Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

I support all free speech, I may not agree with it but I'll defend someone's right to say it and I certainly won't try to kill someone over it.

The democrats are the opposite of Voltaire, because they don't approved of what you have to say, they will fight to the death to silence you. - Obama Akbar.

Ignorant response....as expected....and Voltaire NEVER stated that phrase in the first place.....

You and other half-witted right wingers are praising Geller who is nothing more than a self-aggradizing tool of radical Zionists who want to start a civil war against Islam.
Dallas-Fortworth has the 4th largest Muslim population in the US, some 30,000 Muslims live and work there. It's interesting that she chose that area to do her contest. Despite that, those 30,000 Muslims did not react violently but rather ignored her. Instead two extremists with terrorist ties already being watched by the FBI traveled from Phoenix.
she chose that area, and specifically that venue, because it was host to a 'stand with the prophet' event that taught muslims how to deal with hatred, constructive ways to respond to things like mohammed cartoons, and how to be better members of their communities.

she protested that event. because.... muslims, i guess.

Wow. Simply wow. She likes to meet positive with negative, peace with hate.
kind of her m.o.
her response to CAIR ads that said things like "My Jihad is to build friendships across the aisle. What’s yours?" was to come up with the ads "Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah. That’s His Jihad. What’s yours?"

she's an ass.
Now that right wingers have climbed up on their high horse "defending" free speech, I will like to assure them that I TOO will defend free speech but I DO NOT have to condone it when it is incendiary, offensive, provoking and for the sole purpose of eliciting a violent response as Geller planned ....and got.

While she was safely inside the venue, she (with funds from who knows exactly where) hired a phalanx of armed guards to protect her and her guests, PRECISELY anticipating the eruption of violence...so that she may gain notoriety as a "hero" of free speech.

Further, all you protectors of free speech have tried (and failed) to silence any dissent of what Geller has provoked for her own selfish aggrandizing. It was fortunate that only the tw0 would-be terrorists were killed, but it could have been much different AND, unfortunately, some innocent Americans will be killed because of her provocation, while she merrily collects money from the Jewish ADL and others, and prances all over the networks promoting basically her own self.

Actually, the Jewish ADL is not very fond of her and has condemned and distanced themselves from her and her cronies for their hate and bigotry. Supporting her is like supporting the Westboro Baptists.

Want to show intolerance ...Act like Pamela Geller Page 25 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Community Relations Council and the Anti-Defamation League were among the first organizations to condemn the subway ads. The AJC and JCRC stated in August, “We are steadfast in our support of Israel and our concern about the growing threat of Islamic radicalism, and steadfast in our opposition to anti-Muslim stereotypes.” The ADL called the ads “highly offensive and inflammatory,” but was careful to recognize that they constitute protected political speech under the First Amendment.
Oh please, what utter nonsense.

Would you fight to defend Christianity and Judaism like you rise to protect the name of a "Prophet" Muhammad? Just curious.

I don't protect the name of Muhammad. I could care less about him. But people are another matter. And yes - I would and have done the same for Christianity and Judaism.

How about you? Hatred and bigotry directed towards Muslims - ANY Musllims - seems perfectly acceptable. You talk like you support the same rhetoric and hate speech that was once directed against Jews. You seem to support the likes of Geller. How is she any different than your despised anti-semites? She is not. She is the same. You just seem to agree with her message.
It's obvious Ms Geller has upset the Islamo loving leftists. Well done, Ms Geller, well done

She justifies the cold blooded murder of children by a terrorist. Well done Ms. Geller.

You read too much Stink Progress,it's a loon site

It links directly to Geller's blog so you can read it for yourself.

Your "hero" is a woman so hateful she'll justify a massacre of children.

Islamists don't massacre children? Geller is entitled to say what she wants...that's what ails you. You pretend to be a supporter of free speech....notice I say pretend. Much like the OP in this thread...he supports free speech he agrees with. I'm no fan of Geller and before this happened I knew little about her I may not agree with what she says or writes but again....she has the right to say it so I will defend her right
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.
First, I fight for Pam Geller's right to be the money grabbing, cottage industry sucking attention whore that she is. It's her right, and my right to laugh at her all I want.

That's how it works.

That being said, Islam needs to grow a thicker skin. Too many things bring way too many Muslims into a rage far too easily. That can't be healthy...

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Now that right wingers have climbed up on their high horse "defending" free speech, I will like to assure them that I TOO will defend free speech but I DO NOT have to condone it when it is incendiary, offensive, provoking and for the sole purpose of eliciting a violent response as Geller planned ....and got.

While she was safely inside the venue, she (with funds from who knows exactly where) hired a phalanx of armed guards to protect her and her guests, PRECISELY anticipating the eruption of violence...so that she may gain notoriety as a "hero" of free speech.

Further, all you protectors of free speech have tried (and failed) to silence any dissent of what Geller has provoked for her own selfish aggrandizing. It was fortunate that only the tw0 would-be terrorists were killed, but it could have been much different AND, unfortunately, some innocent Americans will be killed because of her provocation, while she merrily collects money from the Jewish ADL and others, and prances all over the networks promoting basically her own self.

