Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

Didn't take you long to get childish, did it? Trying to replace political commentary with scatological humor? If you can't do any better than, go play with the other kids, and let the adults talk about real things.

Have fun!

Simply asking WHERE you arrived at the conclusion that we, on the left, who contributed to this thread, are trying to "take away your rights".......If you can't do that.....then go back and seat yourself on that bowl for yet another such "conclusion."
Didn't take you long to get childish, did it? Trying to replace political commentary with scatological humor? If you can't do any better than, go play with the other kids, and let the adults talk about real things.

Have fun!

Simply asking WHERE you arrived at the conclusion that we, on the left, who contributed to this thread, are trying to "take away your rights".......If you can't do that.....then go back and seat yourself on that bowl for yet another such "conclusion."

You need to work on your reading comprehension!!!!

I never said liberals were trying to do anything ... frankly, I've given up caring what the demented liberal mind concocts these days. It is dying a death by its own hand.

The OP said that Gellar was 'intolerant' for her actions, when she has explicitly stated she did it as a demonstration of our commitment to our First Amendment rights. I simply said that if that is your interpretation of intolerant, then consider me intolerant.

I'll accept your apology ...

By the way, I didn't miss your toilet humor again ... I just chalked it up to your immaturity.
Want to show intolerance? Act like the terrorists that attempted to disrupt Pam's legal and peaceful right to assemble.
What to show intolerance?...Act like a liberal they're the least tolerant people out there.
You need to work on your reading comprehension!!!!

I never said liberals were trying to do anything ... frankly, I've given up caring what the demented liberal mind concocts these days. It is dying a death by its own hand.

The OP said that Gellar was 'intolerant' for her actions, when she has explicitly stated she did it as a demonstration of our commitment to our First Amendment rights. I simply said that if that is your interpretation of intolerant, then consider me intolerant.

I'll accept your apology ...

By the way, I didn't miss your toilet humor again ... I just chalked it up to your immaturity.

Well, you're going to have to sit on that bowl a very long time before I issue an apology.....

Geller IS intolerant since freedom of speech ALSO carries a hefty measure of responsibility......What Geller did was to basically incite a violent response by some crazed Muslims.....and although this event only caused the deaths of the 2 maniacs, you can rest assured that some innocent Americans will have to pay for Geller's little stunt which she.....no doubt....did to raise her own notoriety and monetary gain.......

Only a right wing idiot would interpret Geller's stunt as a manifestation of her "love" for the 1st. amendment.
Now that right wingers have climbed up on their high horse "defending" free speech, I will like to assure them that I TOO will defend free speech but I DO NOT have to condone it when it is incendiary, offensive, provoking and for the sole purpose of eliciting a violent response as Geller planned ....and got.

While she was safely inside the venue, she (with funds from who knows exactly where) hired a phalanx of armed guards to protect her and her guests, PRECISELY anticipating the eruption of violence...so that she may gain notoriety as a "hero" of free speech.

Further, all you protectors of free speech have tried (and failed) to silence any dissent of what Geller has provoked for her own selfish aggrandizing. It was fortunate that only the tw0 would-be terrorists were killed, but it could have been much different AND, unfortunately, some innocent Americans will be killed because of her provocation, while she merrily collects money from the Jewish ADL and others, and prances all over the networks promoting basically her own self.

Actually, the Jewish ADL is not very fond of her and has condemned and distanced themselves from her and her cronies for their hate and bigotry. Supporting her is like supporting the Westboro Baptists.

Want to show intolerance ...Act like Pamela Geller Page 25 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Community Relations Council and the Anti-Defamation League were among the first organizations to condemn the subway ads. The AJC and JCRC stated in August, “We are steadfast in our support of Israel and our concern about the growing threat of Islamic radicalism, and steadfast in our opposition to anti-Muslim stereotypes.” The ADL called the ads “highly offensive and inflammatory,” but was careful to recognize that they constitute protected political speech under the First Amendment.

Yepp. We consider Pam Geller to be the crazy-assed insane cousin whom everyone hopes will miss the next family reunion.

And alas...she just keeps popping up and opening her mouth :lol:


Well, for Geller there's money and fame (well, infamy) to be made by opening her mouth and spewing dissent.

It's part of the Jihad-Watch cottage industry.

These charlatans make $$$ from the fears of the gullible.

They are every bit as bad as those TV preachers who tell people to touch the TV screen to get healed, and oh, btw, how about pulling out that credit card....

you mean....well damn...I touched it and got a static shock...I thought for sure I was healed....
Want to show intolerance? Act like the terrorists that attempted to disrupt Pam's legal and peaceful right to assemble.

Again, NO ONE is or should be defending the terrorists ....

"Peaceful right to assemble"?....Perhaps, but have you wondered WHY Geller hired a phalanx of SWAT and various law enforcement, fully geared agents to "defend" participants to her "peaceful assembly"?........What was she expecting?

