Want to Cut Murders by 22.5%?

So amber Guyger should get the death penalty?

Are you going to wimp out and not answer?
Topic is not debating every case. Topic is the left being soft on murderers letting them murder again.

You’re okay with murderers getting 10 years only fuck face.

That you can’t support your OP is funny as hell.

Thanks for the batting practice
Your dumbass strawman shows how stupid you are.

It’s a real case fuck face.

Sorry that you’re for letting convicted murderers out of prison. But that is the truth.

Again thanks for the batting practice
Want to Cut Murders by 22.5%?

Read it. Read it a second time. A third.
Non rubes only have to read once
Start executing murderers then.
This study shows 22.5% of murderers murder again.
Yet this is never discussed concerning violence.
If was was just 1% it would be worthy of addressing.
Fits right into why the Left like releasing criminals - they want a higher murder high to grab guns.

Thought you were going to say ban guns.
Easy. Like every other civilized country.
Not here, a violent nation based on convicts and religious nuts
Those idiots in other countries never had a Constitutional right to bear arms. The first thing Authoritarians and Socialist controlled governments do is ban private firearms ownership. The Government should be afraid of its citizens not the other way around.

Should have added foul mouth and uneducated.
How many years did you live outside of Mississippi again?
Try Australia
I'm afraid of rubes armed to the teeth who never were in a real war
Uneducated ? I honestly do not believe I could think as slow as you if I tried, but your dodge is noted.
What I want is quick trial and immediate execution for murders with malice: most are obvious, after all. If they aren't, they can be held till it's sorted out, and self-defense is not charged, of course.

I also want quick trial and immediate execution for any malicious injury, attack, or stealing or robbery --- say worth over $1,000. England did that until the 18th century, and it sure did clean up that gene pool.
What I want is quick trial and immediate execution for murders with malice: most are obvious, after all. If they aren't, they can be held till it's sorted out, and self-defense is not charged, of course.

I also want quick trial and immediate execution for any malicious injury, attack, or stealing or robbery --- say worth over $1,000. England did that until the 18th century, and it sure did clean up that gene pool.

Reminds me of many years ago when an empty store around the corner from me was reopened by a middle-east family. Since it was a minute walking distance, I started to shop there and got to know the people.

One night I walked in and the police were leaving. I asked the young clerk what happened? He said some drunk walked into the store, took six packs of cigarettes off a display sitting on the counter, and walked off. He was in disbelief that the police did nothing about it, except say to call them if he comes back, and they'll kick him out of the store.

He said after they opened up the store, his grandmother in the ME wrote to him asking how he was getting along. She asked about his new environment. So he returned to her a local newspaper we had at the time. He said she wrote back with great concern. She stated that we have more theft in our suburb in one week than the entire middle-east has in a year. I asked him if that was true, and he concurred.

He said where he was from, most vendors were outside. They setup picnic tables with umbrellas so the potential customers could rest while shopping. If a woman lay her purse on that table, walked away forgetting about it, it's more than likely it would be there the next day.

People would cross the street to walk on the other side so they didn't go near that purse. Because if you got caught stealing, off comes your hand, and not in a hospital either. Get caught again, off comes your second hand. There is no third time.

That's why we have so much theft in the US he explained, and no theft in the middle-east.
Interesting signature...

why doesn't it included Obama and Hillary?

Because Hillary hated Putin more than Putin hated Hillary, asshat.
Why Putin hated Hillary and loved Trump
Any other questions, dumbass?

That's why Putin gave Hillary, what was the amount again? Something like $145,000,000.00? Because he hated her...

Great take, Einstien.
Putin gave Hillary Clinton $145,000,000?
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Start executing murderers then.
This study shows 22.5% of murderers murder again.
Yet this is never discussed concerning violence.
If was was just 1% it would be worthy of addressing.
Fits right into why the Left like releasing criminals - they want a higher murder high to grab guns.


You are consumed with the opposite of TDS: You've got RRDS: Radical right derangement syndrome.
You're talking about 1/2 of this country when you open your pie hole and let the flies out with such stupid logic.
Crime loving traitor.^^^^^
Signed up to fight in Iran yet?
Start executing murderers then.
This study shows 22.5% of murderers murder again.
Yet this is never discussed concerning violence.
If was was just 1% it would be worthy of addressing.
Fits right into why the Left like releasing criminals - they want a higher murder high to grab guns.

Thought you were going to say ban guns.
Easy. Like every other civilized country.
Not here, a violent nation based on convicts and religious nuts

We can't ban guns like other countries. We have Democrats here. Democrats are violent people you know. We need to protect ourselves from them.

Democrats were willing to start the Civil War to keep slaves, they gave the Soviet Union the Nuclear Bomb, and they side with our enemies even today........
Actually, those who started the Civil War gave up being Democrats in order to secede and keep their slaves. And it was the Democrats who directed the building of the Atomic bomb AND winning WWII while the Republicans sang the praises of the European fascists before Pearl Harbor shut them up.
Start executing murderers then.
This study shows 22.5% of murderers murder again.
Yet this is never discussed concerning violence.
If was was just 1% it would be worthy of addressing.
Fits right into why the Left like releasing criminals - they want a higher murder high to grab guns.

Thought you were going to say ban guns.
Easy. Like every other civilized country.
Not here, a violent nation based on convicts and religious nuts

We can't ban guns like other countries. We have Democrats here. Democrats are violent people you know. We need to protect ourselves from them.

