Want to know why the left is pushing INSURRECTION so hard?

Ooh Ooh Mr Kotter!

The plan was to delay the certification past 1/6 so Trump could declare marital law and nullify the election. Trump only called them off when it became obvious the plan was failing.

The "insurrectionists?" Fodder. Sheep staked out to be eaten.
Where's your proof that was their plan?
You ought to ask them. Just as an fyi, violently overturning an election is tantamount to overturning the government.

From an interview with the FBI

Another video posted to social media shows someone who appears to be the same individual that broke the window of the Capitol with the shield, smoking a cigar inside the Capitol building. In the video, the individual states words to the effect of, “Victory smoke in the Capitol, boys. This is fucking awesome. I knew we could take this motherfucker over [if we] just tried hard enough.”

W-1 stated that during that conversation, “Spaz” bragged about breaking the windows to the Capitol and entering the building. In a subsequent interview W-1 clarified that “Spaz” said that he used a Capitol Police shield to break the window. W-1 said that “Spaz” can be seen on the cover of many newspapers and recognizes him from those photographs. W-1 stated that other members of the group talked about things they had done during the day, and they said that anyone they got their hands on they would have killed, including Nancy Pelosi. W-1 further stated that members of this group, which included “Spaz,” said that they would have killed [Vice President] Mike Pence if given the chance. According to W-1, the group said it would be returning on the “20th,” which your affiant takes to mean the Presidential Inauguration scheduled for January 20, 2021, and that they plan to kill every single “m-fer” they can.1 W-1 stated the men said they all had firearms or access to firearms.
Well as long as he said it.... 725 people arrested and not a single one charged with possession of a firearm in the capitol. Im quite sure it's not legal to take a firearm inside the capitol building without permission. No firearms were seized by capitol police or the FBI that day that I have read about. To my knowledge no firearms have been seized as a part of this investigation, but I could be wrong. I think 23 people have been charged with assault and other violent crimes, none with a firearm. Crowbar, bat, riot sheild? Yep. But no guns. Stop making shit up.
I could vote for DeSantis. I will never in a million years support Trump and if the Republican Party is stupid enough to let that man be their nominee again I hope they get wiped out like it's FDR vs Hoover all over again and I hope the Democrats spend the next four years shoving every socialist program the Republicans have had nightmares over for years right up their asses because that's what we as a country will deserve.
Tell us how you really feel....
So hopefully it isn't tried again....

Unfortunately it's sure to happen again only next time...

Think of the capitol as the cockpit and think of the CHP as sky Marshalls.
Check the laws and constitution.
This was Trump's plan.
Doubtful the courts would uphold it but, would that matter to Trump?
I think you might need to read Art II section 1.

"The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President."

It doesn't say where or when the President of the Senate meets with Congress just that it should happen so they can name the President. You should also note that the votes should be seal and transmitted to the President of the Senate. Doesnt say how that's to happen. So sealed with encryption and mailed the VP is sealed and transmitted. Opened while everyone is on a zoom call is opened while in the presence of the Congress. It also doesnt say how many that is. So if a Congress person dies of a heart attack on his way to attend this meeting the President is still legally selected even though the Congress is technically short a person.

So your scenario doesn't meet reasonable scrutiny. Not to mention that you have zero facts to back up the claim that this was Trumps plan. Also why did Trump authorize and offer the use of 20k NG troops to secure the Capitol if what you say his plan was actually his plan?

Try again. Reasonable path to the yahoos who broke into the capitol seizing the reins of power.
Trump is just too damn toxic. As long as he's around, the GOP is split and we don't need that. Plus, he offers the democrats someone to attack and by extension everybody else on the Right.

I disagree. The repubs against trump are the same ones who have sold us out to china.

Fuck them. I want a Party that represents the middle class. The republicans with Trump did that.
"IMO, the majority were there for the rally. They stopped short of attacking the Capital, in fact, several when interviewed talked about being unnerved by the behavior of some of the people and choosing to go home. Let's call those the peaceful protestors. The invaded the Capital were a combination of those who came prepared for that (they brought weapons or items easily converted to weapons) and those idiots who got swept up in the emotion.

Trump knows how to work crowds into a mob, this is mob psychology 101. You don't think breaking into the Capitol, trashing it, attacking police, looking for congress people to attack and attempting to stop the certification of an election is serious?"

I think the above is a cogent and rationale explanation for some of the moving parts of January 6th.

Not everyone who attended the Eclipse rally was prepared for violence and intended to participate in a disruption of an official proceeding.
And honestly, I will say the same....about every one who illegally entered the Capitol. Not all were intending to commit theft, violence, or the disruption of an official proceeding. They were sucked along in the wake of mob-think.
Further, I can be persuaded that even some of those who even beat a cop, broke a window, or sprayed MACE intended to disrupt an official proceeding. Again 'mob-think' had taken over.
However, I believe some of them were more ambitious, more calculating.

