Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

American media are cowards and they have no grasp on freedom of speech.
CBS...NBC...ABC...CNN...CNBC...MSNBC...FOX NEWS...PBS... are all cowards for not showing the cartoons from the conference...

the cartoons aren't news.

Are you kidding? they are news when they cause some nut to attack innocent people.

are they? the attackers never saw them.

Do you know that you are not making any sense?

if the attackers never saw the drawings then what the actual drawings are doesn't matter. it didn't make a difference if the cartoons were of mohammed blowing stuff up or playing tether ball.
so since it doesn't matter what the drawings actually were, why bother showing them?
if the attackers never saw the drawings then what the actual drawings are doesn't matter. it didn't make a difference if the cartoons were of mohammed blowing stuff up or playing tether ball.
so since it doesn't matter what the drawings actually were, why bother showing them?
Well there is the answer to my question...you don't know that you're not making any sense.
People that want to kill because of a cartoon are not the kind of people I care about. If they were all eliminated from the planet it would be a good thing. Fuck them and double fuck the people that cower in fear of them.
Absolutely - just like any bigot, racist or hatemonger - she should be marginalized and ignored.

But you are a moderator, Coyote, so I don't think we can put you on ignore just because you are so full of hatred against all the same targets the Islamists hate.

Have you considered growing up? It's a novel idea...but worth a try. :)

Have you considered becoming human instead of Islamist? It's worth a try.

You attack everything Islamist's attack while voicing no disagreement with Islamist actions. Right here in this thread, you focus all your hateful bile on Geller without saying so much as a single word against those who kill because of the ideology you share.

I'm not an Islamist, but you are intent on creating Islamists when ever someone goes against you. Have at it. Geller is like the Westboro Baptists, the KKK, the NeoNazi's. The fact that you defend her is very telling.
there is nothing liberal about the westboro baptists, with the possible exception of their first amendment struggles. they are a far right socially conservative group. if you have to make up a conspiracy theory to paint their bad behavior as a front by people you disagree with you can bet that you're grasping at straws to avoid the truth.

once again, you have proven that you are fucking dumb.

True, there is nothing liberal about Westboro Baptist who display all these attitudes that would be considered quite mainstream if they were Muslim.

That you defend the latter while attacking the former speaks of extremity of your hypocrisy.

:lol: Yet here you are defending the very hate you condemn in other contexts. You are a piece of work.
I'm not an Islamist, but you are intent on creating Islamists when ever someone goes against you. Have at it. Geller is like the Westboro Baptists, the KKK, the NeoNazi's. The fact that you defend her is very telling

That is ridiculous there goes another lefty off the deep end to try and prove a asinine comment. Pamela Geller is a brave women.
and in that op, does nat say that geller shouldn't have the right to hold her event?

Your fellow Jihadist nate said; "We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?"

What does Jihadist Nate mean by "then demand impunity?" If Geller did not have impunity to speak, that would be what? Ah, punishment. So Jihadist Nate is saying Geller should be punished for speaking against the allies of the DNC....
the westboro baptists, kkk, and neo-nazis piss off liberals as well - when will you be congratulating them?

Westboro Baptist is just a leftist hate group - far left scumbags acting badly to slander and libel Christians. Are you REALLY so fucking stupid that you don't get it?

They aren't leftist. They're conservative as hell.
and in that op, does nat say that geller shouldn't have the right to hold her event?

Your fellow Jihadist nate said; "We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?"

What does Jihadist Nate mean by "then demand impunity?" If Geller did not have impunity to speak, that would be what? Ah, punishment. So Jihadist Nate is saying Geller should be punished for speaking against the allies of the DNC....

How did the DNC get into this? They have nothing to do with it.
I'm not an Islamist, but you are intent on creating Islamists when ever someone goes against you. Have at it. Geller is like the Westboro Baptists, the KKK, the NeoNazi's. The fact that you defend her is very telling

That is ridiculous there goes another lefty off the deep end to try and prove a asinine comment. Pamela Geller is a brave women.

Yes. It's so brave to defend a mass murder and justify his gunning down of children. Yes. She's brave I guess, if you're an "asinine" rightie.

They aren't leftist. They're conservative as hell.


They are "conservative" in exactly the same way Stephen Colbert is, or Norman Lear's Archie Bunker was. They are a caricature of what the left views Christians as. The scumbag ran for office 4 times, as a shameful democrat, before giving up and starting the whole fake church shit.

They aren't leftist. They're conservative as hell.


They are "conservative" in exactly the same way Stephen Colbert is, or Norman Lear's Archie Bunker was. They are a caricature of what the left views Christians as. The scumbag ran for office 4 times, as a shameful democrat, before giving up and starting the whole fake church shit.

You're confusing political parties with ideologies. Precisely which of their positions are liberal? Ans. None.

They're conservative. Own them. We already have our own crackpots thank you.

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