Democrats were willing to start the Civil War to keep slaves, they gave the Soviet Union the Nuclear Bomb, and they side with our enemies even today........
Actually, those who started the Civil War gave up being Democrats in order to secede and keep their slaves. And it was the Democrats who directed the building of the Atomic bomb AND winning WWII while the Republicans sang the praises of the European fascists before Pearl Harbor shut them up.

Moron....the entire leadership of the Confederacy were democrats...you moron and the democrats who supported the Soviet Union gave them the nuclear secrets, and a democrat rounded up Japanese Americans and put them into camps.....and the democrat President got along with hitler and stalin, you moron....
Start executing murderers then.
This study shows 22.5% of murderers murder again.
Yet this is never discussed concerning violence.
If was was just 1% it would be worthy of addressing.
Fits right into why the Left like releasing criminals - they want a higher murder high to grab guns.

Thought you were going to say ban guns.
Easy. Like every other civilized country.
Not here, a violent nation based on convicts and religious nuts

We can't ban guns like other countries. We have Democrats here. Democrats are violent people you know. We need to protect ourselves from them.

Democrats were willing to start the Civil War to keep slaves, they gave the Soviet Union the Nuclear Bomb, and they side with our enemies even today........
Actually, those who started the Civil War gave up being Democrats in order to secede and keep their slaves. And it was the Democrats who directed the building of the Atomic bomb AND winning WWII while the Republicans sang the praises of the European fascists before Pearl Harbor shut them up.

while the Republicans sang the praises of the European fascists

Ambassador Kennedy was a Republican?
Start executing murderers then.
This study shows 22.5% of murderers murder again.
Yet this is never discussed concerning violence.
If was was just 1% it would be worthy of addressing.
Fits right into why the Left like releasing criminals - they want a higher murder high to grab guns.

Thought you were going to say ban guns.
Easy. Like every other civilized country.
Not here, a violent nation based on convicts and religious nuts

We can't ban guns like other countries. We have Democrats here. Democrats are violent people you know. We need to protect ourselves from them.

Democrats were willing to start the Civil War to keep slaves, they gave the Soviet Union the Nuclear Bomb, and they side with our enemies even today........
Actually, those who started the Civil War gave up being Democrats in order to secede and keep their slaves. And it was the Democrats who directed the building of the Atomic bomb AND winning WWII while the Republicans sang the praises of the European fascists before Pearl Harbor shut them up.

while the Republicans sang the praises of the European fascists

Ambassador Kennedy was a Republican?

History isn't a left wingers strong point, which is why they keep repeating the worst parts of human history over and over again...
Start executing murderers then.
This study shows 22.5% of murderers murder again.
Yet this is never discussed concerning violence.
If was was just 1% it would be worthy of addressing.
Fits right into why the Left like releasing criminals - they want a higher murder high to grab guns.

Thought you were going to say ban guns.
Easy. Like every other civilized country.
Not here, a violent nation based on convicts and religious nuts

We can't ban guns like other countries. We have Democrats here. Democrats are violent people you know. We need to protect ourselves from them.

Democrats were willing to start the Civil War to keep slaves, they gave the Soviet Union the Nuclear Bomb, and they side with our enemies even today........
Actually, those who started the Civil War gave up being Democrats in order to secede and keep their slaves. And it was the Democrats who directed the building of the Atomic bomb AND winning WWII while the Republicans sang the praises of the European fascists before Pearl Harbor shut them up.

You don't know anything...

Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. - Wikipedia.

Kennedy rejected the belief of Winston Churchill that any compromise with Nazi Germany was impossible. Instead, he supported Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement. Throughout 1938, while the Nazi persecution of the Jews in Germany intensified, Kennedy attempted to arrange a meeting with Adolf Hitler.[41] Shortly before the Nazi bombing of British cities began in September 1940, Kennedy once again sought a personal meeting with Hitler without the approval of the U. S. Department of State, in order to "bring about a better understanding between the United States and Germany".[42]

Kennedy also argued strongly against providing military and economic aid to the United Kingdom. "Democracy is finished in England. It may be here", he stated in the Boston Sunday Globe of November 10, 1940. With German troops having overrun Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France, and with daily bombings of Great Britain, Kennedy unambiguously and repeatedly stated that the war was not about saving democracy from National Socialism (Nazism) or from Fascism. In an interview with two newspaper journalists, Louis M. Lyons of The Boston Globe, and Ralph Coghlan of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Kennedy said:
Start executing murderers then.
This study shows 22.5% of murderers murder again.
Yet this is never discussed concerning violence.
If was was just 1% it would be worthy of addressing.
Fits right into why the Left like releasing criminals - they want a higher murder high to grab guns.

Thought you were going to say ban guns.
Easy. Like every other civilized country.
Not here, a violent nation based on convicts and religious nuts

We can't ban guns like other countries. We have Democrats here. Democrats are violent people you know. We need to protect ourselves from them.

Democrats were willing to start the Civil War to keep slaves, they gave the Soviet Union the Nuclear Bomb, and they side with our enemies even today........
Actually, those who started the Civil War gave up being Democrats in order to secede and keep their slaves. And it was the Democrats who directed the building of the Atomic bomb AND winning WWII while the Republicans sang the praises of the European fascists before Pearl Harbor shut them up.

You forgot it was also a Democrat who died on the cross to save us from our sins.
From the responses it is obvious the Left has zero interest in reducing the murder rate, only increasing it.

OP is validated.
Meanwhile back in reality you’re for a murderer only getting 10 years.

The OP is invalidated by the OP herself
As everyone can see in the thread, you’re just a pathetic Leftard liar.

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