WaPo Tried to Fact-Check Trump on Who Runs the Dangerous Cities... and Failed Miserably


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
What an embarrassing bungling trashy paper they are.

Pj Media

WaPo Tried to Fact-Check Trump on Who Runs the Dangerous Cities... and Failed Miserably


Earlier this week, Democrats blocked the Republican-written police reform bill, the JUSTICE Act. President Trump responded to this disgrace by pointing out the Democrats have a crappy record when it comes to crime. “You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other cities, all Democrat-run. Every one of them is Democrat-run,” Trump said. “The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat-run.”

Democrats now risk losing the high ground on police reform, and the media has chosen to step in and play defense for them. Which is exactly what Philip Bump of the Washington Post did. According to Bump, President Trump’s claim is dead wrong. “Trump keeps claiming that the most dangerous cities in America are all run by Democrats. They aren’t,” reads the headline of his fact check.



The chart in the link is devastating!
Democrats have turned their cities into sewage dumps. This was their goal. They needed the populace of the cities to be dependent on them. Now, the mob roams around in these cities, raping, pillaging, murdering, destroying private property. But that's not enough. They want the police and any type of law and order to be stopped in their sprint to nihilism.
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Democrat have turned their cities into sewage dumps. This was their goal. They needed the populace of the cities to be dependent on them. Now, the mob roams around in these cities, raping, pillaging, murdering, destroying private property. But that's not enough. They want the police and any type of law and order to be stopped in their sprint to nihilism.

Democrats ignore the obvious, that every human being has a dark side in them, waiting to burst out and take over, that is why Democrats have a lot more problems than Conservatives, Libertarians and other groups have, who are more aware of the danger we have.

Being religious or rational help control the dark side, that way we can maintain self control.

That is why leftists, liberals and commies are the groups most prone to rioting, burning and looting in the cities.
What is it with bed wetting liberals and failure? The only time they have anything someone might consider a "success" is when they try destroying shit.

It's like we have millions of pet raccoons, if they're not tearing something apart, they're shitting on it.

What is it with bed wetting liberals and failure? The only time they have anything someone might consider a "success" is when they try destroying shit.

It's like we have millions of pet raccoons, if they're not tearing something apart, they're shitting on it.


They haven't discovered that they have been brainwashed for the last few decades to undermine the Republic.
Well the problem is Trump is just using hot air and blamimg the democrats on all that he wants to blame. He doesn't provide facts just hot air blowing from his cheeks. You cannot compare Detroit or NY to other cities unless you account for population difference. Yes more people means more crime just by looking at the numbers of crime.

To compare two cities you have to do a per capita, which allows you to compare two or more cities with different populations.

example if you have a population in one city with 10 people yet they have 5 crimes then that is a high crime rate. Compare that to another city which has 1000 people and have 50 crimes then yeah you can say they have more crimes but it is more safer as the likelihood of an individual being a victim is lower. But you can't say which is more safer unless you do a per capita. Something Trump can't do or cares to do as he is more interested in shock value than truth value.

1. Detroit, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 20.0
  • Your chance of being a victim: 1 in 50
2. Memphis, TN
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 51
3. Birmingham, AL
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 52
4. Baltimore, MD
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 54
5. Flint, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
6. St. Louis, MO
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
7. Danville, IL
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.0
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
8. Saginaw, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.7
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 60
9. Wilmington, DE
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 61
10. Camden, NJ
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 62

very little statistical difference between the top 10 which have both demo and repub control So Trump statement is misleading. The chances of being a victim of a violent crime is the same. The issues is not who controls the cities but Trump wants to frame it as such for political survival.

or you can say that his statements were





That is the President in a nutshell.
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Well the problem is Trump is just using hot air and blame the democrats on all that he wants to blame. He doesn't provide facts just hot air blowing from his cheeks. You cannot compare Detroit or NY to other cities unless because of the population difference. Yes more people means more crime just using the numbers of crime.

To compare two cities you have to do a per capita, which allows you to compare two or more cities with different populations.

example if you have a population in one city with 10 people yet they have 5 crimes then that is a high crime rate. Compare that to another city which has 1000 people and have 50 crimes then yeah you can say they have more crimes. But you can't say which is more safer unless you do a per capita. Something Trump can't do or cares to do as he is more interested in shock value that truth value.

