Want Peace? End The Occupation

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Want peace?

Concede that the Jews have won-back the Holy Land and then pack up and move someplace else.

Because they're not giving it back after waiting 1,900 years to have another shot at it...
Want Justice?

Tell us why Jews alone among all nations are entitled to win back land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago.
Because of all the Peoples of the Book, the Jews are the only ones NOT to have a Home Base or Mothership - a homeland for their faith - until 1948, anyway - so The West (and the UN to a certain extent) gave them one, as a guilt-payment and consolation for the Holocaust.

The Christians have Rome and Canterbury and the like.

The Muslims have Mecca and Medinah.

And now the Jews rule in Jerusalem once again after a long hiatus.

Sometimes, peoples, or ragtag fragments of peoples, end-up being displaced, when such momentous events unfold.

Plenty of examples within living memory.

You are going to resolve the problems of 2013 with mystical beliefs and fairy tales? What book are you referring to, the bible? Nonsense.

The problems here are not rooted in magic, but in the desire for a Jewish homeland, not a bad thing per se, but it was seized from its long standing inhabitants, against their wishes, causing considerable outrage. That is the issue,
Want Justice?

Tell us why Jews alone among all nations are entitled to win back land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago.
Because of all the Peoples of the Book, the Jews are the only ones NOT to have a Home Base or Mothership - a homeland for their faith - until 1948, anyway - so The West (and the UN to a certain extent) gave them one, as a guilt-payment and consolation for the Holocaust.

The Christians have Rome and Canterbury and the like.

The Muslims have Mecca and Medinah.

And now the Jews rule in Jerusalem once again after a long hiatus.

Sometimes, peoples, or ragtag fragments of peoples, end-up being displaced, when such momentous events unfold.

Plenty of examples within living memory.

You are going to resolve the problems of 2013 with mystical beliefs and fairy tales? What book are you referring to, the bible? Nonsense.

The problems here are not rooted in magic, but in the desire for a Jewish homeland, not a bad thing per se, but it was seized from its long standing inhabitants, against their wishes, causing considerable outrage. That is the issue,
Let us have the kids make decisions. They seem to have more moxie than adults.

Despite the political stalemate between Israel and the Palestinians, research conducted by an American professor reveals that there is still hope for reconciliation and coexistence between the two peoples...via soccer.

Prior to the study, which had the children from both sides play a number of soccer games against one another, 52 percent of the Palestinian participants said they hated all Israelis. Following the study, a full 100 percent of the Palestinians said they would be happy to have Israeli friends.

Soccer melts hatred between Israeli and Palestinian kids - Israel Today | Israel News
Because of all the Peoples of the Book, the Jews are the only ones NOT to have a Home Base or Mothership - a homeland for their faith - until 1948, anyway - so The West (and the UN to a certain extent) gave them one, as a guilt-payment and consolation for the Holocaust.

The Christians have Rome and Canterbury and the like.

The Muslims have Mecca and Medinah.

And now the Jews rule in Jerusalem once again after a long hiatus.

Sometimes, peoples, or ragtag fragments of peoples, end-up being displaced, when such momentous events unfold.

Plenty of examples within living memory.

You are going to resolve the problems of 2013 with mystical beliefs and fairy tales? What book are you referring to, the bible? Nonsense.

The problems here are not rooted in magic, but in the desire for a Jewish homeland, not a bad thing per se, but it was seized from its long standing inhabitants, against their wishes, causing considerable outrage. That is the issue,
Let us have the kids make decisions. They seem to have more moxie than adults.

Despite the political stalemate between Israel and the Palestinians, research conducted by an American professor reveals that there is still hope for reconciliation and coexistence between the two peoples...via soccer.

Prior to the study, which had the children from both sides play a number of soccer games against one another, 52 percent of the Palestinian participants said they hated all Israelis. Following the study, a full 100 percent of the Palestinians said they would be happy to have Israeli friends.

Soccer melts hatred between Israeli and Palestinian kids - Israel Today | Israel News
Here's how adults "handle" the "Peace Initiatitive".

A prominent Palestinian Arab billionaire has earned the scorn of the Palestinian Authority for the heinous crime of talking peace with Jews who make their homes and conduct business in Judea and Samaria (the so-called "West Bank").

