Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

We're not talking about Islamists, and, let's clarify a few things since you seem mightily confused/

I support free speech - I don't care if it's Geller, the KKK, Neo-Nazi's or the Westboro Baptists. I support to the death their right to say their message however hateful. Now, are we clear on that? (I don't think I can make it any simpler).

Now, like *you* I'm no fan of Geller. Just like I'm no fan of the KKK, Neo-Nazi's or Westboro Baptists. Would you say "well done" to those groups? Personally, I am not going to say well done to a woman who justifies the murder of children. But that's just me.

You DO seem to support free speech - but have you noticed that you are LITERALLY the only leftist on this board who does?
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.
First, I fight for Pam Geller's right to be the money grabbing, cottage industry sucking attention whore that she is. It's her right, and my right to laugh at her all I want.

That's how it works.

That being said, Islam needs to grow a thicker skin. To many things bring way too many Muslims into a rage far too easily. That can't be healthy...

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We're not talking about Islamists, and, let's clarify a few things since you seem mightily confused/

I support free speech - I don't care if it's Geller, the KKK, Neo-Nazi's or the Westboro Baptists. I support to the death their right to say their message however hateful. Now, are we clear on that? (I don't think I can make it any simpler).

Now, like *you* I'm no fan of Geller. Just like I'm no fan of the KKK, Neo-Nazi's or Westboro Baptists. Would you say "well done" to those groups? Personally, I am not going to say well done to a woman who justifies the murder of children. But that's just me.

You DO seem to support free speech - but have you noticed that you are LITERALLY the only leftist on this board who does?
you are so fucking dumb.
She justifies the cold blooded murder of children by a terrorist. Well done Ms. Geller.

You read too much Stink Progress,it's a loon site

It links directly to Geller's blog so you can read it for yourself.

Your "hero" is a woman so hateful she'll justify a massacre of children.

Islamists don't massacre children? Geller is entitled to say what she wants...that's what ails you. You pretend to be a supporter of free speech....notice I say pretend. Much like the OP in this thread...he supports free speech he agrees with. I'm no fan of Geller and before this happened I knew little about her I may not agree with what she says or writes but again....she has the right to say it so I will defend her right

We're not talking about Islamists, and, let's clarify a few things since you seem mightily confused/

I support free speech - I don't care if it's Geller, the KKK, Neo-Nazi's or the Westboro Baptists. I support to the death their right to say their message however hateful. Now, are we clear on that? (I don't think I can make it any simpler).

Now, like *you* I'm no fan of Geller. Just like I'm no fan of the KKK, Neo-Nazi's or Westboro Baptists. Would you say "well done" to those groups? Personally, I am not going to say well done to a woman who justifies the murder of children. But that's just me.

I've criticized those groups. I said well done because she has obviously pissed off a group I do criticize...the one you belong to.
the westboro baptists, kkk, and neo-nazis piss off liberals as well - when will you be congratulating them?

Ignorant response....as expected....and Voltaire NEVER stated that phrase in the first place.....

You and other half-witted right wingers are praising Geller who is nothing more than a self-aggradizing tool of radical Zionists who want to start a civil war against Islam.

Factual response;

Oh and that you are abjectly ignorant regarding Voltaire is of little surprise;

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/v/voltaire.html#irMSvTbqsAiJ7Bl1.99}

Ignorance and stupidity are the root cause of leftism.

And I see you get into JOOOOOOOO hating as all the little leftist Nazi fucks tend to do... :thup:
Wow. Simply wow. She likes to meet positive with negative, peace with hate.

So the Muzzie Beasts are the perpetrators of peace?

Obama Makes Islamic State Finger Salute to African Leaders Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West

...and as one of the leading idiot on this forum you actually BELIEVE that Obama gave the Islamic state "salute"......Moron, so did Reagan as I give you the middle finger salute for being a dolt.
you are so fucking dumb.

So, support of civil rights is "fucking dumb," where your war to establish a totalitarian state is erudite?


You scumbags are funny - except for your concentration camps, killing fields, gulags, purges, and shit...
see, you can't even read one simple sentence and understand it's meaning.

you are dumb. you. not supporting civil rights. you, Uncensored2008, are fucking dumb.

nobody here is attempting to establish a totalitarian state. nobody. everybody here is in agreement that geller's event was free speech and nobody has said she shouldn't have the right to hold her hateful contests. in fact, many, myself included, have gone out of our way to say that she does and should have the right.

that is why you, Uncensored2008, are fucking dumb. you are incapable of understanding that those of us who oppose geller and her band of idiots are able to oppose her without wanting the government to shut her down.

so once again, you, Uncensored2008, are fucking dumb.
...and as one of the leading idiot on this forum you actually BELIEVE that Obama gave the Islamic state "salute"......Moron, so did Reagan as I give you the middle finger salute for being a dolt.

Are you claiming that it's photoshop, sploogy?


