Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

Someone here is fucking dumb alright - an ignorant fucktard excusing terrorists while attacking civil rights.
ignoring the rest of your bullshit - i'll concede the entire point, and name you the most intelligent man on the planet in my signature no less, if you can show me where i've attacked geller's civil rights.

what do you think should be done to leftists, if they are, as you say, clear and present dangers to civil liberty?
there is nothing liberal about the westboro baptists, with the possible exception of their first amendment struggles. they are a far right socially conservative group. if you have to make up a conspiracy theory to paint their bad behavior as a front by people you disagree with you can bet that you're grasping at straws to avoid the truth.

once again, you have proven that you are fucking dumb.

Stupidity and ignorance are the foundation of leftism. You are a leftist precisely because you are stupid.

{He sought public office four times as a member of the Democratic Party. In the election for United States Senator for Kansas in 1992, he received 49,416 votes (30.8%), coming in second after Gloria O'Dell (who subsequently lost to later presidential candidate Bob Dole).}

Fred Phelps - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


You mindless fuckwad. Phelps was a demagogue- it's what you piles of shit do - you lie and defame. Phelps did schtick to act out on what you leftists CLAIM Christians do - but Christians will never actually do - so Phelps ran a fraud.

I take it you think Stephen Colbert is a real Republican, right?
...and as one of the leading idiot on this forum you actually BELIEVE that Obama gave the Islamic state "salute"......Moron, so did Reagan as I give you the middle finger salute for being a dolt.

Are you claiming that it's photoshop, sploogy?


Or are you just blindly lying because you support your party regardless of reality?


Look, the terrorists are your allies in your war against America


I get it
staples.com will sell you hundreds of isis one finger salute foam fingers to promote your business
Win Over New Business Using Branded Fan Hands

you, Uncensored2008, are fucking dumb.

Oh that's it fucktard, Obama was cheering a sports team.

Yer a right fucking genius....
...and as one of the leading idiot on this forum you actually BELIEVE that Obama gave the Islamic state "salute"......Moron, so did Reagan as I give you the middle finger salute for being a dolt.

Are you claiming that it's photoshop, sploogy?


Or are you just blindly lying because you support your party regardless of reality?


Look, the terrorists are your allies in your war against America


I get it
staples.com will sell you hundreds of isis one finger salute foam fingers to promote your business
Win Over New Business Using Branded Fan Hands

you, Uncensored2008, are fucking dumb.

Oh that's it fucktard, Obama was cheering a sports team.

Yer a right fucking genius....
the clear point, which i should have known would need to be spelled out to you, was that isis does not have a copyright on a raised finger.
True, there is nothing liberal about Westboro Baptist who display all these attitudes that would be considered quite mainstream if they were Muslim.

That you defend the latter while attacking the former speaks of extremity of your hypocrisy.

Phelps and his family ran what could "loosely" be called satire. There goal was to defame Christians. Fred Phelps was a life long democrat who ran for office four times.
the clear point, which i should have known would need to be spelled out to you, was that isis does not have a copyright on a raised finger.


What a fraud you are.

Obama could rape and murder a small boy in front of you and you'd claim he was just rooting for a sports team.

This is why I point out that you leftists are complete scum without even a hint of integrity.
weird. the op doesn't mention terrorism. the thread title doesn't mention terrorism.
they do mention geller.

We have to bear in mind that leftists like you are have IQ's in the single digits.

Sentient beings are aware that your terrorist allies went on a shooting spree, which is the catalyst of this, and the other 40 threads on the subject.

Ignorant response....as expected....and Voltaire NEVER stated that phrase in the first place.....

You and other half-witted right wingers are praising Geller who is nothing more than a self-aggradizing tool of radical Zionists who want to start a civil war against Islam.

Factual response;

Oh and that you are abjectly ignorant regarding Voltaire is of little surprise;

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/v/voltaire.html#irMSvTbqsAiJ7Bl1.99}

Ignorance and stupidity are the root cause of leftism.

And I see you get into JOOOOOOOO hating as all the little leftist Nazi fucks tend to do... :thup:

In The Friends of Voltaire, Evelyn Hall wrote the phrase: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" (which is often misattributed to Voltaire himself) as an illustration of Voltaire's beliefs.
weird. the op doesn't mention terrorism. the thread title doesn't mention terrorism.
they do mention geller.

We have to bear in mind that leftists like you are have IQ's in the single digits.

Sentient beings are aware that your terrorist allies went on a shooting spree, which is the catalyst of this, and the other 40 threads on the subject.
i cannot help that you are incapable of understanding that a thread is about the subject in the original post, which should be reflected in the title.

the title and the op in this case are in agreement, this thread is about geller. terrorism may be discussed, in relationship to the recent event held by geller, or in regards to her motive, or in her support of terrorism so long as it's targeting the 'right' people, but this thread is not about terrorism.

it is about geller.

you are an angry, ignorant, and frankly, fucking dumb individual.
the clear point, which i should have known would need to be spelled out to you, was that isis does not have a copyright on a raised finger.


What a fraud you are.

Obama could rape and murder a small boy in front of you and you'd claim he was just rooting for a sports team.

This is why I point out that you leftists are complete scum without even a hint of integrity.
this is getting way off topic, but can you tell me what makes an isis salute raised finger different from any other use of the pointer?

Ignorant response....as expected....and Voltaire NEVER stated that phrase in the first place.....

You and other half-witted right wingers are praising Geller who is nothing more than a self-aggradizing tool of radical Zionists who want to start a civil war against Islam.

Factual response;

Oh and that you are abjectly ignorant regarding Voltaire is of little surprise;

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/v/voltaire.html#irMSvTbqsAiJ7Bl1.99}

Ignorance and stupidity are the root cause of leftism.

