Want Peace? End The Occupation

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So the U S is giving money to the Jews so they can buy arms from us? And you think I'm stupid? Pardon me for being dense but I don't want my tax dollars susidizing the Jew military.

Do you really think it bothers me to be called anti-semitic? :lol: I'm not pro-palistinian. I'm pro human being. The Jews learned nothing from the holocaust. You really are nasty people. Israel is a festering puss filled boil on the ass(Mid East) of the planet. You can't insult me with "anti-semitic" moron. My dislike of the Jewish people, religion and society goes far deeper than that. :lol: I would rather put my share of the money we give to Israel on Charles Manson's prison books.

Of course you're not pro - Palestinian. A pro - Palestinian would at least know how to spell 'Palestinian' :lol:

Can I ask you a question, why are you such a miserable hate filled person? Did something bad happen to you in your life, or were you born like that?

And why do you hate Jews? Did your Jewish landlord evict you? Did your Jewish boss fire you? Did a Jew steal your girlfriend from you? Did you have meet a Jew you knew from high school only to find out he succeeded in life, while your life turned outto be a miserable failure?
Common, be honest :cool:

I have been crystal clear and honest. No, none of your speculations have happened to me. I would never put myself in a position that a Jew could take advantage of if not just for the freedom to explain to them, as the need presented itself, what pieces of shit they are without retribution.

I have vented my dislike for Jews on many occasions here on USMB. All Jews I have ever met are, with great justification, selfloathing. Perhaps you should honestly look within for your answer to why I hate Jews. I hate you for the same reasons you hate yourselves.

Translation: All Jews I have met are more successful then I am
So the U S is giving money to the Jews so they can buy arms from us? And you think I'm stupid? Pardon me for being dense but I don't want my tax dollars susidizing the Jew military.

Do you really think it bothers me to be called anti-semitic? :lol: I'm not pro-palistinian. I'm pro human being. The Jews learned nothing from the holocaust. You really are nasty people. Israel is a festering puss filled boil on the ass(Mid East) of the planet. You can't insult me with "anti-semitic" moron. My dislike of the Jewish people, religion and society goes far deeper than that. :lol: I would rather put my share of the money we give to Israel on Charles Manson's prison books.

Of course you're not pro - Palestinian. A pro - Palestinian would at least know how to spell 'Palestinian' :lol:

Can I ask you a question, why are you such a miserable hate filled person? Did something bad happen to you in your life, or were you born like that?

And why do you hate Jews? Did your Jewish landlord evict you? Did your Jewish boss fire you? Did a Jew steal your girlfriend from you? Did you have meet a Jew you knew from high school only to find out he succeeded in life, while your life turned outto be a miserable failure?
Common, be honest :cool:

I have been crystal clear and honest. No, none of your speculations have happened to me. I would never put myself in a position that a Jew could take advantage of if not just for the freedom to explain to them, as the need presented itself, what pieces of shit they are without retribution.

I have vented my dislike for Jews on many occasions here on USMB. All Jews I have ever met are, with great justification, selfloathing. Perhaps you should honestly look within for your answer to why I hate Jews. I hate you for the same reasons you hate yourselves.

No, you hate us because you're an immature, ignorant, narrow minded, bigoted, ass-clown.
Let's face it, we are talking about peace from Palestinians. And who knows Palestinians better than Jordan. Regretfully Jordan had to massacre around 20,000 Palestinians to communicate a lasting peace from them. Hopefully the Palestinians will not continue to push Israel to such high numbers to communicate a lasting peace.

I am in total agree with this thinking you quoted--- "In 2007, Israel's former chief rabbi, Mordechai Elyahu, called for the Israeli army to mass murder Palestinians. In fanatical language he said: 'If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill 1,000. And if they don't stop after 1,000, then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000. Even a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop.
Whatever it takes, LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

"THE NEAR THREAT OF (EXCEPTIONAL) EXTREMISM: Others in Israel teach the extremist notion that the 10 Commandments don't apply to non-Jews. So killing them in defending the homeland is acceptable, and according to Rabbi Dov Lior, chairman of the Jewish Rabbinic Council: 'There is no such thing as enemy civilians in war time. The law of our Torah is to have mercy on our soldiers and to save them... A thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail.'