Or are you just blindly lying because you support your party regardless of reality?


Look, the terrorists are your allies in your war against America


I get it
the westboro baptists, kkk, and neo-nazis piss off liberals as well - when will you be congratulating them?

Westboro Baptist is just a leftist hate group - far left scumbags acting badly to slander and libel Christians. Are you REALLY so fucking stupid that you don't get it?
there is nothing liberal about the westboro baptists, with the possible exception of their first amendment struggles. they are a far right socially conservative group. if you have to make up a conspiracy theory to paint their bad behavior as a front by people you disagree with you can bet that you're grasping at straws to avoid the truth.

once again, you have proven that you are fucking dumb.
...and as one of the leading idiot on this forum you actually BELIEVE that Obama gave the Islamic state "salute"......Moron, so did Reagan as I give you the middle finger salute for being a dolt.

Are you claiming that it's photoshop, sploogy?


Or are you just blindly lying because you support your party regardless of reality?


Look, the terrorists are your allies in your war against America


I get it
staples.com will sell you hundreds of isis one finger salute foam fingers to promote your business
Win Over New Business Using Branded Fan Hands

you, Uncensored2008, are fucking dumb.
Absolutely - just like any bigot, racist or hatemonger - she should be marginalized and ignored.

But you are a moderator, Coyote, so I don't think we can put you on ignore just because you are so full of hatred against all the same targets the Islamists hate.

Have you considered growing up? It's a novel idea...but worth a try. :)

Have you considered becoming human instead of Islamist? It's worth a try.

You attack everything Islamist's attack while voicing no disagreement with Islamist actions. Right here in this thread, you focus all your hateful bile on Geller without saying so much as a single word against those who kill because of the ideology you share.
Absolutely - just like any bigot, racist or hatemonger - she should be marginalized and ignored.

But you are a moderator, Coyote, so I don't think we can put you on ignore just because you are so full of hatred against all the same targets the Islamists hate.

Have you considered growing up? It's a novel idea...but worth a try. :)

Have you considered becoming human instead of Islamist? It's worth a try.

You attack everything Islamist's attack while voicing no disagreement with Islamist actions. Right here in this thread, you focus all your hateful bile on Geller without saying so much as a single word against those who kill because of the ideology you share.
isn't the thread about geller?
there is nothing liberal about the westboro baptists, with the possible exception of their first amendment struggles. they are a far right socially conservative group. if you have to make up a conspiracy theory to paint their bad behavior as a front by people you disagree with you can bet that you're grasping at straws to avoid the truth.

once again, you have proven that you are fucking dumb.

True, there is nothing liberal about Westboro Baptist who display all these attitudes that would be considered quite mainstream if they were Muslim.

That you defend the latter while attacking the former speaks of extremity of your hypocrisy.
there is nothing liberal about the westboro baptists, with the possible exception of their first amendment struggles. they are a far right socially conservative group. if you have to make up a conspiracy theory to paint their bad behavior as a front by people you disagree with you can bet that you're grasping at straws to avoid the truth.

once again, you have proven that you are fucking dumb.

True, there is nothing liberal about Westboro Baptist who display all these attitudes that would be considered quite mainstream if they were Muslim.

That you defend the latter while attacking the former speaks of extremity of your hypocrisy.
i think you need to reexamine what you've seen me defend.
see, you can't even read one simple sentence and understand it's meaning.

you are dumb. you. not supporting civil rights. you, Uncensored2008, are fucking dumb.


So in your alleged mind, free speech is not a "civil right?"

Hmmm, maybe the issue here is that you're a fucking retard who doesn't grasp the terms in use...

nobody here is attempting to establish a totalitarian state. nobody. everybody here is in agreement that geller's event was free speech and nobody has said she shouldn't have the right to hold her hateful contests. in fact, many, myself included, have gone out of our way to say that she does and should have the right.


Right, you democrats want to establish a Laissez Faire system of freedom, you're not attempting to place the economy under the central planning of the state (Obama's fascist care) or impose strict social restrictions on the beliefs and behaviors of Americans (hate speech laws, forced accomodation).

that is why you, Uncensored2008, are fucking dumb. you are incapable of understanding that those of us who oppose geller and her band of idiots are able to oppose her without wanting the government to shut her down.

so once again, you, Uncensored2008, are fucking dumb.

What I understand, is that you of the left are a clear and present danger to civil liberty.

Let's look at some facts - which I realize is anathema to leftists; still....

We have a contest of drawing cartoons. You of the left claim they are offensive (more offensive than Tom Tomorrow or other leftist staples?) Two men of the Muzzie Beast persuasion started shooting at innocent people.

You attack and condemn the artists and organizers, rather than the shooters. You claim that the expression caused the violence, refusing to admit that it is the DOGMA of Islam that is the basis.

Someone here is fucking dumb alright - an ignorant fucktard excusing terrorists while attacking civil rights.

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