war criminal trump supporter of Terrorism.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I keep saying he is no different than Bush and Obama. Im telling you trump supporters,you need to follow the work of this guy,he knows his stuff and is objective,he reports what the corporate controlled media does not tell us.

Begun against Damascus by the Obama/Biden/Hillary regime, it’s all about wanting Syria transformed into a US vassal state, using ISIS and other jihadists as Pentagon/CIA foot soldiers — supported by Pentagon-led terror-bombing, responsible for massacring tens of thousands of civilians.
War Criminal Trump an International Thief, Supporter of Terrorism - Stephen Lendman
Yeah, Trump wants Syria turned into a vassal state. That's why he is cutting and running from there and surrendering it to Putin...
Trump is getting sandbagged by his own people in Syria....He should have figured that out after the second false flag gas attack by the white helmets.

Should have pulled all the way out and told limpwrist Lindsey to stuff it.
Yeah, Trump wants Syria turned into a vassal state. That's why he is cutting and running from there and surrendering it to Putin...
It's not Putin's oil, it's Syria's oil.

Why do you lie?

Military slow-walk or 'deep state' defiance?: Trump sees direct orders modified
Military slow-walk or ‘deep state’ defiance?: Trump sees direct orders modified

"A seemingly simple order from the commander in chief is often anything but.

Nearly a full year after President Trump first said he was withdrawing all U.S. troops from Syria and two months after he doubled down on that directive, Pentagon officials last week announced that they had restarted combat missions against the Islamic State group and “reset” inside the country with hundreds of American troops on the ground.. . . "

Operation Holiday Express Brings Gifts to US Troops in Syria
Operation Holiday Express Brings Gifts to US Troops in Syria

". . . While President Donald Trump has said he will withdraw the bulk of the roughly 1,000 American troops from Syria, he’s made it clear he'll leave some military forces in the country to help secure the oil fields across eastern Syria from any IS resurgence.

The move has raised a number of difficult legal questions about whether U.S. troops can launch strikes against Syrian, Russian or other forces if they threaten the oil, U.S. officials said last month.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said last month that about 500 or 600 U.S. troops will remain in Syria to counter IS fighters who have been carrying out hit-and-run attacks in recent weeks against Kurdish-led fighters.

Lt. Gen. Pat White, commander of Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve, told the AP that the presence of American soldiers on the ground in Syria shows the commitment of U.S. forces, and they will pursue the remnants of IS anywhere in Syria."

from the article: “Western powers and the US ignore violations of human rights committed by Israel in occupied Palestine and the occupied Syrian Golan where the Zionist entity sought to change the features of the place to obliterate its original historic identity.”

Anti-semite statements prevents "christians" from agreeing- LOL- fucking idiots in the US just blow my mind. Can't or refuse to see the forest for the trees- dummies don't know standing in the middle of the forest makes all the trees look the same-
Anytime the people of any country are stupid enough to start a civil war, every other country and everyone else moves in on them to consume them like a bunch of vultures.
I keep saying he is no different than Bush and Obama. Im telling you trump supporters,you need to follow the work of this guy,he knows his stuff and is objective,he reports what the corporate controlled media does not tell us.

Begun against Damascus by the Obama/Biden/Hillary regime, it’s all about wanting Syria transformed into a US vassal state, using ISIS and other jihadists as Pentagon/CIA foot soldiers — supported by Pentagon-led terror-bombing, responsible for massacring tens of thousands of civilians.
War Criminal Trump an International Thief, Supporter of Terrorism - Stephen Lendman

Trump has to follow the orders of his stake holders.

Remember what I told you in that other thread. He is no more in charge than G.W. Bush or Obama was. It is Wilbur Ross that is calling the shots here now.

THIS is what Trump is, he is the public front, the image of the operation;


For some, it is impossible not to love this guy, he is the ultimate troll, the quintessential showman. It is a brilliant chess move on the part of king makers.

