Want to know why the left is pushing INSURRECTION so hard?

It's becoming more clear that the committee thinks there is something to be found up that food chain, so indeed, we'll see.

The Trumpsters will tell you that the FBI has already closed the book on this matter. My assumption is that they're not being told, in their world, that the investigations are continuing, advancing and expanding apace.

It's becoming more clear that the committee is a gang of feral baboons. Anyone who swallows anything the committee says is brain damaged. You can't get this stupid.
Why do you folks keep lying about what Trump and many others in the GOP tried??

People storming the Capitol actually hurt their plan more than helped it....

The plan was for Mike Pence to claim the election results in 6 key states (that happened to be controlled by Republicans) were bogus...kick those electorates back to those 6 states...and have the state legislature declare those electoral votes go to Trump....

The reason you folks keep making it seem like the coup attempt was just a bunch of angry cuck Trump supporters storming the Capitol is a deliberate deflection from what the GOP actually tried to do

And how do I know you morons are full of shit about this?? Because if Kamala did the same thing in 2024; if the Democratic candidate loses the election -- you will be the first one yelling coup, communist takeover, CRT insurrection, whatever bullshit buzz phrase yall want to label it...

So, now the insurrection wasn't the capitol breach? Ok. Well then everyone should be thanking the people who broke into the Capitol no? They saved the republic!!! You're a fool.
Why do you folks keep lying about what Trump and many others in the GOP tried??

People storming the Capitol actually hurt their plan more than helped it....

The plan was for Mike Pence to claim the election results in 6 key states (that happened to be controlled by Republicans) were bogus...kick those electorates back to those 6 states...and have the state legislature declare those electoral votes go to Trump....

The reason you folks keep making it seem like the coup attempt was just a bunch of angry cuck Trump supporters storming the Capitol is a deliberate deflection from what the GOP actually tried to do

And how do I know you morons are full of shit about this?? Because if Kamala did the same thing in 2024; if the Democratic candidate loses the election -- you will be the first one yelling coup, communist takeover, CRT insurrection, whatever bullshit buzz phrase yall want to label it...
We see Kamala with a script. Otherwise this woman is talentless.
Couldn't agree more. And the same should be said for every rioter and looter during the 2020 riots too.

Here's where we diverge. There is no intelligence that I am aware of that indicates those people were conned and used by elites to break into the capitol building. The FBI said that, not me. Going to a protest rally is one thing, there's nothing wrong with that, BLM does it all the time. Even marching down to the capitol building is fine, and we see that stuff going on all the time too. But several hundred did break into the Capitol building and for that you should face charges.

If anyone wants to offer the opinion that these people were conned and used by elites without the slightest bit of evidence to support that claim, well that's okay. The 1st Amendment allows that. I think it's irresponsible though.
The only reason why people say they were conned by folks in the Trump camp -- including Trump -- is because so many of them who went there -- told us they were there because they believe what Trump and folks in his camp told them...

many of them are even pissed at Trump for leaving them hanging, offering them no legal assistance, etc -- because of their BELIEF that they were doing what Trump wanted them to do...based on the lies Trump told them...

Here is a hypothetical....many Conservatives like to bring up the guy who shot GOP members while they were practicing for a softball game....many say since he was a Bernie supporter, this means progressives are in favor of mass shootings....Let's say the guy said he did what he did because of the rhetoric Bernie told him....would you say he was conned by Bernie or no?
So hopefully it isn't tried again....

Unfortunately it's sure to happen again only next time...

Think of the capitol as the cockpit and think of the CHP as sky Marshalls.
Is that really a good analogy for our system of government though? The way we govern is supposed to avoid the exact situation you're speaking about, where there is some central place or person that can be eliminated which would then allow an outside unelected entity to take power. At least on paper that's how it's supposed to work isnt it?
So, now the insurrection wasn't the capitol breach? Ok. Well then everyone should be thanking the people who broke into the Capitol no? They saved the republic!!! You're a fool.
I didn't say insurrection...I said coup.....

Insurrections have happened before in this country by the way...ALWAYS BY CONSERVATIVES.........so let's not pretend now that you dic suckers are offended by being called insurrectionists.....I call what happened the same thing Ted Cruz called it for the past 12 months...domestic terrorism....

