WAPO reporter: Kashoggi was DISMEMBERED with a bone saw while still alive & disposed of

He'd have passed out from the pain, blood loss and trauma long before he was dead if they cut him up alive, thankfully.

But that story is hearsay so far...
------------------------------------------------- course the smart 'muslim halaal' butcher would first fill the victim with anti coagulants and pain killers wouldn't he ?? ----------- just a stupid comment and question but i am wondering .
It seems to me that no matter where you go, or decide to live, if you write something critical of them, they will come and get you. Wherever you are.
Americans are so lucky. I say it again, we should all be grateful to live in a free country where the leaders are so secure they don't need to murder us for calling them assholes.
Turkey hasTAPE.

No they don't. First, tape isn't used for recordings anymore. If Mr. Khashoggi had a running tape recorder on his, it would have been discovered and destroyed during the direction process.

2nd, it wasn't recorded on an apple watch either. That's bullshit for the Low Information crowd, listeners to the EIB Network aren't fooled.

El Rushbo Blows Up the Khashoggi Apple Watch Narrative
I heard Turkey most likely has the Saudi consulate bugged and doesn't want to admit it.
Turkey hasTAPE.

No they don't. First, tape isn't used for recordings anymore. If Mr. Khashoggi had a running tape recorder on his, it would have been discovered and destroyed during the direction process.

2nd, it wasn't recorded on an apple watch either. That's bullshit for the Low Information crowd, listeners to the EIB Network aren't fooled.

El Rushbo Blows Up the Khashoggi Apple Watch Narrative
I heard Turkey most likely has the Saudi consulate bugged and doesn't want to admit it.
--------------------------------- maybe , maybe not OldLady !!
It seems to me that no matter where you go, or decide to live, if you write something critical of them, they will come and get you. Wherever you are.
Americans are so lucky. I say it again, we should all be grateful to live in a free country where the leaders are so secure they don't need to murder us for calling them assholes.

There are paid assassins who will travel world wide to bump someone off.

Have you been watching "Killing Eve"?
The whole affair just shows the huge differences between the Trump Presidency and a criminal Hillary regime, wherein all that it would take to cover this up is a few million in hillary's pockets and all the Trump bashing tools here would immediately be gushing over the wonderfulness of the Saudis. Democrats don't actually care about the story being true or not, they babble whatever they're told to.
It seems to me that no matter where you go, or decide to live, if you write something critical of them, they will come and get you. Wherever you are.
Americans are so lucky. I say it again, we should all be grateful to live in a free country where the leaders are so secure they don't need to murder us for calling them assholes.

Not for lack of trying; see the Zimmerman witch hunt and the hired thugs you Democrats send out on the streets, and the hate crimes democrats never prosecute in order to encourage more.
It seems to me that no matter where you go, or decide to live, if you write something critical of them, they will come and get you. Wherever you are.
Americans are so lucky. I say it again, we should all be grateful to live in a free country where the leaders are so secure they don't need to murder us for calling them assholes.

There are paid assassins who will travel world wide to bump someone off.

Have you been watching "Killing Eve"?
Saudis will offer up a sacrificial lamb
He will probably receive house arrest somewhere and a huge stipend

Trump will talk tough and return to business as usual

There is no proof the Saudis did anything here. Did you hear the Maha Rushdie today, it was IMPOSSIBLE for there to be a recording on an Apple Watch of Kashoggi's alleged death. The King of Saudi Arabia found out the same way we did about this, he read it in the paper.

As soon as he found out, his majesty called the consulate and told them to cut it out. Nothing more can be done.
There is plenty of evidence that the Saudis have yet to explain
There is also evidence that they lied

We are free to draw conclusions based on the available evidence
It seems to me that no matter where you go, or decide to live, if you write something critical of them, they will come and get you. Wherever you are.
Americans are so lucky. I say it again, we should all be grateful to live in a free country where the leaders are so secure they don't need to murder us for calling them assholes.

Not for lack of trying; see the Zimmerman witch hunt and the hired thugs you Democrats send out on the streets, and the hate crimes democrats never prosecute in order to encourage more.
The administration right now is Republican, and saying Fuck You to Tucker Carlson at his favorite restaurant is not exactly life threatening. The things you use as examples of a murderous, oppressive regime in our country are ludicrous.
There is plenty of evidence that the Saudis have yet to explain
There is also evidence that they lied

We are free to draw conclusions based on the available evidence

You are certainly welcome to do that, as is our President.

But the general rule of thumb is that the Saudis really don't have to answer to the United States about how they treat their own subjects, just like the English don't have to explain to America how they treated William Wallace.
The administration right now is Republican, and saying Fuck You to Tucker Carlson at his favorite restaurant is not exactly life threatening. The things you use as examples of a murderous, oppressive regime in our country are ludicrous.

We've had ultraliberals in Alexandria VA shooting up conservative baseball practice. Sure, Mr. Carlson can eat at home or only at conservative friendly joints, but America has always been a lot more civil. Libs need to grow up.
There is plenty of evidence that the Saudis have yet to explain
There is also evidence that they lied

We are free to draw conclusions based on the available evidence

You are certainly welcome to do that, as is our President.

But the general rule of thumb is that the Saudis really don't have to answer to the United States about how they treat their own subjects, just like the English don't have to explain to America how they treated William Wallace.

The Saudis do not have to answer to anyone

We are free to look at available evidence, draw conclusions and in the absence of Saudi rebuttal invoke punitive sanctions

<WTF does William Wallace have to do with anything?>
There is plenty of evidence that the Saudis have yet to explain
There is also evidence that they lied

We are free to draw conclusions based on the available evidence

You are certainly welcome to do that, as is our President.

But the general rule of thumb is that the Saudis really don't have to answer to the United States about how they treat their own subjects, just like the English don't have to explain to America how they treated William Wallace.

The Saudis do not have to answer to anyone

We are free to look at available evidence, draw conclusions and in the absence of Saudi rebuttal invoke punitive sanctions

<WTF does William Wallace have to do with anything?>
------------------------------------------- PUNITIVE Actions sure , lets see what the TRUMP does about the Saudis RWinger .
No they don't. First, tape isn't used for recordings anymore. If Mr. Khashoggi had a running tape recorder on his, it would have been discovered and destroyed during the direction process.
"Tape" is just a figure of speech these days. He means "recorded." Yeah, I listened to Rush, but we just don't know. BTW, N Korea and other leftist dictatorships do EXACTLY the same things.
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You are basing this all on an Anonymous Turkish source!
Have you not learned anything about Anonymous Sources?
There is plenty of evidence that the Saudis have yet to explain
There is also evidence that they lied

We are free to draw conclusions based on the available evidence

You are certainly welcome to do that, as is our President.

But the general rule of thumb is that the Saudis really don't have to answer to the United States about how they treat their own subjects, just like the English don't have to explain to America how they treated William Wallace.

The Saudis do not have to answer to anyone

We are free to look at available evidence, draw conclusions and in the absence of Saudi rebuttal invoke punitive sanctions

<WTF does William Wallace have to do with anything?>
------------------------------------------- PUNITIVE Actions sure , lets see what the TRUMP does about the Saudis RWinger .

I’m thinking he comes up with some token sanction and makes a low key condemnation of whoever they find to take the blame

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