Most folks just don't get it, that the image is a front. . . they are only in the lobby. He is there to direct them to it. . only to the lobby, not to the back office. :71:

Yeah, Trump wants Syria turned into a vassal state. That's why he is cutting and running from there and surrendering it to Putin...

In one thread you complain about how Trump spends too much on military. On other thread you complain how he is not occupying countries.

Let's be honest now. It's about the Orange Bad Man, isn't it?
great to see the majority of posters that have replied are objective minded and are willing to look at the evidence. this is a freshing change,usually its always the trolls that come out in full force that takeover the thread before it gets started. for once,thats not the case,yahoo!!!! thanks for all the informative posts guys and contributing something. just one troll has posted on here so far,not bad,not bad,thats pretty dame good.
Anytime the people of any country are stupid enough to start a civil war, every other country and everyone else moves in on them to consume them like a bunch of vultures.
Very astute. . .but it goes far beyond that.

Most civil wars are due, in part, to clandestine interference. Do you remember all those color revolutions?

Sure, the U.S. civil war was, broadly speaking about slavery. But, many other nations had slavery and resolved the issue peacefully with out a civil war. We could have also.

The crown, the Jesuits, and the international banking cabal had other plans though. Nor did Lincoln need to die.

They also moved in. . . but we don't learn about that, do we? Nope, if anyone dare bring up those connections in our history, that is considered. . . . "conspiracy theory," isn't it?
the presence of American soldiers on the ground in Syria shows the commitment of U.S.
Brass or POTUS to ignore the constitution

Well both are guilty but in the end it is mostly the POTUS that is guilty of ignoring the constitution. Military people are so braindead and think they are serving their country they are so uneducated they dont get it they are serving the bankers so them being ignorant,they get a pass,the president on the other hand knows better so he gets no pass and is mostly to blame.

Presidents dont follow the constitution, the last one that did paid a deadlly price for it on nov 22nd 1963.He was on the verge of returning us to the constituion of the united states where the PEOPLE had control over the government instead of all these bankers and corporations that do now.
Trump is getting sandbagged by his own people in Syria....He should have figured that out after the second false flag gas attack by the white helmets.

Should have pulled all the way out and told limpwrist Lindsey to stuff it.

Did you hear about the leader of the White Helmets died under suspicious circumstances? Apparently he fell off his own balcony or something and ruled a suicide or accident? Who does that?

The Ruskies or Turks have always claimed he was a spook.

Seems everyone that was on the losing side of the Syrian civil war now seem to be an expendable intel asset. It's like the end of a reality TEE VEE show. Maybe HRC should watch her back? :71:

First Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi, now that guy.
Presidents dont follow the constitution,
Neither does congress or most State gov't's- although some are coming around and recognizing the 10th amendment against the District of Criminals and citizens are coming around on the 2nd amendment issue as well.
These are nice related articles that everyone should be made aware of.

This current administration has made a tremendous amounts of lip service about how it wants to address the "opioid" epidemic. It always has given lip service to how it has no interest in the "Green Agenda" of both the left and Agenda 2030.

But. . . since both parties are controlled by the same international corporatists that meet at the same round table groups, and both are on board with the UN agenda, they are, while Trump is president, preparing for when the DNC will have control again.

The technocracy, sustainable development, and Green Agenda, is being prepared for, even while Trump is president. Much of this Impeachment ballyhoo, is in fact, a giant distraction for the population, so they do not realize that the Huxlian Brave New World agenda is taking shape around folks. Key words; Technocracy Rising.

In fact, generating fear of illegals feeds into a future where folks are more willing to have electronic surveillance of everyone and everything. It serves much the same purpose that terrorism serves, making laws that affect citizens more than the laws were supposed to affect the original problem.

Ask yourself a question, if the current administration is not on board with the Green Agenda, why secure almost all of the world's lithium for U.S. corporations?

Something to keep in mind, the laboratory for the global elites in designing a technocracy, is the PRC. IT IS NOT COMMUNIST, it is a technocracy. That, is, in reality, where all nations are headed in the end, like it or not.