1. Detroit, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 20.0
  • Your chance of being a victim: 1 in 50
2. Memphis, TN
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 51
3. Birmingham, AL
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 52
4. Baltimore, MD
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 54
5. Flint, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
6. St. Louis, MO
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
7. Danville, IL
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.0
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
8. Saginaw, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.7
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 60
9. Wilmington, DE
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 61
10. Camden, NJ
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 62

very little statistical difference between 1 which you say is demo controlled vs one that is probably repub control. So Trump statement is misleading.

or you can say that his statements were





That is the President in a nutshell.

YOUR post is dishonest, because you completely bypassed what the Washington Post said about the 20 cities Trump talked about, here is what Trump stated:

“You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other cities, all Democrat-run. Every one of them is Democrat-run,” Trump said. “The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat-run.”

The Newspaper then made a list of 20 cities, which 19 of them are Democrat run cities. Which means Trump was 99.98% correct.


Try reading the post article first next time......

Well the problem is Trump is just using hot air and blame the democrats on all that he wants to blame. He doesn't provide facts just hot air blowing from his cheeks. You cannot compare Detroit or NY to other cities unless because of the population difference. Yes more people means more crime just using the numbers of crime.

To compare two cities you have to do a per capita, which allows you to compare two or more cities with different populations.

example if you have a population in one city with 10 people yet they have 5 crimes then that is a high crime rate. Compare that to another city which has 1000 people and have 50 crimes then yeah you can say they have more crimes. But you can't say which is more safer unless you do a per capita. Something Trump can't do or cares to do as he is more interested in shock value that truth value.

1. Detroit, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 20.0
  • Your chance of being a victim: 1 in 50
2. Memphis, TN
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 51
3. Birmingham, AL
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 52
4. Baltimore, MD
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 54
5. Flint, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
6. St. Louis, MO
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
7. Danville, IL
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.0
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
8. Saginaw, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.7
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 60
9. Wilmington, DE
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 61
10. Camden, NJ
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 62

very little statistical difference between 1 which you say is demo controlled vs one that is probably repub control. So Trump statement is misleading.

or you can say that his statements were





That is the President in a nutshell.

YOUR post is dishonest, because you completely bypassed what the Washington Post said about the 20 cities Trump talked about, here is what Trump stated:

“You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other cities, all Democrat-run. Every one of them is Democrat-run,” Trump said. “The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat-run.”

The Newspaper then made a list of 20 cities, which 19 of them are Democrat run cities. Which means Trump was 99.98% correct.

View attachment 356356

Try reading the post article first next time......


Yet you do post two charts and one supports your view whereas the other one does not. One is a per capita and the other is just plain number of crimes. Again you cannot compare two cities with different population sizes without accounting for per capita.

Trump statement is misleading. It's like saying rich people are more happier, than middle class people, because they make more money.

The per capita shows that if you live in Memphis there is a higher chance that you will be the victim or commit a violent crime. Th;us it is a more dangerous city. Still it shows that Memphis as being listed number One is a more dangerous city because you should be concerned with your well being. The chances are higher that you will be a victim. Still the difference between the two is minimal. The argument that I am making is that Trump was wrong in his statements and picked statements that support his view while ignore the information that did not.

Th;us the repub vs demo argument is a false argument. You are quoting a (PJ Media) reporter assessment of a WAPO article. Thus you like it because you can pick and choose which chart to use and its obvious which one you believe. WAPO did not get it wrong They showed two statistics and it is up to the reader to know why they did this. This PJ media reporter told you what to believe and it is obvious what Trump believes.

Still Trump is the president of the US and if the leader want to claim the good, then he has to accept the bad as well. He is playing the blame game. He likes to blame others and never accept any blame.

Trump simplistic views is to win and he will do anything for that cause.
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Democrats have turned their cities into sewage dumps. This was their goal. They needed the populace of the cities to be dependent on them. Now, the mob roams around in these cities, raping, pillaging, murdering, destroying private property. But that's not enough. They want the police and any type of law and order to be stopped in their sprint to nihilism.

