Want to know what's really in Biden's $1.7 trillion Omnibus bill? You will be be sickened and disgusted

How much of that was from the manufactured Covid crisis? Try some perspective.

There is always an excuse and those willing to make it. One must also remember, this "manufactured crises" happened under Trump's watch also.
One must also remember, this "manufactured crises" happened under Trump's watch also.

Which of course would mean very little to someone who was convinced the reason it was manufactured,
was to destroy the economy, wreck the employment numbers, drive wedges between the populous ...
And essentially hinder Former President Trump's attempts at reelection.

So ... I guess it is all a matter of just how far you think the opposition will go ...
And when looking at our current state of complete nonsense and utter neglect ...
I am pretty sure "monkey fucking a football" isn't entirely out of question.

There was a global pandemic in 2020, you moron. The same thing applies to you: Would you have rather he just told you to go fuck yourself, instead of having to spend all that money on a COVID response?
He did the the nation to go fuck itself. He did very little except authorize a new vaccine. And he still ran up $8T in new debt.
And he still ran up $8T in new debt.

Correction ... He didn't stop Congress from running up 8 trillion in new debt ... :thup:
However ... He did tell Congress he wasn't going to let them ... Then let them do it anyway.

He did the the nation to go fuck itself. He did very little except authorize a new vaccine. And he still ran up $8T in new debt.

You're biased, ignorant, and uninformed.

Oh, and inbred I might add.

And probably afflicted with fetal alcohol syndrome as well.
He did the the nation to go fuck itself. He did very little except authorize a new vaccine. And he still ran up $8T in new debt.

A single term record for growing the national debt. You'd need to add the debt of every President from Washington to the beginning of GW's second term to equal the amount added to the national debt by Trump in 1 term.

The GOP kinda grabbed 'fiscal responsibility' by the pussy. But then, they did the same to family values, government transparency, the constitution, and Law and Order.
Do you have your ears tuned in when *biden speaks?
I usually don't listen to him speak... He's not in your face 24/7.... And his soft voice puts me to sleep....

Trump, on the other hand, has a very very annoying, screachy but loud, whining and aggrieved sounding voice.... It's not a nice sounding, manly voice that can be soothing or calming to me or the masses imho, and just always always always in your face, divisiveness....24/7.....

that's a lot, to have to deal with, for those of us citizens that Trump hates with a passion! :(

Is there any way you could be a bit more specific about your opinion?

How exactly is Representative McCarthy ... Former President Trump's "whipping boy"?
How is Former President Trump "still running the show"?
Exactly what "show" is he running?

Are you just making all this up?

Where did you actually look for any plan the Republicans may have to address inflation?
I'll give you a hint ... For whatever their plan may be worth ... It came out in October.

McCarthy sold his soul on his visit to Mara Lago, after 1/6, to Trump.... In exchange for trump supporting him, and his bid for speaker if it came, McCarthy came back from Mara Lago and did an about face on the independent investigation of 1/6 in a 9/11 investigation form, with McCarthy...the minority, having equal members on it, with equal subpoena power etc, of which the republican leader negotiating for the Minority Leader, got every single thing the republicans and McCarthy asked for, so they agreed to the investigation. And the House voted on it and both republicans and democrats agreed, and voted for the investigation....it passed.

McCarthy after returning from Mara lago, then lobbied the Republican senators, day and night, to reject the house bill for the independent investigation in to 1/6.... it did not pass, McCarthy succeeded in getting the bill killed, to independently investigate 1/6.

Because the deal with trump, was for his support for him with Trump's followers, and McCarthy would kill all investigations in to Trump On 1/6 started by congress... or make certain republicans don't participate, so they could label the investigation a witch hunt or a hoax.... Trumps usual M/O.

Correction ... He didn't stop Congress from running up 8 trillion in new debt ... :thup:
However ... He did tell Congress he wasn't going to let them ... Then let them do it anyway.

There simply are no words to describe your delusions.
The following is a Twitter thread reader app that summarizes what's in the bill, from those who are taking the time to read it.

"My team and I are reading through the omnibus bill today - all $1.7 trillion and 4,155 pages of it.

Follow along for some of the most egregious provisions in the bill..."

Thread by @RepDanBishop on Thread Reader App

List of Biden Tax Hikes Hitting Americans on Jan. 1​

On Jan. 1, 2023 the following Democrat tax hikes will take effect:

$6.5 Billion Natural Gas Tax Which Will Increase Household Energy Bills
The tax hike violates President Biden’s tax pledge to any American making less than $400,000 per year.

