Want Peace? End The Occupation

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José, et al,

Of course not. You are not an advocate of terrorism. Oh no. We shouldn't think that at all.

José;7483103 said:

You're probably mistaking me for the rest of the Board...

If I enjoyed seeing thousands of innocent american civilians murdered on a beautiful NYC morning, I would be here joining the morally depraved posters who delight themselves at the disgusting spectacle of a racist state killing an "undesired" ethnic group to keep its racial character.

If I wanted to see an endless succession of 9/11s, killing thousands of civilians and plunging the whole world into the deepest international crisis since the end of the Cold War, I would be here, together with the rest of the idiots, cheering for that totally, completely dysfunctional supremacist state and not calling for its peaceful dismantlement.

The US shouldn't negotiate with terrorists. In Osama bin Laden's (ObL) 2002 open Letter to the American People; he makes a connection between the 9/11 Attacks and Palestine.
If there was ever a reason to know you are on the right track to supporting
Israel, without knowing anything else about the subject, one needs only to understand
the character and moral fiber of the men that support the Palestinians.
Just knowing that ObL supports the Palestinian, tells you something of the
Palestinian, their methods and their cause.

In that Open Letter, ObL right off the bat, makes the following claim. So important it is, that his breaks it FIRST:

ObL Open Letter to the American People said:
(Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you?
(Q2)What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?​

As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:

(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.

a) You attacked us in Palestine:

(i) Palestine, which has sunk under military occupation for more than 80 years. The British handed over Palestine, with your help and your support, to the Jews, who have occupied it for more than 50 years; years overflowing with oppression, tyranny, crimes, killing, expulsion, destruction and devastation. The creation and continuation of Israel is one of the greatest crimes, and you are the leaders of its criminals. And of course there is no need to explain and prove the degree of American support for Israel. The creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased. Each and every person whose hands have become polluted in the contribution towards this crime must pay its*price, and pay for it heavily.​


There are many ways to argue in defense of the poor, downtrodden, Palestinian. But to advocate that ObL's 911 event was then, and is now, a reason to oppose Israel and to fear reprisal in the cause of the Palestinian only tells me that someone is trying to intimidate us on behalf of their cause. A veiled and implied threat to use of force or violence for the purpose of coercing others for ideological or political reasons, is --- in itself --- promoting terrorism. If there was no other reason to support the State of Israel, the fact that there are still pro-Palestinians using this threat and reminding us that 911 was, in-part, perpetrated because we Americans are seen as having attacked them, is reason enough.

As many of you know, I will entertain almost any pro-Palestinian argument; but this (IMHO) is outrageous.

Most Respectfully,
Outrageous, but common among the thoughts of pro - Palestinians.
Some of them want the U.S to bow down to the commands of the Arabs to cut ties with Israel :lol:
As if it is going to make a difference.
Arabs hate the U.S because of the hundreds of military bases in the Middle East. DO the pro - Palestinians want the U.S to pull out of the Middle East completely to satisfy the hostile Arabs???
José;7483304 said:


With "patriots" like you, Kondor, America doesn't even need Al Qaeda.
Blow it out your ass, boy...
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José;7482932 said:
Why would I want peace already? That would be a waste of excellent training. Not to mention all the money for weapons and ammo!

To reduce the arab desire to turn thousands of american civilians into hamburger meat.



A question for Yousef (aka José). It this your Imam? Since Yousef brought up hamburger meat, no doubt the hamburger meat he eats is Halal. I doubt he goes into a Mexican restaurant and orders Carne Asada where the meat is Haram but searches out a Muslim restaurant which follows the rules of what is Halal. Of course, if he doesn't mind sitting down in a place where Jews are eating, he could always go to a Kosher Deli and have a hot corned beef on rye instead of a hamburger.

José;7483103 said:

You're probably mistaking me for the rest of the Board...

If I enjoyed seeing thousands of innocent american civilians murdered on a beautiful NYC morning, I would be here joining the morally depraved posters who delight themselves at the disgusting spectacle of a racist state killing an "undesired" ethnic group to keep its "racial character".

