Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

If one wishes to become intolerant, one need only become a Muslim.

It is a safe estimate that there are just a bit less than 2 BILLION Muslims in this world.....that is 1 out of every 4 living human beings....

That is a lot of "intolerance".....Want to go out there proselytize them to be like those "reasonable" evangelicals?
Evangelical Christians, while idiots, aren't running around strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up shopping malls or gunning down people over cartoons. I stand by my opinion, whether you like it or not.
I say end ALL immigration, accept no Islamic so-called refugees and deport all who call for Sharia Law and the Hadith.
Evangelical Christians, while idiots, aren't running around strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up shopping malls or gunning down people over cartoons. I stand by my opinion, whether you like it or not.
I say end ALL immigration, accept no Islamic so-called refugees and deport all who call for Sharia Law and the Hadith.

.........You are thereby fully indoctrinated in the Pamela Geller's neo-apartheid movement. Now, how do we round up those millions of "intolerant" Muslims and deport them (and once we do that let's work on all those Hispanics/Latinos.)
Want to show intolerance? Act like the terrorists that attempted to disrupt Pam's legal and peaceful right to assemble.

Again, NO ONE is or should be defending the terrorists ....

"Peaceful right to assemble"?....Perhaps, but have you wondered WHY Geller hired a phalanx of SWAT and various law enforcement, fully geared agents to "defend" participants to her "peaceful assembly"?........What was she expecting?

Obviously exactly what has ensued. (and, unfortunately, in the near future innocent Americans will bear the blunt of her stunt.)

Because the terrorist are a threat anytime you exercise freedom, look at the cartoonists in France.

I don't care about people exercising their right to free expression, put a hundred crucifixes in urine and crap, I don't really care. It is your right. Stomp and burn the flag, that is a right.

The intent of why she did what she did is not a question, the fact that someone felt the need to retaliate with violence is where the line is drawn.

By living, all Americans pose a threat to the radical extremists, we were hit on 9/11 for our mere existence. Future innocent Americans will bear the brunt of the terrorists anger, not because of this expression or art but for being Americans. They have been attacking us for the last several decades.
By living, all Americans pose a threat to the radical extremists, we were hit on 9/11 for our mere existence. Future innocent Americans will bear the brunt of the terrorists anger, not because of this expression or art but for being Americans. They have been attacking us for the last several decades.


However, to simply state that extremists woke up one day and decided to make the US their enemy is not dealing with reality.

Our troops in Saudi, our propping up dictators in that area of the world...and our very subjective and unequivocal support of Israel were ALL contributing factors to animosity toward us.

Anyway, the above is a different subject...

AGAIN for the last fucking time, I DO NOT WANT TO SILENCE GELLER.......and DO NOT deny me the right to call her a media, self-serving whore. PERIOD
The point, boys and girls, is that you steadfastly refuse to unequivocally condemn Pam Geller. So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror, take a good look in the mirror first and remember how you came to Geller's defense.

And then you hypocrites have the audacity to try a "gotcha" with the Piss Christ thing? BWA-HA-HA-HA!
So having a cartoon contest is terror?
Nope. But it was a naked hate fest of bigotry and intolerance.

And a lot of people have come here to defend her bullshit rather than condemn it.

I defend her absolute right to be offensive. It is in the FIRST Amendment to the Constitution.
Nothing, threats yes, actual violence no, but that confuses the left.

Moronic response.......so, right wingers tell us what Saddam had done to warrant us to invade Iraq?


"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
Ms Gellar's message was sent - and received.

....and the future blood spilled (for vengeance) of innocent Americans by crazed insurgents for Geller's stunt will be on Geller's and YOUR hands.

Once again for the very dense.......I DO NOT WANT GELLER SILENCED.......but I have every right to call her a media whore who did this fro self-aggrandizing reasons and not because you dimwits think that she's a "patriot" fighting for freedom of speech.

Ridiculous ---- trying to replace logic with drama???

" ... future blood spilled (for vengeance) of innocent Americans by crazed insurgents ..." will be the fault of those who pull the trigger.

Oh! I got it ---- you can call her a media whore, and she can't draw pictures?

