WaPo and CBS reporters: Yeah, actually, it makes a difference, Hillary


Nov 13, 2012
by Ed Morrissey
January 23, 2013

“What difference does it make?” an angry Hillary Clinton retorted when Senator Ron Johnson pressed her on why the administration pushed the false narrative on Benghazi. I’ve already responded, but in case that’s not enough, CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson has a thought on that question:

The Washington Post’s Erik Wemple explains why:

No matter your view of the media’s role in Benghazi; no matter your take on whether U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice leveled with the country on the Sept. 16 talk shows; no matter your view of Fox News’s Benghazi campaign, it surely does make a difference whether it was “because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans.” It makes a difference to the media, the public, the government, everyone.

The trustworthiness of the administration’s version of events — even the early one — makes a difference. Whether it was hard-core terrorism or a spontaneous attack or something else — that makes a difference too, with strong implications for intelligence accountability. Goodness gracious, in her very own statement, Clinton herself even seems to acknowledge that it makes a difference, when she says, “It is our job to figure out what happened …”

At one point in the proceedings, Clinton stated, “Maybe we didn’t do a good enough job of explaining that we didn’t have a good picture.” Yes, that would have helped.​

National Review’s Eliana Johnson points out that it mattered to the White House — when they could blame it on a YouTube video:

No matter your view of the media’s role in Benghazi; no matter your take on whether U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice leveled with the country on the Sept. 16 talk shows; no matter your view of Fox News’s Benghazi campaign, it surely does make a difference whether it was “because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans.” It makes a difference to the media, the public, the government, everyone.​


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WaPo and CBS reporters: Yeah, actually, it makes a difference, Hillary « The Greenroom
Wow. The sheep media in a rare moment of critical review of the corrupt Obama regime.

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