War in Egypt, war in Israel

I hope you don't get too excited either.

Oh what the heck - it is Sunday afternoon. Let everyone get excited but for me, I will have this guy all to myself for the next few hours :cool:


As beautiful as it is, nothing can be compared to that

brought tears to my eyes! so beautiful

A special treat for you. This concert was from June 2nd 2010.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3oevg_oGWo]Shwekey in Concert in Efrat #1.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

For people who would like a translation, this song is:

"If I forget thee, oh Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its cunning
May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember thee, if I set not Jerusalem above my greatest joy."


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd1wAGYpv0Y]My love Israel - YouTube[/ame]
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While Egyptian civilians, soldiers, and citizens clash and fight and riot in Tahrir square, yesterday, Israeli civilians had a different kind of war.

Water festival.

In Tel Aviv, it's a tradition that in the beginning of July Israelis go and participate in "war fights" to cool themselves from the heatwave.

Just few hours (and light years) from Tahrir.


Find the difference.
Yes, the ME is burning and you and MJ are smiling at the carnage these conflicts are bringing...but it will end with the will of the people ruling...Democracy maybe sidetracked but it always comes back stronger.

The military in Egypt will be overthrown, that's what Israel and America should plan for...more radical governments for the next decade or two.

The MidEast is burning because of the nonsense Arabs have with one another and the stupid Obama policy.

And why Israelis shouldn't smile? It's a wonderful summer, the teens are on vacation, they can all just forget the finals and simply go have fun.

Or the fact that Egyptians and Syrians are killing one another should stop Israeli children from go out and play in the water and sun?

How is the mideast conflicts are supposed to influence our children in Israel?

That comment is really stupid.

Let our kids go and have fun, and LAUGH and PLAY, because unlike others, we don't go and kill ourselves and our people simply because we can.

Next year, Be'ezrat HaShem, I will be in that festival, as well!

God bless the Israeli young generation! the generation of playful youth, not blood and stones and hatred of thy own brothers and people!
As beautiful as it is, nothing can be compared to that

brought tears to my eyes! so beautiful


A special treat for you. This concert was from June 2nd 2010.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3oevg_oGWo]Shwekey in Concert in Efrat #1.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

For people who would like a translation, this song is:

"If I forget thee, oh Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its cunning
May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember thee, if I set not Jerusalem above my greatest joy."


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd1wAGYpv0Y]My love Israel - YouTube[/ame]

That was really beautiful Jroc.

Here is another prayer

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24bOclbE_eg]A prayer for the I.D.F soldiers - YouTube[/ame]


We beg thee
with the strength and greatness of thy right arm-
Untangle our knotted fate.
Accept your people's song,
elevate and purify us
Please, heroic one,
those who pursue your uniqueness-
guard them as the pupil of an eye.
Bless them, purify them, pity them,
may your righteousness always reward them.
Powerful and Holy One,
in goodness lead your flock.
Unique and proud one, to your people turn,
who remember your holiness.
Accept our cries, and hear our screams,
oh knower of mysteries.
(Blessed is the name of his noble kingdom
forever and ever.)


Ana becho'ach,
g'dulat yemincha,
tatir tz'rura
Kabel rinat amcha sagveinu,
tahareinu nora
Na gibor dorshei yichudcha,
k'vavat shamrem
Barchem taharem, rachamei tzidkatcha
Tamid gamlem, chasin kadosh
Berov tuvcha,
nahel adatecha
Yachid ge'eh le'amcha p'neh,
zochrei k'dushatecha
Shavateinu kabel ushma tza'akateinu,
yode'a ta'alumot
(Baruch shem k'vod malchuto
le'olam va'ed)
I hope you don't get too excited either.

Oh what the heck - it is Sunday afternoon. Let everyone get excited but for me, I will have this guy all to myself for the next few hours :cool:


As beautiful as it is, nothing can be compared to that

brought tears to my eyes! so beautiful

A special treat for you. This concert was from June 2nd 2010.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3oevg_oGWo]Shwekey in Concert in Efrat #1.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

For people who would like a translation, this song is:

"If I forget thee, oh Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its cunning
May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember thee, if I set not Jerusalem above my greatest joy."


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A special treat for you. This concert was from June 2nd 2010.