I agree with you. It's the draconian policies of the "Democrats" in control of the "Blue City and States for decades that have affected the chaos, crime and conditions.
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It is simple.
The left only needs narrative. Narrative is everything. Everything.
It is the basis of the virtue signaling left. Being virtuous has been replaced by claiming to have virtues. Truth, actual fact has been replaced by claiming things are facts. You can even show 100% that what is said is in fact not true - but they don't care even if it IS false...as long as they all agree to pretend it is true.
Well the problem is Trump is just using hot air and blame the democrats on all that he wants to blame. He doesn't provide facts just hot air blowing from his cheeks. You cannot compare Detroit or NY to other cities unless because of the population difference. Yes more people means more crime just using the numbers of crime.

To compare two cities you have to do a per capita, which allows you to compare two or more cities with different populations.

example if you have a population in one city with 10 people yet they have 5 crimes then that is a high crime rate. Compare that to another city which has 1000 people and have 50 crimes then yeah you can say they have more crimes. But you can't say which is more safer unless you do a per capita. Something Trump can't do or cares to do as he is more interested in shock value that truth value.

1. Detroit, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 20.0
  • Your chance of being a victim: 1 in 50
2. Memphis, TN
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 51
3. Birmingham, AL
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 52
4. Baltimore, MD
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 54
5. Flint, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
6. St. Louis, MO
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
7. Danville, IL
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.0
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
8. Saginaw, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.7
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 60
9. Wilmington, DE
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 61
10. Camden, NJ
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 62

very little statistical difference between 1 which you say is demo controlled vs one that is probably repub control. So Trump statement is misleading.

or you can say that his statements were





That is the President in a nutshell.

YOUR post is dishonest, because you completely bypassed what the Washington Post said about the 20 cities Trump talked about, here is what Trump stated:

“You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other cities, all Democrat-run. Every one of them is Democrat-run,” Trump said. “The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat-run.”

The Newspaper then made a list of 20 cities, which 19 of them are Democrat run cities. Which means Trump was 99.98% correct.

View attachment 356356

Try reading the post article first next time......


Yet you do post two charts and one supports your view whereas the other one does not. One is a per capita and the other is just plain number of crimes. Again you cannot compare two cities with different population sizes with accounting for per capita.

Trump statement is misleading. It's like saying rich people or more happier than middle class people because they make more money.


Again this is what the Washington Post responded to:

“You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other cities, all Democrat-run. Every one of them is Democrat-run,” Trump said. “The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat-run.”

boldings mine

Trump makes clear he says thinks the 20 worst run cities are run by democrats.

You understand so far?

Now the Post responded by posting a list of 20 cities, where only one of 20 cities in the chart the newspaper created, is a Republican run city, you understand so far?

It appears you are totally ignoring what the Post stated, you are in denial. Here is the chart again, try reading it without your propaganda glasses:


Over all and per 10,000 residents are the basis for the two charts.

You understand all this now?

The Paper tried to prove him wrong when they showed a sum total of ONE city that was run by a republican MAYOR, this means Trump was correct on 19 of 20 cities.

You finally understand why the Washington Post made a fool of themselves?

You should stop trying to rationalize away the Posts stupid article, deflecting from it doesn't help you.
What an embarrassing bungling trashy paper they are.

Pj Media

WaPo Tried to Fact-Check Trump on Who Runs the Dangerous Cities... and Failed Miserably


Earlier this week, Democrats blocked the Republican-written police reform bill, the JUSTICE Act. President Trump responded to this disgrace by pointing out the Democrats have a crappy record when it comes to crime. “You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other cities, all Democrat-run. Every one of them is Democrat-run,” Trump said. “The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat-run.”

Democrats now risk losing the high ground on police reform, and the media has chosen to step in and play defense for them. Which is exactly what Philip Bump of the Washington Post did. According to Bump, President Trump’s claim is dead wrong. “Trump keeps claiming that the most dangerous cities in America are all run by Democrats. They aren’t,” reads the headline of his fact check.



The chart in the link is devastating!
And now they want to do it to all of America.

That’s been the goal of the Democrats race now. The Detroitification of America.
Well the problem is Trump is just using hot air and blame the democrats on all that he wants to blame. He doesn't provide facts just hot air blowing from his cheeks. You cannot compare Detroit or NY to other cities unless because of the population difference. Yes more people means more crime just using the numbers of crime.