And I see you get into JOOOOOOOO hating as all the little leftist Nazi fucks tend to do... :thup:

In The Friends of Voltaire, Evelyn Hall wrote the phrase: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" (which is often misattributed to Voltaire himself) as an illustration of Voltaire's beliefs.

Either way, you of the left will fight to the death to silence ideas you object to - as this thread clearly illustrates.

Ignorant response....as expected....and Voltaire NEVER stated that phrase in the first place.....

You and other half-witted right wingers are praising Geller who is nothing more than a self-aggradizing tool of radical Zionists who want to start a civil war against Islam.

Factual response;

Oh and that you are abjectly ignorant regarding Voltaire is of little surprise;

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/v/voltaire.html#irMSvTbqsAiJ7Bl1.99}

Ignorance and stupidity are the root cause of leftism.

And I see you get into JOOOOOOOO hating as all the little leftist Nazi fucks tend to do... :thup:

In The Friends of Voltaire, Evelyn Hall wrote the phrase: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" (which is often misattributed to Voltaire himself) as an illustration of Voltaire's beliefs.

Either way, you of the left will fight to the death to silence ideas you object to - as this thread clearly illustrates.
again, can you quote just one person that says geller shouldn't have the right to hold her event?
i cannot help that you are incapable of understanding that a thread is about the subject in the original post, which should be reflected in the title.

I cannot help but laugh at you. You are a caricature of a mindless leftists - who despite all evidence and reason recites memes from KOS and the other hate sites. Thought isn't just a foreign concept to you, but something you adamantly avoid.

I understand, thought may cause you to have ideas which are not promoted by the party.

When I see one as you, I understand fully how the killing fields and holocaust happened. You are simply incapable of thought or reason. The party alone is the source of what traverses the broccoli stem that substitutes for a brain in you.

the title and the op in this case are in agreement, this thread is about geller. terrorism may be discussed, in relationship to the recent event held by geller, or in regards to her motive, or in her support of terrorism so long as it's targeting the 'right' people, but this thread is not about terrorism.

it is about geller.

you are an angry, ignorant, and frankly, fucking dumb individual.

The OP is a typical hate piece by the left to condemn the victims in hopes of protecting your terrorist allies.
i cannot help that you are incapable of understanding that a thread is about the subject in the original post, which should be reflected in the title.

I cannot help but laugh at you. You are a caricature of a mindless leftists - who despite all evidence and reason recites memes from KOS and the other hate sites. Thought isn't just a foreign concept to you, but something you adamantly avoid.

I understand, thought may cause you to have ideas which are not promoted by the party.

When I see one as you, I understand fully how the killing fields and holocaust happened. You are simply incapable of thought or reason. The party alone is the source of what traverses the broccoli stem that substitutes for a brain in you.

the title and the op in this case are in agreement, this thread is about geller. terrorism may be discussed, in relationship to the recent event held by geller, or in regards to her motive, or in her support of terrorism so long as it's targeting the 'right' people, but this thread is not about terrorism.

it is about geller.

you are an angry, ignorant, and frankly, fucking dumb individual.

The OP is a typical hate piece by the left to condemn the victims in hopes of protecting your terrorist allies.
still waiting on that quote where someone is attacking geller's civil rights.
this is getting way off topic, but can you tell me what makes an isis salute raised finger different from any other use of the pointer?

The raised finger is a symbol of the unity of Islam - it is not specific to ISIS and relates to the concept that all Jihad serves Allah.

{The reason we raise the index finger, when saying the kalima in Thasahud is to constantly remind ourselves of the principle understanding of Tawheed. Because , it was the failure to understand and adhere to the principles of Tawheed that caused the fall and destruction of many generations before, as well as the existances of many other religions that gave its own interpretations like the Trinity, that is God is One but Three, and principles like God is One but Omnipresent (God is One but present in all things) which resulted in idol worship.

“It is harder on the Shaytaan than iron,” , the verses in the hadith that was cited by UMM kulTHUM above, refers to the strength, or the effect of hearing the kalima said by a muslim, which causes shaytan to loose all hopes of misguiding the worshipper of Allah and depart. }

Ramadan Why do we raise our index finger whilst reciting Tashahhud Yahoo Answers

The raised finger in Islam is similar to the cross gesture for Catholics.
this is getting way off topic, but can you tell me what makes an isis salute raised finger different from any other use of the pointer?

The raised finger is a symbol of the unity of Islam - it is not specific to ISIS and relates to the concept that all Jihad serves Allah.

{The reason we raise the index finger, when saying the kalima in Thasahud is to constantly remind ourselves of the principle understanding of Tawheed. Because , it was the failure to understand and adhere to the principles of Tawheed that caused the fall and destruction of many generations before, as well as the existances of many other religions that gave its own interpretations like the Trinity, that is God is One but Three, and principles like God is One but Omnipresent (God is One but present in all things) which resulted in idol worship.

“It is harder on the Shaytaan than iron,” , the verses in the hadith that was cited by UMM kulTHUM above, refers to the strength, or the effect of hearing the kalima said by a muslim, which causes shaytan to loose all hopes of misguiding the worshipper of Allah and depart. }

Ramadan Why do we raise our index finger whilst reciting Tashahhud Yahoo Answers

The raised finger in Islam is similar to the cross gesture for Catholics.
so visually, absolutely no difference between that raised finger and someone say, pointing, or wagging, or cheering, or doing any number of things that people do while raising just their index finger.

that about right?
CBS...NBC...ABC...CNN...CNBC...MSNBC...FOX NEWS...PBS... are all cowards for not showing the cartoons from the conference...

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