Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

so visually, absolutely no difference between that raised finger and someone say, pointing, or wagging, or cheering, or doing any number of things that people do while raising just their index finger.

that about right?

So, is it reading comprehension that you completely lack, or just integrity?
you didn't give a visual difference. are they visually the same?
How did the DNC get into this? They have nothing to do with it.

WTF are you talking about. If the party wants to be part of the Jihad, then you can't pretend they have nothing to do with it.

What did the DNC propaganda corps say?

The party's NY Times"
Free speech aside, why would anyone do something as provocative as hosting a "Muhammad drawing contest"?

— Rukmini Callimachi (@rcallimachi) May 4, 2015

Hmm, the party has a problem with it, but no problem with Funny Atheism Because Religion is a Joke

I guess intolerance is only bad when applied to the allies of the party. And of course anti-Christian cartoons, like this one;


It's cool though, the party HATES fucking Christians, part of the reason they are aligned with radical Islam....
You're confusing political parties with ideologies. Precisely which of their positions are liberal? Ans. None.

They're conservative. Own them. We already have our own crackpots thank you.

The ideology of the shameful democrats is radical left, the moderates are long gone.

The left uses demagoguery as not only the primary means of attacking the enemy, but as a form of communication.

I still remember a TV commercial where Carol O'Conner came on and said "Hi, I'm Archie Bunker, and as a conservative I urge you to vote for George McGovern."

Now obviously Carol O'Conner was a fucking Communist, part of Norman Lear's PAW. The left honestly believes the right is as stupid as they portray us. Archie Bunker was a caricature of what Lear and other Communists viewed conservatives as, a creation of far left designed to mock and defame the right.

Like Norman Lear, Fred Phelps was a life-long democrat and radical leftist. Like Lear, he created a persona to mock and defame the hated enemies of the party.

I doubt you are actually ignorant of this.
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How did the DNC get into this? They have nothing to do with it.

WTF are you talking about. If the party wants to be part of the Jihad, then you can't pretend they have nothing to do with it.

What did the DNC propaganda corps say?

The party's NY Times"
Free speech aside, why would anyone do something as provocative as hosting a "Muhammad drawing contest"?

— Rukmini Callimachi (@rcallimachi) May 4, 2015

Hmm, the party has a problem with it, but no problem with Funny Atheism Because Religion is a Joke

I guess intolerance is only bad when applied to the allies of the party. And of course anti-Christian cartoons, like this one;


It's cool though, the party HATES fucking Christians, part of the reason they are aligned with radical Islam....

The DNC isn't aligned with radical Islam. That's crazy talk.
Go Pam! To hold this contest is fcuking hilarious given how much it pisses off Mooooslims. She's one ballsy MILF, that's for sure.

Good to see the Texas cops body those two Abduls.
{The liberal love affair with Islam is perplexing. While liberals tend to hate traditional Christianity for its more socially conservative worldview, they insist on vigorously defending Islam and its adherents. From Jon Stewart’s moralizing, to Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg’s outrage at Bill O’Reilly, to President Obama’s recent droning about the “spirit of tolerance” in the Indonesian Constitution (in spite of Indonesia’s laws prohibiting speech offensive to Islam), we are forever sermonized that there is a gulf between Islamist extremism and the “vast majority” of normal Muslims, whom we would apparently love to have as neighbors and run into at Whole Foods.}

The liberal love affair with Islam The Daily Caller
Go Pam! To hold this contest is fcuking hilarious given how much it pisses off Mooooslims. She's one ballsy MILF, that's for sure.

Good to see the Texas cops body those two Abduls.
how hilarious would it be to design a contest to offend jews, or catholics, or evangelicals, etc.?
As often as liberals say and do outrageous things that go against the very fiber of everything America stands for, it’s hard to imagine a liberal giving a statement that could possibly be shocking in any way, shape, or form.

Then Rep. Maxine Waters comes along and manages to somehow do the impossible by saying the most alarming thing a member of Congress can say about the future of Sharia law in America.

Sharia law is an oppressive set of laws and punishments that have been implemented in many Muslim countries around the world. It’s notorious for encouraging violence against women, and poses a great danger to children as well.}

BOMBSHELL Democrat Caught Defending Sharia Law at Islamic Meeting VIDEO
and in that op, does nat say that geller shouldn't have the right to hold her event?

Your fellow Jihadist nate said; "We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?"