I firmly believe there was a core of individuals....Proud Boys? Oathkeepers?.....that had some intention ---came up with it on their own?....or were guided by inviduals who really did intend to dirupt the peaceful transfer of power. And that core of dirupters agitated, urged, and guded a large cohort of "normies" to engage in violence.

Hell, Roger Stone, laid out a map for such in his 2016 interview on Breitbart.

See it below, in the recent Lawfare coverage of it.
Lawfare does an excellent job of articualting what is known about the role of the Proud Boys, the Oathkeeprs, and the apparent mendacious role of Roger Stone.


I think the above is a cogent and rationale explanation for some of the moving parts of January 6th.

Not everyone who attended the Eclipse rally was prepared for violence and intended to participate in a disruption of an official proceeding.
And honestly, I will say the same....about every one who illegally entered the Capitol. Not all were intending to commit theft, violence, or the disruption of an official proceeding. They were sucked along in the wake of mob-think.
Further, I can be persuaded that even some of those who even beat a cop, broke a window, or sprayed MACE intended to disrupt an official proceeding.
However, I believe some of them were more ambitious, more calculating.

I firmly believe there was a core of individuals....Proud Boys? Oathkeepers?.....that had some intention ---came up with it on their own?....or were guided by inviduals who really did intend to dirupt the peaceful transfer of power. And that core of dirupters agitated, urged, and guded a large cohort of "normies" to engage in violence.

Hell, Roger Stone, laid out a map for such in his 2016 interview on Breitbart.

See it below, in the recent Lawfare coverage of it.
Lawfare does an excellent job of articualting what is known about the role of the Proud Boys, the Oathkeeprs, and the apparent mendacious role of Roger Stone.

I take it back a couple of steps. These people broke laws and should have to be given some kind of punishment because they are responsible for their actions.

But they were just pawns in a game played by elites. These people were conned and used. Those who convinced them to be there in the first place need to be held fully accountable and pay the price.
The Justice Department maintains a website listing the defendants and the federal charges against them in the sprawling Capitol riot investigation. At this moment, about 670 people have been charged, many of them with misdemeanors like “Parading, Demonstrating or Picketing in a Capitol Building.”

Of the 670, I counted 82 who face weapons-related charges. That’s about 12% of the total. And of course, the number of people charged with anything, 670, is far smaller than the number who were on Capitol grounds that day.

The 82 face one or more of four possible charges: “Assaulting, Resisting, or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon”; “Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon”; “Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon”; and “Engaging in Physical Violence in a Restricted Building with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon.”

For each charge, prosecutors have specified the weapon the defendant is accused of using. Here is a representative list of those weapons: A helmet. A baton. A crutch. A walking stick. Handgun. Pepper spray. Flagpole. Knife. Baseball bat. Crowd control barrier. Police shield. Hockey stick. Axe. Metal sign. Desk drawer.

Obviously, guns are the most serious concern. Of the 670, five suspects — Christopher Michael Alberts, Lonnie Leroy Coffman, Mark Sami Ibrahim, Cleveland Grover Meredith Jr. and Guy Wesley Reffitt — are charged with possessing firearms. But none are charged with using them during the riot.
Were there more? Since few arrests were made on the scene, maybe so. We don’t know. What is certain is that none of the suspects fired any guns at any time during the riot, even though the physical fighting became quite intense. The only shot that was fired during that time was by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, who shot and killed rioter Ashli Babbitt as she tried to force her way into an area near the House chamber.

As for the other weapons, six defendants are charged with having a knife, although none are accused of using it on another person. Five are charged with having a taser, three with an axe, four with a baseball bat, seven with a crutch, 11 with a baton, 13 with bear or pepper spray, eight with a police shield and 19 with a pole, usually a flagpole.

Some weapons were clearly brought in anticipation of a fight. Some rioters thought they would be battling antifa. But most of the weapons were improvised on the scene. That does not mean they were not dangerous. But it does suggest that the rioters did not arrive at the Capitol bent on “armed insurrection.”

The big picture: Only a small percentage of the people at the “armed insurrection” were armed with anything. And just five of them — less than 1% of those charged — have been charged with possessing firearms, which are the traditional weapon of choice for modern armed insurrectionists. One of them didn’t even arrive until after it was all over. And none fired the weapons.

And that is the problem with the “armed insurrection” talking point. By any current American standard of civil disorder, what happened on Jan. 6 was a riot. There was fighting. There was property destruction. There were some instigators, and there were many more followers. And as the day went on, some people lost their heads and did things they should regret for a very long time. But a look at the Justice Department prosecutions simply does not make the case that it was an “armed insurrection.”

Trump is just too damn toxic. As long as he's around, the GOP is split and we don't need that. Plus, he offers the democrats someone to attack and by extension everybody else on the Right.