If I wanted to see an endless succession of 9/11s, killing thousands of civilians and plunging the whole world into the deepest international crisis since the end of the Cold War, I would be here, together with the rest of the idiots, cheering for that totally dysfunctional supremacist state and not calling for its peaceful dismantlement.
Say, Bloodrock, do you ever think we will hear this Arab kid Yousef (AKA José) call any of the Muslim countries "dysfunctional supremacist state and not calling for its peaceful dismantlement" even though the Muslims have murdered millions and millions of people. It seems if the Muslims have murdered millions, they get a pass, but if a Jew harms the head of a Muslim, all hell breaks loose in a Muslim's mind.
Let's face it, we are talking about peace from Palestinians. And who knows Palestinians better than Jordan. Regretfully Jordan had to massacre around 20,000 Palestinians to communicate a lasting peace from them. Hopefully the Palestinians will not continue to push Israel to such high numbers to communicate a lasting peace.

I am in total agree with this thinking you quoted--- "In 2007, Israel's former chief rabbi, Mordechai Elyahu, called for the Israeli army to mass murder Palestinians. In fanatical language he said: 'If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill 1,000. And if they don't stop after 1,000, then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000. Even a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop.
Whatever it takes, LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!


You have not established that Hesder schools teach "exceptionalism," as you term it.

You have not established that, even if (assuming for the sake of argument) Hesder schools teach "exceptionalism," these teachings have permeated the IDF as a whole.

In fact, you have not established anything other than the obvious point that there are extremist individuals in every group.

All that stated, if the question is - would I want the US military to teach soldiers to be proud of their country and committed to its protection, the answer is "Hell, yeah!"
"THE NEAR THREAT OF (EXCEPTIONAL) EXTREMISM: Others in Israel teach the extremist notion that the 10 Commandments don't apply to non-Jews. So killing them in defending the homeland is acceptable, and according to Rabbi Dov Lior, chairman of the Jewish Rabbinic Council: 'There is no such thing as enemy civilians in war time. The law of our Torah is to have mercy on our soldiers and to save them... A thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail.'

"Rabbi David Batsri called Arabs 'a blight, a devil, a disaster... donkeys, and we have to ask ourselves why God didn't create them to walk on all fours. Well, the answer is that they are needed to build and clean.' Extremist zealots want them for no other purpose in Jewish society.

"In 2007, Israel's former chief rabbi, Mordechai Elyahu, called for the Israeli army to mass murder Palestinians. In fanatical language he said: 'If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill 1,000. And if they don't stop after 1,000, then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000. Even a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop.'

In March 2009, Safed's chief rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu called for 'state-sponsored revenge' to restore 'Israel's deterrence... It's time to call the child by its name: revenge, revenge, revenge. We mustn't forget. We have to take horrible revenge for the terrorist attack at Mercaz Harav yeshiva,' referring to an earlier incident in which eight students died. 'I am not talking about individual people in particular. I'm talking about the state. (It) has to pain them where they scream "Enough," to the point where they fall flat on their face and scream 'help!'"

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
Who knows Palestinians better than David Ben-Gurion?

"David Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, June 1938

I am for compulsory transfer [of Palestinians]; I do not see anything immoral in it."

Do you?

excerpts from the book The Ethic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
Let's face it, we are talking about peace from Palestinians. And who knows Palestinians better than Jordan. Regretfully Jordan had to massacre around 20,000 Palestinians to communicate a lasting peace from them. Hopefully the Palestinians will not continue to push Israel to such high numbers to communicate a lasting peace.

I am in total agree with this thinking you quoted--- "In 2007, Israel's former chief rabbi, Mordechai Elyahu, called for the Israeli army to mass murder Palestinians. In fanatical language he said: 'If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill 1,000. And if they don't stop after 1,000, then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000. Even a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop.
Whatever it takes, LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

"THE NEAR THREAT OF (EXCEPTIONAL) EXTREMISM: Others in Israel teach the extremist notion that the 10 Commandments don't apply to non-Jews. So killing them in defending the homeland is acceptable, and according to Rabbi Dov Lior, chairman of the Jewish Rabbinic Council: 'There is no such thing as enemy civilians in war time. The law of our Torah is to have mercy on our soldiers and to save them... A thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail.'

"Rabbi David Batsri called Arabs 'a blight, a devil, a disaster... donkeys, and we have to ask ourselves why God didn't create them to walk on all fours. Well, the answer is that they are needed to build and clean.' Extremist zealots want them for no other purpose in Jewish society.

"In 2007, Israel's former chief rabbi, Mordechai Elyahu, called for the Israeli army to mass murder Palestinians. In fanatical language he said: 'If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill 1,000. And if they don't stop after 1,000, then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000. Even a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop.'