Last month, Munib al-Masri, a Palestinian tycoon and former minister in the Palestinian Authority, led a private effort to get Israelis back on board with the Saudi-authored Arab League Peace Initiative first introduced in 2002.

Israelis viewed the proposal with suspicion because it called for the nearly unconditional surrender of all Judea, Samaria and the eastern half of Jerusalem, while Palestinians were unhappy that the plan stated any solution to the claimed "refugee crisis" must be agreed upon by Israel. The Palestinian Authority continues to insist that Israel open its borders to millions of "Palestinian

Businessman angers fellow Palestinians by talking peace with Jews - Israel Today | Israel News
You are going to resolve the problems of 2013 with mystical beliefs and fairy tales?
No. With M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks and F-16s and M16s and M4s and the like.

"...What book are you referring to, the bible? Nonsense."

Don't look now, but Christians, Jews and Muslims ALL consider themselves to be "Peoples of the Book" - i.e., the Jewish bible... a.k.a., The Old Testament. That umbrella-label is still very much alive-and-well, regardless of what you and I personally believe-in.

"...The problems here are not rooted in magic, but in the desire for a Jewish homeland, not a bad thing per se, but it was seized from its long standing inhabitants, against their wishes, causing considerable outrage.That is the issue,"
True, at least in part, although (1) the Jews had bought-out the Muslims with regard to much of the land, and already owned it by 1948, and (2) the British and the UN promised the Jews a homeland by dividing the land into two parts, and they were the ones in control right up to the moment the State of Israel was declared.

The Jews saw the British pulling out without fulfilling their promise so the Jews forced the issue on British Departure Day. Given what they'd just been through in the 1930s and 1940s, most in The West didn't fault the Israelis (much) for acting to preserve their people rather than passively waiting for liars and posturers and defaulters to keep their promises.
I am in total support of a Palestinian State. Question is where? The Palestinians want to be free from any control by Israel. And yet no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Any suggestions?
Only a loser in life would say "Why do some Jews think they are sooooo special?" Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, I thought you would be spending your time in one of the Cooling Centers in Los Angeles today where you could tell the other people how BAD BAD BAD the Jews are, and because of the damn Jews the people in the Centers can't afford air conditioning. Just in case you get too hot tomorrow, Georgie Boy............

LA County Cooling Centers
The occupation is the root cause of this ongoing conflict between Israel & the Palestinian squatters. Peace will come only when & if Israel ends the occupation by finding an incentive to offer the surrounding Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Call it a One State Solution. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

:lol: :lmao: :rofl: :lmao: :lol:

If israel did that, they would be attacked by their arab neighbors.

fuck sakes, how dumb do you think people are? muslims want all jews dead, so there will only be peace when muslims love peace over war.

and that will never ever happen
You are going to resolve the problems of 2013 with mystical beliefs and fairy tales? What book are you referring to, the bible? Nonsense.

The problems here are not rooted in magic, but in the desire for a Jewish homeland, not a bad thing per se, but it was seized from its long standing inhabitants, against their wishes, causing considerable outrage. That is the issue,
Let us have the kids make decisions. They seem to have more moxie than adults.

Despite the political stalemate between Israel and the Palestinians, research conducted by an American professor reveals that there is still hope for reconciliation and coexistence between the two peoples...via soccer.

Prior to the study, which had the children from both sides play a number of soccer games against one another, 52 percent of the Palestinian participants said they hated all Israelis. Following the study, a full 100 percent of the Palestinians said they would be happy to have Israeli friends.

Soccer melts hatred between Israeli and Palestinian kids - Israel Today | Israel News
Here's how adults "handle" the "Peace Initiatitive".

A prominent Palestinian Arab billionaire has earned the scorn of the Palestinian Authority for the heinous crime of talking peace with Jews who make their homes and conduct business in Judea and Samaria (the so-called "West Bank").

Last month, Munib al-Masri, a Palestinian tycoon and former minister in the Palestinian Authority, led a private effort to get Israelis back on board with the Saudi-authored Arab League Peace Initiative first introduced in 2002.

