WaPo: How libertarian will Republicans be in 2016?

HuffPo piece containing this:
These are, after all, the same people who before Senator Rand Paul's 13-hour filibuster on drone policy (which I personally feel was unnecessarily sensationalist), did nothing but try to derail the Democratic establishment and made no effort whatsoever to hide their racist, sexist, xenophobic, and seditionist tendencies. They believe that all government is inherently evil, that civil rights are neither a right nor a priority, interpret a 220-year old Constitution in excessively purist and impractical terms that have no place in the new millennium, and exhibit aggressive intolerance of anyone who disagrees with their philosophy.

The Great Libertarian Swindle | Sanjay Sanghoee

Really, a bedwetting Socialist judging all Libertarians??
I remember a post where you said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he was "Bush 2.0". Then you went out of your way to make phone calls for his campaign. If you are part of the solution you are part of the problem.

You are a shill. A fraud. You will vote Republican until you die. :p
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I remember a post where you said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he was "Bush 2.0". Then you went out of your way to make phone calls for his campaign. If you are part of the solution you are part of the problem.

You are a shill. A fraud. You will vote Republican until you die. :p

I'm not a fraud and it really doesn't matter to me what you believe. Prior to this past election, I believed in voting for the republican candidate. I use to give Libertarians on a different forum, a hard time.. one was John Rocks.. I admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong. I don't know what you're fucking problem is, but take it elsewhere. I know who I am and I certainly don't need you telling me who I am.. Got it? Now fuck off.
2016: do you think Heir Holdman will still be Messin with Texas by then? and where was Eric when we were all learning that some districts in Philly Had NO VOTES FOR ROMNEY ???
I remember a post where you said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he was "Bush 2.0". Then you went out of your way to make phone calls for his campaign. If you are part of the solution you are part of the problem.

You are a shill. A fraud. You will vote Republican until you die. :p

I'm not a fraud and it really doesn't matter to me what you believe. Prior to this past election, I believed in voting for the republican candidate. I use to give Libertarians on a different forum, a hard time.. one was John Rocks.. I admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong. I don't know what you're fucking problem is, but take it elsewhere. I know who I am and I certainly don't need you telling me who I am.. Got it? Now fuck off.

You have shown on various occasions who you are. You could have supported Romney. Instead you bragged about making campaign calls for him, after saying you would never vote for him because he was "Bush 2.0". You are a fraud and a shill. You will vote for the next Republican candidate like a good shill.
I remember a post where you said you wouldn't vote for Romney because he was "Bush 2.0". Then you went out of your way to make phone calls for his campaign. If you are part of the solution you are part of the problem.

You are a shill. A fraud. You will vote Republican until you die. :p

I'm not a fraud and it really doesn't matter to me what you believe. Prior to this past election, I believed in voting for the republican candidate. I use to give Libertarians on a different forum, a hard time.. one was John Rocks.. I admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong. I don't know what you're fucking problem is, but take it elsewhere. I know who I am and I certainly don't need you telling me who I am.. Got it? Now fuck off.

You have shown on various occasions who you are. You could have supported Romney. Instead you bragged about making campaign calls for him, after saying you would never vote for him because he was "Bush 2.0". You are a fraud and a shill. You will vote for the next Republican candidate like a good shill.

<wry grin> Get over your obsession .. or not :cool:
I'm not a fraud and it really doesn't matter to me what you believe. Prior to this past election, I believed in voting for the republican candidate. I use to give Libertarians on a different forum, a hard time.. one was John Rocks.. I admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong. I don't know what you're fucking problem is, but take it elsewhere. I know who I am and I certainly don't need you telling me who I am.. Got it? Now fuck off.

You have shown on various occasions who you are. You could have supported Romney. Instead you bragged about making campaign calls for him, after saying you would never vote for him because he was "Bush 2.0". You are a fraud and a shill. You will vote for the next Republican candidate like a good shill.

<wry grin> Get over your obsession .. or not :cool:

Answer the question. Did you make campaign calls for Romney after saying you wouldn't vote for him?

No need to answer. You stated numerous times on this board that you did.
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