Want to know why the left is pushing INSURRECTION so hard?

If you have a good record of performance and achievements that you can take to the voters, then that's what you do. But if you don't have that, then you're left with making the opposition look as bad as possible, and that is what the democrats are doing with all this Jan 6th bullshit. What else can the democrats talk about? The economy sucks, inflation is rising, the job numbers aren't good, we still have a bad problem on the border, the pandemic is still a problem and more people think Biden is doing a bad job about that, and Biden's poll numbers are tanking. I don't see the democrats doing hardly anything else but trying to demonize the GOP and their supporters.
Trump is just too damn toxic. As long as he's around, the GOP is split and we don't need that. Plus, he offers the democrats someone to attack and by extension everybody else on the Right.
Lord have mercy---the dems attack whoever is the head of the republican party..they separate and attack with smears and now faux criminal investigation in hopes of making innocent people toxic...

How weak minded does one have to be to keep falling for their nonsense?
Lord have mercy---the dems attack whoever is the head of the republican party..they separate and attack with smears and now faux criminal investigation in hopes of making innocent people toxic...

How weak minded does one have to be to keep falling for their nonsense?

I understand that, but the loons on the left ain't the issue really, it's all those independents in the middle that the GOP needs to sway, and I think Trump alienates too many of 'em, especially the ladies. And truth be told there's a few righties that might back if Trump ain't the nominee. Right now, I think Trump gives the Left too many opportunities to bash him, unforced errors you might say. I'd be a lot happier if Trump was not the GOP nominee.
No. It's because we feel January 6th was pretty damn serious and so did a lot of you guys for the first few days. Then the partisan divide opened up again.
Partisan divide was rather wide open all during Trump's Presidency.
Many of us think the Summer of 2020 was about 120 days(times) more serious than Jan.6,2021.
I understand that, but the loons on the left ain't the issue really, it's all those independents in the middle that the GOP needs to sway, and I think Trump alienates too many of 'em, especially the ladies. And truth be told there's a few righties that might back if Trump ain't the nominee. Right now, I think Trump gives the Left too many opportunities to bash him, unforced errors you might say. I'd be a lot happier if Trump was not the GOP nominee.
Excuse my not reading previous 8+ pages, but whom do you think has an equal or better, more viable chance than Trump replay ???
If you have a good record of performance and achievements that you can take to the voters, then that's what you do. But if you don't have that, then you're left with making the opposition look as bad as possible, and that is what the democrats are doing with all this Jan 6th bullshit. What else can the democrats talk about? The economy sucks, inflation is rising, the job numbers aren't good, we still have a bad problem on the border, the pandemic is still a problem and more people think Biden is doing a bad job about that, and Biden's poll numbers are tanking. I don't see the democrats doing hardly anything else but trying to demonize the GOP and their supporters.
Left has a "Trump deranges our minds" syndrome hangover, hence the irrational focus on Jan. 6, 2021, ... as these article/links show;

What we’re talking about when we talk about civil war​


Recalling Jan. 6: A national day of infamy, half remembered​

Excuse my not reading previous 8+ pages, but whom do you think has an equal or better, more viable chance than Trump replay ???

Last I heard, nobody. But things can change. Hell, Trump might not even run for all anyone knows. Maybe he'll get convicted of something, maybe something we don't even know about. Maybe he has a heart attack, cancer, gets COVID, who the hell knows.

I'm not wishing him any bad luck or misfortune, and to be truthful if he does run and wins the nomination then I will vote for him no matter who the democrats run. For as much as I dislike him, I dislike them even more for what they want to do to this country.
I understand that, but the loons on the left ain't the issue really, it's all those independents in the middle that the GOP needs to sway, and I think Trump alienates too many of 'em, especially the ladies. And truth be told there's a few righties that might back if Trump ain't the nominee. Right now, I think Trump gives the Left too many opportunities to bash him, unforced errors you might say. I'd be a lot happier if Trump was not the GOP nominee.
It doesn't matter who the GOP puts up the communist democrats will say the same things. What did they say about Bush, Romney, what did they do to Paul Ryan? Trump fights back and hits hard.
Partisan divide was rather wide open all during Trump's Presidency.
Many of us think the Summer of 2020 was about 120 days(times) more serious than Jan.6,2021.
Well, considering we’ve had riots before some of which worse then 2020 (Rodney King) and we’ve never had an attack on the Capital in a violent attempt to overthrow an election…I think many of you are ignoring the seriousness of the issue or you agree with cause.
Well, considering we’ve had riots before some of which worse then 2020 (Rodney King) and we’ve never had an attack on the Capital in a violent attempt to overthrow an election…I think many of you are ignoring the seriousness of the issue or you agree with cause.
What these people don't get is "location", "location", "location".
Riots are a state issue. And it's only if the state feels incapable of handling it, do they call in the federal government for assistance. Just like handling fires, crime, and snowstorms on their own.
In those instances where the riots attacked federal property, like court houses, the federal government got involved to protect and prosecute.