"Rabbi David Batsri called Arabs 'a blight, a devil, a disaster... donkeys, and we have to ask ourselves why God didn't create them to walk on all fours. Well, the answer is that they are needed to build and clean.' Extremist zealots want them for no other purpose in Jewish society.

"In 2007, Israel's former chief rabbi, Mordechai Elyahu, called for the Israeli army to mass murder Palestinians. In fanatical language he said: 'If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill 1,000. And if they don't stop after 1,000, then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000. Even a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop.'

In March 2009, Safed's chief rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu called for 'state-sponsored revenge' to restore 'Israel's deterrence... It's time to call the child by its name: revenge, revenge, revenge. We mustn't forget. We have to take horrible revenge for the terrorist attack at Mercaz Harav yeshiva,' referring to an earlier incident in which eight students died. 'I am not talking about individual people in particular. I'm talking about the state. (It) has to pain them where they scream "Enough," to the point where they fall flat on their face and scream 'help!'"

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
Who knows Palestinians better than David Ben-Gurion?

"David Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, June 1938

I am for compulsory transfer [of Palestinians]; I do not see anything immoral in it."

Do you?

excerpts from the book The Ethic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe

Oh really???


In our state there will be non-Jews as well — and all of them will be equal citizens; equal in everything without any exception; that is: the state will be their state as well. ...The attitude of the Jewish State to its Arab citizens will be an important factor—though not the only one—in building good neighbourly relations with the Arab States. If the Arab citizen will feel at home in our state, and if his status will not be the least different from that of the Jew, and perhaps better than the status of the Arab in an Arab state, and if the state will help him in a truthful and dedicated way to reach the economic, social, and cultural level of the Jewish community, then Arab distrust will accordingly subside and a bridge to a Semitic, Jewish-Arab alliance, will be built... (David Ben-Gurion Ba-Ma'Araha Vol IV, Part 2, pp. 260, 265, quoted in Fabricating Israeli History, Efraim Karsh, p.67)

It makes me sick how the anti-Israel lobby turn quotes into misquotes, but fortunately there is plenty of proof to disprove those misquotes.

Let's face it, we are talking about peace from Palestinians. And who knows Palestinians better than Jordan. Regretfully Jordan had to massacre around 20,000 Palestinians to communicate a lasting peace from them. Hopefully the Palestinians will not continue to push Israel to such high numbers to communicate a lasting peace.

I am in total agree with this thinking you quoted--- "In 2007, Israel's former chief rabbi, Mordechai Elyahu, called for the Israeli army to mass murder Palestinians. In fanatical language he said: 'If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill 1,000. And if they don't stop after 1,000, then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000. Even a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop.
Whatever it takes, LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Who knows Palestinians better than David Ben-Gurion?

"David Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, June 1938

I am for compulsory transfer [of Palestinians]; I do not see anything immoral in it."

Do you?

excerpts from the book The Ethic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
Hmmm, now who do we believe???
CAMERA: Did Pappé Invent Another Quote?
Did Pappe invent Plan Dalet or Benny Morris?

"In his book on the birth of the Palestinian refugee problem Israeli historian Benny Morris discusses the relevance of the idea of 'population transfer in Zionist thinking.

"Morris concludes that there was Zionist support for transfer 'in the 1930s and early 1940s', and that while this 'transfer thinking' had conditioned the Yishuv's hearts and minds to accept it as natural and inevitable when it happened, it 'was not tantamount to pre-planning, and did not issue in the production of a policy or master plan of expulsion; the Yishuv and its military forces did not enter the 1948 War, which was initiated by the Arab side, with a policy or plan for expulsion'".


650,000 Jews inflict their state upon 1.2 million Arabs, and Morris invents Arab initiation of hostilities?
How does the foreign aid benefit the U.S ?? Well most of the money is spent on military equipment from the U.S, genius.

When will you anti - semitic pro Palestinians stop crying over U.s foreign aid to Israel ?? Geez, get over it , and stop fuckin whining !

So the U S is giving money to the Jews so they can buy arms from us? And you think I'm stupid? Pardon me for being dense but I don't want my tax dollars susidizing the Jew military.

