Want to know why the left is pushing INSURRECTION so hard?

Because thousands of rioters attacked the capitol.

Has your gaslighting ever worked on anyone outside of your fascist sore-loser cult?

That goes for any Trump cult acolytes here. Have you convinced any non-fascists with your delusional propaganda and fits of hysterical rage-weeping?
So if you simply showed up to the Capitol that's rioting huh?

Where's the footage Pelosi is hiding? Where do you see thousands of rioters?
Because it was a FAILED insurrection. You would have been in total support if it hadn't been such a FAILURE.
You loons burned down federal courts locked policemen in the building and tried to burn it down. Guards let the protestors in on January 6. Therefore everyone is being charged with trespassing. People are getting tired of your constant lying.
IMO, the majority were there for the rally. They stopped short of attacking the Capital, in fact, several when interviewed talked about being unnerved by the behavior of some of the people and choosing to go home. Let's call those the peaceful protestors. The invaded the Capital were a combination of those who came prepared for that (they brought weapons or items easily converted to weapons) and those idiots who got swept up in the emotion.

Trump knows how to work crowds into a mob, this is mob psychology 101. You don't think breaking into the Capitol, trashing it, attacking police, looking for congress people to attack and attempting to stop the certification of an election is serious?
Not as serious as stealing an election.
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IMO, the majority were there for the rally. They stopped short of attacking the Capital, in fact, several when interviewed talked about being unnerved by the behavior of some of the people and choosing to go home. Let's call those the peaceful protestors. The invaded the Capital were a combination of those who came prepared for that (they brought weapons or items easily converted to weapons) and those idiots who got swept up in the emotion.

Trump knows how to work crowds into a mob, this is mob psychology 101. You don't think breaking into the Capitol, trashing it, attacking police, looking for congress people to attack and attempting to stop the certification of an election is serious?

They didn’t trash the Capitol. I am sure there was a little collateral damage, but nothing remotely similar to the peaceful protestors in all the riots of 2020.
Democrats, the media, and their minions keep using the term “insurrection” yet law enforcement is not using that term nor has any of those being held in jail for January 6th been charged with Insurrection.
People, especially conservatives, need to realize that we are probably going to win handily in 2022; but 2024 is up for grabs, although I would rather be a GOPer than a Democrat.

Trump is the father of this movement. We have never had anyone in power stand up to the Democrats as he did; but we can not lose site of the fact, if we do not clean sweep these people out, we as a nation are in very, very, deep doo.

The Left is right now, running against Trump. Why? Because they are scared to death, and rightfully so. He would probably bring them to their knees if re-elected as President. He is the person to do it, no doubt about it, because he knows exactly what they did, and is now aware of how to screw them back.

But, is he the EASIEST GOP person to get elected? When you have a populace split 50-50, you are on a razor thin margin. The margin is on what OTHER people think outside of the Republican party..........moderate Democrats, and Independents.

Would I like to stuff it down the Leftists throats? ABSO=fuck-ing-lutely! But I am also a realist. Yes I am! We must make a choice; and a very bad one-------------------> It is NOT who we want to try and put in, but rather who we can INSURE we can put in. If we lose, say goodbye to America as you know it, and each and every one of you knows that is probably true.

How much are you willing to risk? There probably is no coming back from a loss this time around.

I will leave that up to you! There is still chance that Trump can prove his case enough, that even the mainstream media can not ignore it before we have to decide. I sincerely hope he does. But, if he can not, we all have to make a choice for the future of our country. Our job, like it or not as Americans, is to insure these Socialists get removed from power. I do not care if it is DJT, Ronald Reagans ghost, or Mickey-E-Mouse who has the best chance, we MUST support them, for if we don't, we are dumber than the Leftists are. For the 1st time in DECADES, we can hand the Left such a loss in 22 and 24, they will almost become extinct politically. DJT aside, how many of you want to possibly take a long shot, a much longer shot than you should have to take?