What does Jihadist Nate mean by "then demand impunity?" If Geller did not have impunity to speak, that would be what? Ah, punishment. So Jihadist Nate is saying Geller should be punished for speaking against the allies of the DNC....
impunity - exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action

she doesn't want any negative consequences for her actions.

freedom of speech does not guarantee freedom from consequences, fyi.
How did the DNC get into this? They have nothing to do with it.

WTF are you talking about. If the party wants to be part of the Jihad, then you can't pretend they have nothing to do with it.

What did the DNC propaganda corps say?

The party's NY Times"
Free speech aside, why would anyone do something as provocative as hosting a "Muhammad drawing contest"?

— Rukmini Callimachi (@rcallimachi) May 4, 2015

Hmm, the party has a problem with it, but no problem with Funny Atheism Because Religion is a Joke

I guess intolerance is only bad when applied to the allies of the party. And of course anti-Christian cartoons, like this one;


It's cool though, the party HATES fucking Christians, part of the reason they are aligned with radical Islam....

The DNC isn't aligned with radical Islam. That's crazy talk.
Of course it is. Anything else is crazy talk.
How did the DNC get into this? They have nothing to do with it.

WTF are you talking about. If the party wants to be part of the Jihad, then you can't pretend they have nothing to do with it.

What did the DNC propaganda corps say?

The party's NY Times"
Free speech aside, why would anyone do something as provocative as hosting a "Muhammad drawing contest"?

— Rukmini Callimachi (@rcallimachi) May 4, 2015

Hmm, the party has a problem with it, but no problem with Funny Atheism Because Religion is a Joke

I guess intolerance is only bad when applied to the allies of the party. And of course anti-Christian cartoons, like this one;


It's cool though, the party HATES fucking Christians, part of the reason they are aligned with radical Islam....

The DNC isn't aligned with radical Islam. That's crazy talk.
Of course it is. Anything else is crazy talk.
granted, you are an authority on crazy talk, but do you have any proof?
great. now, are they visually the same? how can a person look at the picture of the president and know that it's an isis finger salute and not any other gesture with the index finger?

You can lead a democrat to facts, but you can't make them have integrity.......

Who was your little tin god walking with? Where was he when giving the salute? At a Nicks game?
and in that op, does nat say that geller shouldn't have the right to hold her event?

Your fellow Jihadist nate said; "We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?"

What does Jihadist Nate mean by "then demand impunity?" If Geller did not have impunity to speak, that would be what? Ah, punishment. So Jihadist Nate is saying Geller should be punished for speaking against the allies of the DNC....
impunity - exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action

she doesn't want any negative consequences for her actions.

freedom of speech does not guarantee freedom from consequences, fyi.

Well, ogibillim.....you're wasting your valuable time in trying to debate with the likes of uncensored...He/she is just another dimwitted right winger who seems to have NO clue of what decency is all about...Just another low intelligence, obnoxious troll who isn't worth a second thought.
impunity - exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action

So, if Geller is stripped of impunity - as your fellow Jihadist suggested - it would mean what?

she doesn't want any negative consequences for her actions.

freedom of speech does not guarantee freedom from consequences, fyi.

Then you are demanding negative consequences for speech that offends your terrorist allies?

Well, ogibillim.....you're wasting your valuable time in trying to debate with the likes of uncensored...He/she is just another dimwitted right winger who seems to have NO clue of what decency is all about...Just another low intelligence, obnoxious troll who isn't worth a second thought.

Yeah, you Communists are paradigms of "decency."

impunity - exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action

So, if Geller is stripped of impunity - as your fellow Jihadist suggested - it would mean what?
in my opinion, it would mean that she would be shunned. nobody would talk to her. nobody would give her money. when she had to look for a job, everyone would say 'hell no' and send her packing. she should be the butt of jokes, the object of public ridicule. her own family should be ashamed and refuse to see her. that'd be a good start.
she doesn't want any negative consequences for her actions.

freedom of speech does not guarantee freedom from consequences, fyi.

Then you are demanding negative consequences for speech that offends your terrorist allies?
her event should offend everyone. that it doesn't is sad.

and i have no terrorist allies. dumbass.
great. now, are they visually the same? how can a person look at the picture of the president and know that it's an isis finger salute and not any other gesture with the index finger?

You can lead a democrat to facts, but you can't make them have integrity.......

Who was your little tin god walking with? Where was he when giving the salute? At a Nicks game?

does it matter who he was walking with? do isis finger salutes only occur in the presence of certain people? if it's dependent on someone around the president, where is that person in all the other pictures you posted?

visually, how can you tell what the gesture is?

(surely by now even you must realize you don't have a leg to stand on)

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