Do you really think it bothers me to be called anti-semitic? :lol: I'm not pro-palistinian. I'm pro human being. The Jews learned nothing from the holocaust. You really are nasty people. Israel is a festering puss filled boil on the ass(Mid East) of the planet. You can't insult me with "anti-semitic" moron. My dislike of the Jewish people, religion and society goes far deeper than that. :lol: I would rather put my share of the money we give to Israel on Charles Manson's prison books.

I think you are mistaking me for someone who gives a shit about what you think of me or Jews/Israelis :lol:

Some of your tax money goes to Israel, and it kills you. Got an issue, here's a tissue

Tissues are no good. He needs a towel while he jerks to anti-semitic sites.
Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.

How does the foreign aid benefit the U.S ?? Well most of the money is spent on military equipment from the U.S, genius.

When will you anti - semitic pro Palestinians stop crying over U.s foreign aid to Israel ?? Geez, get over it , and stop fuckin whining !

So the U S is giving money to the Jews so they can buy arms from us? And you think I'm stupid? Pardon me for being dense but I don't want my tax dollars susidizing the Jew military.

Do you really think it bothers me to be called anti-semitic? :lol: I'm not pro-palistinian. I'm pro human being. The Jews learned nothing from the holocaust. You really are nasty people. Israel is a festering puss filled boil on the ass(Mid East) of the planet. You can't insult me with "anti-semitic" moron. My dislike of the Jewish people, religion and society goes far deeper than that. :lol: I would rather put my share of the money we give to Israel on Charles Manson's prison books.
Why, Huggy, we give plenty of money to other countries where the people actually hate us. The money allocated to Israel has to mainly be spent here, which gives jobs to workers in our defense industry. You don't want to see them on the unemployment line, do you, Huggy? Meanwhile, so much of the money we just hand over to other countries goes into the pockets of the leaders there. There used to be a retired Naval Intelligence Officer once posting on a forum who said that if Americans only knew how much Israel has helped America, they would deny Israel nothing. And, Huggy, if it bothers you so much that about $3 of your tax money is going to Israel, we can all chip in here and sent you a check for $3. I think we can even collect enough to send you by Greyhound to the prison where Charlie Manson is kept so you can have a nice tete-a-tete with him. Of course it doesn't bother you to be called an anti-Semite or a Jew hated because you are proud to wear that label and you can tell Charlie all about it.
So now we hate ourselves ? Interesting theory.

If there's one thing I learned about an individual who dislikes an entire ethnic group, race, or religious group, it is that they are miserable losers who hate THEMSELVES and hate their shitty lives.

It's not the fault of the Jews that you are a deadbeat. It's not the Jews fault that you make very little money. Maybe you should blame yourself

People like you disgust me, really.
Some of these Jew haters like Huggy are good for a laugh. Meanwhile, do you really think that Huggy would turn down a medical or technological innovation if it was created by a Jew? Let;s face it. Huggy isn't here because he is interested in what is happening in the Middle East. Huggy is here to vent his hatred against the Jews. It makes him feel like a big man.
Isn't it just awful Huggy living here in America. The least Israel could do to ease your pain & suffering in the USA is plant a tree in your name thanking you for your tax dollars.

Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.

How does the foreign aid benefit the U.S ?? Well most of the money is spent on military equipment from the U.S, genius.

When will you anti - semitic pro Palestinians stop crying over U.s foreign aid to Israel ?? Geez, get over it , and stop fuckin whining !

So the U S is giving money to the Jews so they can buy arms from us? And you think I'm stupid? Pardon me for being dense but I don't want my tax dollars susidizing the Jew military.

Do you really think it bothers me to be called anti-semitic? :lol: I'm not pro-palistinian. I'm pro human being. The Jews learned nothing from the holocaust. You really are nasty people. Israel is a festering puss filled boil on the ass(Mid East) of the planet. You can't insult me with "anti-semitic" moron. My dislike of the Jewish people, religion and society goes far deeper than that. :lol: I would rather put my share of the money we give to Israel on Charles Manson's prison books.
HUGGY, et al,

I see there are multiple issues and profiles here.

Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.
  • First: Jews like to steal. "(the land they have stolen by force)"
I assume that our friend "Huggy" is talking about the apportionment under General Assembly 181(II), and the Map Annex "A", which was used in their packet Declaring Independence, as well as in their Application for Admission, all of which was reviewed and recommended via UN Security Council Resolution 69, and the United Nations voted to accept via General Assembly in Resolution 273.​

Pocket Note: The Palestinian side adheres to international legitimacy and respects General Assembly resolution 181 (II), as well as Security Council resolution 242 (1967), the implementation of which is the aim of the current Middle East peace process. MAP Link to S/RES/242 (1967) 22 November 1967.

