Want to know why the left is pushing INSURRECTION so hard?

Yeah, I agree with that too.
In fact, AG Garland said as much just the other day.
This cake is still baking.

More shoes will drop
(gonna use up my mixed-methaphor inventory here.)

I ain't trying to nitpick poster 'task', but.......but 'several hundred' seems to undershoot the number.

Now, I don't know what the actual number is....but there have seen on public media sources that the FBI has stated that "1,700" entered, even "2,200",

I don't know which is close to being accurate.

I do know that there have been recent reports that about 730 have been identified and arrested. Another 200 or 300 have been identified by face/clothing etc. but names haven't yet been pinned on 'em.....but the FBI wants 'em.

So, I think the 730'sh we read about now.....is the floor, not the ceiling.

I kinda suspect there is a whole raft of folks who are sweating the idea that....."Sh*t! I was there. I see myself in the pictures. But I haven't been identified yet. Oh sh*t.........I'll hate it if they find out who I am."

Yeah, I can see that kind of fretting going on in some households. Sweating bullets, I imagine.

There have got to be a whole lotta folks---arrested, and not arrested--- who really really regret walking down to the Capitol.

Who question just what did Don Trump mean by.....'Come to DC, It will be wild.'

First of all, whether the actual number is 670, as indicated in my post #111, which is the number as of Oct 14, 2021 according to the DOJ website, or higher doesn't really matter and we'll never know how many it really was. I tend to think that if the number was approaching a couple thousand then the Biden DOJ would be publicizing that, but nonetheless a bunch of really stupid people did something really stupid and broke the law. And I got no problem with making them accountable, too bad those of you on the Left are not similarly desiring the same thing for all those rioters and looters from the 2020 riots.

I don't see where the number really matters. Some did have weapons of one nature or another, see my post #111 about that. But IMHO what happened falls well short of an armed insurrection. Were shots fired by the rioters? NO. From what I can see, they were just trying to get in and disrupt or delay the proceedings. That's quite a stretch to claim they wanted to overthrow the gov't and takeover.

Senator Manchin didn't join the GOP.
He's pretty much the only thing stopping the Democrats from passing the Green New Deal.

Well, the Squad is raising hell about not getting what they want and saying they might not pass what comes back to the House.
But ... That's just the same garbage the GOP is spouting about stopping what they don't have the power to stop.

The Establishment is still playing you.

If the GOP had allowed any of the crap that the democrats are trying to pass in the BBB Bill then Manchin wouldn't matter. The fact is that the Dems cannot pass anything through the normal process that requires 60 votes and that is precisely how the GOP is stopping the democrats from doing as they please. And THAT is why I will support the GOP in November and beyond. The Far Left of the democratic party is bat-shit crazy IMHO, and I will vote against them at every opportunity even if it means I have to vote for a total asshole like DJT.
First of all, whether the actual number is 670, as indicated in my post #111, which is the number as of Oct 14, 2021 according to the DOJ website, or higher doesn't really matter and we'll never know how many it really was. I tend to think that if the number was approaching a couple thousand then the Biden DOJ would be publicizing that, but nonetheless a bunch of really stupid people did something really stupid and broke the law. And I got no problem with making them accountable, too bad those of you on the Left are not similarly desiring the same thing for all those rioters and looters from the 2020 riots.

I don't see where the number really matters. Some did have weapons of one nature or another, see my post #111 about that. But IMHO what happened falls well short of an armed insurrection. Were shots fired by the rioters? NO. From what I can see, they were just trying to get in and disrupt or delay the proceedings. That's quite a stretch to claim they wanted to overthrow the gov't and takeover.
Would you to be ok with a group of hundreds of Muslim Americans storming the Capitol in order to disrupt Congress from doing something they didn't like -- like putting in place a "Muslim registry" like Trump wanted to do??

How many shots would have to be fired in order for you to condemn it and call it domestic terrorism??
If the GOP had allowed any of the crap that the democrats are trying to pass in the BBB Bill then Manchin wouldn't matter. The fact is that the Dems cannot pass anything through the normal process that requires 60 votes and that is precisely how the GOP is stopping the democrats from doing as they please. And THAT is why I will support the GOP in November and beyond. The Far Left of the democratic party is bat-shit crazy IMHO, and I will vote against them at every opportunity even if it means I have to vote for a total asshole like DJT.
the Infrastructure Bill was passed with 60 plus votes....

An Infrastructure Bill that Trump never ever got done....not even close...despite having the house and the Senate....and despite promising to introduce an infrastructure bill, every 2 weeks...the same as his non-existent healthcare plan...

Do you folks ever get tired of lying??

And let's not pretend like you morons are against passing a bill with 51 votes.......because you morons tried to strip healthcare from millions of people with just 51 votes, but McCain thumbed that down....