To compare two cities you have to do a per capita, which allows you to compare two or more cities with different populations.

example if you have a population in one city with 10 people yet they have 5 crimes then that is a high crime rate. Compare that to another city which has 1000 people and have 50 crimes then yeah you can say they have more crimes. But you can't say which is more safer unless you do a per capita. Something Trump can't do or cares to do as he is more interested in shock value that truth value.

1. Detroit, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 20.0
  • Your chance of being a victim: 1 in 50
2. Memphis, TN
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 51
3. Birmingham, AL
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 52
4. Baltimore, MD
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 54
5. Flint, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
6. St. Louis, MO
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
7. Danville, IL
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.0
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
8. Saginaw, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.7
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 60
9. Wilmington, DE
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 61
10. Camden, NJ
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 62

very little statistical difference between 1 which you say is demo controlled vs one that is probably repub control. So Trump statement is misleading.

or you can say that his statements were





That is the President in a nutshell.

YOUR post is dishonest, because you completely bypassed what the Washington Post said about the 20 cities Trump talked about, here is what Trump stated:

“You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other cities, all Democrat-run. Every one of them is Democrat-run,” Trump said. “The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat-run.”

The Newspaper then made a list of 20 cities, which 19 of them are Democrat run cities. Which means Trump was 99.98% correct.

View attachment 356356

Try reading the post article first next time......


Yet you do post two charts and one supports your view whereas the other one does not. One is a per capita and the other is just plain number of crimes. Again you cannot compare two cities with different population sizes with accounting for per capita.

Trump statement is misleading. It's like saying rich people or more happier than middle class people because they make more money.


Again this is what the Washington Post responded to:

“You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other cities, all Democrat-run. Every one of them is Democrat-run,” Trump said. “The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat-run.”

boldings mine

Trump makes clear he says thinks the 20 worst run cities are run by democrats.

You understand so far?

Now the Post responded by posting a list of 20 cities, where only one of 20 cities in the chart the newspaper created, is a Republican run city, you understand so far?

It appears you are totally ignoring what the Post stated, you are in denial. Here is the chart again, try reading it without your propaganda glasses:

View attachment 356357

Over all and per 10,000 residents are the basis for the two charts.

You understand all this now?

The Paper tried to prove him wrong when they showed a sum total of ONE city that was run by a republican MAYOR, this means Trump was correct on 19 of 20 cities.

You finally understand why the Washington Post made a fool of themselves?

You should stop trying to rationalize away the Posts stupid article, deflecting from it doesn't help you.

Trump keeps claiming that the most dangerous cities in America are all run by Democrats. They aren’t,” reads the headline of his fact check.

Trump makes clear he says the 20 worst run cities are run by democrats.

First of all the chart shows Jacksonville as red and within the top 20

The independents are really non partisans because they are not running under any political affiliation only as a nonpartisan candidate. They do not use the term Demo or Repub. So you cannot call them demo nor can you call them repub

Nonpartisan is a lack of affiliation with, and a lack of bias toward, a political party

San Antonio -

CandidateRon NirenbergGreg Brockhouse

Nonpartisan - Nonpartisan words and actions don't show allegiance to any political party. They're politically neutral. In the United States' political system

Ken McClure mayor of Springfield is nonpartisan and that is how he ran. Not as a demo nor a repub
So there are at least 3 nonpartisans who are misidentified as independents.

Still Trump says that the top 20 cities are held by democrats is a lie , Verified by your own data

Definition of Lie - An intentionally false statement.
(of a thing) present a false impression; be deceptive

Thus Trump gave a false statement. He also presented a false impression and was deceptive.

All identifying his statement as a lie.
What an embarrassing bungling trashy paper they are.

Pj Media

WaPo Tried to Fact-Check Trump on Who Runs the Dangerous Cities... and Failed Miserably


Earlier this week, Democrats blocked the Republican-written police reform bill, the JUSTICE Act. President Trump responded to this disgrace by pointing out the Democrats have a crappy record when it comes to crime. “You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other cities, all Democrat-run. Every one of them is Democrat-run,” Trump said. “The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat-run.”

