Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

in my opinion, it would mean that she would be shunned. nobody would talk to her. nobody would give her money. when she had to look for a job, everyone would say 'hell no' and send her packing. she should be the butt of jokes, the object of public ridicule. her own family should be ashamed and refuse to see her. that'd be a good start.

It would be nice if that accrued to pro-terror democrats, but it doesn't work that way.

Besides, Geller is right - and you know she's right - which is why the party directs you to hate her so...

her event should offend everyone. that it doesn't is sad.

and i have no terrorist allies. dumbass.

It was the terrorism that offended me - which is why I can't be a democrat....
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.

Why do you hate the First Amendment?

does it matter who he was walking with? do isis finger salutes only occur in the presence of certain people? if it's dependent on someone around the president, where is that person in all the other pictures you posted?

visually, how can you tell what the gesture is?

(surely by now even you must realize you don't have a leg to stand on)

Of course it matters, You can explain away a straight arm salute, but if you're walking with a bunch of Nazis, it falls flat.

(surely by now even you must realize lying alone won't get you out of this)

does it matter who he was walking with? do isis finger salutes only occur in the presence of certain people? if it's dependent on someone around the president, where is that person in all the other pictures you posted?

visually, how can you tell what the gesture is?

(surely by now even you must realize you don't have a leg to stand on)

Of course it matters, You can explain away a straight arm salute, but if you're walking with a bunch of Nazis, it falls flat.

(surely by now even you must realize lying alone won't get you out of this)
so there's no possibility, in your mind, that there is any other reason the president could have pointed than to show solidarity with isis?

that's batshit insane. so now you're not just fucking dumb, you're fucking crazy, too.
so there's no possibility, in your mind, that there is any other reason the president could have pointed than to show solidarity with isis?

that's batshit insane. so now you're not just fucking dumb, you're fucking crazy, too.

It has nothing to do with ISIS, as I said at the start.

Obama is gesturing his solidarity with Islam.

You know this, but lie because you fear it is harmful to the party.
Now that right wingers have climbed up on their high horse "defending" free speech, I will like to assure them that I TOO will defend free speech but I DO NOT have to condone it when it is incendiary, offensive, provoking and for the sole purpose of eliciting a violent response as Geller planned ....and got.

While she was safely inside the venue, she (with funds from who knows exactly where) hired a phalanx of armed guards to protect her and her guests, PRECISELY anticipating the eruption of violence...so that she may gain notoriety as a "hero" of free speech.

Further, all you protectors of free speech have tried (and failed) to silence any dissent of what Geller has provoked for her own selfish aggrandizing. It was fortunate that only the tw0 would-be terrorists were killed, but it could have been much different AND, unfortunately, some innocent Americans will be killed because of her provocation, while she merrily collects money from the Jewish ADL and others, and prances all over the networks promoting basically her own self.

Actually, the Jewish ADL is not very fond of her and has condemned and distanced themselves from her and her cronies for their hate and bigotry. Supporting her is like supporting the Westboro Baptists.

Want to show intolerance ...Act like Pamela Geller Page 25 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Community Relations Council and the Anti-Defamation League were among the first organizations to condemn the subway ads. The AJC and JCRC stated in August, “We are steadfast in our support of Israel and our concern about the growing threat of Islamic radicalism, and steadfast in our opposition to anti-Muslim stereotypes.” The ADL called the ads “highly offensive and inflammatory,” but was careful to recognize that they constitute protected political speech under the First Amendment.

Yepp. We consider Pam Geller to be the crazy-assed insane cousin whom everyone hopes will miss the next family reunion.
in my opinion, it would mean that she would be shunned. nobody would talk to her. nobody would give her money. when she had to look for a job, everyone would say 'hell no' and send her packing. she should be the butt of jokes, the object of public ridicule. her own family should be ashamed and refuse to see her. that'd be a good start.

It would be nice if that accrued to pro-terror democrats, but it doesn't work that way.

Besides, Geller is right - and you know she's right - which is why the party directs you to hate her so...

her event should offend everyone. that it doesn't is sad.

and i have no terrorist allies. dumbass.

It was the terrorism that offended me - which is why I can't be a democrat....
which part is geller right about? the part where she wants muslims deported and mosques destroyed? the part where she wants to deport citizens? is she right in claiming that killing jews is a form of worship for mulsims? is she right that the arabic language is the spearhead of a project of opposition to the united states?

she's a crazy, kinda like yourself.
so there's no possibility, in your mind, that there is any other reason the president could have pointed than to show solidarity with isis?

that's batshit insane. so now you're not just fucking dumb, you're fucking crazy, too.

It has nothing to do with ISIS, as I said at the start.

Obama is gesturing his solidarity with Islam.

You know this, but lie because you fear it is harmful to the party.
fine - in your warped mind there's no other possible explanation than the finger gesture was one in which the president was secretly, and yet according to you, obviously, showing those around him, and through the photo the world, that he is in fact a muslim? or if not a muslim what do you mean by 'solidarity with islam?'
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.