That historic COVID relief plan was passed without any GOP votes....and that COVID relief plan, along with that $3000 child tax credit was supported by a majority of Americans....virtually no GOP bill exists that has majority support among Americans

too bad those of you on the Left are not similarly desiring the same thing for all those rioters and looters from the 2020 riots.
Well, good poster "task"..... first, I ain't "on-the-Left" (I ain't on-the-Right, either).. I'm a pretty committed Independent, and have voted as such for near 60 years.
But your comment about "all those rioters and looters"....in my opinion it signals an unawarness of just how many of those who perpetratd violence, or vandalism during the social justice demonstratons were arrested (somewhere near 10,000. And many of them were convicted and sit in jail/prison today.
It is merely a Rightfield trope that they all "got away Scott free".
People were arrested, charged, and convicted.
Lots of 'em.

I don't see where the number really matters. Some did have weapons of one nature or another, see my post #111 about that. But IMHO what happened falls well short of an armed insurrection. Were shots fired by the rioters? NO. From what I can see, they were just trying to get in and disrupt or delay the proceedings. That's quite a stretch to claim they wanted to overthrow the gov't and takeover.
"trying to get in and disrupt or delay the proceedings"
OK, I can live with that.
I ain't hung up on the legalism of "insurrection'.....but I'm quite OK with it as a colloquilism.
So....disrupting an official proceeding carries a maximum sentence of 20yrs.
Insurrection carries a maximum sentence of 10yrs.

If you want 20yrs for those Dicks & Karens.
I will not resist. Although it does seem harsh.
12yrs, no parole?

The Far Left of the democratic party is bat-shit crazy IMHO, and I will vote against them at every opportunity even if it means I have to vote for a total asshole like DJT.
Well, Far Left = "bat shit crazy" can be viewed as the YIN.
To the YANG of 'Far Right = "bat shit crazy".

Think of one as being the reciprocal to the other.
The only reason why people say they were conned by folks in the Trump camp -- including Trump -- is because so many of them who went there -- told us they were there because they believe what Trump and folks in his camp told them...

many of them are even pissed at Trump for leaving them hanging, offering them no legal assistance, etc -- because of their BELIEF that they were doing what Trump wanted them to do...based on the lies Trump told them...

Here is a hypothetical....many Conservatives like to bring up the guy who shot GOP members while they were practicing for a softball game....many say since he was a Bernie supporter, this means progressives are in favor of mass shootings....Let's say the guy said he did what he did because of the rhetoric Bernie told him....would you say he was conned by Bernie or no?
You have no evidence that Trump said anything you claim he said. You're a lying piece of shit.
If the GOP had allowed any of the crap that the democrats are trying to pass in the BBB Bill then Manchin wouldn't matter. The fact is that the Dems cannot pass anything through the normal process that requires 60 votes and that is precisely how the GOP is stopping the democrats from doing as they please. And THAT is why I will support the GOP in November and beyond. The Far Left of the democratic party is bat-shit crazy IMHO, and I will vote against them at every opportunity even if it means I have to vote for a total asshole like DJT.

So basically, you are saying that when the Senate adopted Rule 22 (Filibuster Rule) in 1917, to protest President Wilson arming merchant ships ...
They did more for you now, than the GOP has for you lately ... :dunno:

You have no evidence that Trump said anything you claim he said. You're a lying piece of shit.
Trump said the election was stolen...that is a lie...

Trump urged his rubes to go down to the Capitol and fight like hell because the election was stolen...a lie...

Many supporters have said and are STILL SAYING they stormed the Capitol because of the LIES TRUMP TOLD THEM........

Democrats aren't making people like this guy say what he said....he says this about your cult leader....don't whine like a bitch at me about it.....take that up with the disillusioned Trumpers who have grown tired of his grift....

"A mob of Trump supporters, emboldened by baseless allegations of a stolen election, stormed the House and Senate chambers on January 6 to prevent Congress from certifying Biden's election win.
In his legal defense, Capitol rioter Emanuel Jackson, a Washington area man, cited Trump's remarks at a "Stop the Steal" rally in Washington D.C., which preceded the riot. "Fight like hell. We will not take it anymore," the former president said, as he encouraged his supporters to march to the Capitol.

He went on to say....

"Mr. President, you've been in charge of the law for four years," he added. "At the end of your four year time, the only ones locked up were men like me, and others like me, that have stood by the president the strongest."

Everything I say, I can back up..and I notice you morons fail to refute a single thing I said...I ain't concenred with your feelings, either refute what I posted or shut the fuck up....
Trump said the election was stolen...that is a lie...
Not a lie.

Trump urged his rubes to go down to the Capitol and fight like hell because the election was stolen...a lie...
Many politicians have used that rhetoric. It means nothing. It certainly isn't considered to be "incitement" by law enforcement.

Many supporters have said and are STILL SAYING they stormed the Capitol because of the LIES TRUMP TOLD THEM........

In a crowd of 100,000 people, you find someone who said anything you want him to have said.


Democrats aren't making people like this guy say what he said....he says this about your cult leader....don't whine like a bitch at me about it.....take that up with the disillusioned Trumpers who have grown tired of his grift....

"A mob of Trump supporters, emboldened by baseless allegations of a stolen election, stormed the House and Senate chambers on January 6 to prevent Congress from certifying Biden's election win.
In his legal defense, Capitol rioter Emanuel Jackson, a Washington area man, cited Trump's remarks at a "Stop the Steal" rally in Washington D.C., which preceded the riot. "Fight like hell. We will not take it anymore," the former president said, as he encouraged his supporters to march to the Capitol.

