WaPo Makes New Appeal To End Presidential Term Limits

Oh look, there's more:

Removing the Two-Term Limit - Los Angeles Times

December 3, 1987
Once he has left office, President Reagan would like to start a movement to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution that limits Presidents to two terms in office. That's good. But, better yet, the President should start right now. Prospects for the repeal might be enhanced if the proposal got a head of steam up before the next President takes office.

GOP Begins Drive to Let Reagan Run for 3rd Term

July 22, 1986 | United Press International
The National Republican Campaign Committee wants to remove the constitutional barrier that prevents President Reagan from running for a third term, an official said today. Committee spokeswoman Barbara Pardue said Rep. Guy Vander Jagt of Michigan has sent letters to 300,000 Republicans, urging them to sign a "constitutional petition" urging Congress to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which limits Presidents to two four-year terms. Pardue said the mailing was not cleared with the President.

Darn it. That silly Iran Contra thingy got in the way of St. Ronnie fulfilling his movement to repeal the 22nd Amendment. Well, that and dementia.

But there is absolutely no doubt he was for repeal of the 22nd - and all the Redfish's commentary -- that "Reagan was joking" bit was a big pile of dog doo he dreamt up when the historical facts were slapped in his snickety face.
CS Monitor article - written 1987, a little after Iran Contra started biting St. Ronnies butt:

"UNTIL President Reagan's current travails, Reagan enthusiasts rushed around the country clamoring for repeal of the two-term limitation for presidents.

Ratified 36 years ago, the 22nd Amendment states that ``No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.'' Only a few months ago Rep. Guy Vander Jagt, chairman of the House Republican Campaign Committee, declared that Mr. Reagan was one of ``the greatest American Presidents of all time and I want to keep him on the job.'' ``The Democrats had FDR for four terms,'' he said. ``We deserve to have Ronald Reagan for at least three.'' Saying ``the 22nd Amendment be damned,'' a Portland, Ore., gentleman launched a committee to repeal the Constitution's prohibition against third-term presidents. And a New Hampshire Republican formed a national organization to mobilize repeal of the 22nd.

Reagan came to the White House supporting the 22nd.

Sometime early in his second term, however, he changed his mind. He repeatedly now says he believes the 22nd violates the people's democratic rights. The people ought to have a right to decide who their leaders will be, he says: ``If they want to vote for someone, we shouldn't have a rule that tells them they can't.''

Reagan isn't alone. A third of the general public, according to a Gallup poll (last October), say they would like to see this amendment repealed so presidents could run for more than two terms. A spring 1986 Wall Street Journal poll found even stronger support for repeal. (Not surprisingly, twice as many Republicans as Democrats favored repeal.

Two cheers for the 22nd Amendment. The two-term limit for presidents helps prevent political stagnation - CSMonitor.com

Do connies ever tire of so many times being wrong?

I'm tired of you.
CS Monitor article - written 1987, a little after Iran Contra started biting St. Ronnies butt:

"UNTIL President Reagan's current travails, Reagan enthusiasts rushed around the country clamoring for repeal of the two-term limitation for presidents.

Ratified 36 years ago, the 22nd Amendment states that ``No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.'' Only a few months ago Rep. Guy Vander Jagt, chairman of the House Republican Campaign Committee, declared that Mr. Reagan was one of ``the greatest American Presidents of all time and I want to keep him on the job.'' ``The Democrats had FDR for four terms,'' he said. ``We deserve to have Ronald Reagan for at least three.'' Saying ``the 22nd Amendment be damned,'' a Portland, Ore., gentleman launched a committee to repeal the Constitution's prohibition against third-term presidents. And a New Hampshire Republican formed a national organization to mobilize repeal of the 22nd.

Reagan came to the White House supporting the 22nd.

Sometime early in his second term, however, he changed his mind. He repeatedly now says he believes the 22nd violates the people's democratic rights. The people ought to have a right to decide who their leaders will be, he says: ``If they want to vote for someone, we shouldn't have a rule that tells them they can't.''