As of right now, you are almost GOLDEN! It is not because DJT is seen as wonderful, but because the Left is seen as so incompetent. Take DJT out of the mix, and if the election was held today for all federal offices, the GOP would have so much power, you would be having to reign them in.
I would accept Trump as President, Kingmaker, or with a good influence. We need to know their agendas before the elections. Promises kept with the will of their voters involved and no side steps after the elections are finished.
It was a bunch of morons armed with bull horns and flags.

What a coward you must be if you consider that an insurrection lol

They're hypocrites. Otherwise, they would have never voted for O because he invited Ayers, who actually did bomb the white house, to a fundraiser. When I hear them sob and cry about the "insurrection", I just laugh.
Again what's the reasonable path to this group assuming the reins of power? There has to be some way for them to topple the Government for your to say they were trying to topple the Government.

Me running into cityhall tmw and declaring myself mayor, doesnt actually make me the mayor.
You ought to ask them. Just as an fyi, violently overturning an election is tantamount to overturning the government.

From an interview with the FBI

Another video posted to social media shows someone who appears to be the same individual that broke the window of the Capitol with the shield, smoking a cigar inside the Capitol building. In the video, the individual states words to the effect of, “Victory smoke in the Capitol, boys. This is fucking awesome. I knew we could take this motherfucker over [if we] just tried hard enough.”

W-1 stated that during that conversation, “Spaz” bragged about breaking the windows to the Capitol and entering the building. In a subsequent interview W-1 clarified that “Spaz” said that he used a Capitol Police shield to break the window. W-1 said that “Spaz” can be seen on the cover of many newspapers and recognizes him from those photographs. W-1 stated that other members of the group talked about things they had done during the day, and they said that anyone they got their hands on they would have killed, including Nancy Pelosi. W-1 further stated that members of this group, which included “Spaz,” said that they would have killed [Vice President] Mike Pence if given the chance. According to W-1, the group said it would be returning on the “20th,” which your affiant takes to mean the Presidential Inauguration scheduled for January 20, 2021, and that they plan to kill every single “m-fer” they can.1 W-1 stated the men said they all had firearms or access to firearms.
If that's true I honestly think DeSantis is a better candidate than Trump.
I could vote for DeSantis. I will never in a million years support Trump and if the Republican Party is stupid enough to let that man be their nominee again I hope they get wiped out like it's FDR vs Hoover all over again and I hope the Democrats spend the next four years shoving every socialist program the Republicans have had nightmares over for years right up their asses because that's what we as a country will deserve.
I could vote for DeSantis. I will never in a million years support Trump and if the Republican Party is stupid enough to let that man be their nominee again I hope they get wiped out like it's FDR vs Hoover all over again and I hope the Democrats spend the next four years shoving every socialist program the Republicans have had nightmares over for years right up their asses because that's what we as a country will deserve.
That's like hoping the NAZIs win.

You're an idiot. You deserve to live in a concentration camp.
You ought to ask them. Just as an fyi, violently overturning an election is tantamount to overturning the government.

From an interview with the FBI

Another video posted to social media shows someone who appears to be the same individual that broke the window of the Capitol with the shield, smoking a cigar inside the Capitol building. In the video, the individual states words to the effect of, “Victory smoke in the Capitol, boys. This is fucking awesome. I knew we could take this motherfucker over [if we] just tried hard enough.”

W-1 stated that during that conversation, “Spaz” bragged about breaking the windows to the Capitol and entering the building. In a subsequent interview W-1 clarified that “Spaz” said that he used a Capitol Police shield to break the window. W-1 said that “Spaz” can be seen on the cover of many newspapers and recognizes him from those photographs. W-1 stated that other members of the group talked about things they had done during the day, and they said that anyone they got their hands on they would have killed, including Nancy Pelosi. W-1 further stated that members of this group, which included “Spaz,” said that they would have killed [Vice President] Mike Pence if given the chance. According to W-1, the group said it would be returning on the “20th,” which your affiant takes to mean the Presidential Inauguration scheduled for January 20, 2021, and that they plan to kill every single “m-fer” they can.1 W-1 stated the men said they all had firearms or access to firearms.
What do you believe that proves? Do you believe this guy speaks for everyone who was at the capitol that day?

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