War Drums: Britain, France Confirm Syria's Sarin Gas Use...

The rebels used it too--someone wants this war badly.

Yeah. War is looking inevitable if we remain on our current track. And I dont see any likelihood of that changing without an act of God.

We are seeing the alliances forming up. We are essentially in a proxy war with Russia at the moment. Which is messed up. We shouldn't be involved in Syria.

Proxy war w/ Russia?
That's a good one.
Assad has been begging for longer range missles from russia for awhile, even had a contract, but renigged on it. They don't trust him either.
Da' cold war has been long over bro'; didn't you get the memo?

Assad's been supported by Russia for a while. That's where he is getting many of his weapons.

A new cold war is beginning unfortunately.
Yeah. War is looking inevitable if we remain on our current track. And I dont see any likelihood of that changing without an act of God.

We are seeing the alliances forming up. We are essentially in a proxy war with Russia at the moment. Which is messed up. We shouldn't be involved in Syria.

Yeah, we would prefer Israel and Turkey take on Syria. That's been the plan. But now it looks like that plan is falling apart. Turkey has its own problems now. And Israel getting more involved is definitely a big risk. Looks like it's gonna fall back on us and Western European Allies. I hope not, but that's what it looks like.

I really don't like what's going on in the ME and our involvement. We have no interest in Syria. We shouldn't be involved. We shouldn't have been involved in Libya either.

I could see the reasoning behind Iraq. The argument made sense even if you disagreed with it. But the Libyan and Syrian conflicts don't make sense whatsoever. Especially when we are allying with the terrorists we were trying to fight in Iraq.

Libya is definitely another Afghanistan. We're funding brutal Al-Qaeda Terrorists there. Blowback will be hitting us hard on that one. In fact, it already has with the Benghazi massacre. And unfortunately, we're making the same blunder in Syria. You could say in Egypt as well. We'll regret this at some point.
Libya is definitely another Afghanistan. We're funding brutal Al-Qaeda Terrorists there. Blowback will be hitting us hard on that one. And unfortunately, we're making the same blunder in Syria. You could say in Egypt as well. We'll regret this at some point.

I regret it now.

Im all for having a strong military. But the way we are misusing our military and bungling foreign policy is going to create alot of problems down the line. And we may be down the line pretty soon.
Yeah. War is looking inevitable if we remain on our current track. And I dont see any likelihood of that changing without an act of God.

We are seeing the alliances forming up. We are essentially in a proxy war with Russia at the moment. Which is messed up. We shouldn't be involved in Syria.

Yeah, we would prefer Israel and Turkey take on Syria. That's been the plan. But now it looks like that plan is falling apart. Turkey has its own problems now. And Israel getting more involved is definitely a big risk. Looks like it's gonna fall back on us and Western European Allies. I hope not, but that's what it looks like.

The Turks will quash their internal problems like a bad Broadway play.
You make many a good point, but, don't be an alarmist.

I hear ya, i'm just stating that Turkey is distracted now. War with Syria is probably not in the cards anymore.

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