You, and your ilk, used to amaze me .... now, you just amuse me.
If one wishes to become intolerant, one need only become a Muslim.

It is a safe estimate that there are just a bit less than 2 BILLION Muslims in this world.....that is 1 out of every 4 living human beings....

That is a lot of "intolerance".....Want to go out there proselytize them to be like those "reasonable" evangelicals?

Nope - and, in turn, I don't want them to force their views on us. Seems fair to me ...
Evangelical Christians, while idiots, aren't running around strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up shopping malls or gunning down people over cartoons. I stand by my opinion, whether you like it or not.
I say end ALL immigration, accept no Islamic so-called refugees and deport all who call for Sharia Law and the Hadith.

.........You are thereby fully indoctrinated in the Pamela Geller's neo-apartheid movement. Now, how do we round up those millions of "intolerant" Muslims and deport them (and once we do that let's work on all those Hispanics/Latinos.)

Pamela Geller demonstrated once again

that islam is dangerous and not well rounded
That it is a horrible insensitive and stupid show in trying to gain some measure of notoriety even if it is offensive...

that is not an adequet reply try a little harder next post.., OK ?

oooooh !! ............................ :up_yours:
By living, all Americans pose a threat to the radical extremists, we were hit on 9/11 for our mere existence. Future innocent Americans will bear the brunt of the terrorists anger, not because of this expression or art but for being Americans. They have been attacking us for the last several decades.


However, to simply state that extremists woke up one day and decided to make the US their enemy is not dealing with reality.

Our troops in Saudi, our propping up dictators in that area of the world...and our very subjective and unequivocal support of Israel were ALL contributing factors to animosity toward us.

Anyway, the above is a different subject...

AGAIN for the last fucking time, I DO NOT WANT TO SILENCE GELLER.......and DO NOT deny me the right to call her a media, self-serving whore. PERIOD

Call her what you want, I don't care and I won't attempt to kill you over it either.

For a group of people that believe ISIS is mainly a scare tactic, you now want to hang future violence on one person? That is funny.

You will find that the extremist terrorist are going to kill, with or without reason. We have had several attacks thwarted since 911 and will continue to.
As my last post on this thread, let me just state that all of you who "defended" Geller as a champion of free speech, must share the responsibilities of such inflamatory rhetoric and/or actions...

In the same way that "axis of evil," "wiping off the face of the earth," "we will bury you," "death to America," etc. have spawned hatred, Geller's little selfish stunt will also reap dangers upon much more innocent people.

My conscience is clear....
As my last post on this thread, let me just state that all of you who "defended" Geller as a champion of free speech, must share the responsibilities of such inflamatory rhetoric and/or actions...

In the same way that "axis of evil," "wiping off the face of the earth," "we will bury you," "death to America," etc. have spawned hatred, Geller's little selfish stunt will also reap dangers upon much more innocent people.

My conscience is clear....

We are all glad of that, we all have been worrying about your conscience.
You have to admire the folks that would make excuses for violent acts because someone was easily offended or provoked.
Then again, there will always be like minded, weak willed, apologist, reactionary pussies, that support those delicate flowers and their bloodthirsty responses.

Same breed, the two........
You have to admire the folks that would make excuses for violent acts because someone was easily offended or provoked.
Then again, there will always be like minded, weak willed, apologist, reactionary pussies, that support those delicate flowers and their bloodthirsty responses.

Same breed, the two........

So fucking brave behind your keyboard, right moron? :ahole-1:
As my last post on this thread, let me just state that all of you who "defended" Geller as a champion of free speech, must share the responsibilities of such inflamatory rhetoric and/or actions...

In the same way that "axis of evil," "wiping off the face of the earth," "we will bury you," "death to America," etc. have spawned hatred, Geller's little selfish stunt will also reap dangers upon much more innocent people.

My conscience is clear....

.... until they come to your door to take you away for something you said.
You have to admire the folks that would make excuses for violent acts because someone was easily offended or provoked.
Then again, there will always be like minded, weak willed, apologist, reactionary pussies, that support those delicate flowers and their bloodthirsty responses.

Same breed, the two........

So fucking brave behind your keyboard, right moron? :ahole-1:

What an intelligent response ... frankly, one of your best lately.

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