Obviously exactly what has ensued. (and, unfortunately, in the near future innocent Americans will bear the blunt of her stunt.)
Didn't take you long to get childish, did it? Trying to replace political commentary with scatological humor? If you can't do any better than, go play with the other kids, and let the adults talk about real things.

Have fun!

Simply asking WHERE you arrived at the conclusion that we, on the left, who contributed to this thread, are trying to "take away your rights".......If you can't do that.....then go back and seat yourself on that bowl for yet another such "conclusion."

You need to work on your reading comprehension!!!!

I never said liberals were trying to do anything ... frankly, I've given up caring what the demented liberal mind concocts these days. It is dying a death by its own hand.

The OP said that Gellar was 'intolerant' for her actions, when she has explicitly stated she did it as a demonstration of our commitment to our First Amendment rights. I simply said that if that is your interpretation of intolerant, then consider me intolerant.

I'll accept your apology ...
You need to work on your reading comprehension!!!!

I never said liberals were trying to do anything ... frankly, I've given up caring what the demented liberal mind concocts these days. It is dying a death by its own hand.

The OP said that Gellar was 'intolerant' for her actions, when she has explicitly stated she did it as a demonstration of our commitment to our First Amendment rights. I simply said that if that is your interpretation of intolerant, then consider me intolerant.

I'll accept your apology ...

By the way, I didn't miss your toilet humor again ... I just chalked it up to your immaturity.

Well, you're going to have to sit on that bowl a very long time before I issue an apology.....

Geller IS intolerant since freedom of speech ALSO carries a hefty measure of responsibility......What Geller did was to basically incite a violent response by some crazed Muslims.....and although this event only caused the deaths of the 2 maniacs, you can rest assured that some innocent Americans will have to pay for Geller's little stunt which she.....no doubt....did to raise her own notoriety and monetary gain.......

Only a right wing idiot would interpret Geller's stunt as a manifestation of her "love" for the 1st. amendment.

Once again, you avoid making a cogent argument, but rather, simply interspice a discussion of your opinion with childish personal attacks.

How are we ever to take you seriously? You fail to acknowledge that you misinterpreted what I said, but instead, launch into a rant about how YOU feel about what Gellar did.

Now, as to the nonsense of your argument - the very purpose of the First Amendment is to protect offensive speech. It's not there to make sure that we are all allowed to stand up and say the same thing - as long as we all agree. It's there to ensure that the views of the minority are not overwhelmed, or more importantly, squelched, by the majority.

Ms Gellar had a point to make - and she made it. Her point wasn't about what Muhammed looks like. It was that, in this country, we have the right to stand up and say whatever the hell we want to say. The KKK can spout racist vitriol, the Westboro Baptist Church can shouts its anti-gay rants, and you can talk about how stupid conservatives are.

Ms Gellar does NOT have the responsibility to ensure that she doesn't upset somebody - YOU have the responsibility to recognize that while what she says is upsetting, you cannot abridge her right to say it. You are trying to do just that.

Right wing idiot? Want to match IQ scores? Checking account balances? Waist size? The size of our dicks? You REALLY need to take a more mature tone - it's exhausting having to talk down to your level.
Want to show intolerance? Act like the terrorists that attempted to disrupt Pam's legal and peaceful right to assemble.

Again, NO ONE is or should be defending the terrorists ....

"Peaceful right to assemble"?....Perhaps, but have you wondered WHY Geller hired a phalanx of SWAT and various law enforcement, fully geared agents to "defend" participants to her "peaceful assembly"?........What was she expecting?

Obviously exactly what has ensued. (and, unfortunately, in the near future innocent Americans will bear the blunt of her stunt.)

Kinda like writing papers in 1775, and having to publish them under false names in order to avoid being attacked for saying what you think, huh?

Ms Gellar's message was sent - and received.
Ms Gellar's message was sent - and received.

....and the future blood spilled (for vengeance) of innocent Americans by crazed insurgents for Geller's stunt will be on Geller's and YOUR hands.

Once again for the very dense.......I DO NOT WANT GELLER SILENCED.......but I have every right to call her a media whore who did this fro self-aggrandizing reasons and not because you dimwits think that she's a "patriot" fighting for freedom of speech.
If one wishes to become intolerant, one need only become a Muslim.

It is a safe estimate that there are just a bit less than 2 BILLION Muslims in this world.....that is 1 out of every 4 living human beings....

That is a lot of "intolerance".....Want to go out there proselytize them to be like those "reasonable" evangelicals?
the consensus from the left seems to be

the islamists are so backwards and primitive

that they can not resist their impulses to kill

kill kill
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.
I love the smell of personal and selfish gain in the morning, Smells like....freedom

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