Israelis viewed the proposal with suspicion because it called for the nearly unconditional surrender of all Judea, Samaria and the eastern half of Jerusalem, while Palestinians were unhappy that the plan stated any solution to the claimed "refugee crisis" must be agreed upon by Israel. The Palestinian Authority continues to insist that Israel open its borders to millions of "Palestinian

Businessman angers fellow Palestinians by talking peace with Jews - Israel Today | Israel News

Incorrect. The wording of the Saudi peace plan is actually left intentionally vague, in order to allow for things like financial compensation, rather than actual return to 1949 homes.

Israel has rejected the plan because it is now in a postion of strength, with a nuclear monopoly, and the unquestioning backing of the US. Either or both of these may well change in the future, at which time a change in barganing positions would also occur. It would be so much better to bargan now, rather than later.
Want peace?

Concede that the Jews have won-back the Holy Land and then pack up and move someplace else.

Because they're not giving it back after waiting 1,900 years to have another shot at it...
Want Justice?

Tell us why Jews alone among all nations are entitled to win back land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago.

George, I think you and I know one thing for sure: If the Palestinians want Jerusalem, they will have to use conventional warfare to get it. Nothing will be given back to them. Sorry, but it's out of the question.
“We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us”

Golda Meir quotes (Israeli Founder and Prime Minister. 1898-1978)

Want peace?

Concede that the Jews have won-back the Holy Land and then pack up and move someplace else.

Because they're not giving it back after waiting 1,900 years to have another shot at it...
Want Justice?

Tell us why Jews alone among all nations are entitled to win back land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago.

George, I think you and I know one thing for sure: If the Palestinians want Jerusalem, they will have to use conventional warfare to get it. Nothing will be given back to them. Sorry, but it's out of the question.
Not really.
I think 650,000 Jews inflicting a Zionist colony on 1.2 million Arabs in 1948 was a much bigger mistake.
Why do some Jews think they are sooooo special?

I don't know where you get this idea that Jews think of themselves as soo special. The whole "Jews think they are the chosen ones and better than me " mentality that you guys have is false.
I'm sure there are some cocky Jews who feel that way, but it's not something you will see . I've never heard any Jew say such a thing .
You live in California , there are plenty of Jews there, ask any of them if they feel like they are superior to Goyim, of if they were taught to believe that. They certainly never taught it at my elementary and high school, which were both Jewish private schools !
What did your private Jewish schools tell you about the special privileges the British conferred on their "little loyal Jewish Ulster" at the end of the War to End All Wars? Specifically, what special aspects of Jewish character inspired their colonial overlords to award Jewish capital 90 percent of building concessions in Palestine in spite of the fact there were only 56,000 Jews among 640,000 Arabs living there at that time?

The Hidden Roots of Zionism
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I am in total support of a Palestinian State. Question is where? The Palestinians want to be free from any control by Israel. And yet no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Any suggestions?
Divide Lebanon into...

1. Lebanon

2. New Palestine

...and shift the West Bank and Gaza populations to New Palestine; leaving all of Eretz Yisrael to the Jews; with the Israelis and the Arab League splitting the costs of the population shift; supplemented, if need-be, by logistical and financial assistance from the UN.

The Muslims (Hezbollah, etc.) have done a pretty good job of 'cleansing' Lebanese Christians in recent decades so there should be plenty of space available.

Syria is weakened and distracted and unable to interfere in Lebanon the way it has in recent decades since they helped to trash that former paradise-like resort-nation.
Want peace?

Concede that the Jews have won-back the Holy Land and then pack up and move someplace else.

Because they're not giving it back after waiting 1,900 years to have another shot at it...
How 'bout them apples?

US Secretary of State John Kerry is currently on the last leg of his latest round of Middle East shuttle diplomacy, and looks to have fared no better than in his previous visits.

Just a few days ago, there was talk of Kerry announcing, and possibly even hosting on the spot a four-way summit between himself, Israel, the Palestinians and the Jordanians before his return to Washington.

But those hopes were put to rest as Kerry emerged from his Sunday morning meeting with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.

Kerry fails in bid for Israeli-Palestinian summit - Israel Today | Israel News
What "hopes" are you talking about?
Elite Jews never miss a chance to miss a chance to choose expansion over peace.

"Netanyahu declares, with his usual sincerity, that he wants to meet. Nay, that he is eager to meet. With the polished charm of a seasoned TV presenter familiar with the power of visual images, he even offered to put up a tent halfway between Jerusalem and Ramallah (at the infamous Qalandia checkpoint?) and sit down with Abbas and Kerry until a full agreement on all aspects of the conflict is achieved.