The United Nations Palestine Commission herewith renders to the Security Council its First Monthly Progress Report as provided for in paragraph 14, Section B, Part I of the resolution [Insert: That resolution being GA Res 181(II)] of the General Assembly on the Future Government of Palestine (document A/516). The representative designated by the Jewish Agency for Palestine was Mr. Moshe Shertok. As regards the Arab Higher Committee, the following telegraphic response was received by the Secretary-General on 19 January:
This was taken to mean that the Arab Higher Committee, representing the Arab Palestinians, would not participate in the US Security Council implementation of General Assembly Resolution 181(II); which ultimately lead to a favorable recommendation in Security Council Resolution 69.

There was no sealing of anything. The UN, having trusteeship, accepted the Jewish Agency acknowledgement and agreement with the outline in Resolution 181(II). It was all done in the light of day by the protocols in place at that time.
  • Second: "Jews do no like to do. That is spend money"
I'm not sure what the issue is with respect to the Jewish Agency being frugal (economy in the use of resources) with there appropriated funds or how that issue might impact the discussion. Yes, it is true; the Jewish Agency had a fiduciary responsibility under both the Mandate (Article #4) and the Interim Government to be so.​

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.

This is a double edged sword. If we shutdown funding Israel, we would certainly have to shutdown funding the Palestinian Authority. The US provides considerable Foreign Aid to the Palestinians. In fact SECSTATE John Kerry has floated a three-year, $4 billion development plan that is supposed to create tens of thousands of jobs and expand the Palestinian economy by 50 percent. If it was not for the US, the Palestinian Authority would not have been able to make their payroll.

More than a 100 case have been file by US Citizen under the Material Support Statute, 18 USC § 2339A - Providing material support to terrorists for providing Hamas (terrorists) with US Aid. See Page #2: Palestinian U.N.-Related Initiatives and Possible Fatah-Hamas Consensus—Effects on Aid.

Most Respectfully,
One of the Palestinian terrorist supporters (I think maybe George) once asked "what makes Jews sooooo special." And the answer is so obvious, people like Huggy, Sherri & George. Thanks ya'll.

Isn't it just awful Huggy living here in America. The least Israel could do to ease your pain & suffering in the USA is plant a tree in your name thanking you for your tax dollars.

How does the foreign aid benefit the U.S ?? Well most of the money is spent on military equipment from the U.S, genius.

When will you anti - semitic pro Palestinians stop crying over U.s foreign aid to Israel ?? Geez, get over it , and stop fuckin whining !

So the U S is giving money to the Jews so they can buy arms from us? And you think I'm stupid? Pardon me for being dense but I don't want my tax dollars susidizing the Jew military.

Do you really think it bothers me to be called anti-semitic? :lol: I'm not pro-palistinian. I'm pro human being. The Jews learned nothing from the holocaust. You really are nasty people. Israel is a festering puss filled boil on the ass(Mid East) of the planet. You can't insult me with "anti-semitic" moron. My dislike of the Jewish people, religion and society goes far deeper than that. :lol: I would rather put my share of the money we give to Israel on Charles Manson's prison books.
Originally posted by Toastman
Is Jose a Spanish Arab ?

Originally posted by Roudy
Yusuf Islam aka Cat Stevens incognito.

Originally posted by Hossfly
A question for Yousef (aka José).

Hossfly, Roudy and toastman found a infallible way to piss me off... calling me an arab/muslim.

The guys just hit the jackpot and not even God Almighty can make them stop :lol: :lol:

I love you all, horse man, toast and Roudy... I don't even know exactly why but I do.
Originally posted by toastman
Outrageous, but common among the thoughts of pro - Palestinians.

You badly need a mirror, toastman.

If merely pointing out a causal relation between terrorism and the US support for Israel, as I did, is outrageous, what you and Rocco have been doing on this Board from day one, giving your blessings to a racist state herding an ethnic group into an enclave and killing those who fight against it makes Hustler magazine look like the Holy Bible.
Originally posted by Huggy
My dislike of the Jewish people, religion and society goes far deeper than that. I would rather put my share of the money we give to Israel on Charles Manson's prison books.