Democrats now risk losing the high ground on police reform, and the media has chosen to step in and play defense for them. Which is exactly what Philip Bump of the Washington Post did. According to Bump, President Trump’s claim is dead wrong. “Trump keeps claiming that the most dangerous cities in America are all run by Democrats. They aren’t,” reads the headline of his fact check.



The chart in the link is devastating!

Whelp --- when you get your fake news from "PJ Media" of all creatures, you should know what to expect.

The fact is Detroit ISN'T "run by Democrats". Never has been. That city's elections are nonpartisan. No political parties are listed. Because they're irrelevant on a city level.

The same is true of Chicago. And most municipalities. Rump is yammering yet another internet meme nobody bothered to fact check.

And as long as we're talking blind pig-ignorance and current events, the same is also true of Portland (Oregon or Maine, take your pick). And the same is true of Albuquerque.

I guess it's nice to entertain fantasies but one's ass must hurt from pulling that much out of it.

What's so freaking hilarious about this particular meme is that, even if it was true, if all these cities somehow pointlessly listed political parties on their ballots and the winners came out to be Democrats ----- all it would leave you and Rump and "PJ Media" with is a grand Ass-ociation Fallacy.
What an embarrassing bungling trashy paper they are.

Pj Media

WaPo Tried to Fact-Check Trump on Who Runs the Dangerous Cities... and Failed Miserably


Earlier this week, Democrats blocked the Republican-written police reform bill, the JUSTICE Act. President Trump responded to this disgrace by pointing out the Democrats have a crappy record when it comes to crime. “You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other cities, all Democrat-run. Every one of them is Democrat-run,” Trump said. “The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat-run.”

Democrats now risk losing the high ground on police reform, and the media has chosen to step in and play defense for them. Which is exactly what Philip Bump of the Washington Post did. According to Bump, President Trump’s claim is dead wrong. “Trump keeps claiming that the most dangerous cities in America are all run by Democrats. They aren’t,” reads the headline of his fact check.



The chart in the link is devastating!
And now they want to do it to all of America.

That’s been the goal of the Democrats race now. The Detroitification of America.

What, we're going to have nonpartisan national elections?

I'm down wit dat.
Well the problem is Trump is just using hot air and blame the democrats on all that he wants to blame. He doesn't provide facts just hot air blowing from his cheeks. You cannot compare Detroit or NY to other cities unless because of the population difference. Yes more people means more crime just using the numbers of crime.

To compare two cities you have to do a per capita, which allows you to compare two or more cities with different populations.

example if you have a population in one city with 10 people yet they have 5 crimes then that is a high crime rate. Compare that to another city which has 1000 people and have 50 crimes then yeah you can say they have more crimes. But you can't say which is more safer unless you do a per capita. Something Trump can't do or cares to do as he is more interested in shock value that truth value.

1. Detroit, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 20.0
  • Your chance of being a victim: 1 in 50
2. Memphis, TN
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 51
3. Birmingham, AL
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 52
4. Baltimore, MD
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 54
5. Flint, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
6. St. Louis, MO
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
7. Danville, IL
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 18.0
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55
8. Saginaw, MI
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.7
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 60
9. Wilmington, DE
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 61
10. Camden, NJ
  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 16.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 62

very little statistical difference between 1 which you say is demo controlled vs one that is probably repub control. So Trump statement is misleading.

or you can say that his statements were





That is the President in a nutshell.

YOUR post is dishonest, because you completely bypassed what the Washington Post said about the 20 cities Trump talked about, here is what Trump stated:

“You hear about certain places like Chicago and you hear about what’s going on in Detroit and other cities, all Democrat-run. Every one of them is Democrat-run,” Trump said. “The 20 worst, the 20 most dangerous are Democrat-run.”

The Newspaper then made a list of 20 cities, which 19 of them are Democrat run cities. Which means Trump was 99.98% correct.

View attachment 356356

Try reading the post article first next time......


The chart is bullshit. I counted at least five of the first ten supposed "blue" cities in the first chart, that I know for a fact involve no political parties in their elections. Nor, further down the list, does Albuquerque, nor does any city in California. MOST cities don't. So whoever made this chart up did sloppy work. And I can prove it. In fact, anybody can.

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