Why do you hate the First Amendment?

Yet another clueless, right wing moron comes up with such an "insightful" question........Do these nitwits breed? I sure hope not for the sake of our country.
It was the terrorism that offended me - which is why I can't be a democrat....
you don't strike me as someone that can keep more than one thought in their head at a time, but for most of us it's possible to be offended, or to disapprove, of more than one thing at a time.
so there's no possibility, in your mind, that there is any other reason the president could have pointed than to show solidarity with isis?

that's batshit insane. so now you're not just fucking dumb, you're fucking crazy, too.

It has nothing to do with ISIS, as I said at the start.

Obama is gesturing his solidarity with Islam.

You know this, but lie because you fear it is harmful to the party.
fine - in your warped mind there's no other possible explanation than the finger gesture was one in which the president was secretly, and yet according to you, obviously, showing those around him, and through the photo the world, that he is in fact a muslim? or if not a muslim what do you mean by 'solidarity with islam?'

Here's yet another bunch of crazed, rabid Muslims, right uncensored?

so there's no possibility, in your mind, that there is any other reason the president could have pointed than to show solidarity with isis?

that's batshit insane. so now you're not just fucking dumb, you're fucking crazy, too.

It has nothing to do with ISIS, as I said at the start.

Obama is gesturing his solidarity with Islam.

You know this, but lie because you fear it is harmful to the party.
fine - in your warped mind there's no other possible explanation than the finger gesture was one in which the president was secretly, and yet according to you, obviously, showing those around him, and through the photo the world, that he is in fact a muslim? or if not a muslim what do you mean by 'solidarity with islam?'

Here's yet another bunch of crazed, rabid Muslims, right uncensored?


Do at least TRY to follow along;

Want to show intolerance ...Act like Pamela Geller Page 37 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.

Why do you hate the First Amendment?

Yet another clueless, right wing moron comes up with such an "insightful" question........Do these nitwits breed? I sure hope not for the sake of our country.

You seem to have a problem with Geller exercising her First Amendment right so I just assumed you hated the First Amendment.
which part is geller right about?

Controversial, intolerant and provocative. Mainstream media outlets broke out these three words to describe the “Draw the Prophet” contest, the American Freedom Defense Initiative and Pamela Geller.

While the police were still checking cars for explosives and attendees waited to be released, CNN called AFDI, rather than the terrorists who attacked a cartoon contest, “intolerant.” Time dubbed the group “controversial.” The Washington Post called the contest, “provocative.”

Many media outlets relied on the expert opinion of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a multi-million dollar mail order scam disguised as a civil rights group, which had listed AFDI as a hate group. Also listed as hate groups were a number of single author blogs, including mine, a brand of gun oil and a bar sign.

The bar sign, which hangs outside a bar seven miles outside Pittsburgh, appears to be made out of metal and plastic. It is reportedly unaware that it is a hate group and has made no plans to take over America.}


the part where she wants muslims deported and mosques destroyed? the part where she wants to deport citizens? is she right in claiming that killing jews is a form of worship for mulsims? is she right that the arabic language is the spearhead of a project of opposition to the united states?

she's a crazy, kinda like yourself.

Now you wouldn't be lying would you? A good demagogue and apostle of Josef Goebbels like you?

fine - in your warped mind there's no other possible explanation than the finger gesture was one in which the president was secretly, and yet according to you, obviously, showing those around him, and through the photo the world, that he is in fact a muslim? or if not a muslim what do you mean by 'solidarity with islam?'

Dude, either you're so fucking stupid that you wouldn't be able type on a computer, or you're so dishonest that you refuse to admit that when walking among a crowd of Muslims at a conference, there is no question as to the meaning.

In reality, you're such a hack that you define reality by the goals of the party.

And yes, that does make you irrational.
you don't strike me as someone that can keep more than one thought in their head at a time, but for most of us it's possible to be offended, or to disapprove, of more than one thing at a time.

Funny that you seem incapable of expressing any disapproval for the acts of Islam....

I guess KOS would need to disapprove first...
Here's a picture of Perry showing Paul that he too belongs to a Muslim gang.

fine - in your warped mind there's no other possible explanation than the finger gesture was one in which the president was secretly, and yet according to you, obviously, showing those around him, and through the photo the world, that he is in fact a muslim? or if not a muslim what do you mean by 'solidarity with islam?'

Dude, either you're so fucking stupid that you wouldn't be able type on a computer, or you're so dishonest that you refuse to admit that when walking among a crowd of Muslims at a conference, there is no question as to the meaning.

In reality, you're such a hack that you define reality by the goals of the party.

And yes, that does make you irrational.
irrational is claiming pointing makes one a muslim. irrational is claiming that people who clearly express one opinion are actually advocates of another. irrational is believing that everything is about terrorism.

i'll put my rationality up against yours any day of the week.

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