Reagan isn't alone. A third of the general public, according to a Gallup poll (last October), say they would like to see this amendment repealed so presidents could run for more than two terms. A spring 1986 Wall Street Journal poll found even stronger support for repeal. (Not surprisingly, twice as many Republicans as Democrats favored repeal.

Two cheers for the 22nd Amendment. The two-term limit for presidents helps prevent political stagnation - CSMonitor.com

Do connies ever tire of so many times being wrong?

I'm tired of you.

Like I give a crap.

Put me on ignore if you don't like facts, chickypoo/
Oh look, there's more:

Removing the Two-Term Limit - Los Angeles Times

December 3, 1987
Once he has left office, President Reagan would like to start a movement to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution that limits Presidents to two terms in office. That's good. But, better yet, the President should start right now. Prospects for the repeal might be enhanced if the proposal got a head of steam up before the next President takes office.

GOP Begins Drive to Let Reagan Run for 3rd Term

July 22, 1986 | United Press International
The National Republican Campaign Committee wants to remove the constitutional barrier that prevents President Reagan from running for a third term, an official said today. Committee spokeswoman Barbara Pardue said Rep. Guy Vander Jagt of Michigan has sent letters to 300,000 Republicans, urging them to sign a "constitutional petition" urging Congress to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which limits Presidents to two four-year terms. Pardue said the mailing was not cleared with the President.

Darn it. That silly Iran Contra thingy got in the way of St. Ronnie fulfilling his movement to repeal the 22nd Amendment. Well, that and dementia.

But there is absolutely no doubt he was for repeal of the 22nd - and all the Redfish's commentary -- that "Reagan was joking" bit was a big pile of dog doo he dreamt up when the historical facts were slapped in his snickety face.

Hey fuck face prove Ronnie meant it you douche bag.
CS Monitor article - written 1987, a little after Iran Contra started biting St. Ronnies butt:

Two cheers for the 22nd Amendment. The two-term limit for presidents helps prevent political stagnation - CSMonitor.com

Do connies ever tire of so many times being wrong?

I'm tired of you.

Like I give a crap.

Put me on ignore if you don't like facts, chickypoo/

Why would I do that when I can nuke you all night long?
Oh look, there's more:

Removing the Two-Term Limit - Los Angeles Times

December 3, 1987
Once he has left office, President Reagan would like to start a movement to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution that limits Presidents to two terms in office. That's good. But, better yet, the President should start right now. Prospects for the repeal might be enhanced if the proposal got a head of steam up before the next President takes office.

GOP Begins Drive to Let Reagan Run for 3rd Term

July 22, 1986 | United Press International
The National Republican Campaign Committee wants to remove the constitutional barrier that prevents President Reagan from running for a third term, an official said today. Committee spokeswoman Barbara Pardue said Rep. Guy Vander Jagt of Michigan has sent letters to 300,000 Republicans, urging them to sign a "constitutional petition" urging Congress to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which limits Presidents to two four-year terms. Pardue said the mailing was not cleared with the President.

Darn it. That silly Iran Contra thingy got in the way of St. Ronnie fulfilling his movement to repeal the 22nd Amendment. Well, that and dementia.

But there is absolutely no doubt he was for repeal of the 22nd - and all the Redfish's commentary -- that "Reagan was joking" bit was a big pile of dog doo he dreamt up when the historical facts were slapped in his snickety face.

The far left LA Times? Are you serious? You might have well posted an article from MSNBC, Chris Mathews, Rachel Maddow, etc.
Oh look, there's more:

Removing the Two-Term Limit - Los Angeles Times

December 3, 1987
Once he has left office, President Reagan would like to start a movement to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution that limits Presidents to two terms in office. That's good. But, better yet, the President should start right now. Prospects for the repeal might be enhanced if the proposal got a head of steam up before the next President takes office.