However, I see you haven't refuted a single word I said.....did or did Trump not urge Mike Pence to not certify the electors in order for Republicans to nullify the election and select Trump?? This is already documented....
The Trumpsters will tell you that the FBI has already closed the book on this matter. My assumption is that they're not being told, in their world, that the investigations are continuing, advancing and expanding apace.
Yeah, I agree with that too.
In fact, AG Garland said as much just the other day.
This cake is still baking.
More shoes will drop
(gonna use up my mixed-methaphor inventory here.)

But several hundred did break into the Capitol building and for that you should face charges.

I ain't trying to nitpick poster 'task', but.......but 'several hundred' seems to undershoot the number.

Now, I don't know what the actual number is....but there have seen on public media sources that the FBI has stated that "1,700" entered, even "2,200",

I don't know which is close to being accurate.

I do know that there have been recent reports that about 730 have been identified and arrested. Another 200 or 300 have been identified by face/clothing etc. but names haven't yet been pinned on 'em.....but the FBI wants 'em.

So, I think the 730'sh we read about now.....is the floor, not the ceiling.

I kinda suspect there is a whole raft of folks who are sweating the idea that....."Sh*t! I was there. I see myself in the pictures. But I haven't been identified yet. Oh sh*t.........I'll hate it if they find out who I am."

Yeah, I can see that kind of fretting going on in some households. Sweating bullets, I imagine.

There have got to be a whole lotta folks---arrested, and not arrested--- who really really regret walking down to the Capitol.
Who question just what did Don Trump mean by.....'Come to DC, It will be wild.'
The only reason why people say they were conned by folks in the Trump camp -- including Trump -- is because so many of them who went there -- told us they were there because they believe what Trump and folks in his camp told them...

many of them are even pissed at Trump for leaving them hanging, offering them no legal assistance, etc -- because of their BELIEF that they were doing what Trump wanted them to do...based on the lies Trump told them...

Here is a hypothetical....many Conservatives like to bring up the guy who shot GOP members while they were practicing for a softball game....many say since he was a Bernie supporter, this means progressives are in favor of mass shootings....Let's say the guy said he did what he did because of the rhetoric Bernie told him....would you say he was conned by Bernie or no?

Only if Bernie had told him these things personally. Politicians making political speeches aren't responsible for what everyone who hears them thinks they are saying, any more than I am, or you are. If I go down to the public square and give a speech about how the mayor of the town is misappropriating funds and he should be thrown out of office and some idiot thinks that means he should break into his office, grab the mayor and throw him out the window, that's not my responsibility.
I didn't say insurrection...I said coup.....

Insurrections have happened before in this country by the way...ALWAYS BY CONSERVATIVES.........so let's not pretend now that you dic suckers are offended by being called insurrectionists.....I call what happened the same thing Ted Cruz called it for the past 12 months...domestic terrorism....

However, I see you haven't refuted a single word I said.....did or did Trump not urge Mike Pence to not certify the electors in order for Republicans to nullify the election and select Trump?? This is already documented....
Fine the insurrection stopped the coup. How many circles do you plan on talking in today?

And Pence publicly said he wasnt going to do that.
Only if Bernie had told him these things personally. Politicians making political speeches aren't responsible for what everyone who hears them thinks they are saying, any more than I am, or you are. If I go down to the public square and give a speech about how the mayor of the town is misappropriating funds and he should be thrown out of office and some idiot thinks that means he should break into his office, grab the mayor and throw him out the window, that's not my responsibility.
No, I do not think for the most part, politicians are responsible for what some random nutcase does...but if 1000's and 1000's of these nutcases do something..it aint so random anymore......

And let's be honest -- the rhetoric that animates the Conservative base the most isn't about simply policy disagreements, budget complaints, let's not play dumb...

The main rhetoric that animates the Conservative base is them constantly being fed shit about how they are being replaced, how the govt are using vaccines to kill them -- and here is an oldie but goodie -- how Hillary is conducting child sex trafficking operations out of a pizza parlor.....

There is no both sides to this....which is why conservatives have to always go to "BLM riots" because they don't have that much to go off of......because the fight for police and justice reform pre-dates BLM....I don't give a fuck how many riots are blamed on BLM -- it won't change my opinion about wanting police and justice reform...
Fine the insurrection stopped the coup. How many circles do you plan on talking in today?

And Pence publicly said he wasnt going to do that.
Pence stopped the coup......Yes...even when them yelling hang Mike Pence....