Actually, the Jewish ADL is not very fond of her and has condemned and distanced themselves from her and her cronies for their hate and bigotry. Supporting her is like supporting the Westboro Baptists.

Want to show intolerance ...Act like Pamela Geller Page 25 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Community Relations Council and the Anti-Defamation League were among the first organizations to condemn the subway ads. The AJC and JCRC stated in August, “We are steadfast in our support of Israel and our concern about the growing threat of Islamic radicalism, and steadfast in our opposition to anti-Muslim stereotypes.” The ADL called the ads “highly offensive and inflammatory,” but was careful to recognize that they constitute protected political speech under the First Amendment.

Thank you for the correction.......From some of my NYC friends I had heard that Geller has a "generous donor" who is also a wealthy supporter of the ADL....However, I should not have coupled the individual donor with the entire ADL, and I apologize for that.
When an idiot like Ahmadinejad practiced his own version of "free speech" you right wingers were ready to bomb the entire country...and if you don't see the hypocrisy...well, then you truly are a right winger.
This is what happens when a group of people is convinced it is always right and that the others are always wrong. C'est la Vie...

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It's obvious Ms Geller has upset the Islamo loving leftists. Well done, Ms Geller, well done

She justifies the cold blooded murder of children by a terrorist. Well done Ms. Geller.

You read too much Stink Progress,it's a loon site

It links directly to Geller's blog so you can read it for yourself.

Your "hero" is a woman so hateful she'll justify a massacre of children.

Islamists don't massacre children? Geller is entitled to say what she wants...that's what ails you. You pretend to be a supporter of free speech....notice I say pretend. Much like the OP in this thread...he supports free speech he agrees with. I'm no fan of Geller and before this happened I knew little about her I may not agree with what she says or writes but again....she has the right to say it so I will defend her right

We're not talking about Islamists, and, let's clarify a few things since you seem mightily confused/

I support free speech - I don't care if it's Geller, the KKK, Neo-Nazi's or the Westboro Baptists. I support to the death their right to say their message however hateful. Now, are we clear on that? (I don't think I can make it any simpler).

Now, like *you* I'm no fan of Geller. Just like I'm no fan of the KKK, Neo-Nazi's or Westboro Baptists. Would you say "well done" to those groups? Personally, I am not going to say well done to a woman who justifies the murder of children. But that's just me.
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.
First, I fight for Pam Geller's right to be the money grabbing, cottage industry sucking attention whore that she is. It's her right, and my right to laugh at her all I want.

That's how it works.

That being said, Islam needs to grow a thicker skin. To many things bring way too many Muslims into a rage far too easily. That can't be healthy...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

....and, my friend, I NEVER wanted to "silence" Geller...just to point out that she is a self-serving, hate-mongering individual...nothing more, regardless of how right wingers wish to spin it.
My only fear was that Geller's rhetoric and actions get others in deep trouble while she waltzes from speeches to the nearest banks.
What does she say that isn't accurate? Quite a lot....Confronting Pamela Geller Updated With Response Harris Zafar

Sorry, I have to reject that article as blind hatred. The author spews hatred from beginning to end, but fails to highlight anything Geller actually got wrong, plus he flat out lies and claims that Geller said Obama is a Muslim - which she has not. Geller said that Obama is sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group - well duh, he installed them in Egypt.

Oh, and the fuckwad in Chief DOES say some pretty shitty things;

{The United States and the Western world must learn about Islam, and indeed if we count the number of American Muslims, we see that the United States is one of the largest Muslim countries on the planet,"} - Barack Obama Les Etats-Unis un des plus grands pays musulmans
It's obvious Ms Geller has upset the Islamo loving leftists. Well done, Ms Geller, well done

She justifies the cold blooded murder of children by a terrorist. Well done Ms. Geller.

You read too much Stink Progress,it's a loon site

It links directly to Geller's blog so you can read it for yourself.

Your "hero" is a woman so hateful she'll justify a massacre of children.

Islamists don't massacre children? Geller is entitled to say what she wants...that's what ails you. You pretend to be a supporter of free speech....notice I say pretend. Much like the OP in this thread...he supports free speech he agrees with. I'm no fan of Geller and before this happened I knew little about her I may not agree with what she says or writes but again....she has the right to say it so I will defend her right

We're not talking about Islamists, and, let's clarify a few things since you seem mightily confused/

I support free speech - I don't care if it's Geller, the KKK, Neo-Nazi's or the Westboro Baptists. I support to the death their right to say their message however hateful. Now, are we clear on that? (I don't think I can make it any simpler).

Now, like *you* I'm no fan of Geller. Just like I'm no fan of the KKK, Neo-Nazi's or Westboro Baptists. Would you say "well done" to those groups? Personally, I am not going to say well done to a woman who justifies the murder of children. But that's just me.

I've criticized those groups. I said well done because she has obviously pissed off a group I do criticize...the one you belong to.

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