Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

Now that right wingers have climbed up on their high horse "defending" free speech, I will like to assure them that I TOO will defend free speech but I DO NOT have to condone it when it is incendiary, offensive, provoking and for the sole purpose of eliciting a violent response as Geller planned ....and got.

While she was safely inside the venue, she (with funds from who knows exactly where) hired a phalanx of armed guards to protect her and her guests, PRECISELY anticipating the eruption of violence...so that she may gain notoriety as a "hero" of free speech.

Further, all you protectors of free speech have tried (and failed) to silence any dissent of what Geller has provoked for her own selfish aggrandizing. It was fortunate that only the tw0 would-be terrorists were killed, but it could have been much different AND, unfortunately, some innocent Americans will be killed because of her provocation, while she merrily collects money from the Jewish ADL and others, and prances all over the networks promoting basically her own self.

Ahhhhhh, Pat Dollard who, after the shooting at Ft. Hood tweeted:
"If there is even one more act of Muslim terrorism, it is then time for Americans to start slaughtering Muslims in the streets, all of them."
The pretending is all yours Turkey is a conduit a way station for ISIS recruits into Syria and beyond. Several stories in last few monthes of people flying from EU nations and crossing. Turkey aids this. Once again facts get in your way
Now that right wingers have climbed up on their high horse "defending" free speech, I will like to assure them that I TOO will defend free speech but I DO NOT have to condone it when it is incendiary, offensive, provoking and for the sole purpose of eliciting a violent response as Geller planned ....and got.

While she was safely inside the venue, she (with funds from who knows exactly where) hired a phalanx of armed guards to protect her and her guests, PRECISELY anticipating the eruption of violence...so that she may gain notoriety as a "hero" of free speech.

Further, all you protectors of free speech have tried (and failed) to silence any dissent of what Geller has provoked for her own selfish aggrandizing. It was fortunate that only the tw0 would-be terrorists were killed, but it could have been much different AND, unfortunately, some innocent Americans will be killed because of her provocation, while she merrily collects money from the Jewish ADL and others, and prances all over the networks promoting basically her own self.

You blabber too much....fraud
Absolutely - just like any bigot, racist or hatemonger - she should be marginalized and ignored.

But you are a moderator, Coyote, so I don't think we can put you on ignore just because you are so full of hatred against all the same targets the Islamists hate.

Have you considered growing up? It's a novel idea...but worth a try. :)
You're a pretty sick idiot....but you already knew that, didn't you....

But cheer up, there will be some fellow right wing idiots that will cheer you on

She's right though - you rage against those who speak against the terrorist allies of the democrats.

I realize you hold party above all, but you're fucking cheering for an act of terror on American soil - rational people find that to be the act of a "sick idiot."
Great, so Geller is the new "hero" for right wingers.....representatives of the party that bullshits that they "unify" people......Those 3plus million Muslims who idiots like you call "muzzies" are surely rushing out to sign up for the GOP, right?

Al Qaeda and ISIS have a home in the democratic party - you make that clear.
Absolutely - just like any bigot, racist or hatemonger - she should be marginalized and ignored.

What is it that Geller says which is not accurate?

IF she is accurate and you are attempting to marginalize hew - who is the hatemonger?

{When communities fail to fight back against
hate, it only grows in severity and scope." -
Keith Ellison, encouraging ill will and action against an Islam-critical event in Texas shortly before it was shot up by inspired members of his community. The attack proved (yet again) that the true source of hate and violence lies
in the ideology of Islam rather than those critical of it. In fact, it confirms the validity and obligation of the critique.} - Pam Geller

Again, WHAT is the source of hate?

Not Geller, but the democrats and their terrorist allies.
Something about who Geller is...(hero or provocateur?, you judge)

She became the face of the opposition to construction of a mosque near Ground Zero in 2010. Through her groups, she launched controversial ads on Washington subways in 2012 that read, "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad."

In April, Geller's group won a federal court victory to allow the ads to run on New York City buses and trains. New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority had tried to stop similar ads on their buses and trains because it said the ads could incite violence between Muslims and Jews, but a court ruling allowed the ads based on the First Amendment guarantee of free speech. The new ads will show a photo of a young man in a checkered head scarf that will say, "Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah. That's His Jihad. What's yours?"

