originally posted by Hossfly
Say, Bloodrock, do you ever think we will hear this Arab kid Yousef (AKA José) call any of the Muslim countries "dysfunctional supremacist state and not calling for its peaceful dismantlement" even though the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people.

I'm just telling it like it is, Hoss.

Any state that finds itself in a perpetual state of war with one of its (displaced) ethnic groups is by definition a dysfunctional state.

I know you have a strong religious emotional attachment to Israel due to your evangelical faith but any serious political scientist will attest to what I just said above.
Why, Yousef, a lot of non Jewish people here in America have an attachment to Israel. I'm sorry if you have a problem with that. Say, Yousef, as a matter of curiosity, are you on any other forums of the USMessageBoard condemning what your brethren are doing to others? After all, Israel is really like a postage stamp compared with the size of the Muslim world, and I would think as a fair minded person you would be condemning what is happening to the innocent people there in the name of a religion. On the other hand, maybe Yousef doesn't think it is dysfunctional for people to be killing others because of their religious beliefs. Yessiree, folks, Youself thinks that some political scientists will agree with him. So tell us, Yousef, do you actually think that some serious political scientists will give a pass to countries who throw people in jail to rot there just because of allegedly committing blasphemy?
Regarding the occupation, any suggestions where the Palestinians can have their own Palestinian State free from Israel's control?
"...disgusting Kikes..." "...filthy Jew..."
Oh, and, BTW - to avoid 'doing this behind your back' - I've reported this post and asked The Management to look into it. Best regards, Kondor.

Sadly for you this is the USMB. It isn't the Filthy ****/Jew Message Board. I've been telling the truth about you losers as time and my interest permits for a very long time. Here is a tip! If you don't want people to bring up your shortcomings...stop being assholes.

You are not special. No one is going to put you on a pedistal here. You are not protected from scrutiny here like you would be on a Jew web site. Why don't you losers just toddle on over to a place where you don't have to have the light of day shone on you?
This one was also reported.

Oh, and, by the way, are you operating under the impression that I'm Jewish?

I'm simply an American and fellow board-poster who knows hate-speech and code-of-conduct violations when he sees them.
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I am Jewish, and have reported Huggy's two highly hateful posts. Those hateful comments have nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of the thread either.

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