"Who could resist such a generous offer? Why the hell does Abbas not jump at it and grasp it with with both hands?

"For a very simple reason.

"The very start of new negotiations would be a political triumph for Netanyahu. Actually, it’s all he really wants – the ceremony, the bombast, the leaders shaking hands, the smiles, the speeches full of goodwill and talk of peace.

"And then? Then nothing. Negotiations that go on endlessly, months, years, decades. We have seen it all before. Yitzhak Shamir, one of Netanyahu’s predecessors, famously boasted that he would have dragged out the negotiations forever."

Kerry and Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
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"Netanyahu declares, with his usual sincerity, that he wants to meet. Nay, that he is eager to meet. With the polished charm of a seasoned TV presenter familiar with the power of visual images, he even offered to put up a tent halfway between Jerusalem and Ramallah (at the infamous Qalandia checkpoint?) and sit down with Abbas and Kerry until a full agreement on all aspects of the conflict is achieved.

"Who could resist such a generous offer? Why the hell does Abbas not jump at it and grasp it with with both hands?

"For a very simple reason.

"The very start of new negotiations would be a political triumph for Netanyahu. Actually, it’s all he really wants – the ceremony, the bombast, the leaders shaking hands, the smiles, the speeches full of goodwill and talk of peace.

"And then? Then nothing. Negotiations that go on endlessly, months, years, decades. We have seen it all before. Yitzhak Shamir, one of Netanyahu’s predecessors, famously boasted that he would have dragged out the negotiations forever."

Kerry and Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
So, the point of this is...

The Palestinians are committed to peaceful settlement and negotiation...

But they will not come to the negotiating table because they are convinced the other side does not want to negotiate?

Even if it's true, do you know how bad that sounds, from the outsider's perspective?

Even if you sent a Mental Hospital Inmate to the talks...

At least you would not have given Israel another playing card, enabling them to say, once again: "See? We offer time-and-again to talk peace. The Palestinians always decline. Who can work with such people? If they wish to continue this war then we will be happy to obliged them."

Deciding NOT to show-up at the negotiating table is a Political and Public Relations Mistake of the highest order.

Dumb decision.
"IN ALL this bickering, one basic fact is ignored.

It’s that elephant again.

"The elephant in the room, whose existence Netanyahu denies and which Kerry is trying to ignore.

The occupation.

"The assumption is generally made that the negotiations are between equals. In cartoons, Netanyahu and Abbas appear to be of equal size. The American picture of two reasonable people talking it out between themselves presupposes two more or less equal partners.

"But this whole picture is basically false. The proposed 'negotiations' are between an almighty occupying power and an almost totally powerless occupied people. Between the wolf and the lamb.

"(it’s the old Israeli joke again: Can you keep a wolf and a lamb together? Of course you can, if you put in a new lamb every day.)"

Kerry and Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"IN ALL this bickering, one basic fact is ignored.

It’s that elephant again.

"The elephant in the room, whose existence Netanyahu denies and which Kerry is trying to ignore.

The occupation.

"The assumption is generally made that the negotiations are between equals. In cartoons, Netanyahu and Abbas appear to be of equal size. The American picture of two reasonable people talking it out between themselves presupposes two more or less equal partners.

"But this whole picture is basically false. The proposed 'negotiations' are between an almighty occupying power and an almost totally powerless occupied people. Between the wolf and the lamb.

"(it’s the old Israeli joke again: Can you keep a wolf and a lamb together? Of course you can, if you put in a new lamb every day.)"

Kerry and Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

What you fail to accept is that the "occupation" that the Arabs want to end is the existence of ANY Jewish State. That's what they teach their kids, and preach in speeches giveb in Arabic.

You're right about chutzpah, though. For the Arabs to think they can "negotiate" Israel out of existence is the epitome of chutzpah.
"IN ALL this bickering, one basic fact is ignored.

It’s that elephant again.

"The elephant in the room, whose existence Netanyahu denies and which Kerry is trying to ignore.

The occupation.

"The assumption is generally made that the negotiations are between equals. In cartoons, Netanyahu and Abbas appear to be of equal size. The American picture of two reasonable people talking it out between themselves presupposes two more or less equal partners.