Such rhetoric has landed the Initiative [Geller's group] on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate groups as an active anti-Muslim group.

Who is the group behind Mohammed cartoon contest

The SPLC is a hate group - to be hated by those Klansmen is a badge of honor.
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.

No she is a brave, honorable and courage women who is trying to show the West (not just America) the dangers Islam poses to the West.

Here's what one this "brave, honorable and courage women's" followers did: Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
In his manifesto, he praised Geller, cited her blog, and the writings of her friends, allies, and collaborators —more than 250 times.

Here's how how she defended the cold blooded massacre of 77 children and adults: Pam Geller Justifies Breivik s Terror Youth Camp Had More Middle Eastern or Mixed Races Than Pure Norwegian ThinkProgress

That's your hero.

She's right though - you rage against those who speak against the terrorist allies of the democrats.

I realize you hold party above all, but you're fucking cheering for an act of terror on American soil - rational people find that to be the act of a "sick idiot."[/QUOTE]

A "conclusion" indeed worthy of your moronic lack of understanding, reading comprehension and biases.
This is our country they can get with the program or get the fuck out

I think the above is EXACTLY what most Iraqis and Afghanis also stated about our troops' invasions.
See, TX....you DO have the same mind-set.

You're a fucking idiot, our troops had no choice, muslims in this country chose to be here, now they want us to change to accommodate them. Fuck'em!
This is our country they can get with the program or get the fuck out.

NO ONE on the left is defending violence....but even an idiot like you, TX, should know that one of those attackers was a fellow citizen and that your "...this is our country...." is the typical bullshit that right wingers like to spew.

And he got exactly what he deserved when he tried to forcibly deny other citizens their rights. I'll sleep better tonight knowing the MF is dead. If that's RW BS so be it.
Dallas-Fortworth has the 4th largest Muslim population in the US, some 30,000 Muslims live and work there. It's interesting that she chose that area to do her contest. Despite that, those 30,000 Muslims did not react violently but rather ignored her. Instead two extremists with terrorist ties already being watched by the FBI traveled from Phoenix.
Dallas-Fortworth has the 4th largest Muslim population in the US, some 30,000 Muslims live and work there. It's interesting that she chose that area to do her contest. Despite that, those 30,000 Muslims did not react violently but rather ignored her. Instead two extremists with terrorist ties already being watched by the FBI traveled from Phoenix.
she chose that area, and specifically that venue, because it was host to a 'stand with the prophet' event that taught muslims how to deal with hatred, constructive ways to respond to things like mohammed cartoons, and how to be better members of their communities.

she protested that event. because.... muslims, i guess.
Absolutely - just like any bigot, racist or hatemonger - she should be marginalized and ignored.

What is it that Geller says which is not accurate?

IF she is accurate and you are attempting to marginalize hew - who is the hatemonger?

{When communities fail to fight back against
hate, it only grows in severity and scope." -
Keith Ellison, encouraging ill will and action against an Islam-critical event in Texas shortly before it was shot up by inspired members of his community. The attack proved (yet again) that the true source of hate and violence lies
in the ideology of Islam rather than those critical of it. In fact, it confirms the validity and obligation of the critique.} - Pam Geller

Again, WHAT is the source of hate?

Not Geller, but the democrats and their terrorist allies.

What does she say that isn't accurate? Quite a lot....Confronting Pamela Geller Updated With Response Harris Zafar
Dallas-Fortworth has the 4th largest Muslim population in the US, some 30,000 Muslims live and work there. It's interesting that she chose that area to do her contest. Despite that, those 30,000 Muslims did not react violently but rather ignored her. Instead two extremists with terrorist ties already being watched by the FBI traveled from Phoenix.
she chose that area, and specifically that venue, because it was host to a 'stand with the prophet' event that taught muslims how to deal with hatred, constructive ways to respond to things like mohammed cartoons, and how to be better members of their communities.

she protested that event. because.... muslims, i guess.

Wow. Simply wow. She likes to meet positive with negative, peace with hate.

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