In March 2009, Safed's chief rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu called for 'state-sponsored revenge' to restore 'Israel's deterrence... It's time to call the child by its name: revenge, revenge, revenge. We mustn't forget. We have to take horrible revenge for the terrorist attack at Mercaz Harav yeshiva,' referring to an earlier incident in which eight students died. 'I am not talking about individual people in particular. I'm talking about the state. (It) has to pain them where they scream "Enough," to the point where they fall flat on their face and scream 'help!'"

Al-Ahram Weekly | Focus | Religious fundamentalism in Israel
Who knows Palestinians better than David Ben-Gurion?

"David Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, June 1938

I am for compulsory transfer [of Palestinians]; I do not see anything immoral in it."

Do you?

excerpts from the book The Ethic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
Hmmm, now who do we believe???
CAMERA: Did Pappé Invent Another Quote?
The occupation is the root cause of this ongoing conflict between Israel & the Palestinian squatters. Peace will come only when & if Israel ends the occupation by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Call it a One State Solution. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.
The occupation is the root cause of this ongoing conflict between Israel & the Palestinian squatters. Peace will come only when & if Israel ends the occupation by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Call it a One State Solution. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.

I guess the irony of his post just flew right over your dumbass anti - semitic head hahaha

Way to make a fool of yourself !
The occupation is the root cause of this ongoing conflict between Israel & the Palestinian squatters. Peace will come only when & if Israel ends the occupation by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Call it a One State Solution. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.

How does the foreign aid benefit the U.S ?? Well most of the money is spent on military equipment from the U.S, genius.

When will you anti - semitic pro Palestinians stop crying over U.s foreign aid to Israel ?? Geez, get over it , and stop fuckin whining !
And finally, your last sentence of your post: Israel ha already made several peace offers to the Palestinians, which would have given them virtually all of the West Bank. Of course, the GREEDY Palestinians with Jew blood soaked hands refused every offer flat out

What have the Palestinians offered for peace Einstein ?
The occupation is the root cause of this ongoing conflict between Israel & the Palestinian squatters. Peace will come only when & if Israel ends the occupation by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Call it a One State Solution. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.
I think Huggy has a guilty conscience so he is blaming all his shortcomings on the Jews. Well, we all know that there are people who absolutely need scapegoats for their failure in life. Meanwhile, it was once figured that if the "Palestinians" and the Jews from the Muslim countries were each compensated, it would be ten to one in favor of the Jews. I know that Huggy will be happy to put his share in. By the way, it looks like Huggy is one of those Jew haters who closes his eyes to the blood stained hands of those who are actually busy killing innocent people in the Middle East and in other locations. Way to go, Huggy!!!
The occupation is the root cause of this ongoing conflict between Israel & the Palestinian squatters. Peace will come only when & if Israel ends the occupation by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Call it a One State Solution. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.

How does the foreign aid benefit the U.S ?? Well most of the money is spent on military equipment from the U.S, genius.

When will you anti - semitic pro Palestinians stop crying over U.s foreign aid to Israel ?? Geez, get over it , and stop fuckin whining !

So the U S is giving money to the Jews so they can buy arms from us? And you think I'm stupid? Pardon me for being dense but I don't want my tax dollars susidizing the Jew military.

Do you really think it bothers me to be called anti-semitic? :lol: I'm not pro-palistinian. I'm pro human being. The Jews learned nothing from the holocaust. You really are nasty people. Israel is a festering puss filled boil on the ass(Mid East) of the planet. You can't insult me with "anti-semitic" moron. My dislike of the Jewish people, religion and society goes far deeper than that. :lol: I would rather put my share of the money we give to Israel on Charles Manson's prison books.
Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.

How does the foreign aid benefit the U.S ?? Well most of the money is spent on military equipment from the U.S, genius.

When will you anti - semitic pro Palestinians stop crying over U.s foreign aid to Israel ?? Geez, get over it , and stop fuckin whining !

So the U S is giving money to the Jews so they can buy arms from us? And you think I'm stupid? Pardon me for being dense but I don't want my tax dollars susidizing the Jew military.

Do you really think it bothers me to be called anti-semitic? :lol: I'm not pro-palistinian. I'm pro human being. The Jews learned nothing from the holocaust. You really are nasty people. Israel is a festering puss filled boil on the ass(Mid East) of the planet. You can't insult me with "anti-semitic" moron. My dislike of the Jewish people, religion and society goes far deeper than that. :lol: I would rather put my share of the money we give to Israel on Charles Manson's prison books.