Now January 6th was completely different from the riots. It was an assault on federal property, with the federal government called to protect and prosecute.

In short, by choosing to attack the Capitol, they "made a federal case of it".
Hillary has the same problem Trump has. Too many people will come out just to vote against her. Maybe if they run against each other again they cancel each other out.
You may just be right.
Couldn't agree more. And the same should be said for every rioter and looter during the 2020 riots too.

Here's where we diverge. There is no intelligence that I am aware of that indicates those people were conned and used by elites to break into the capitol building. The FBI said that, not me. Going to a protest rally is one thing, there's nothing wrong with that, BLM does it all the time. Even marching down to the capitol building is fine, and we see that stuff going on all the time too. But several hundred did break into the Capitol building and for that you should face charges.

If anyone wants to offer the opinion that these people were conned and used by elites without the slightest bit of evidence to support that claim, well that's okay. The 1st Amendment allows that. I think it's irresponsible though.
There are new investigations on on right now. What the FBI said will not apply when the new investigations come out. New investigations with new evidence being provided to the committee and the DoJ as we speak. New. New.

Trumpsters can pretend these people showed up and attacked the Capitol Building entirely on their own, with no prodding by Trump or his orbit or the GOP politicians or his media (which we now know was involved directly). While that may be the most insane fantasy yet created by his Trump cult, and that's saying something, no one believes it. Especially the DoJ.
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It's becoming more clear that the committee is a gang of feral baboons. Anyone who swallows anything the committee says is brain damaged. You can't get this stupid.
Great, then quit bitching. It's all fake news from The Evil Hitler Commies. You have nothing to worry about. Enjoy your day! MAGA!
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Yeah, I agree with that too.
In fact, AG Garland said as much just the other day.
This cake is still baking.

More shoes will drop
I brought that up here. I don't remember hearing that the DoJ was already on this, so this seemed like news.

Good. Let's find out what happened. A new investigation with new evidence, being provided and expanding daily.

Well, considering we’ve had riots before some of which worse then 2020 (Rodney King) and we’ve never had an attack on the Capital in a violent attempt to overthrow an election…I think many of you are ignoring the seriousness of the issue or you agree with cause.
I think there are many on the Left that are overplaying the seriousness of the Jan 6th event. Certainly it was a riot, albeit somewhat tame compared to the summer of 2020, but no shots were fired, nobody tried to blind the cops or agents with lasers, there were no molotov cocktails or bottles thrown. Nobody is saying those people shouldn't answer for what they did, but I would call it less of a violent attempt to overthrow an election and more a protest of that election that got out of hand. Not much different from the numerous protests that got out of hand in a number of our big cities. It WAS our nation's capitol and there WAS an official proceeding going on, which elevates that event to something worse than those riots, but IMHO it was NOT an insurrection where the gov't was in danger of being overthrown. To my mind, that is a load of crap that the democrats are pushing for political reasons. And the problem is that they are trying to paint everybody on the Right and in particular those who voted for or support Trump as anarchists. Guilty by extension, which is BS.
I think there are many on the Left that are overplaying the seriousness of the Jan 6th event. Certainly it was a riot, albeit somewhat tame compared to the summer of 2020, but no shots were fired, nobody tried to blind the cops or agents with lasers, there were no molotov cocktails or bottles thrown. Nobody is saying those people shouldn't answer for what they did, but I would call it less of a violent attempt to overthrow an election and more a protest of that election that got out of hand. Not much different from the numerous protests that got out of hand in a number of our big cities. It WAS our nation's capitol and there WAS an official proceeding going on, which elevates that event to something worse than those riots, but IMHO it was NOT an insurrection where the gov't was in danger of being overthrown. To my mind, that is a load of crap that the democrats are pushing for political reasons. And the problem is that they are trying to paint everybody on the Right and in particular those who voted for or support Trump as anarchists. Guilty by extension, which is BS.
because if its not addressed, then its a practice run for the next coup attempt.
I think there are many on the Left that are overplaying the seriousness of the Jan 6th event. Certainly it was a riot, albeit somewhat tame compared to the summer of 2020, but no shots were fired, nobody tried to blind the cops or agents with lasers, there were no molotov cocktails or bottles thrown. Nobody is saying those people shouldn't answer for what they did, but I would call it less of a violent attempt to overthrow an election and more a protest of that election that got out of hand. Not much different from the numerous protests that got out of hand in a number of our big cities. It WAS our nation's capitol and there WAS an official proceeding going on, which elevates that event to something worse than those riots, but IMHO it was NOT an insurrection where the gov't was in danger of being overthrown. To my mind, that is a load of crap that the democrats are pushing for political reasons. And the problem is that they are trying to paint everybody on the Right and in particular those who voted for or support Trump as anarchists. Guilty by extension, which is BS.
I don’t think it was as innocuous as riot that got out of hand. It was at least a level above that. I tend to think the right is trying to downplay it by making it equivalent to the Floyd riots. It WAS an attempt to violently overthrow an election, and it begs the question….what would have happened if the mob had gotten their hands on Pence or Pelosi or another? It really was that close.