What exactly has the Establishment GOP done for you lately ... :dunno:
The best I can see, they are running around bitching about Former President Trump and playing footsie with the Democrats.

In fact, that's pretty much what you are suggesting they should do more of.


What exactly has the Establishment GOP done for you lately ... :dunno:
The best I can see, they are running around bitching about Former President Trump and playing footsie with the Democrats.

In fact, that's pretty much what you are suggesting they should do more of.


Actually, the GOP is preventing the democrats from passing their ridiculous Green New Deal agenda. The major changes the democrats want to make ought to be passed with more than a 50+1 tiebreaker vote. And it looks to me like it is the democrats who are constantly running around bitching about Trump and those of us who voted for him.

Just so we're clear: I do not like Trump one bit. The only thing I dislike more than him is the democratic party, and that is why I will vote for the GOP nominee in 2024 no matter who it is. I won't like it if it's Trump, but I cannot vote for the democrats if that party continues as it is now.
These people broke laws and should have to be given some kind of punishment because they are responsible for their actions.

I quite agree, Mac'58.
All who committed a crime...even just trespassing.....need pay a pound of flesh.

This was the 'People's House'....the Capitol of the United Stats of America....the symbol and the seat of our governance.
Invading it and vandalizing it, defecating in it's hallways, assaulting it's uniformed guards....is NOT the same as breaking a window to steal sneakers at the Nike store.

A pound of flesh is due to the people of the United States.
Now, how much flesh?
It depends.

Some, in my view, got sucked along in the wake of mob-think.

  • They wandered around, gawked, took selfies, and left. Charge 'em with trespassing. Throw 'em in jail for a few days. Fine 'em. But every single one of 'em that can be identified.

  • Next, those who came in and stole stuff, wrecked stuff, pooped in the public areas, .........arrest 'em, and charge em with vandalism, disorderly conduct, trespassing. Throw 'em in jail for a little longer than the 'selfei-takers'......fine 'em for more money.

  • Then, those who beat a cop, sprayed a cop, stole a cop's badge, or gun, or baton, or shield......well, those mokes need a helluva spanking. So identifiy, 'em, arrest 'em, try 'em, convict 'em for felonies. Send 'em to prison for an appropriate time. Fine the hell outta them.

  • Then, we get to those mokes with the bullhorns. Those mokes who were guiding people. Directing people. Those folks need the hammer of "disrupting an official proceeding' ---that is a bigger deal than any charge of 'insurrection'. Disrupting brings a maximum sentence of 20yrs. Whereas 'insurrection' has a max of 10yrs. So, 'disruption' it is. Spank the hell out of 'em.

    There may be others...farther up the food chain. But I'll await the Select Committee's investigations complete.
There may be others...farther up the food chain. But I'll await the Select Committee's investigations complete.
It's becoming more clear that the committee thinks there is something to be found up that food chain, so indeed, we'll see.

The Trumpsters will tell you that the FBI has already closed the book on this matter. My assumption is that they're not being told, in their world, that the investigations are continuing, advancing and expanding apace.

I take it back a couple of steps. These people broke laws and should have to be given some kind of punishment because they are responsible for their actions.

Couldn't agree more. And the same should be said for every rioter and looter during the 2020 riots too.

But they were just pawns in a game played by elites. These people were conned and used. Those who convinced them to be there in the first place need to be held fully accountable and pay the price.

Here's where we diverge. There is no intelligence that I am aware of that indicates those people were conned and used by elites to break into the capitol building. The FBI said that, not me. Going to a protest rally is one thing, there's nothing wrong with that, BLM does it all the time. Even marching down to the capitol building is fine, and we see that stuff going on all the time too. But several hundred did break into the Capitol building and for that you should face charges.

If anyone wants to offer the opinion that these people were conned and used by elites without the slightest bit of evidence to support that claim, well that's okay. The 1st Amendment allows that. I think it's irresponsible though.
What was the path for the less than 1000 yahoo's who went inside the capitol to take the reins of power? Can you explain that to me please?
Why do you folks keep lying about what Trump and many others in the GOP tried??

People storming the Capitol actually hurt their plan more than helped it....

The plan was for Mike Pence to claim the election results in 6 key states (that happened to be controlled by Republicans) were bogus...kick those electorates back to those 6 states...and have the state legislature declare those electoral votes go to Trump....

The reason you folks keep making it seem like the coup attempt was just a bunch of angry cuck Trump supporters storming the Capitol is a deliberate deflection from what the GOP actually tried to do

And how do I know you morons are full of shit about this?? Because if Kamala did the same thing in 2024; if the Democratic candidate loses the election -- you will be the first one yelling coup, communist takeover, CRT insurrection, whatever bullshit buzz phrase yall want to label it...

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