He went on to say....

"Mr. President, you've been in charge of the law for four years," he added. "At the end of your four year time, the only ones locked up were men like me, and others like me, that have stood by the president the strongest."

Everything I say, I can back up..and I notice you morons fail to refute a single thing I said...I ain't concenred with your feelings, either refute what I posted or shut the fuck up....

Yada, yada, yada. Blah, blah, blah. You proved exactly nothing.
in my opinion it signals an unawarness of just how many of those who perpetratd violence, or vandalism during the social justice demonstratons were arrested (somewhere near 10,000. And many of them were convicted and sit in jail/prison today.

Quite honestly, I doubt that many of them are still incarcerated somewhere unless they actually harmed a cop or federal agent or possibly tried to detonate a bomb. And IMHO, although the number arrested might approach 10,000, I would venture that the actual number of rioters who broke the law (curfew, etc) is probably a lot higher. There were a number of stories at the time about arrestees who got out of jail on the next day and most likely went back to the streets that night. But do you really think the accountability was similar? I highly doubt that.

I ain't hung up on the legalism of "insurrection'.....but I'm quite OK with it as a colloquilism.
So....disrupting an official proceeding carries a maximum sentence of 20yrs.
Insurrection carries a maximum sentence of 10yrs.

One guy (Paul Hodgkins) pled guilty to obstructing a legal proceedings and got sentenced to 8 months in prison and 24 months of supervised release. According to one source, over 650 have been charged and as on October 13th over 100 have plead guilty to whatever they were charged with. If you do the crime then you should do the time.
Well, Far Left = "bat shit crazy" can be viewed as the YIN.
To the YANG of 'Far Right = "bat shit crazy".

Think of one as being the reciprocal to the other.

Frankly I do not see the Far Left as mirror opposites of the Far Right. When I look at what the Far Left wants to accomplish, I am horrified. I do not believe that anything the Far Right comes close to the insanity of the other side.
Trump is just too damn toxic. As long as he's around, the GOP is split and we don't need that. Plus, he offers the democrats someone to attack and by extension everybody else on the Right.
The US Government has been toxic since Reagan.
No. It's because we feel January 6th was pretty damn serious

Really? You thought a protest at the capitol turned riot was pretty damned serious but didn't even blink an eye at the 2020 election which drove it because it was thoroughly fraught with illegality and corruption planned a year in advance where millions of ballots outside legal guidelines were accepted anyway despite having no chain of custody or signature matches to even know if they were legit?

So basically, you are saying that when the Senate adopted Rule 22 (Filibuster Rule) in 1917, to protest President Wilson arming merchant ships ...
They did more for you now, than the GOP has for you lately ... :dunno:

Nope, not saying that at all, and I am not going to get pulled off on a tangent. There isn't a whole lot the GOP can do as the minority party in both chambers of Congress EXCEPT deny the dems all of the batshit crazy stuff they want to impose on us.

It appears that they think Trump would win in 2024 and an obscure 14th amendment trick would prevent him from holding office.

Dems aren't looking to prevent Rump from running in 2024 because they don't want to lose power to Republicans...

In truth, there aren't enough of those remaining outside of the Rumpian mental trailer park - with balls, anyway - to matter anymore...


Dems are looking to prevent Rump from running in 2024 because they don't want another Vladimir Putin and his Brown Shirts Red Caps from assuming power forevermore...


"...It's like Hitler... they should'a never let him get away with that... they should'a stopped him at Munich..."

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Nope, not saying that at all, and I am not going to get pulled off on a tangent. There isn't a whole lot the GOP can do as the minority party in both chambers of Congress EXCEPT deny the dems all of the batshit crazy stuff they want to impose on us.

Not having the votes to accomplish something, and the other side also not having the votes, does not mean you stopped them from doing anything.
It's neither side having enough votes to do something.

It's not off tangent ... It's the way they tell you they are doing something when they aren't.

Not a lie.

Many politicians have used that rhetoric. It means nothing. It certainly isn't considered to be "incitement" by law enforcement.

In a crowd of 100,000 people, you find someone who said anything you want him to have said.


Yada, yada, yada. Blah, blah, blah. You proved exactly nothing.
Yes, it is a lie....no matter how much you morons keep trying to gaslight the rest of us with that bullshit - it remains a lie....

If this proof is so evident -- why hasn't' any of it been presented to law enforcement or proven in court??

I have already provided an example of voter fraud being presented and it resulting in an arrest....in fact, the 4th arrest of a Trump supporter -- and all 4 of these arrests came from the same damn Florida retirement community....yet, as much as you morons whine about voter fraud -- why haven't any of you mentioned 4 fucking arrests for voter fraud coming from the same damn community??

The rest of what you said is deflection....I showed you the testimony of the same morons you called patriots -- stating that they were influenced to storm the Capitol based on the lie that Trump pushed -- that the election was stolen...it wasn't.....but I am use to Conservatives lying.....

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