Shwekey in Concert in Efrat #1.wmv - YouTube

For people who would like a translation, this song is:

"If I forget thee, oh Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its cunning
May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember thee, if I set not Jerusalem above my greatest joy."


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd1wAGYpv0Y]My love Israel - YouTube[/ame]

That was really beautiful Jroc.

Here is another prayer

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24bOclbE_eg]A prayer for the I.D.F soldiers - YouTube[/ame]


We beg thee
with the strength and greatness of thy right arm-
Untangle our knotted fate.
Accept your people's song,
elevate and purify us
Please, heroic one,
those who pursue your uniqueness-
guard them as the pupil of an eye.
Bless them, purify them, pity them,
may your righteousness always reward them.
Powerful and Holy One,
in goodness lead your flock.
Unique and proud one, to your people turn,
who remember your holiness.
Accept our cries, and hear our screams,
oh knower of mysteries.
(Blessed is the name of his noble kingdom
forever and ever.)


Ana becho'ach,
g'dulat yemincha,
tatir tz'rura
Kabel rinat amcha sagveinu,
tahareinu nora
Na gibor dorshei yichudcha,
k'vavat shamrem
Barchem taharem, rachamei tzidkatcha
Tamid gamlem, chasin kadosh
Berov tuvcha,
nahel adatecha
Yachid ge'eh le'amcha p'neh,
zochrei k'dushatecha
Shavateinu kabel ushma tza'akateinu,
yode'a ta'alumot
(Baruch shem k'vod malchuto
le'olam va'ed)

The prayer of Ana Bechoach!

Of course.

This one has such influence on me.

I remember that four years ago, me and my family were supposed to go on a trip, but then my mom fell ill. I asked my commander in the navy for a day off to accompany my mom to the doctor's appointment, and sadly we were told, my parents and me, that my mom was with cancer. it came back for the third time.

I remember that something broke inside of me, and I didn't held back. My mom, though, was brave, she didn't scream and didn't yell or anything, even though she wanted too. I remember simply seeing her tired tears when we left the room. we sat, quietly outside, and I just held her and sang Ana Bechoach to her, because it was a war the entire family was going to win. And she heard me sing, and smiled.

I believe that was one of the most meaningful moments of my life. I still shiver when remembering that. so THANK YOU
Here is another prayer

A prayer for the I.D.F soldiers - YouTube


We beg thee
with the strength and greatness of thy right arm-
Untangle our knotted fate.
Accept your people's song,
elevate and purify us
Please, heroic one,
those who pursue your uniqueness-
guard them as the pupil of an eye.
Bless them, purify them, pity them,
may your righteousness always reward them.
Powerful and Holy One,
in goodness lead your flock.
Unique and proud one, to your people turn,
who remember your holiness.
Accept our cries, and hear our screams,
oh knower of mysteries.
(Blessed is the name of his noble kingdom
forever and ever.)


Ana becho'ach,
g'dulat yemincha,
tatir tz'rura
Kabel rinat amcha sagveinu,
tahareinu nora
Na gibor dorshei yichudcha,
k'vavat shamrem
Barchem taharem, rachamei tzidkatcha
Tamid gamlem, chasin kadosh
Berov tuvcha,
nahel adatecha
Yachid ge'eh le'amcha p'neh,
zochrei k'dushatecha
Shavateinu kabel ushma tza'akateinu,
yode'a ta'alumot
(Baruch shem k'vod malchuto
le'olam va'ed)

The prayer of Ana Bechoach!

Of course.

This one has such influence on me.

I remember that four years ago, me and my family were supposed to go on a trip, but then my mom fell ill. I asked my commander in the navy for a day off to accompany my mom to the doctor's appointment, and sadly we were told, my parents and me, that my mom was with cancer. it came back for the third time.

I remember that something broke inside of me, and I didn't held back. My mom, though, was brave, she didn't scream and didn't yell or anything, even though she wanted too. I remember simply seeing her tired tears when we left the room. we sat, quietly outside, and I just held her and sang Ana Bechoach to her, because it was a war the entire family was going to win. And she heard me sing, and smiled.

I believe that was one of the most meaningful moments of my life. I still shiver when remembering that. so THANK YOU

G-d Bless you and your family.​

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