I think you are mistaking me for someone who gives a shit about what you think of me or Jews/Israelis :lol:

Some of your tax money goes to Israel, and it kills you. Got an issue, here's a tissue
But hey, I commend you for at least admitting you hate Jews. Most anti - semites are usually in denial
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Not going to happen. Jews like to steal. What they don't like is admitting they steal. If they gave back the land they have stolen by force then they would have to compensate those they have allowed to take possession of land that was not thiers. That is the other thing Jews do no like to do. That is spend money they are not absolutely forced to..AKA Cheap.

I'll tell you how to end the occupation in a heartbeat and that is to stop all U S foreign aid to Israel until they do right by the palistinians. If the Jews can't get thier greedy grubby Palistinian blood soaked hands on the billions we give to them for god knows what benefit for our country they would settle up with the Arabs in less than one week.

How does the foreign aid benefit the U.S ?? Well most of the money is spent on military equipment from the U.S, genius.

When will you anti - semitic pro Palestinians stop crying over U.s foreign aid to Israel ?? Geez, get over it , and stop fuckin whining !

So the U S is giving money to the Jews so they can buy arms from us? And you think I'm stupid? Pardon me for being dense but I don't want my tax dollars susidizing the Jew military.

Do you really think it bothers me to be called anti-semitic? :lol: I'm not pro-palistinian. I'm pro human being. The Jews learned nothing from the holocaust. You really are nasty people. Israel is a festering puss filled boil on the ass(Mid East) of the planet. You can't insult me with "anti-semitic" moron. My dislike of the Jewish people, religion and society goes far deeper than that. :lol: I would rather put my share of the money we give to Israel on Charles Manson's prison books.

Of course you're not pro - Palestinian. A pro - Palestinian would at least know how to spell 'Palestinian' :lol:

Can I ask you a question, why are you such a miserable hate filled person? Did something bad happen to you in your life, or were you born like that?

And why do you hate Jews? Did your Jewish landlord evict you? Did your Jewish boss fire you? Did a Jew steal your girlfriend from you? Did you have meet a Jew you knew from high school only to find out he succeeded in life, while your life turned outto be a miserable failure?
Common, be honest :cool:
How does the foreign aid benefit the U.S ?? Well most of the money is spent on military equipment from the U.S, genius.

When will you anti - semitic pro Palestinians stop crying over U.s foreign aid to Israel ?? Geez, get over it , and stop fuckin whining !

So the U S is giving money to the Jews so they can buy arms from us? And you think I'm stupid? Pardon me for being dense but I don't want my tax dollars susidizing the Jew military.

Do you really think it bothers me to be called anti-semitic? :lol: I'm not pro-palistinian. I'm pro human being. The Jews learned nothing from the holocaust. You really are nasty people. Israel is a festering puss filled boil on the ass(Mid East) of the planet. You can't insult me with "anti-semitic" moron. My dislike of the Jewish people, religion and society goes far deeper than that. :lol: I would rather put my share of the money we give to Israel on Charles Manson's prison books.

Of course you're not pro - Palestinian. A pro - Palestinian would at least know how to spell 'Palestinian' :lol:

Can I ask you a question, why are you such a miserable hate filled person? Did something bad happen to you in your life, or were you born like that?

And why do you hate Jews? Did your Jewish landlord evict you? Did your Jewish boss fire you? Did a Jew steal your girlfriend from you? Did you have meet a Jew you knew from high school only to find out he succeeded in life, while your life turned outto be a miserable failure?
Common, be honest :cool:

I have been crystal clear and honest. No, none of your speculations have happened to me. I would never put myself in a position that a Jew could take advantage of if not just for the freedom to explain to them, as the need presented itself, what pieces of shit they are without retribution.

I have vented my dislike for Jews on many occasions here on USMB. All Jews I have ever met are, with great justification, selfloathing. Perhaps you should honestly look within for your answer to why I hate Jews. I hate you for the same reasons you hate yourselves.
So now we hate ourselves ? Interesting theory.

If there's one thing I learned about an individual who dislikes an entire ethnic group, race, or religious group, it is that they are miserable losers who hate THEMSELVES and hate their shitty lives.

It's not the fault of the Jews that you are a deadbeat. It's not the Jews fault that you make very little money. Maybe you should blame yourself

People like you disgust me, really.
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