Originally posted by toastman
If there's one thing I learned about an individual who dislikes an entire ethnic group, race, or religious group, it is that they are miserable losers who hate THEMSELVES and hate their shitty lives.


I think what I'm gonna say really means something since it's coming from the opposite side of the debate.

If Huggy supported the palestinian struggle I'd have strong suspicions that he was in reality an agent paid by Israel with the single mission of giving pro-palestinian posters a bad name. :razz: :razz:
Originally posted by Huggy
I'm not pro-palistinian.

Thank God Huggy does not support them!!

With just about every kind of theocrats and secular dictators in the Middle East, from the Iranian Mullahs to Assad, expressing their support to palestinians, not to mention the tragic partial islamization of the palestinian struggle and anti-semitic statements by palestinians themselves, as a result of 65 years of jewish racial dictatorship in Palestine, the LAST thing the palestinian people need is EVEN more bad PR, with Huggy declaring his unconditional support for the palestinian cause. :razz: :razz:
Originally posted by Hossfly
Say, Bloodrock, do you ever think we will hear this Arab kid Yousef (AKA José) call any of the Muslim countries "dysfunctional supremacist state and not calling for its peaceful dismantlement" even though the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people.

I'm just telling it like it is, Hoss.

Any state that finds itself in a perpetual state of war with one of its (displaced) ethnic groups is by definition a dysfunctional state.

I know you have a strong religious emotional attachment to Israel due to your evangelical faith but any serious political scientist will attest to what I just said above.
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Originally posted by RoccoR
First: Jews like to steal. "(the land they have stolen by force)"
I assume that our friend "Huggy" is talking about the apportionment under General Assembly 181(II), and the Map Annex "A", which was used in their packet Declaring Independence, as well as in their Application for Admission, all of which was reviewed and recommended via UN Security Council Resolution 69, and the United Nations voted to accept via General Assembly in Resolution 273.
Pocket Note: The Palestinian side adheres to international legitimacy and respects General Assembly resolution 181 (II), as well as Security Council resolution 242 (1967), the implementation of which is the aim of the current Middle East peace process. MAP Link to S/RES/242 (1967) 22 November 1967.

The United Nations Palestine Commission herewith renders to the Security Council its First Monthly Progress Report as provided for in paragraph 14, Section B, Part I of the resolution [Insert: That resolution being GA Res 181(II)] of the General Assembly on the Future Government of Palestine (document A/516). The representative designated by the Jewish Agency for Palestine was Mr. Moshe Shertok. As regards the Arab Higher Committee, the following telegraphic response was received by the Secretary-General on 19 January:
This was taken to mean that the Arab Higher Committee, representing the Arab Palestinians, would not participate in the US Security Council implementation of General Assembly Resolution 181(II); which ultimately lead to a favorable recommendation in Security Council Resolution 69.

There was no sealing of anything. The UN, having trusteeship, accepted the Jewish Agency acknowledgement and agreement with the outline in Resolution 181(II). It was all done in the light of day by the protocols in place at that time.

A jewish supremacist state state with full international recognition is still a jewish supremacist state every bit as immoral, obscene and illegitimate as a supremacist state that's an international pariah.

Documents, treaties signed by occupying powers and its puppets dividing foreign territory have no validity from a moral standpoint. The creation of a state can be 100% legal but still deeply immoral.

Every colonial project like South Africa was once "legal". The only people who can give the permission for the partition of their historical homeland and the creation of any ethnic state on its territory are the ethnic groups that inhabit the region themselves.

You keep showing dozens of documents signed by colonial powers and puppets like Faisal all of which shared your disdain for the rights of the arab population of Palestine but the one you can't show us is the only one that really matters: the approval of the native population.

The emphasis you put on international legalism over morality is an implicit recognition of the dehumanizing paradigm under which the state of Israel was created.

You keep insisting on legal legitimacy because deep in your heart you know it has no moral legitimacy.

It shows your insecurity and embarassement for being on a board supporting the immoral behavior of a jewish ethnocratic state who spent the last 65 years killing one of the region's native group.
Originally posted by RoccoR
José, et al,

Of course not. You are not an advocate of terrorism. Oh no. We shouldn't think that at all.