"But this whole picture is basically false. The proposed 'negotiations' are between an almighty occupying power and an almost totally powerless occupied people. Between the wolf and the lamb.

"(it’s the old Israeli joke again: Can you keep a wolf and a lamb together? Of course you can, if you put in a new lamb every day.)"

Kerry and Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

What you fail to accept is that the "occupation" that the Arabs want to end is the existence of ANY Jewish State. That's what they teach their kids, and preach in speeches giveb in Arabic.

You're right about chutzpah, though. For the Arabs to think they can "negotiate" Israel out of existence is the epitome of chutzpah.
Racist, fundamentalist Jews direct the same blind hatred toward Arabs that you rightly criticize racist, fundamentalists Arabs for, or do you believe, as Rabbi Abraham Kook did "the difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews...is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle"? Are you naive enough to believe there are not thousands of IDF troops who believe such tripe?
"IN ALL this bickering, one basic fact is ignored.

It’s that elephant again.

"The elephant in the room, whose existence Netanyahu denies and which Kerry is trying to ignore.

The occupation.

"The assumption is generally made that the negotiations are between equals. In cartoons, Netanyahu and Abbas appear to be of equal size. The American picture of two reasonable people talking it out between themselves presupposes two more or less equal partners.

"But this whole picture is basically false. The proposed 'negotiations' are between an almighty occupying power and an almost totally powerless occupied people. Between the wolf and the lamb.

"(it’s the old Israeli joke again: Can you keep a wolf and a lamb together? Of course you can, if you put in a new lamb every day.)"

Kerry and Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

What you fail to accept is that the "occupation" that the Arabs want to end is the existence of ANY Jewish State. That's what they teach their kids, and preach in speeches giveb in Arabic.

You're right about chutzpah, though. For the Arabs to think they can "negotiate" Israel out of existence is the epitome of chutzpah.

I've noticed that some Israel supporters here will simply shift focus, or deny if possible, when inconvenient facts surface. The current policy of the PA, and supporting Arab states, is peace- not the destruction Israel. In fact, far from it. The plan awards Israel almost 80% of Palestine, and offers a normalization of relations.

Israel rejects this, and one can only conclude it is because its current position of strength urges it not to accept any sort of change.
What West Bank? Do you mean the slivers and fragments of the old West Bank that are still (barely) under Palestinian control? It's rather like a collection of scattered and fenced-off cornfields on the edge of sprawling and rapidly expanding city. In another few years all that farmland will be nothing more than a memory, as new housing subdivisions are erected.
Auteur et al,

Now my interest is peaked!

"IN ALL this bickering, one basic fact is ignored.

It’s that elephant again.

"The elephant in the room, whose existence Netanyahu denies and which Kerry is trying to ignore.

The occupation.

"The assumption is generally made that the negotiations are between equals. In cartoons, Netanyahu and Abbas appear to be of equal size. The American picture of two reasonable people talking it out between themselves presupposes two more or less equal partners.

"But this whole picture is basically false. The proposed 'negotiations' are between an almighty occupying power and an almost totally powerless occupied people. Between the wolf and the lamb.

"(it’s the old Israeli joke again: Can you keep a wolf and a lamb together? Of course you can, if you put in a new lamb every day.)"

Kerry and Chutzpah » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

What you fail to accept is that the "occupation" that the Arabs want to end is the existence of ANY Jewish State. That's what they teach their kids, and preach in speeches giveb in Arabic.

You're right about chutzpah, though. For the Arabs to think they can "negotiate" Israel out of existence is the epitome of chutzpah.

I've noticed that some Israel supporters here will simply shift focus, or deny if possible, when inconvenient facts surface. The current policy of the PA, and supporting Arab states, is peace- not the destruction Israel. In fact, far from it. The plan awards Israel almost 80% of Palestine, and offers a normalization of relations.

Israel rejects this, and one can only conclude it is because its current position of strength urges it not to accept any sort of change.

  • Where is PA Policy written? Where is this pledge?
  • When did Hamas change its Charter?
  • When did the Palestinian Leadership announce a cessation of all hostilities?
  • How does this policy manifest itself?

I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts. ~John Locke

Well done is better than well said. ~Benjamin Franklin​

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