Now are the Dem’s politicizing it? Sure, just like the Republicans are politicizing tbe Floyd riots and painting the entire left as guilty by extension.

In my mind, the Republicans should have severed themselves from that extreme minority. That rally attracted thousands (what was the estimate crowd size?)….out which maybe 800 broke into the Capitol. That means thousands did not. Thousands saw what was beginning to happen and made the decision to not join in or go home. Thousands of Trump supporters were and remained PEACEFUL PROTESTERS. Initially and for the first few days…the Republicans were horrified and angry at what was widely considered a desecration. Then…bit by bit, many reversed course, walked back their statements….the decision was made not to participate in a bipartisan 9/11 style independent commission. Why for heaven’s sakes? This was wasn’t the Pelosi committee.

They downplayed it by tying it to the Floyd riots and the moment of bipartisan cohesion was lost. The damage done in that event was in money or property or lives, it was damage to two sacred institutions, our Capitol and Electoral process that always held a bipartisan respect. I wish I could find a better way to express this but I can’t.

If it isn’t an insurrection…it sure isn’t “just a riot that got out of hand”…what exactly is it?
If it isn’t an insurrection…it sure isn’t “just a riot that got out of hand”…what exactly is it?

Obstruction of an official proceeding. I do not know the requirements to charge and convict somebody of that, but I do know that at least one guy has already pled guilty to the charge and sentenced to 8 months in prison and 24 months of supervised parole. Odd that so many others haven't been charged with that offense, possibly having trouble identifying those who were inside the building. To me, it WAS a riot that got out of hand, but what makes it more serious is that Congress was in session and they were in the building at the time. That's different from attacking an empty building.
If it isn’t an insurrection…it sure isn’t “just a riot that got out of hand”…what exactly is it?
I always thought it was just a "mostly peaceful" demonstration. With all those police officers waving people on into the Capitol, I don't see how most of the demonstrators would even suppose they weren't supposed to be there! I listened to Trump's speech on Fox while I was waiting for the Ted Cruz address, and while it wasn't his best speech, for sure, he did not in my hearing tell them to go into the Capitol ---- he told them to go "down there" and protest the pending election certification.

Obviously that Babbitt woman went too far, and I wonder what the story was with Zip Tie Guy.

But that's a far cry from the violent crowbars and Molotov cocktails thrown at police and all the other horrific black riot violence and burning and looting the Dems supported and encouraged.

I don't agree that it was especially dangerous if the demonstrators HAD gotten in the same room with Congress. It seemed to be a party atmosphere with Antler Man and the mischief about the desks and podiums and all --- cheerful. A lot more cheerful and good-humored than ALLLL the French mob attacks on the National Conventions --- the mobs swarmed into their "congresses" armed with clubs and guns again and again during the Revolution, and many times in later years (1830, 1848, 1871, and did they get in during the big riots in 1936? They sure were trying to, all night.) The French mobs never killed any of the representatives --- they never even killed the King and his family hiding under the podium in a tiny room. They just crowded in and yelled at them. Eventually, sometimes hours later or even overnight, some soldiers would come and get rid of the rioters.

I can't imagine our cheerful crowd even shouting at the Congress. We have video that they stayed in between the velvet ropes while moving through the Capitol! A far cry from the horrible rioters with crowbars leaping again and again to pry plywood off the stores on Fifth Avenue New York. I often wonder if I would have gone in if I had been at the Capitol; or have looked at the situation and gone home. I don't know! I'm pretty used to being in protests in D.C. over the decades. I might have gone in, if I didn't have to do much climbing.
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because if its not addressed, then its a practice run for the next coup attempt.
The one thing Jan. 6 definitely was not was a coup d'etat. I wish people would get their vocabulary right!! A coup has nothing to do with mobs or rioting or protesting or demonstrating AT ALL --- it's high-level officials (military or civilian, either, but usually separately) deciding to take over the government from the current head of state. They usually have a small band of soldiers working with them, but it's mostly done by finesse, if they are successful.

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