Moral scum who openly supports murderous racist states demanding morality from others would be comic if it were not tragic. It takes some nerve to do it, I give you that.

Someone who advocates the continued existence of a jewish supremacist state in Palestine, widely recognised as the source of 90% of anti-American feelings in arab countries, can't even be called terrorist supporters, like you are calling me, RoccoR.

Noboby in the Middle East gives a damn about american troops stationed in Saudi Arabia besides Bin Laden and a bunch of other fundies. But they could never have all the material support to plan and execute 9/11 without "Al Qaeda's recruiting office".

People like you are instrumental for the existence of the terrorism against the United States. Without the staunch support for Israel coming from the american and european people in the last 60 years Israel would have bite the dust long ago and islamic terrorism would never have reached its critical mass.

I hope the Board can sleep well with all those 3000 skeletons in their closet.

The reason I have to bring up terrorism against the US as a reason to dismantle the jewish ethnocratic state is because moral arguments ring hollow, doesn't mean absolutely anything to racial supremacists like you and the rest of the Board even the so-called "pro-palestinian" posters like Saigon and Coyote.

The fact that the whole foundation of the state of Israel is based on the dehumanisation of one of the the historical ethnic groups of Palestine is a moral argument that will always fall on the deaf ears of dehumanizers like you who consider the arab people of Palestine as subhumans, a nuissance that can be displaced for a "good cause", as a threat to be defeated by the supremacist state.

Sadly, the dantesque spectacle of a racist state killing the natives of the land sounds like the most natural thing in the world, like business as usual to this gutter dwellers. And whether I like it or not these are the people I have to address.

Therefore, the reason I have to resort to this kind of argument, Rocco, is not any implicity support of terrorism on my part, but the deep moral depravity of my audience itself.

The dehumanization of the palestinian people is shared by almost the entire board even the so-called "pro-palestinian" posters. I laugh my head off everytime people like toastman call Coyote and Saigon "pro-palestinian" posters. Saigon and Coyote are about as "pro-palestinians" as Archie Bunker was "pro-blacks/hispanics".

Both posters openly, shamelessly support the right of jewish ethnocracy to murder the people of Palestine, they both accept the "right" of that immorality to exist.

I guess in toastman's (dehumanizing) mind being a "pro-palestinian" means keeping them in the ethnic enclaves forever and the anti-pals are the ones calling for their outright expulsion.

Stop for a moment and take a look at the obscenity you support in this board day after day, week after week, Rocco.

What you call legitimate targets is the native people of Palestine reivindicating their right to live in their homeland through their armed struggle, not chinese, russian troops trying to conquer a foreign territory.

What kind of sick, callous individual has the courage to join a message board to show their support for such obscenity? I see not only you but even the so called "pro-palestinian" posters like Coyote and Saigon supporting this over and over.

If I wasn't aware this was a board on the israeli palestinian conflict I would have thought this kind of conversation came straight from Germany 1935.

You, Coyote, Saigon lose all your moral authority to criticize the terrorist element of the palestinian armed struggle the moment you support something even more immoral in Palestine like state sponsored ethnic supremacism.

A pathetically weak third world people resorting to terrorist tactics to fight the state that keeps them herded in racial enclaves pales when compared to the same state armed to the teeth murdering the very same indigenous people it should protect.

The most tragic thing of all is that you, just like the rest of the Board, cannot perceive your own depravity (even worse than palestinian terrorism) because of the dehumanising paradigm through which you see the palestinian people.

I have the moral credentials that you and the rest of Board lack to be able to say Palestinians should end the armed struggle and start a non-violent movement for equal rights in Palestine because I do not dehumanize them like you do. I don't see them through a dehumanising paradigm in which they are perceived as a group of human beings entitled to only a fraction of the rights Jews have. I don't see them as dispensable people who can be displaced for a good cause.

Stop making up excuses for a racist state killing the exact same people that fully qualify as citizens, show some human decency and accept their right to move freely in their historical homeland, Rocco. Then and only then you'll have the moral authority to criticize the excesses of their armed struggle just like Tinmore and I have.

People who support the jewish racial dictatorship automatically lose any moral authority to criticize palestinian terrorism.

The dehumanizer cannot demand humane behavior from the very same people he dehumanizes, Rocco.
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