As for Pence saying "he wasn't going to do that" ..he wasn't going to do what??

And if you say "He wasn't going to nullify the electorates" -- then my question would be....who asked him to do that??

Was someone pressuring him to do it??

Was there some "plan" in place with the support of 100 GOP Senate and House members to assist in this plan??

Why do you folks keep dodging the fact that Trump tried to nullify an election -- which we have TANGIBLE PROOF of -- but go on and on and on and on and on about fantasy accusations of voter fraud with ZERO PROOF
Actually, the GOP is preventing the democrats from passing their ridiculous Green New Deal agenda. The major changes the democrats want to make ought to be passed with more than a 50+1 tiebreaker vote. And it looks to me like it is the democrats who are constantly running around bitching about Trump and those of us who voted for him.

Just so we're clear: I do not like Trump one bit. The only thing I dislike more than him is the democratic party, and that is why I will vote for the GOP nominee in 2024 no matter who it is. I won't like it if it's Trump, but I cannot vote for the democrats if that party continues as it is now.

Senator Manchin didn't join the GOP.
He's pretty much the only thing stopping the Democrats from passing the Green New Deal.

Well, the Squad is raising hell about not getting what they want and saying they might not pass what comes back to the House.
But ... That's just the same garbage the GOP is spouting about stopping what they don't have the power to stop.

The Establishment is still playing you.

Matters not what you call it, was not a good thing for our country.
if every time we don't get our way we resort to violence & hate filled speech. we lose our ability to use common sense. No possible way everything bad is one party's fault. life hasn't gotten better over the long haul for working Americans. no matter who is in power We need to be looking for the best people not what party they belong to

It appears that they think Trump would win in 2024 and an obscure 14th amendment trick would prevent him from holding office.

Why is it no one asks Pelosi or the DC Mayor why they vetoed Trump sending in the National Guard on 1-6-21? Pelosi left the House almost totally unprotected hoping something would happen to divert attention from the demrats stacking the election deck in PA, GA, AZ and possibly a couple of the other states. That being said the protestors should have remained outside the building.
Matters not what you call it, was not a good thing for our country.
if every time we don't get our way we resort to violence & hate filled speech. we lose our ability to use common sense. No possible way everything bad is one party's fault. life hasn't gotten better over the long haul for working Americans. no matter who is in power We need to be looking for the best people not what party they belong to
You are speaking blasphemy

Hate is as American as apple pie
Why is it no one asks Pelosi or the DC Mayor why they vetoed Trump sending in the National Guard on 1-6-21? Pelosi left the House almost totally unprotected hoping something would happen to divert attention from the demrats stacking the election deck in PA, GA, AZ and possibly a couple of the other states. That being said the protestors should have remained outside the building.
Because that didn't happen?

But for some reason..you folks keep insisting it did...

"Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby had previously looked into Trump’s claim and told The Washington Post in March that “we have no record of such an order being given.” A timeline from the Department of Defense only mentions an agreement made on Jan. 4 about potentially providing 340 District of Columbia National Guard members at the request of D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to support traffic control points and to deploy a quick reaction force “if additional support is requested by civilian authorities.”

Serious question...do you folks ever get tired of lying...seriously??

I tell you what.....it should be very easy for Trump or anyone who was on his staff during January 6th to produce a copy of this order being given
I think you might need to read Art II section 1.

"The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President."

It doesn't say where or when the President of the Senate meets with Congress just that it should happen so they can name the President. You should also note that the votes should be seal and transmitted to the President of the Senate. Doesnt say how that's to happen. So sealed with encryption and mailed the VP is sealed and transmitted. Opened while everyone is on a zoom call is opened while in the presence of the Congress. It also doesnt say how many that is. So if a Congress person dies of a heart attack on his way to attend this meeting the President is still legally selected even though the Congress is technically short a person.

So your scenario doesn't meet reasonable scrutiny. Not to mention that you have zero facts to back up the claim that this was Trumps plan. Also why did Trump authorize and offer the use of 20k NG troops to secure the Capitol if what you say his plan was actually his plan?

Try again. Reasonable path to the yahoos who broke into the capitol seizing the reins of power.
THAT is why I told you to check the laws as well as the constitution.
As for facts, open your eyes, they're right in front of you should you choose to look.

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