GOP Begins Drive to Let Reagan Run for 3rd Term

July 22, 1986 | United Press International
The National Republican Campaign Committee wants to remove the constitutional barrier that prevents President Reagan from running for a third term, an official said today. Committee spokeswoman Barbara Pardue said Rep. Guy Vander Jagt of Michigan has sent letters to 300,000 Republicans, urging them to sign a "constitutional petition" urging Congress to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which limits Presidents to two four-year terms. Pardue said the mailing was not cleared with the President.

Darn it. That silly Iran Contra thingy got in the way of St. Ronnie fulfilling his movement to repeal the 22nd Amendment. Well, that and dementia.

But there is absolutely no doubt he was for repeal of the 22nd - and all the Redfish's commentary -- that "Reagan was joking" bit was a big pile of dog doo he dreamt up when the historical facts were slapped in his snickety face.

The far left LA Times? Are you serious? You might have well posted an article from MSNBC, Chris Mathews, Rachel Maddow, etc.

Did you look at the dates on those articles?
Oh look, there's more:

Removing the Two-Term Limit - Los Angeles Times

December 3, 1987
Once he has left office, President Reagan would like to start a movement to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution that limits Presidents to two terms in office. That's good. But, better yet, the President should start right now. Prospects for the repeal might be enhanced if the proposal got a head of steam up before the next President takes office.

GOP Begins Drive to Let Reagan Run for 3rd Term

July 22, 1986 | United Press International
The National Republican Campaign Committee wants to remove the constitutional barrier that prevents President Reagan from running for a third term, an official said today. Committee spokeswoman Barbara Pardue said Rep. Guy Vander Jagt of Michigan has sent letters to 300,000 Republicans, urging them to sign a "constitutional petition" urging Congress to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which limits Presidents to two four-year terms. Pardue said the mailing was not cleared with the President.

Darn it. That silly Iran Contra thingy got in the way of St. Ronnie fulfilling his movement to repeal the 22nd Amendment. Well, that and dementia.

But there is absolutely no doubt he was for repeal of the 22nd - and all the Redfish's commentary -- that "Reagan was joking" bit was a big pile of dog doo he dreamt up when the historical facts were slapped in his snickety face.

The far left LA Times? Are you serious? You might have well posted an article from MSNBC, Chris Mathews, Rachel Maddow, etc.

Did you look at the dates on those articles?

Yes and the LA Times then and now is a far left bought and paid for DNC media outlet. Did you read that they were the opinion of the far left "journalist" that wrote them and not based on any facts?
Rarely does one see a thread so full of cognitive dissonance.

"Reagan didn't really mean it" is so unintentionally hilarious, I don't even really know how to respond to it.

The demands that someone "prove" that Reagan really meant what he said are even better.
We in the GOP need to grow up, suppress the nut cases in the far right of the party, and campaign like crazy for Christie. He can beat Hillary.
I think obama will try to do it with a Presidential Order.

And here we see an example of the ignorant, stupid conservative.

The Constitution can’t be changed with an EO.

And by the time the 22nd Amendment was repealed, which isn’t going to happen, Obama would have left office.

Would this Congress stop him if he did it? Affordable Health Care is a law and it doesn't stop obama from changing it every other day when he can't do it either. Laws are made by Congress and can only be changed by Congress, but he does it.

Yeah, you're right.

I mean, after all, he loosened gun laws and that's proof he's coming for our guns, right?

And, he goes to church, married in a church, baptized his girls in a church and gets bible verses to his phone every day - incontrovertible proof he's a fill in the blank with your own current stupid and paranoid label du Jour.

He has a US birth certificate - proof he's a KenyanMuslinWHATever.

The list goes on and on but what do facts matter when you have fear and paranoia? Right?
Rarely does one see a thread so full of cognitive dissonance.

"Reagan didn't really mean it" is so unintentionally hilarious, I don't even really know how to respond to it.

The demands that someone "prove" that Reagan really meant what he said are even better.

Dang, I missed that one.

Is that the new excuse?

More accurate would be that Reagan didn't know it, can recall it and doesn't remember.


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