Two very important related reads;

5 Fast Facts About the Military Coup in Bolivia and What You Can Do

Despite what the mainstream media headlines would have you believe, a coup is underway in Bolivia.
5 Fast Facts About the Military Coup in Bolivia and What You Can Do

". . . 4. 50-70% of the world’s lithium reserves are found in Bolivia

Some have called Bolivia the “Saudi Arabia of lithium.” The global demand for the alkali metal has steadily increased as technology such as cell phones, laptops, and hybrid cars have become woven into the fabric of our everyday lives. And the demand for it isn’t expected to slow anytime soon.

Bolivia has invested significantly in lithium mining in the country with Morales having once said:

With the exploitation of lithium in a 400 sq km area, we’ll have enough to maintain ourselves for a century.”

But those same salt flats are also a major nature reserve that includes flamingos, cacti, geysers, and hot springs. Thousands of tourists visit the area each year to enjoy the hot springs.

Foreign companies have repeatedly expressed interest in Bolivia’s mining operations, but Morales has been understandably wary of foreign intervention. Bolivia has been left one of the poorest countries in Latin America despite possessing large reserves of oil and gas as well as the world’s largest silver mine.

As the world attempts to transition to greener fuels, it should come as no surprise that eyes are on Bolivia and its massive lithium supply.. . ."

The “Afghanistan Papers”: Deep State narrative management Let’s be honest, most modern “leaks” do nothing but prop-up the Establishment

The “Afghanistan Papers”: Deep State narrative management

". . . .They dripfeed in the blood of young Americans, they destroy 100,000s of Afghan lives, and they reap the rewards they always intended to reap:

    • The permanent slow-simmer conflict gives them an excuse to keep thousands of US military personnel in a country which borders Iran, Pakistan AND China. (Not to mention a host of ex-Soviet states).
    • It keeps military expenditure nice and high, so Congressman, ex-generals and everyone else on the boards of Boeing or Lockheed Martin get great big bonuses every year.
    • They have sole access to the rare-Earth elements and other vital metals in the Afghan mountains. Lithium, most importantly of all.
    • They have control of the world’s opium industry. A vital cog in the relations of the US intelligence agencies, and organised crime. It’s essentially reverse money-laundering – turning tax-payer funds into dark money that can be spent hiring mercenaries, organising assassinations, arranging coups…or simply be stolen.
    • They have access to all the “radicalised” young men they could ever want. A little Jihadi farm, where “terrorists” can be named, trained and sent off to fight proxy wars in Syria, or spread fear and chaos in the West.

Afghanistan is a great asset to the Empire. The US Deep State has spent a fortune making it so. They could at least be honest about it."

Presidents dont follow the constitution,
Neither does congress or most State gov't's- although some are coming around and recognizing the 10th amendment against the District of Criminals and citizens are coming around on the 2nd amendment issue as well.

you're preaching to the choir on our congress not following the constitution brother,they are so fucking corrupt i dont even want to get started on them.

cool to see some state govts coming around and recognizing the 10th amendment against the district of criminals,i was not ware of that,thanks for that info,do you have a link or video you can post on that by chance? thanks.

Welcome to the Tenth Amendment Center!
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”


How ANYBODY can possibly think that Trump is this white knight that has come into us to save us all from this corrupt government after all this time,is unreal. I understand though,it took me a year or so before i saw his TRUE colors. He talks a good game,he says what americans WANT to hear telling the truth that the fed is an evil organization but his ACTIONS prove otherwise,he never does what he says he is going to do.if he was REALLY for the people,he would have abolished the fed by now. anytime i bring that fact up to the trump supporters,,they play dodgeball and evade that fact.:rolleyes:

they dont want to talk about that issue cause it shoots down their hero that he is a fraud.:biggrin: that he is the same as Obama,all talk and no action.while he has done a FEW good things,thats all irrelvent,the world is in the mess it is today because of the fed,as long we have them,we will never be a free country,if you are not going to do something about the fed,then all that other stuff is all irrelevent because we have been a facist dictatership ever since they were created in 1913.

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