$12 Billion Crude Oil Tax Which Will Increase Household Costs

Democrats are imposing a 16.4 cents-per-barrel tax on crude oil and imported petroleum products that will be passed on to consumers in the form of higher gas prices.

The tax hike violates President Biden’s tax pledge to any American making less than $400,000 per year.

$1.2 Billion Coal Tax Which Will Increase Household Energy Bills

The tax hike more than doubles the current excise taxes on coal production.

$74 Billion Stock Tax Which Will Hit Your Nest Egg — 401(k)s, IRAs and Pension Plans

When Americans choose to sell shares of stock back to a company, Democrats will impose a new federal excise tax which will reduce the value of household nest eggs. Raising taxes and restricting stock buybacks harms the retirement savings of any individual with a 401(k), IRA or pension plan.

Union retirement plans will also be hit.

The tax will put U.S. employers at a competitive disadvantage with China, which does not have such a tax.

Stock buybacks help grow retirement accounts. Raising taxes and restricting buybacks would harm the 58 percent of Americans who own stock and more than 60 million workers invested in a 401(k). An additional 14.83 million Americans are invested in 529 education savings accounts.

$225 Billion Corporate Income Tax Hike Which Will Be Passed on to Households

Democrats imposed a 15 percent corporate alternative minimum tax on the financial statement income of American businesses reporting $1 billion in profits for the past three years. These American companies employ millions of Americans.

The cost of this tax increase will be borne by working families in the form of higher prices, fewer jobs, and lower wages.

A Tax Foundation report from last December found a 15 percent book tax would reduce GDP by 0.1 percent and kill 27,000 jobs.

Preliminary cost estimates from the Congressional Budget Office found the provision would increase taxes by more than $225 billion.

It's no wonder they have to think of ways to steal more money. They're wasting most of what they take already.

We could abolish 40% of gov't. personnel and programs and not even notice.

They (most of them) are thieves.

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
amen to this

And someone does indeed need to abolish 40% of govt, maybe more.

We see how absolute power corrupts absolutely..

Who needs this behemoth, this monster, this tyrant who hates us, yet takes our money and uses it against us?


List of Biden Tax Hikes Hitting Americans on Jan. 1​

On Jan. 1, 2023 the following Democrat tax hikes will take effect:

$6.5 Billion Natural Gas Tax Which Will Increase Household Energy Bills
The tax hike violates President Biden’s tax pledge to any American making less than $400,000 per year.

$12 Billion Crude Oil Tax Which Will Increase Household Costs

Democrats are imposing a 16.4 cents-per-barrel tax on crude oil and imported petroleum products that will be passed on to consumers in the form of higher gas prices.

The tax hike violates President Biden’s tax pledge to any American making less than $400,000 per year.

$1.2 Billion Coal Tax Which Will Increase Household Energy Bills

The tax hike more than doubles the current excise taxes on coal production.

$74 Billion Stock Tax Which Will Hit Your Nest Egg — 401(k)s, IRAs and Pension Plans

When Americans choose to sell shares of stock back to a company, Democrats will impose a new federal excise tax which will reduce the value of household nest eggs. Raising taxes and restricting stock buybacks harms the retirement savings of any individual with a 401(k), IRA or pension plan.

Union retirement plans will also be hit.

The tax will put U.S. employers at a competitive disadvantage with China, which does not have such a tax.

Stock buybacks help grow retirement accounts. Raising taxes and restricting buybacks would harm the 58 percent of Americans who own stock and more than 60 million workers invested in a 401(k). An additional 14.83 million Americans are invested in 529 education savings accounts.

$225 Billion Corporate Income Tax Hike Which Will Be Passed on to Households

Democrats imposed a 15 percent corporate alternative minimum tax on the financial statement income of American businesses reporting $1 billion in profits for the past three years. These American companies employ millions of Americans.

The cost of this tax increase will be borne by working families in the form of higher prices, fewer jobs, and lower wages.

A Tax Foundation report from last December found a 15 percent book tax would reduce GDP by 0.1 percent and kill 27,000 jobs.

Preliminary cost estimates from the Congressional Budget Office found the provision would increase taxes by more than $225 billion.

Does anyone out there need any further proof that bidim and Co, along w/ the entire dimrat party


Or are you retarded or something?

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